The "Apparent" Sean Arce Cover-Up Has Been "Cleared Up"

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An Exercise in Aggressive, Non-Partisan Political Activism January 22, 2013 Volume 3, Number 02


On January 08, 2013 I wrote an expose of an apparent coverup of the arrest of Former TUSD Raza Studies Director Sean Arce for Domestic Violence in December 2012. However; due to how Arces name was entered into the Tucson Municipal Court records, the matter has now been cleared up, well, kinda, sorta The confusion lies with Arces official first name: is it Sean as widely reported in the media, or is it Martin as it appears in the Court records? Shucks, Im no stranger when it comes to understanding Tucson City Court Records, having maybe 24 entries there myself, the vast majority stemming from incidents which occurred during my political rallies, when, in the absence of any police protection whatsoever, I was often forced to issue strong words of warning or engage in self defensive gestures to protect myself from impending assaults. Once I even had to smash my bullhorn against the chest of a Pro Raza activist named John Ward, who the police allowed to assault me even though I had previously obtained a Restraining Order against Ward, an incident for which I was prosecuted for more than a year until John Ward, who had complained of chest pains ever since the Bullhorn Incident, died and Tucson City Prosecutor Alan Merritt dropped the charges, so-to speak. In any event, Sean Arce now appears in the records as Martin Sean Arce. Which may or may not be his legal name.

Arces name does not show up under Sean Arce. Acres next court appearance is February 22, 2013, before the Honorable Wendy Million, an excellent judge by the way, and an expert in domestic violence issues. Mr. Arce is in good hands. Judge Million is a fair judge, not a political hack like former Judge Eugene Hays, or current Judge Michael Lex, whose sole purpose is to issue NonAppealable Orders of Prior Restraint Against Roy Warden, levy as many fines as possible against hapless miscreants so as to help Tucson City balance its books, or otherwise curry favor with the Tucson City Council. Those of the Pima County Bar who are unfortunate enough to have to make their livings in Tucson Municipal Court know what I mean. Roy Warden

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