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Do u like cold drinks?Do u??Yeah!!Cold & icy drinks are the favourite drinks during the hot weather...Always be enjoyed during the lunch together with delightful dish... Drinks will b cold if ice cubes r put in u know that thr r 2 types of ice cubes?...The clear & the chlorinated ones...What r the differences of these 2 ice cubes?See the following pictures for the appearance difference...

Kantoi Dah,Copyright Protected 2010-2013

Now,u can see the differences between these 2 types of ice cubes...The clear ice cubes r the edible ones whereas the white-greyish & the cloudy ones are made up of chlorinated/tap water...How can the chlorinated water can be as cloudy as that??The cloudiness is actually millions of micro-bubbles & implies the presence of chlorine(Cl). Other than chlorine, the cloudy ice cubes r also having lots of impurities such as minerals causing hardness.These minerals r actually good but if taken excessively,itll be fatal to the biosystem...The same goes to the chlorine...Chlorine functions to kill bacteria but simultaneously reacts with humic acid in the water to produce trihalomethane...This carcinogenic substance causes ureter,liver,stomach,rectum & intestines cancers!Chlorine is also the cause of heart disease,blocking of blood vessels,anaemia,hypertension & many other allergies... How can the chlorinated ice cubes be made?Its made up of raw/tap water...The edible ice cubes & clear in appearance are made from boiled water...Therefore,always use boiled water to make ice cubes & don't use raw water easily!B4 buying any chilled drinks,verify the used ice cubes whether theyre the chlorinated/clear ones to ensure the health of u & ur beloved ones... And this is the end of this post...And this post is based on my chemistry knowledge & other trustable sources....Bye!!

Kantoi Dah,Copyright Protected 2010-2013

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