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Destiny of The Vampire

Tina Traverse

Destiny of The Vampire Copyright 2012 by Tina Traverse All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks are not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Cover Design Copyright 2012 Stephanie M.U

I wish to thank the following people who have supported me to make this book, my dream, possible. First to my loving husband, Gerard who spent limitless hours all alone, taking care of our sons so I could spend endless hours inside my laptop keeping vampires company. To my loving and understanding children, my boys, Christian and Brandon who inspired two of the character names. To my parents Anne and Peter Power, who have been patiently coping with my dream of story telling since I was eight years old and who were the first to support this dream. To my best friends Cherie and Paula Fagan, who were the very first ones to bravely read one of my many written stories and have never stopped listening to me going on and on about my countless story lines. To Bon Fagan, for so generously lending me his vast expertise in editing this book, my first. Also, To Bob Atkinson for taking the time to proof read this book, catching errors that I missed. To Chloe Smith, my dear friend that I met on Twitter who shares my vampire love and who was the very first person to read the first really rough draft of Destiny of the Vampire and generously approve of it and promote it. Follow her on Twitter Paul Wesley Network

To Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder The Vampire Diaries Stefan and Damon Salvatore who inspired my haunted, troubled heros, Sebastian and Declan St. Clair. You may never see or read this book(though I secretly hope I would have the honor) I thank you anyway! To Stephanie M.U my very talented fellow member who designed the awesome cover. To CreateSpace for all your expert help in helping me publish my book. To my entire family who have supported this project from the very beginning I love you all! To you, my reader, who humbly honored me by purchasing this book.You are the most important person in the entire process of making my dream a reality. Without you, the audience, my dream would have disappeared with a whisper. I thank you for your purchase and I hope I have weaved a tale that you can throughly enjoy. Tina Traverse July, 2012

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 7 One ...................................................................................................................... 9 Two .................................................................................................................... 27 Three.................................................................................................................. 37 Four ................................................................................................................... 43 Five .................................................................................................................... 51 Six ....................................................................................................................... 59 Seven.................................................................................................................. 65 Eight .................................................................................................................. 73 Nine ................................................................................................................... 81 Ten ..................................................................................................................... 89 Eleven ................................................................................................................ 97 Twelve ............................................................................................................. 103 Thirteen ........................................................................................................... 105 Fourteen .......................................................................................................... 115 Fifteen ............................................................................................................. 125 Sixteen ............................................................................................................. 137 Seventeen ........................................................................................................ 149 Eighteen .......................................................................................................... 161 Nineteen .......................................................................................................... 183 Twenty ............................................................................................................. 189

Most people think that they know the Destiny of the Vampire. Our modern culture has been overwhelmed with tales of these creatures of the night. Vampires have been portrayed in a variety of forms including the blood draining emotionless monsters to the inhumanly beautiful romantic self sacrificing tragic beings. The beings that would melt a girl's heart as he fights his blood lust while gently nibbling on her creamy white neck. These tragic souls hide in the shadows not to stalk their prey, but to hide their self described shameful nature. It is no wonder we love these creatures of the night, knights of the shadows, because in many ways they remind us of ourselves. Many of us feel misunderstood, and feel that we have to hide our unique selfs from the world, because when a human does not understand something, they fear it. I have had the privilege, the honor, to know and to love two inhumanly beautiful, heart-rendering souls. They hide in those elusive shadows for another entirely different reason, to not only hide from what they were, but to use very real, destructive all too human ways to mask a much deeper, darker, secret. So, if you think that you know the destiny of the vampire, you are wrong. Dead wrong. These two are more real, more human, than us. This, is their story. All my love: Hope Serenity

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A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. Jean de La Fontaine

The waves seem to have risen up from the depths of the ocean to come and swallow them whole. Declan and Sebastian St.Clair never thought in a million years that they would feel water this cold. So cold that it cut through their skin like a thousand razor sharp knives. If this was not enough, besides dealing with the physical exertion of trying to stay afloat in raging seas and waves determined to carry them away, they had to look on in horror as their father slipped under the sea with them helpless to save him. For what seemed like an eternity, enduring agonizing pain of the cold of the ocean and the burning of the blistering sun, both Declan and Sebastian passed out just as the waves carried them away. Declan St. Clair sensed he was dying, for with every limb that was on fire, and with every breath he took was a very painful effort, maybe he was already dead. One moment he was burning alive, then he felt very, very, wet, cold and choking. Declan was conscious of himself slowly rising on all fours as he coughed big hacking coughs desperate to spit up what ever in the hell was blocking his airway, making taking a breath a very agonizing event. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity and after he vomited everything his body held; Declan was able to catch a merciful breath, and open his eyes. His vision was blurry so for several minutes the images that appeared before him were fuzzy and confusing. When his vision cleared the images were transparent but still very confusing.


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Large towering palm trees swayed in the breeze, lush exotic greenery seemed to blanket the entire landscape, and strange whistles and varying other pitches from the high to the low bombarded his sensitive eardrums. "Where the hell am I?" shouted Declan into the empty air. When all these confusing unnamed images flooded his brain, he perceived that he was going mad. "Relax Declan, take it easy, breathe and take in your surroundings one image at a time," he murmured to himself. Okay, step one. A warm gritty substance lay under his body. Look down. Sand, okay. I am on a beach. Next, palm trees, exotic greenery. No, still not clear, need more information. A cold wet substance, the one that woke him was now covering him, soothing his burning flesh, water. Yes, water! Scanning the entire area, the water surrounded the beach and way past the horizon. An island! Yes, this is where he was, an island and the strange sounds must have been the wildlife here. Perfect, now, with that settled, Declan tried to piece together the broken flashes of memory clouding his mind, possessing his thoughts. How did he get to this island? A stab of electric pain shot through his chest, through his legs and arms as he attempted to sit up. Okay, scrap that for now. Need to assess his injuries first, rather than try to remember how he got them and how he came to be sitting on this empty beach. Clenching down on his teeth to keep from screaming from the pain; Declan stretched slowly, carefully, his limbs in front of him to take inventory.

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Long angry red gashes streaked up and down his legs, blood already drying on the wounds. He moved his toes, and then his foot and leg back and forth, and pressed down on the bone to see if any where was broken. Thankfully, he was spared broken leg bones. His arms were littered with tiny bumps, bruises and lacerations. Next, he looked down at his chest that had a large gash zig zagging down from his breast plate to his flat stomach. Then he lifted his swollen fingers to his face to check for the damage and found another gash on his forehead, a few chipped teeth, but other than that and a nasty sunburn all over, Declan was relieved not to have received worse. He was alive and that was all that mattered. Now with that done, he focused his mind to try to piece together the flashes of memory. He closed his eyes and instantly, his father's image came into view, clear and real as if he was right there with him. Then his brother, his baby brother, Sebastian, so young and fresh faced and eager, all dressed in deep sea fishing gear like his father. John, yes, that is his name, as they walk down a long wharf and climb into a boatDeclan was there too, dressed for the trip as well. The boat, the Elizabeth DS named after their mother and them, waited, tied and eager to stretch her legs and head out to sea. The more he concentrated and focused, more images came, full and in sequence. The wharf. The boat, and the open sea. Three hearty, handsome, strong and muscular men breathing in the fine sea air and working hard with their hands. It was hard, long and laborious, but as their father said, this is how they done God's work. Work that John had been training his two sons since they were old enough to mend a net, so in the not so distant future, they would be able to take over for their father. Fishing was a noble tradition to


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pass on, for it was a fine way to earn a living for one's family. A family that John knew his sons would have someday and he was looking forward to it. Their grandmother would always proudly state that her grandsons would have no trouble finding a fine, stable girl to settle down with. Declan, had the charming, dark good looks of his father and shared his father's stubborn, but deeply compassionate personality. While Sebastian, had his mother's light, smooth and flawless complexion, with her timid and sweet and gentle manner. Both boys were the top prize catches of Prism Pond, Maine. Declan remembered the trip, his arms burning from the excursion of hauling the nets, but he was smiling and laughinghaving a good time with his family despite the hard work. He remembered being down below deck, lying on his cot, trying to go to sleep, to rest his weary bones; but the constant buzzing noises coming from the depths of Sebastian's throat and out his nostrils, kept him awake. Irritated, he threw his pillow at his brother in an attempt to get him to shut up, when suddenly, he was thrown from his cot and onto the floor, hard. Sebastian followed suit, and then there was a cry from his father at the far end of the small room. "Father are you all right?" he had cried as he struggled to gain his gait while the boat violently thrashed about on the waves. "Yes, son! I am fine, just surprised awake from the fall. There is a storm brewing outside, come, get dressed, you and Sebastian come up top to assess the situation." A shiver chilled Declan to the bone at the memory of what happened next. The storm was far worse than what his father predicated and more terrifying.

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A massive, swirling black cloud loomed like a dark demon in the horizon, resting there, frozen, as if to torment them. Soon, the black cloud twisted itself into a funnel and with massive speed, wound it's way toward them, bearing down. Declan, Sebastian, and John could not even make an attempt to prepare. The black cloud swallowed the tiny wooden boat whole, lifting it and it's terrified occupants into it's belly, then spitting them deep into the waves, miles from where they were first positioned. Then just as quick as it came, and like it was satisfied; disappeared and melted into the horizon from which it came. Declan remembered the frigid temperature of the water as it pierced his skin like a thousand tiny knives, consuming his body, filling his lungs, clouding his mind until there was nothing left but the primal instinct to survive. As soon as he was able to penetrate the surface once again, with his breath somewhat normal and his mind cleared enough to see, he was able to comprehend the sight before him. Sebastian was wildly flaying his arms and legs to not only to stay afloat but in an attempt to stay warm. Relieved, Declan swam to his brother and saw him crying uncontrollably. "Sebastian, what is wrong?" he rasped. Sebastian barely could breathe, but still managed to answer his brother in broken sentences. "Father. It is father. He is struggling. Below the waves. Help!" Declan looked out past the point where the boat had landed, but was quickly sinking; to see his father struggle to keep afloat. In spite of that, he kept going under as if someone or something was pulling him down. Declan and Sebastian swam towards him, but just as they where about to reach him, a rogue wave lifted him up and carried him away.


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Their screams penetrated the night, their tears frozen on their now colorless faces. Despair overwhelmed them, but it was Sebastian who fought his anguish off in favor of helping them survive. "We must keep hope brother, we must do what we can to live, father would have wanted that. Mother has already lost a husband, we cannot let her lose her sons as well." Declan gave his brother a weak smile, impressed that his little brother, all of 18 years, though by nature, a man very much like Declan. However, in his eyes, Declan always saw Sebastian as the little meek and soft spoken flaxen haired, emerald eyed boy he teased and tormented. They hung on, swimming until their tired limbs ached and went numb. They kept their weary eyes open by telling stories of their childhood. Told stories until their throats were raw and voices depleted. Despite all their efforts, both Declan and Sebastian closed their eyes and slipped into the abyss. Sebastian! Declan looked furiously around for his brother, praying that he had survived and was washed up on this beach with him. Again, luck was on his side, his prayers answered when he spotted Sebastian not ten feet away, unconscious but breathing. "Sebastian!" he called "Sebastian! Wake up brother! Wake up and look at me!" Declan kept yelling his name as he crawled slowly over to his side, shaking him. In the deep recesses of his mind, Sebastian heard a voice calling to him. At first he could not pick out who it was because it sounded so far away, as if in a dream. Maybe this was a dream. Heck, maybe he was dead. Dead and in heaven.

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Bright light assaulted his senses causing him horrible pain. No, not heaven, in heaven there wasn't pain. Then where in the hell was he? Hell? Oh god, he hoped he was not there! Nonetheless, as he slowly began to adjust to the bright light, he felt his senses return to normal, and the space around him felt more, real. So real that he felt his body being shaken and that distant voice now shouting in his ear. "Sebastian! Sebastian! Come on you little wimp, wake up! I cannot die on this god forsaken island alone! Sebastian!" The deep smooth as silk voice was his brother and if there was any doubt, the wimp insult was enough to convince him that it was Declan. Sebastian had never thought he heard a sweeter voice! He is alive! Sebastian opened his eyes, slowly, carefully and painfully and saw his brother leaning over him, smiling. "It's about time, you lazy son of a bitch! Do you know how long I have been sitting here thinking of a way for us to get off this god forsaken island and go home, while you were getting your beauty rest? Which by the way, did not work, you are as ugly as ever!" Sebastian laughed at his brother's good natured slur but instantly gritted his teeth. "Yes, about that, you got to be careful, you have many injuries to your person there." "Yeah, like what?" "Seriously, you expect me to examine your hideous body? Ugh! What a brother has to do for another!" "Declan, stop would you please?" "Oh, such a bossy whiner! Well, first of all you have a very nasty sunburn covering most of your physique, tons of cuts, bruises and an


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ugly deep gash running down your chest and above your eye. "Declan stated, pointing at his brother's bleeding eye. "Then, by the way your soft laughter hurt you so gravely, it would be my guess that you have a broken rib. All and all brother, your injuries match mine, except there is one difference." "I am afraid to ask," he groaned. "While I am a devastatingly handsome beast injuries or no injuries, yours actually improve your looks and when you heal, you go back to being an ugly beast!"Declan taunted. If Sebastian's arms did not burn with pain, he would have thrown something at him. The following morning, Declan and Sebastian still incredibly sore from their ordeal, woke up famished."Go get me some breakfast little brother!"Declan demanded. Declan is stretched out lazily on the sand, eyes closed, his lips curled in a smirk. The night had taken away most of the pain in his arm, so Sebastian picked up a nearby something unknown, shaped enough like a ball and dense, and threw it at Declan's sleeping form, missing his head by mere inches. "Hey!" Declan yelled in surprise "You are going to pay for that you little" "What? The great, witty king of the come backs and insults cannot come up with a proper one right now? The sun must have baked your brain big brother, you, are slipping!" "I show you slipping you ingrate!" he shouted. Much to his amazement, when Declan jumped up to chase his brother, he felt very little pain, only soreness. Sebastian on the other hand, was already aware of the life returning to his limbs earlier this morning when, being awake by the feeling of incredible thirst, he tested his body slowly, moving one part at a

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time to find that only soreness remained, stood up and went in search for water. Declan caught up with Sebastian, grasped him by the waist, lifted him up into the air as high as his still broken body could stand, and dangled him over the ocean's edge. "Wait! Wait!" Sebastian pleaded in between a fit of laughter, "Declan, don't throw me in there!" "Give me one reason why, brother?" "If you do, you will go thirsty and hungry. I found a clear stream in a clearing filled with fruit and berries!" "Yeah right. Take a deep breath Sebastian, because you are going for a swim!" "Okay, have it your way! However, would you grant me one last meal?" Sebastian asked as he hauled his hand out of the pocket of his shredded pants and produced a handful of delicious, sweet, plump blackberries and popped them in his mouth. "Okay, go ahead, dunk away!" he dared, with his mouth filled to the brim with blackberries. Disgusted, Declan dropped his brother onto the sand with a thud. "Okay I did not throw you into the ocean, now show me that clearing! I am starving!" When Sebastian stood still, unmoving Declan was beginning to lose his humor. "Well, show me!" "Not until you say the magic word!" "Oh god not only do you look like mother, you sound like her too! Fine! Please, Sebastian, could you show me to the clearing?"he asked feigning sweetness. Sebastian placed his hand on Declan's bare shoulder and exclaimed "Now, was that so hard? Come on, let's go!" Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of walking up a treacherous terrain of soft mud, rolling rocks and thorn laden shrubbery,


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with the sun beating down on their bare skin unmercifully, turning their sunburns into blisters; the brothers finally made it to the clearing. This was paradise! A crystal clear, full waterfall rained down on a jagged cliff and bled into a sapphire pond teaming with tropical fish. Thick, lush vegetation ripe with berries and fruit, surrounded a huge meadow blanketed in plush green grass. "Oh my God, Bass!" Declan exclaimed using the nickname he had always used when his pride and deep love for his brother rose to the surface, overwhelming him. "This is, paradise! This was so worth walking through the flames of hell for! Now I am glad that I did not drown you earlier!" "Gee Dec, stop with the gushing and praise, I am getting a swelled head!" Declan grinned at Sebastian, punched him in the arm before grabbing him in a brotherly hug. "Now with that sibling gushing over with, let's eat, drink and be merry!" When their bellies were filled and their thirst quenched, after bathing, they rested their weary bodies. Once refreshed, they both set to work on a shelter, gathering wood for a fire and then coming up with a plan to escape the island. Five months pass like an eternity on a deserted island with no one to keep you company but the wildlife and the deafening silence. And of course your brother. A brother that Declan was getting, really, really, sick of. When they were home they did spend a lot of time together, but never 24/7! They did after all, have friends and outside interests. Declan even had a girlfriend who he was starting to get serious about, serious to the point that they were talking marriage; before that fatal fishing trip.

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Now he wondered if he ever got off this wretched island would Raylene even still be there waiting for him? Or did she and everyone he knew believe that he and Sebastian were dead? Declan was so lost in thought that he did not hear Sebastian calling his name, until a stick of wood came whizzing by his head. Furious, Declan picked up the wood and threw it back at his brother, striking him on the arm. "What the fuck? What did you do that for?"Sebastian yelled, cursing. Sebastian scowled at Declan as he picked up the wood and begin to fasten it to the makeshift raft that they were working on for the 100th time. The last 99 failed miserably. Sebastian was not even fazed by the hit, he did not even rub the spot where the wood had made contact. "There are better ways to get my attention, dumb ass. Ever hear of getting up off your lazy ass and tap me on the shoulder, or stand in front of me?" "You know Declan, I am really getting sick and tired of all your juvenile insults and sarcasm. I am also getting sick and tired of you not helping out with what could be our only way off this fucking island! All you do is sit, daydream and give orders!"Sebastian ranted. That was the final straw, five months of constant togetherness with no other soul to interact with, combined with not being able to stroke Raylene's soft, supple flesh beneath him was enough to drive him mad. Mad and over the edge. Infuriated, Declan charged at Sebastian and crashed head on into his brother with the strength of a major league linebacker. Declan had always been taller, muscular, more svelte and stronger than Sebastian. However, the months living on this island, working feverishly just to stay alive in the hopes of some rescue; had tanned


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Declan's skin golden, defined his muscles more and made his limbs more limber. He was also twice as swift and strong than he was before. Even so, when Sebastian easily pushed Declan off him and onto his back and began to punch him; Declan had forgotten just how much his brother had changed as well. While the sun had turned Declan's ebony hair darker, until it looked almost as blue as his eyes; it turned Sebastian's flaxen hair a lighter, an almost white, blond. His jade eyes were richer and filled with a maturity and resolve that extended beyond Declan's own. Then it was his physique. If it was at all possible, Sebastian's muscles were even more defined, sculpted, as if made of fine marble. His body was lean, svelte and he looked like he had grown an inch taller. As his strong hands and nimble fingers laced around Declan's throat, Declan felt just how much stronger Sebastian was. Sweat beaded in tiny droplets on his forehead, and sand stuck to his bronzed flesh. Declan could not lay on his back and let his baby brother choke the life out of him. He may have transformed into a powerful creature, a sight to behold, but, Declan was older, therefore possessed more experience and intelligence to overpower the most strongest of opponents. With a feverish kick and mustering up all his strength, Declan pushed his brother off him and onto his back. Standing up, rubbing at his neck furiously Declan peered down at Sebastian, who refused Declan's outstretched hand. "Very well," Declan said, suddenly calm, the fight gone out of him. "Have it your way brother, I'm going for a swim." Declan had no sooner stepped into the ocean when he felt himself being tackled once more, and pushed under the waves.

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Like a man possessed by a demon, Sebastian once again began to choke and drown his older brother. Declan managed to reach up, just before he felt the darkness overtake him, and punch his brother square in the jaw forcing him to let go, hit his head off a rock, and slide down into the depths. Declan watched helplessly, unable to help, instead he screamed into the darkness before he, himself was enveloped by it. Hot, burning flames consumed his entire being, from the inside out. Sebastian's brain was on fire, signaling the rest of his body; his blood, his cells, organs and limbs to scream out in agony. However, Sebastian felt confused. If he was being consumed by flames; then why wasn't he smelling smoke? Why wasn't he coughing? Sebastian's eyes flew open, his senses assaulted by white. Nothing but white. His first instinct was to close them to the sickening brightness, but his ears heard soft moaning next to him. Turning his head, relieved that it did not hurt too badly, he saw Declan lying on a bed, dressed in a white cotton button down shirt and white dress pants. His feet were bare. Sebastian looked down at himself and found he was dressed exactly like his brother, all in white, his feet also bare. Neither he or his brother were restrained, but he still found it hard to move, his dexterity limited. For what he did see, once his eyes adjusted to the stark brightness of the room; every inch of the room was white. The walls were painted white, and bare, the ceiling sculpted with white marble, mirroring the slick, shiny floor. No pictures, or a window to be seen.


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The furniture was sparse to say the least, with only two night tables decorated with simple crochet cloths and antique pitchers and basins. "Declan! Declan, you awake? Declan!" Sebastian whispered. Declan moved his head from side to side, murmuring intelligibly like he was having a weird dream. "Declan! Wake up! Wake up Dec, it's Bass!" Finally, Declan slowly began to rouse from his slumber, painfully opened his clear, cobalt eyes; no doubt his senses also being assaulted by the stark whiteness, and smiled in recognition. "Bass? Bass, is that you?" he rasped. "Yes, Dec, it's me." Sebastian assured. Declan swallowed hard, and licked his dry, chapped lips. "Where are we and why am I so incredibly thirsty?" Sebastian ran his own tongue over his dry, chapped lips and discovered that he too, was incredibly thirsty. Yet, there was something else there as well; a strange coppery taste at the roof of his mouth, lingering on his tongue. "Dec, you taste something funny in your mouth, funny, like blood?" Declan pressed his lips together and swallowed. "Yes, Sebastian,I think I do!" "That's not right." "Maybe we hit our mouths on something and are tasting our own blood." Declan reasoned. Still, once the words came out of his mouth they sounded utterly ridiculous. "No, I do not think it is our own blood. It tastes like someone else's." "That's crazy Bass, why would we be tasting someone else's blood?" A strange grumbling shook Sebastian's and Declan's stomachs. This was also strange, because they did not feel remotely hungry.

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As the grumbling continued, both brothers were quickly overcome by an overwhelming hunger of a different kind. Strange pointed teeth suddenly dropped in their mouths, a dark, nauseating craving racked their bones and when they looked at each other, they let out a primal scream. Both of their faces, normally so smooth, handsome and golden, were etched in a terrifying grimace and a deathly white. Their eyes, that were normally clear, bright and rich with color were now inky black. "Sebastian?" Declan breathed. "Yes, Declan?" "If I do not get out of here and get some blood soon, I will seriously lose it!" This sounded like the best, sanest thing that Declan had said in months. Not hesitating, Sebastian jumped up off his bed, and with his feet not hitting the floor, he ran, with his brother on his heels. The island where they lived for the last five months seemed different. Everything seemed fresh and new; the vegetation seemed greener and more lush. The sound of the wildlife that had been they're only company, was clearer and crisper. The fruit and berries bursting from the trees and shrubbery smelled more sweeter. The lake that had been their life source of their home even seemed more blue and pristine. This, however was not the focus at the moment as Declan and Sebastian hunted among the thick foliage for their prey. Animal instincts drove them, helping them to fill their now desperate need.


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They watched their prey; an unexpected new species that they never seen before, gracefully walked through the forest ahead of them, innocently munching on some strawberries. Declan and Sebastian held back, in favor to watch a little longer, as to not to scare their prey away. The prey basked in the warm sun, its head titled toward the sun's rays, its full thick mane falling back, revealing a long, graceful, creamy neck. The neck with it's pulsating blue veins with life essence flowing through, practically screamed at the brothers to come and taste. Holding back no longer, Sebastian and Declan attacked the moment the prey closed her eyes. Her eyes flew open in horrified surprise, unable to react, unable to even scream for help as Sebastian tore at the fat, juicy vein filled with rich, warm blood, while Declan tore at the other. The moment the blood hit their tongues Declan and Sebastian grunted with bold bliss, feeling the power surge, they're craving satisfied as the sweet nectar rushed through their veins. "Enough gentlemen! We would not want to drain, one of our too few prey; leaving your fellow creatures of the night to starve, would you? That, my dear friends, would be disastrous for you to say the least." A sudden posh, elegant English accent, warned. Declan and Sebastian withdrew quickly, turned around with blood still dripping from their fangs and onto their crisp white shirts, to look at the unexpected stranger addressing them. "Who are you?" Declan demanded. The stranger approached them both, his hand extended "Please Mr. St. Clair, you and your sibling have no worries about me, and no need to be hostile. My name is Christian Le Blanc, I am the ruler of this kingdom that you have been residing on." Declan and Sebastian stood and stared at this stranger, weary. Christian dropped his hand when they refused to accept it.

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"I can see you two are surprised and confused as to why I am only making myself known to the both of you now; after five months of believing you two were alone." "Something like that, yes." Declan responded. "The explanation of my hiding my existence, and the existence of my coven would normally involve me telling you my story. Nonetheless, since we are currently short on time, I will give you a quick summary. As I said prior, my name is Christian Le Blanc and I have been a creature of the night, or a vampire, if you prefer, for over a 1000 years having been turned by my lover who wanted me by her side for an eternity." Christian stated as a fond smile tugged on his lips, before continuing. "After living many years in secret in the place of my birth, England, our secret was found out, and we were driven from my home. We spent a hundred years moving from place to place, keeping our secret close to us, meanwhile fighting bloodlust. However, it is only so long a vampire can deny bloodlust as it is our very essence keeping us alive, powerful, immortal. When we can no longer deny our lust for human blood, this is when we are always found out and we find ourselves on the run again." Christian paused for the moment to shift his weight from one side of his jewel adorned walking stick to the other, then continued with his tale. "We finally got sick of running, and took a boat to travel to the Americas to live out our lives, when a vicious storm rose from the depths of the ocean, capsizing our vessel, leaving my love and I the only survivors and washed up on this beach. It did not take long for us settle down here and make a home. At first we lived on the blood of the animals here, but soon found that was not enough, so over time we had gathered humans. Some we turned to be our companions, others we fed on; not enough to harm them, just enough to


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satisfy. We have been living peacefully, contently for nearly two centuries." "How did you come across us then?" Sebastian inquired. "Actually, it was my wife, Lucy, discovered the both of you floating on the bottom of the ocean, dead, when she was out for a dive. She brought the both of you back here, cleaned the both of you up, dressed you. It was I that turned the both of you, bringing you back to life, making you immortal." "If you are our creator, what does this mean for us?" Sebastian inquired nervously. "Declan St. Clair, Sebastian St.Clair, Lucy and I will be honored if you become a part of our coven; our family."

"Run, you bastard run!" Declan raced by Sebastian so quickly that he barely heard his brother's warning. Sebastian had a beautiful girl bent at the waist, her long blond hair fell back over her shoulders, revealing her graceful white neck. Two puncture wounds oozed blood, flowing between Sebastian's lips overwhelming his taste buds with sweet, exotic fruit. Declan ripped Sebastian from his meal and dragged him by his heels down the steep cliff that led to the beach where they first arrived. "Can you tell me what you think you are doing? Have you lost your mind, I was enjoying my dinner!" Sebastian demanded once they reached the ocean's edge and stopped running. "I do not have time to explain now, brother! I will explain later when we are safe and far, far away from here! Now, swim!" "Where are we going?" "Stop asking questions already! Now swim you imp, swim!" Declan and Sebastian barely felt the coldness of the water as they used their vampire speed to propel them towards safety. A boat lay anchored five miles off the island's shore, a tall wooden fishing vessel beckoning them to safety. The irony of it, a fishing vessel almost ending their life, a fishing vessel now was going to save it. Soaked to the bone, Sebastian and Declan secretly climbed aboard the ship and hid in the hull of the ship. Once they were both settled, and caught their breath, Sebastian demanded the truth from Declan.


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"Now will you tell me why we had to run from the island like a demon was chasing us?" "That is because a demon was chasing us, and would have killed us if I had never got us out of there!" Declan exclaimed, panting. "Who was chasing you so furiously? I have never seen you so scared in my life!" "Christian." "Excuse me? Christian? Christian Le Blanc, our mild mannered creator and friend was chasing you? What did you do to get him so pissed off?" "I am insulted, Bass. What makes you think that I did something wrong?"Declan blinked, feigning innocence. When Sebastian looked at his brother with disbelief, Declan relented. "Okay, Christian caught me doing something very, very bad." Sebastian leaned back against a wooden support, and rolled his eyes. "How bad?"he groaned. "Well, let's just say that Lucy and I were getting better acquainted, in a biblical sort of way. Christian walked in on us when we were in a pretty precarious position." "Are you freaking kidding me, Declan! You risk your life for a roll in the hay with our creator and friend's wife?"Sebastian shouted in disbelief. "Our lives brother." Declan corrected. " Why would my life be in danger? You were the one who was screwing Lucy, not me!"he yelped in protest. "Christian was chasing after me to kill me yes, but he threatened to kill you too if he could not catch me. He was so enraged, so hell bent on revenge that either one of us would do. But hey, lets look on the bright side."

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"What is so bright about a 1000 year old vampire hell bent on revenge chasing us?" "We are about to embark on a brand new life." Filled with despair, Sebastian buried his head in his hands. "I just want to go home." "Why go home Bass, when we have a whole world to explore and endless time to explore it!" Declan cheerily said as he wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders. The alleyway was dark and filled with shadows, but Sebastian St.Clair was used to the life swallowing overwhelming darkness, the shadows; because he had been living in them for three decades now. The darkness, the shadows that enveloped him like a favorite childhood blanket, protecting him, hiding him from the outside world. Hiding the monster that he was. Sebastian walked along in the dark, of the damp alleyway, zipped up the zipper of his hoodie and pulled up the hood in an effort to stave off the biting wind. Normally, as a vampire, the cold would mean nothing to him as his nature prevented him from feeling such a human misery. However, since denying himself human blood 30 years ago because he loathed what human blood did to him. As a result, his powers had weakened, his physique had thinned, his blood, or rather the blood from the animals he drank, had slowed making him more vulnerable. Making him vulnerable to not just the cold, but he more he denied himself human blood, the more he craved it. Craved it so badly that it made his bones ache, his body cringe in agony and make him feel as if he was going mad. This is why he was traveling this dark, dreary place where no sane person should go; but Sebastian was not sane and he was no human.


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He came in search of a drug that would ease his intense, mind numbing cravings. A drug that the people of the street called blood wine. Once he made contact with the dealer, Sebastian paid him and exited the alley as quickly as he entered it. As soon as he was home and out of harms way, Sebastian slipped one drop of the blood wine into a glass of whiskey, shrugged off his hoodie and slipped into the den to join his brother by the fire. The music pulsated and shook the pictures off the walls, but that was the last thing Declan St. Clair worried about. With the liquor free flowing and a dozen beautiful, sexy women wearing next to nothing hanging all over him, swooning at every look, smile and mere touch. All were clamoring to see who would end up in his bed, screaming with primal pleasure. So when Sebastian came in holding a drink, it took everything in him not to groan with irritation with the intrusion. Once upon a time, in the first few decades of their escape from the deserted island, when Declan and Sebastian lived like carefree creatures of the night after learning that Christian and his coven were killed by a massive fire brought on by a powerful hurricane, his little brother was a blast to be around. He and Declan partied with the upper crust of society, ate fine foods, drank fine wine and spirits, wore fine clothes, and lived in the lap of luxury. They slept with the most beautiful women, all too eager to please and pleasure the charismatic, stunningly beautiful and sexy St. Clair brothers. Who, after bringing their partners to the edge of pure erotic release, they would feed off their sweet life essence. Now, because of one incident, Sebastian evolved from a fun, daring, and impulsive to a fatally boring martyr. Still, he had to put on a show for his guests.

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Flashing his brother his biggest, brightest and most charming smile, Declan jumped up from the couch, pushing the three women next to him aside to hug Sebastian. "Welcome home little brother! Care to join the party? There is plenty to go around!" Declan barely kept the drunken slur from his tone as Sebastian tried to back away from the stench of full proof bourbon. Sebastian surveyed the crowd with one quick glance and knew he wanted no part of it. "Ah, thanks for the offer Dec, but I think I would rather go upstairs and read, it has been a long day. Have fun though." Relieved for once that Sebastian was such a wet blanket as not to embarrass him in front of the room full of hot girls, he wished his brother good night and returned to Darla, Carla and Simone, or Cathy, Anne, and Sandy? He forgot their names, but who gives a damn, they would be out of here before the dawn, never to be seen again. The instant he was in his room, Sebastian downed the whiskey like a parched man, hissed as it burned all the way down his dry throat. Then he slipped out of his clothes and under the hot spray of the shower. Sebastian stood motionless and let the hot water pour over his tired, aching muscles, desperate to soothe every inch of his weary body and soul. However, the shower did very little to cleanse any more than his body. Defeated and exhausted, Sebastian flopped down on his bed, still wet and naked, closed his eyes and prayed that tonight, he would be able to sleep. No. Such. Luck.


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By the time the dawn had broken over the horizon, Sebastian had spent the night unsuccessfully willing himself to sleep. Each time he closed his eyes all he could see, all he could feel, was the violent return of his bloodlust. Last night, with the room filled with scantly clad, beautiful women, Declan saw a room full of opportunities to carve more notches on his bed post; Sebastian saw nothing but lovely, creamy necks of all flavors that his body painfully craved. Necks dripping with thick, rich, sweet blood dripping on his tongue, down his throat, quenching his thirst, surging his power It took everything in him not to devour each and every one and to stifle the scream building up from deep within his core. Swallowing the bile that was rising in his throat; Sebastian slipped on his favorite beat up pair of jeans, jade cotton t shirt and slumbered down the stairs to the kitchen. He was greeted by Declan, sitting at the kitchen table, wearing nothing but a silk robe barely tied at the waist, drinking bourbon and smoking a cigarette. His thick raven hair was stood up at all ends and Sebastian could see that every inch of his skin was tattooed with lipstick prints of various shades from pale pink to blood red. "You know, those can kill you. They don't call them cancer sticks for nothing." "And that stuff that you are slipping into your coffee will shorten your life expectancy while wreaking havoc with your body." Declan scoffed. "Fine, we have established that our immortality will not last the eternity we were promised." "Who. Fucking. cares, Bass! If I die right now brother, it would not be soon enough." He snapped. "What is it with the death talk this morning Dec? Party did not go well last night?"

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Declan pressed out what was left of his cigarette on the table, threw back the last drop of bourbon and turned, and gave Sebastian a slow, teasing everything is just peachy, grin. "If you call nailing five smoking hot babes all night who still were begging for more this morning not going well, then, no, it did not go well." "Then why the pissy mood?" "That, little brother is none of you're fucking business!Now if you excuse me, I have a previous engagement." Declan spat as he stood up, casually dropped his robe onto the floor and strutted nude to his bedroom. What Sebastian did not know was just how miserable Declan really was, that he was not joking when he said he wished he could die. His string of one night stands, expensive booze, and cavalier attitude, was all a front that hid a much darker, deep, shameful secret. A secret that only Sebastian was aware of but because of his brother's drug addled mind hiding his own nightmare; he could not care less. Declan has been feeling so lost, so surreal and foreign since Christian Le Blanc turned him that he did not know who he was anymore. The truth was, Declan was quite not sure if he would ever know again. There was only so much a devil may care attitude and mind numbing alcohol can do to hide who he really was. Nevertheless, since he knew deep down he could never open up old wounds in order to blow this mask off and live how he was meant to live; then he will have to continue the status quo for the conceivable future. Bearing this in mind, Declan showered, splashed on some of his favorite expensive cologne and dressed in his finest. He slipped on


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his black leather overcoat, and headed to Forever Yours, New York's latest and greatest, most popular dance club. Pulsating music vibrated the walls and the floors, overflowing with partygoers of every age, type and walk of life gyrated on the dance floor in time with the music. Declan detested dancing only using it as a way to lure unsuspecting females into his arms and mouth to feed of the nectar flowing through their veins. Instead, he chose to make a beeline for the bar, attracting several admiring stares along the way. This, as usual, was going to be too easy once the hunger came calling. Holding his Johnny Walker single malt whiskey, Declan made he way through the sea of walking, talking blood bags to a private table in the exclusive, VIP section. Unlike some other exclusive hot spots, where Declan sometimes had to compel his way in, Forever Yours VIP section came to him by invitation, personally, by the club's owner, Amber Red Browne. Amber's parents must had have some sort of premonition when she was born and were coming up with baby names for they're only daughter. Because there was never a name that suited a person more than Amber's. With her fiery, long whip straight, glossy red hair, deep set green eyes filled with mischief, bubbling underneath the surface with raw sexuality that set men on fire with overwhelming lust and wanting. This, combined with her curvaceous figure and long, long legs, her parents nailed it with that name. She glided gracefully towards Declan and gave him a long, passionate kiss, embracing him tightly, making sure she dug her long blaze red fingernails into his back. "You know, if you wanted to leave fingerprint marks on my back, I can take you upstairs" Declan teased as he stared seductively into her eyes and flashing her his trademark, ultra sexy smile.

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Amber shot Declan a shy, sexy smile in return, keeping her eyes locked with his, brimming over with pure lust. "Ooh Declan St. Clair, you do know how to charm a girl, don't you?" "However, as much as I am dying to take you up on that offer I will have to take a rain check for later. I have important clients coming that I have to tend to!" "Oh come on darling, who is more important than me?" he crooned. "Absolutely no one! Perish the thought of anyone being more important than you. " She soothed drawing little hearts up and down the soft fabric of his cashmere sweater. "However, my investors are coming to check out their latest investment and I have to wine, dine, and charm them to keep the money flowing until this place has taken hold and I can buy all of them out. You understand don't you?" Declan let out a long, pretend sigh and shook his head. "No, I was hoping having you all to myself, but do go, if you have to charm before harm, then go! You have my blessing!" "Please do not fret, my devilish sexy pet, I will not be long and then I will show you how much I can 'harm' you!" Giving him one more kiss and with a flick of her red hair and click of her six inch stiletto leather heels, Declan watched with great admiration as Amber slinked away. Leaving him to lick his lips over his canine teeth which were aching to draw blood from every pore of her delectable flesh. Suddenly, his expensive whiskey did not taste as good as he anticipated.

Despite the vibrant atmosphere of Forever Yours, and the circle of gorgeous girls hanging all over him, clambering for his attention like he was some movie star and tending to his every need, Declan was bored. He stood up to leave when he was greeted with a most unusual sight. His brother strolling casually towards him, with a glass of draft in hand and a big smile plastered on his face, deepening his double dimples making him appear young, and goofy. Declan chuckled to himself, save for the beer, Sebastian looked like his former eight year old self. "Hey Sebastian, what brings you by?" Sebastian slapped Declan on the back in a gesture of brotherly love, beaming from ear to ear. This, was just plain weird. "Can't a little brother come by his big brother's favorite hangout to invite him to a blow out party?" "A blow out party eh? Where?" Declan inquired, mildly intrigued. "Well, believe it or not Declan, your little brother has scored the two of us an invitation to the party of the year in The Hamptons?" "Who in the name of christ do you know in The Hamptons?" "None other than the top play acting vampire in all of tinseltown, Frank Vampyre!" Although Declan despised the media's obsession with his kind often depicting and blowing out of proportion the myths of the vampire, he had to confess that he really admired the work of the talented actor. "How did you manage to snag an invitation? Aren't those legendary parties of Frank's exclusive to just his friends?" "Well, Declan as you would expect, Frank Vampyre has many, many friends and one of those friends happens to be a friend of mine


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as well, it was she that charmed Frank into letting her take us along! So, do you want to go or what?" Relieved to finally have some excitement come this way, Declan gulped down the rest of his whiskey and practically ran out the door. It came out of nowhere and knocked Sebastian straight on his ass, making his head spin, his eyes water and blood pour out of his nose, staining his new brushed twill pewter blue dress shirt; a beefy fist side swiped his jaw and nose, breaking them both. Once Sebastian regained his senses and his jaw and nose began to heal; he looked up to see his assaulter. Hovering over him was a 6' 4'' bear of a man, with unnatural bulging muscles arms and legs big as tree trunks, long matted black beard and mane streaked with grey, black eyes clouded by rage and nostrils flaring. Sebastian attempted to stand up, but the bear pushed him back down again; if Sebastian had his full power, this raging bull would be on the floor with his throat torn out, his blood filling his belly. However, while the blood wine killed his inhuman blood lust, it stripped away the majority of his vampire powers, leaving his mind addled and his body nearly emaciated, so he was as helpless as a human. "What in hell did you do that for?" He spat. The bear bent his hulking frame down to meet Sebastian face to face, his sour nicotine breath choking him. "You need to learn some manners, pussy, before trying to paw another man's old lady!" The bear barked pointing a beefy finger into's Sebastian's chest. Sebastian groaned thinking about the blond with the long shapely legs, intense blue eyes and full lips that he just had in a passionate lip lock out on the veranda, only moments before. "I am sorry, I did not know she was attached to a grizzly bear!"Sebastian boldly taunted.

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This of course, as expected, flared more rage in the angry bear as he reached out and clenched his beefy hand around Sebastian's throat, lifting him in the air, dangling like a puppet. "You need to learn a serious lesson funny man! Now, do you have any last words?"he growled. "Yes, how about, let my brother go or I will leave you a gory mess on this nice, expensive hardwood floor?" If Sebastian could talk, he would holler a hallelujah at the sight of his brother, but all he could muster was a weak smile. Distracted by the sudden voice behind him, the bear dropped Sebastian on the floor with a thud, and spun around to face Declan. He immediately started to laugh, revealing surprisingly gleaming white teeth. "Oh now come on, you got to be kidding me right? You are just as scrawny as your little friend here! No matter, I can finish you off just as easily!" "Well, you can try." Declan said casually, his arms crossed over his chest. "It's your funeral, punk! I will be back to deal with you later, pussy!" The bear threatened, his black eyes blazing. Declan stood frozen in place, a snide grimace etched on his handsome features, silently taunting the bear. When the bear ran to tackle Declan to the floor, he was met with fierce resistance as he suddenly found himself lifted in the air and slammed, face first into the floor, breaking his nose, jaw, and knocking out his teeth. Declan ignored the gathering crowd and the screams from some of the female guests, including the girlfriend of the bear that Sebastian was kissing passionately; flipped the bear over and violently assaulted the now, helpless human. "No one!" Declan growled, as he kicked and punched the battered body of his victim, "No one messes with my baby brother! Do you hear me, huh? You worthless piece of shit?"


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The bear quivered in fear as he lay on the floor, folded in the fetal position, bruised, broken and bloody and whimpering. He simply shook his head in agreement, in too much pain to speak or even beg Declan to stop beating him. Sebastian jumped up and pried Declan off the bear, stopping his brother short from killing him. The scent of his blood filled the air, instantly Sebastian felt his fangs elongate,unquenchable blood thirst rushed through him and threatened to overtake him. Yet,somehow, Sebastian found the strength to force them back up into his gums before grabbing Declan and ran far into the night before this already hellish night turned into a nightmare of their creation. Far into the forest, Declan and Sebastian finally stopped running to catch their breath. Once they figured that they were safe, both of them slid to the ground, and leaned against two evergreen trees. Declan magically pulled out a flask, took a healthy swig and handed it over to his brother, then lit a cigarette. "Now tell me little bro, what in the fuck was that, all about?" "An overreaction to a simple kiss." "That must be one hell of a kiss for you to be almost killed! I hope she was worth it." "I never got that far to find out." Declan chuckled as he let out, one long white puff into the cool night air and slid closer to Sebastian, slipping a comforting arm around his shoulders. "Well, take some advice from your big brother who has plenty, and I do mean, plenty of experience with the opposite sex. The next time you lip lock with some strange hottie, make sure she is not attached, especially to a grizzly bear, okay!" "Advice heard and followed. Now, how about we go home and drown our sorrows in some fine spirits?"

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"That, dear brother is the best idea you had all evening!"

The banging was so loud and so urgent that it snapped Declan and Sebastian out of their alcohol induced slumber. Annoyed, Declan shrugged on his robe and padded down the stairs, the banging continuing, relentless. "Yah, hang on, I am coming!" he shouted, murmuring obscenities under his breath at the idiot that dared to disturb his sleep at such an ungodly hour. Sebastian was at his heels as Declan swung open the door and came face to face with two police officers. Both male officers, their eyes hidden by large, wrap around sunglasses, lips pulled tight into a grimace. "Yes, officers, how may I help you?" "Are you Declan St. Clair?" "Yes, I am Declan St.Clair." Declan stared at the officers, puzzled. "And does a Sebastian St. Clair live here as well?" Sebastian peered around the doorway from behind his brother and gave the officers a weak smile. "I am Sebastian St. Clair." "Could you two step outside, please?" Declan held firmly onto the door, holding out his other arm to prevent his brother from stepping outside. This was a trick. "No, we refuse until you tell us what this is all about." Declan heard the inpatient groan underneath the senior officers breath as he pulled out two sheets of folded up paper and handed them to Declan and Sebastian. "Those, Mr. St Clair, are warrants for each of your arrests."


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Alarm and panic filled Sebastian's entire being, urging him to flee. Thankfully, Declan sensed his brother's fight or flee response and telepathically held him in place. Declan's own fight or flee response was set on fight, as he stood frozen, refusing to move. "May I ask what the charges are?" "Well, first there is disturbing the peace, inconsiderate behavior, drunk and disorderly, and the most serious, aggravated assault and depending on the outcome of the health of your victim, you may be charged with manslaughter. Now, come outside." He ordered. "No, not until you tell me why you have an arrest warrant for my brother?" "Same charges, except accessory for the aggravated assault and malicious indifference." The younger officer interjected before his elder partner continued. " Now, this is my last time asking you, come outside, we are going downtown." Declan tried to stop Sebastian from stepping over that threshold, but it was too late. "Sebastian what are you doing?" "The right thing Declan, I suggest you do what the officer says." "Listen to your brother Mr. St. Clair, and this will go smoothly for the both of you." The taciturn officer suggested, barely keeping the disdain from his husky voice. "Then you will have to give me a moment to get dressed, at least let me have my dignity." "Of course Mr. St.Clair. Simms, show Mr. St.Clair upstairs. We will be waiting, so don't take too long beautifying yourself!" Declan scowled and swallowed his rage as he thumped up the stairs ahead of the junior officer. "I want my lawyer!" Declan boomed as the handcuffs snapped painfully closed on his wrists.

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The senior officer, Sergeant Miles Caine, shoved Declan, a little too roughly, into the back of the squad car. "Once we go downtown, you can phone him there. Now, sit down and shut up, slick." Declan slid next to Sebastian, fuming with rage that threatened to boil over. He felt his eyes grow dark and his fangs drop, ready to fight, but Sebastian calmed him enough to bring the rage down to a simmer. Hold on brother, he telepathically soothed, you are innocent. You were only trying to defend me. I am so sorry for getting you into this mess and I will do everything I can to get you out, I will take all the blame. No, Bass, you will not do something so stupid, you already did that when you felt up a grizzly bear's whore; just trust me and place our freedom in my hands, understand? Understood. The stench of urine, vomit, sweat and despair mixed in with antiseptic and bleach choked both Declan and Sebastian as they were pushed roughly through the crowded zoo of the precinct towards the stark grey cold, windowless interview room. Sergeant Caine, ordinarily, an unassuming man of average height and build became a force to be reckoned with once in front of an accused. Or at least that is what his false bravado like to made you believe. "Now, you are here on my turf, Mr. St. Clair. " He boomed as he slapped a chapped, nicotine stained fingered hand on the cold grey metal table. He was expecting Declan to jump from the surprise; but when he did not, this pissed the cop off even more. "So I do not want to hear any bullshit from you, do you understand?" The Sergeant was so close to Declan's face that he could smell the remains of the previous evening's binge of draft beer and cheap wine.


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Declan exercised his right to remain silent and kept his mouth shut, only giving the snide officer a small, condescending smirk as he stretched his long legs in front of him, lifting them onto the table, leaning his chair back. Declan suppressed his chuckle as Sergeant Caine paced endlessly around the room like a madman, firing questions left and right, all the while Declan remained silent. However, after two hours of endless unanswered questions, Declan noticed that the sergeant's blood pressure had reached its maximum. Swelling his veins, particularly, his jugular, causing Declan's canine teeth to elongate and his stomach to growl with hunger. Finally, just as Sergeant Caine was about to burst, Declan decided to take pity on the law enforcer, and break the silence. Dropping his legs onto the floor, and straightening up his posture, Declan leaned in, looked intently into Caine's eyes, opened his mouth and said... "I need my lawyer." Screaming in frustration, Sergeant Caine jumped up and stormed out; leaving Declan free to let loose the chuckle he had been swallowing for far too long, until it grew into a long, drawn out cackle. Sebastian heard his brother's devilish cackle from down the hall, behind the closed doors of the tiny, cold claustrophobic grey interview room that was quickly suffocating him. Sebastian was expecting another police officer to interview him, but all he got was a dizzying display of Sergeant Caine pacing around the room firing the same questions over and over at Sebastian after coming back from grilling his brother. It was clear from the moment the police officer entered the room that he was stressed to the limit, face flushed and practically foaming at the mouth; no doubt courtesy of Declan.

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"I told you before officer sir, that I did not know that the lady in question was involved with anyone! She told me that she was single and unattached! I did not intentionally provoke the situation! It was the victim, Mr. Stone, that first assaulted me! Declan was only defending me, I swear!" "Let's assume that what you are telling me is the truth, and your brother was only defending you. Then why didn't you stop the attack on Mr. Stone before it had gotten too far?" Sergeant Caine curtly accused. He did not give Sebastian any time to respond as he slipped back into his tirade. "There is a difference, Mr. St. Clair, between defense of another and excessive force. And, Mr. St.Clair, your brother used excessive force in defending you; that, is a felony. By sitting by and watch your attacker being beaten to near death and doing nothing to stop it makes you just as guilty as your brother." Sergeant Caine declared. Sebastian fought to hold back the tears that had been threatening to spill over since the moment of his arrest. No matter how many times he said it, how many times he stuck to the same story, the truth, Sergeant Caine simply did not believe him. Sebastian let out a long sigh and hung his head, wishing to hell that he had the confidence and relentless, unwavering stubbornness that Declan possessed. Making his brother a fearless fighter, long before he turned. Sergeant Caine let loose another round of pointless questions, designed to wear Sebastian down; which was working ten fold, as Sebastian was ready to give up all hope, when his savior came bursting in through the door. "Stop the interview, Sergeant, the interview is over, my client will not be answering any more of your questions; he is cleared to go home."


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Caine stood, momentarily stunned by the intrusion. "Excuse me, do you have proof of this suspect's clearance?" he snapped. Angela Devine, a matronly looking middle aged woman, who looked more like a homely grandmother type instead of a fierce, unyielding criminal attorney of 3 decades, handed the Sergeant a thick white envelope with the seal of the Department of Justice, criminal court division of Manhattan. Angela had also been a witch for well over 500 years and had met and mothered the brothers in the first years of their vampirism. The last blow of a really bad day had just been handed to Caine as he read the order from district court judge Amelia Winterspoon, declaring all charges to be dropped concerning plaintiffs Declan St Clair and Sebastian St.Clair. With a triumphant grin, Sebastian stood up and followed Angela out the door where he was reunited with his brother. "Come brother, we need to celebrate our victory!"Declan announced once they were safely outside. Angela stopped Declan in his tracks. "No Declan, you and Sebastian cannot celebrate your release." "Why the hell not?" "You cannot because, in lieu of dropping the charges, the judge ruled that the both of you have to attend rehab, anger management and counseling." Declan wanted to explode, but Angela dragged Declan aside deep inside the foyer where she, Declan and Sebastian could talk privately. "Listen you two, I do not know if you realize just how much trouble you two just avoided. The two of you are the most lucky bastards I have seen in my entire life on this planet! The charges were dropped because Axel Stone has his own skeletons in his closet. " "Axel is a long time full time con artist that is currently under investigation in 25 states; and did not want his past uncovered in the

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court system. So, he made a deal that in exchange for dropping the charges, thus keeping his own dirty secret safe. The judge felt that a punishment was still warranted due to the excessive force used, so she compromised, and ruled therapy instead." "And if we don't agree?" "Then, Declan my friend, you and Sebastian will go straight to jail; because despite Axel dropping the charges on his part, you and Sebastian still committed a felony. So fella's what do you say?" Angela lit a cigarette and crossed her legs and waited. "I guess we have no other choice." Declan conceded as he swiped the cigarette from Angela's lips and taking a long, frustrated draw.

The happy clicking of thin heels sounded worse than a parade of bagpipes to Hope Serenity's ears as she quickened her pace, desperate to avoid the owner of those all too happy heels. "Hope!" the high nasal voice bellowed. "Hope, Dr. Serenity, wait up! Please!" Damn, that girl was as persistent as she was annoying. Hope stopped and slowly turned around; might as well face the inevitable, she was not going to stop until Hope stopped and addressed her. Hope plastered on her best friendly, kind smile and offered up her warmest, gentile greeting that would have made her southern belle grandmother proud. "Candy Apple! I am so sorry that I did not stop earlier, I did not hear you with all this noise!" For once, Hope was relieved that the normally, quiet and serene, near empty street that lead to the clinic that she was headed to, was indeed, busy and noisy,covering her lie. Candy gave Hope such a huge smile that she showed all of her perfect gleaming white teeth, hurting Hope's eyes; and making her wish she had wore her sunglasses. "No worries Hope dear! The important thing is that you are facing me now, because I have some really big news to share with you!" she squealed, her nasal voice taking on such a high pitch that Hope swore that a number of dogs went deaf at that very moment. "Big news, eh? So tell me, what has you so excited this morning?" Hope asked, praying that the big news was not some new hair color or new shade of lipstick that had just been unveiled; or one of her


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many celebrity friends had obtained a new dog or something; which were her topics of her exciting, world shattering news. Candy flashed her blinding smile once more, and grasped Hope's hands tightly in her pink leather gloved ones. "You are never going to believe this, but I have been hired as the stylist for the most luscious and sexiest man alive, Frank Vampyre for the Academy Awards this year!" Candy sang excitingly, practically bouncing out of her six inch pink Christian Louboutin strap heels, making her cotton candy ponytail bob up and down. Hope internally moaned. Candy was as sweet and lively as her namesake, but her idea of all important earth shattering news was slightly skewed. "Oh Candy, that is so wonderful! What an honor!" Candy's deep brown eyes shone with pure happiness. If Frank Vampyre's face was not plastered over every type of media every other week, Hope would not know who he was and what it coincidence it was that he was linked to her new case. Again, Hope had to feign a smile, if Candy and she did not part ways soon, Hope was afraid that her face was going to stay permanently like that. Just as Candy's face seemed to be frozen in a never ending smile. Then, if that happened, Hope would just have to kill herself! "Oh Candy! That is so wonderful! Frank Vampyre is very handsome indeed! How did you, you lucky girl manage to snag a dream job like that?" Just then Candy's pale pink glitter iphone began to ring, giving Hope a needed break. "Oh Sandy! I have been waiting to hear from youhold a sec will you? Hope, I hate to break this ever exciting conversation, but this is an important phone call, can I call you later?" "Of course." Hope smiled, barely containing her relief.

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Candy gave Hope a light embrace, air kissed both her cheeks and a tiny wave as she clicked away from Hope.

Relief washed over Hope as she took a deep breath and continued towards the clinic, massaging her jaws along the way. Clear pale blue eyes bore through her as if to burn a hole into her very soul. The deafening silence that had built the wall between them from the moment he walked in was getting higher and thicker by the second. The ticking of the clock, marking off the minutes until the hour of their first session was over, was slowly driving her mad. Yet, Hope kept the appearance of complete serenity as she sat poised on the leather stool directly across her new patient, her notepad lying still on her lap, and her pencil twirling circles in the air between her fingers. She however, could never present the same amount of aloof coolness that her patient was now showing. He sat back on the sofa, one arm draped over the side, the other holding a cigarette, drawing it up to his full lips and breathing out long, slow puffs. His long lean legs, clad in designer black denim were casually stretched out their full length as if he were sitting on the couch of his own home. Still, he never took his eyes off her for one moment, taking her in her entirety from the top of her thick, glossy ebony mane that was swept in a tasteful upsweep, to the bottom of her Louis Vuitton white and black mules. "You know, you have very beautiful eyes, they are the most stunning color. I have never seen anyone with eyes like yours, in a long time."


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The sound of his deep, smooth as silk voice startled Hope as her patient broke the long silence with the cheesy line; but at least he was speaking and that was something. It was a start. "Thank you for noticing. Not too many people comment on my eye color." "That is because they are hidden behind those ridiculous glasses. Designer yes, but still ,they do not suit you." "They may not suit me, but I still need them." His mouth turned up in a slow, brilliant sexy smile as he crushed what was left of his cigarette in the near by ash tray and moved closer to her, closing the gap between them. "No, you don't," he said as he reached up and gently glided the glasses off her face. "These glasses serve but one purpose, a purpose they have been doing rather successfully; to hide your unique eye color. That, is such a shame. Gold is the richest of hues, they are the color of a goddess. A dark goddess whose soul is filled with mischief, fun and raw sexuality." Hope fought to suppress the intense heat rushing to her cheeks. "I am far from a goddess." "This where you underestimate yourself, Doctor Serenity. That is another thing that is deceiving about you, your surname. The goddess that you resemble was far from serene, far from tame." "Tell me, what is the name of this exotic goddess I am supposed to resemble?" "The goddess of night did not exist in biblical roman times as most legends did, but in the heart of the eighteenth century.You resemble her in every aspect. Her glossy mane was black as midnight, that hung all the way to her backbone, her eyes as golden as the early morning sun that pierced one down to the soul, her lips that were as

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red as roses, and the softness of her skin of porcelain. Her name was simply, Lucy." He stated with reverence. Lucy. Hope's breath caught in her throat at the sound of that all too familiar name. A name that had caught her by surprise, a name that she longed to hear from his lips again. For one brief moment, Hope allowed herself to get lost in the fantasy of the moment. This time, when his eyes never left hers, she held them, and searched for more clues to the secret that was holding him back. She found nothing but the intense attraction between them, the rift of their first meeting dissolving ever slowly. A loud beeping snapped her back to reality and noticing that he was holding her hands in a warm, secure grip sending shivers running up and down her spine; she pulled away, embarrassed. "I am afraid our time is up, you may go now." "Pity. I was having so much fun, couldn't I stay longer?" "No, I am afraid I have another client that has the next hour. However, do not worry, we have an appointment same time tomorrow." "Very well, then I look forward to our next meeting Doctor Serenity." "As do I, until tomorrow, Mr. St.Clair." "Until tomorrow, and Doctor Serenity?" "Yes, Mr. St. Clair?" "Do say hello to my baby brother for me, as I have not had any contact with him since our arrival at this fine clinic yesterday." "Will, do." "Also one more thing Doctor Serenity, don't call me Mr. St.Clair." "All right, what do you wish me to call you?" "Call me Declan, Hope."


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Declan flashed her one more 250 watt smile before he closed the door behind him. Hope could not help but smile and look forward to their next meeting. Her next patient, Declan St.Clair's brother, Sebastian's first session had to be held in his room as he was quarantined until the blood wine was completely purged from his system. Just like Declan, Hope had read Sebastian's file as throughly as she could given the time restrictions of just receiving their files on her desk the previous evening. She learnt that while his brother depended heavily on alcohol and false bravado to hide whatever deep, dark secret he held inside him, Sebastian's dependency was far more lethal. In fact, Hope marveled in the miracle of Sebastian still being alive after ten astounding years being addicted to this highly addictive, lethal drug that snuffed out the lives of its users way too quickly. This was the first time Hope had heard of a human lasting so long. It was so rare that no clinic in the world was fully equipped to deal with it. Blood wine is a combination of LSD, cocaine, heroin and ecstasy, all boiled into a liquid and then poured into vials that can be taken straight or poured into other liquids for consumption. Hope had suggested to the director of the rehab to not put Sebastian on cold turkey withdrawal as it would be very dangerous to him. Instead, slowly wean him off the blood wine by reducing, then removing each drug that the blood wine is made up of, until the cleansing was complete, his body free of the drug. The director agreed to follow her instructions to the letter, but since they were not fully aware of the side effects of blood wine, they insisted he be quarantined.

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"Mr. St. Clair, this is Doctor Serenity, I believe that you were expecting me? I am here for our first session." Hope murmured through the closed wooden door. There was no sound only the sudden whoosh of the door being opened and a soft voice inviting her in. Hope's entire career had been devoted to freeing people from their crippling addictions. She dealt with addictions in varying degrees, seen the horror that these addictions could do; but she was not prepared for what she saw when she entered the room. On the single metal frame bed, lay the most unique, stunning being that Hope had ever laid her eyes on. He was dressed in a simple, but comfortable pewter blue twill button down shirt, and a simple pair of blue denim that were well broken in and faded. The clothes hung neatly, but barely covered up the evidence of how the blood wine had ravaged his body. A body that Hope could tell was once sculpted with hard, sleek muscle and very powerful; now was withered away to nothing but skin and bones. His face however, strangely enough, held its original well chiseled bone structure. With high cheekbones, a strong square jaw, a sharp roman nose, and full, pale pink lips. His alabaster skin still appeared to be youthful, smooth and flawless. Sebastian barely nodded a hello as he ran his strong, nimble fingers through his thick, golden hair and continued to read the magazine he was holding on his lap. "Hello Sebastian, may I call you Sebastian?" When he lightly nodded yes, Hope continued. "Sebastian as I said before, my name is Hope Serenity and I am here to help you with this transition. To help you get better and make you whole once again."


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When Sebastian finally lifted his head from the magazine, and looked her in the eye, Hope felt her heart stop and her breath catch as his rich jade eyes sent a flood of memories rushing at her, leaving her breathless and struggling to regain her composure. "I am afraid that would be impossible Doctor Serenity, I am too far gone to make better, in too many pieces to make whole." Hope felt her heart melt at the sound of his soft, soothing deep voice and then break when she saw the despair, the hopelessness reflected in those once brilliant eyes so full of life. Hope then did something she did not do on her first introductory meeting with a patient, overcome with a torrent of emotion, she reached over and pulled him in a warm embrace. "I know that in your eyes, all is bleak and black right now. However, as a person who understands what you are going through, if you allow me the honor, you have my word Sebastian, that I will do everything in my power to help you pick up those pieces." Surprisingly, Sebastian did not look offended by her sudden, strange show of affection. Instead, Hope saw a flash of a warm smile before he turned despondent again. Sebastian scoffed. "Please, with all due respect, Doctor Serenity, I cannot see how you can understand what I am going through, at least understand enough to help me. So, I ask you, give me one reason why I should trust you to do what no one else has been able to do. That, not even I have been able to do." Hope took a deep breath before telling Sebastian her own secret; one that she told no one save a very good friend, until now, and would never tell again. "Sebastian, I understand what you are going through because I was once addicted to blood wine myself."

The sound of the horse's hoofs hitting the cobblestones, like heartbeats was the only sound on an otherwise eerily quiet street. Lady Hope Serenity sat back weary from a long day's travel into town tying up some loose ends from her late husband's estate. Her husband of just 3 years, Lord Brandon Serenity died of consumption the year before at the age of 30, and it had taken all this time to settle his massive estate. Hope and Lord Brandon were introduced by a mutual friend at the Queen's annual snow ball in London, and it was love at first sight. Though before that night, Hope never believed in such a fanciful thing. Lord Brandon was a dream come true for Hope. Hope had spent 10 of her 25 years an orphan, forced to fend for her self when her mother died during a brutal fire storm that had swept through their quaint little town of Petite Forte, Quebec. With no other family to take care of her, Hope was forced onto the street to fend for herself by any means necessary. She stole and she begged for the tiniest scraps of food and water. Her bed changed each night, depending on the weather, one night it could be on a bench, under a bridge while another burrowing herself in a ditch or in the underground tunnels of the city. Then, at the age of sixteen, she was lured into the seedy world of prostitution, forced to sell her body, her virginity, to strange men of all shapes, sizes and ages. Some of the men who paid for her company were quite gentle and nice and treated her like a lady, rather than a common whore, a vessel for them to spill their seed.


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Then it was the normal clientele, the greedy, the grubby the rough and often violent that took without consequence or acknowledgement, throwing the money in her face and demanding that she leave. Then, on the night of her 25th birthday after a wonderful evening with her friends, Hope was walking home when she was brutally attacked by a dark stranger who beat her and raped her savagely, without mercy. When he was done, he left her for dead, bleeding in the street. When Hope woke up she thought she was on fire. Her flesh burned, her organs sizzled and her brain screamed in agony. If she was not yet dead, she prayed that death would come very soon. When the pain miraculously subsided enough for her to open her eyes, the image of an elderly woman with a kind, noble face was leaned over her, wiping a cool, damp cloth over her face and through her sable hair. "Who are you? What are you doing?" she whispered. "Shh, little one, be silent, be still. You must not speak, you must not move until you are well." Hope struggled to speak, struggled to get up, but was met by the gentle resistance and a slight pinch in her arm before the light went black once more. Once recovered from her attack, Hope noticed something different, something new and something more powerful residing in her. Her senses seemed sharper, her reflexes more agile. However, with all the good, also came the bad. She found that she could not go out in the sun without the lovely, antique silver interwoven with gold, emerald ring that had her initial H engraved inside that emerald.

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Also, Hope began to feel a strange hunger that seemed to come from deep inside her, all the way to her core; a ravenous hunger for blood. Human, blood. As on instinct, Hope went on the hunt for fresh blood and spotted her perfect prey; a man with blood that smelled so sweet, so inviting that it made Hope's mouth water. Quick, like a panther, Hope jumped her prey, and sunk her teeth into his neck, draining him of blood before he even had a chance to realize what was happening to him. Once the blood passed her lips, and slipped down her throat, waves of pleasure like Hope had never experienced before shook her body; making her crave more. This was how Hope lived her life for the next year and a half, living in the shadows, laying in wait, gorging in sweet red nectar. However, one fatal night would change all of that. Hope had always been careful when she was hunting, as to not be noticed, keeping herself and her nature a secret, feeding only when it was necessary, and had perfected her technique so the only thing she took from a human was enough blood to satisfy her craving, never their life. However, in what seemed like out of the blue, Hope became so ravenous for blood that her body screamed in agony with the want and need. Just like she did when she was first turned. So, when she spotted him, the gorgeous, svelte, muscular blond boy with the angelic face with blood that smelled like the most fragrant exotic flower, Hope did not hesitate when she attacked him and sunk her teeth into his smooth, creamy neck. She had only intended to do what she always did, to take just enough to satisfy, but once his blood slid down her throat, through her body and into her belly, she came overwhelmed with desire by


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the successions of orgasm after orgasm that shook her to her very core, flooding her brain with pure erotic euphoria. She became so caught up in the dream of his blood that by the time she pulled away, and came back to reality, she looked down at her angel in horror. Her angel was dead, drained of every ounce of his blood. Hope had killed him. Her lust consumed her and took his very breath away. Screaming, with his blood still dripping from her lips, Hope vowed to never drink human blood again. Going without human blood was more painful than the process of turning. Without the blood, her body burned all the way to her bones, her will weakening with the unending craving, making her go insane. Still, she refused to give in and quickly became very weak from starvation. On the brink of death, she was approached by a stranger who simply handed her a small vail whispering "Take one drop, it will cure what ails ya." before shuffling off into the shadows. Desperate to end the pain of her ever present blood lust, Hope opened the vial and poured one drop of the contents onto her tongue. Instantly, her craving disappeared and at once, she felt relief. The relief did not last however, and soon she became addicted. Before long, she found herself at rock bottom, once again. Once again, she felt hopeless, alone and near death. However, this time would be different as her savior came in the form of not a drug dealer, but a fellow vampire. It was this vampire savior that spent day and night with her until she was cleansed and well. This was the vampire who introduced her to Lord Brandon. Oh, Lord Brandon, Lady Hope remembered dreamily.

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The flawless, devastatingly handsome elegant gentlemen that swept her off her feet and loved her so deeply, as she did him.

Once he found out that she was a vampire, he did not run, he did not hide or scorn her as he should; but instead, he openly accepted her and loved her all the more. Within six months of their meeting, Hope Winters became Lady Hope Serenity of Cashmere County, England. Lady Hope opened her eyes, dragging herself from the sweet memories of her husband that had refused her offer to turn him at the height of his illness, choosing instead to die quietly in her arms. It had broke her heart and she still was finding it hard to move on, but she kept trying living the life they started such a short time ago. She listlessly looked out the window of her coach into the full moon night and was about to look away, when something caught her eye. A form lying in the ground, unmoving. Normally, she would have passed by the form, thinking it was nothing more than a heap of garbage, but her sharp vampire sight let her see the shape clearly. "Stop Ben! Please pull over." In an instant her driver had pulled the coach over and not waiting for Ben to assist her, and acting on instinct, Hope jumped from the coach and ran to the form. She had been right, the form was not garbage, but a man, a very badly injured man. Beaten and bloody and near death. "Ben come here please, I need your assistance!"


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Ben quickly rushed to his employers side and helped her carry the injured stranger to the coach. Once he was safely tucked inside and secure Ben questioned "To which hospital shall I bring him, madam?" "No hospitals, we are bringing him home and I will tend to him." Hope smiled, bringing herself back to the present, that, was the first time she met Sebastian St.Clair.

Sebastian fought to hold on to the last bit of security that he had left, however since he was so weak that the nurse easily overtook him and snatched away his last vial of precious blood wine. Sebastian curled into the fetal position and struggled to fight back the screams of the withdrawals that had yet to come. This was day one of a long road filled with agony. The light knocking on his door stopped the tears from flowing long enough for him to invite whoever it was to come in. Whoever it was, he was in no mood to see. "I allowed you in, but please, go away. I am in no mood to see any human tonight." "Then how about someone who is not human? How about a psychiatrist who requests a sleep over?" Her soft gentle voice filled his small plain, room and soothed his ears, his senses and seemed to calm him almost instantly. Slowly, painfully, Sebastian uncurled himself from his fetal position, sat up, leaning against his pillows. "You know Doctor Serenity, you would make a really bad comedian." Her bright smile made her golden eyes dance as she walked closer and sat down next to him. "I know I am terrible, but do I at least get an E for effort?" Sebastian gave her a small weak smile. "Yes, I could be generous and do that. What brings you by, I thought we did not have a session until Thursday." "We still do, but I am here to spend the night with you, to see you through your first night of withdrawal." "Is that allowed?"


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"I had to pull some strings, but yes. I am the best one to be with you right now, since I have been through it, I know what to expect and am prepared for the unexpected." A cold shiver crawled up Sebastian's spine, followed by overwhelming feeling of extreme cold. It felt weird, nauseating, Sebastian had not felt the cold since he was turned. As if she already anticipated the first symptom, Dr. Serenity wrapped Sebastian in a thick, warm homemade afghan. "The withdrawal has already started, cold chills that will get so bad that you feel as though you are about to break in two." "Well, I am feeling like that now." Within minutes the homemade afghan had become useless and provided no more warmth than a thin shirt in the middle of a snowstorm. If Sebastian still had a beating heart, he was positive that he would have gone into cardiac arrest. This only added to his misery, death would be a blessing. This, was only the beginning. In the beginning stages of the first night of the withdrawal, there was nothing more Hope could do but to keep him as comfortable as possible until the true hell began. For two hours Sebastian's already ravaged body shook violently with the cold, his teeth clenching together so tightly that he almost broke his bottom teeth. Experiencing this type of extreme cold would have already killed a normal human, accelerating hypothermia, dropping the body's core temperature, forcing the heart to pump faster to feed the rest of the organs, thus leading to an eventual cardiac arrest. However, being a vampire throws a whole host full of problems. Sebastian had no core temperature, being the walking undead, his body was already cold and had no working organs to keep him warm.

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Ice had already covered his entire body, coating his hair and freezing his eye lids shut. Then, the violent shivering ceased and for several minutes, Sebastian lay perfectly still. Knowing what was coming next, Hope took the comforter off Sebastian, and undressed him, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. She then sat back and waited. As anticipated, within 15 minutes, the ice on Sebastian's skin melted away, the blue fading into red hot crimson. Hope took a deep breath and countedone, two, three A high pitched feral scream burst from deep inside his core, filling the room and her ears with unimaginable agony as his body caught on fire from the inside out. Making Hope very glad that his room was soundproof. Stage two had begun. Sebastian's body was not used to cold and hot anymore, so when his body violently switched from extreme cold to an extreme burn, there was no other reaction than to scream until the pain subsided. Sweat rolled down his body like a rushing river, drenching the sheets. Hope gently leaned over Sebastian's body and lightly shook him as she whispered in his ear "Sebastian, can you hear me?" A small nod. "Sebastian can you walk?" "Don't know, maybe, a little," he painfully murmured. "That is fine, here, take my arm." Somehow Sebastian, weak and exhausted, pulled himself up and linked his arm around Hope's shoulders, letting her walk him to the bathroom and lower him into the bathtub.


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"Ooh" he crooned letting out a long, easy breath as the cool water soothed his flesh. For the first time in two and a half hours, Sebastian opened his eyes. "Is it over?" Sebastian asked hopefully. "I'm afraid not, there is more to come. This is going to be a long painful road, but one you must take if you are ever going to get well and live." Sebastian almost said, I am a vampire and cannot die, but instead he whispered. "I do not know if I can take much more." "I know it feels that way, " Hope soothed as she poured water over his back "However, I promise you that I will never leave your side until the worst is over. That is if you let me." "Good, because I do not want you to leave. This is going to sound weird, but I feel this deep connection with you. Have from the first time we met, like I knew you before, a long time ago." Hope felt the joy rise in her chest, Sebastian did feel the same connection with her as she did with him, he just could not remember right now. When she had helped him out of the bathtub and dried him off, she led him back to his bed, quickly changed it, and pulled the afghan over him as Sebastian drifted off to sleep. Hope reached into her purse and pulled out a small vial and slipped it into her pocket for easy access. The vial contained a sample of modified blood wine with the Ecstasy removed, designed so Sebastian could be slowly weaned off the blood wine. She was going to give it to him the moment he woke up, since he had ridden out the worst of the Ecstasy withdrawals, the time was right.

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Once the Ecstasy was out of his system, then each drug would be removed, one at a time until his body was totally cleansed of the blood wine and he was no longer dependent. Once he had kicked the blood wine addiction, he would be free to move back home with Declan and she could start working on the reason as to why he started using blood wine in the first place. Then, lastly, since by this time they would know that each other were vampires, she would show him ways to satisfy his bloodlust without any harm to humans. But, one step at a time. Sebastian heard the gnawing empty hunger stir in his gut before he felt it. He had not felt any bloodlust in almost a decade since he was diligent to never be without blood wine, but he still knew what it sounded like, what it felt like. A blood fever raced through him wreaking havoc with every cell in his body, filling his brain with longing, need deep in his bones. Sebastian fought to tame the fierce craving, fought to control it and make it go away, but to no avail. The intense blood thirst filled his thoughts, all of his senses until all he could think about was human blood. Sebastian reached for the vial around his neck before it was too late, but found nothing but an empty chain. His eyes shot open as panic set in, then the lust for blood overpowered him. It was already too late, Sebastian sadly conceded, as he felt his fangs elongate, his sharp sense of smell picked up on the sweetest, exotic and potent blood he had ever smelled. His black eyes searched for the source of this delectable scent, finding the source close by in the bathroom. Sebastian jumped from the bed and watched from the bathroom door.


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His prey was just as stunning and delicious as her scent. Long sable hair swung freely, brushing the tip of her firm round behind. Her small graceful hands brushed that hair until it shone, and she pulled it into high ponytail, revealing her bare, creamy white neck, the jugular vein fat with rich warm blood. His fangs ached with anticipation, but he stood his ground and waited just a few minutes longer, another lust temporarily taking hold. Sebastian worked to slow his breathing as to not to give himself away, and continued watching. Then, as limber and graceful as a ballet dancer, his prey slid her cotton shirt over her head while unzipping and sliding her jeans over her narrow hips. Sebastian was surprised just how little color graced her flesh, making her skin, like her neck, look soft, creamy and translucent. His fingers ached to touch her flesh, his fangs ached to sink into her neck and draw out that precious life preserving essence. Sebastian's fangs protested yet again, when his other lust held him in place for just a little while longer. His eyes travelled upward from her long, shapely legs, lingered on her white lace panties, then her flat stomach, her large firm breasts and when his eyes returned to the curve of her neck, the other lust rushed at her and enveloped her in his arms. His prey did not scream, did not fight, not even a hint of surprise reflected in her eyes. Her eyes. It was her eyes that froze Sebastian in his tracks. His prey's eyes were like nothing he had ever seen before. The eyes that held steadfast to his were the richest, deepest gold, flecked with violet and peered deep into his soul and almost stopped him from obtaining what he so desperately needed.

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In defense, he crushed his mouth over hers and kissed her breathless. Before she could even think of escaping, he sunk his fangs into her neck and braced himself as wave after wave of ecstasy flooded him, more potent and blissful than any drug. Her blood tasted better than he could ever imagine; warm, sweet with the flavors of chocolate, honey and the most exotic of fruits. Its fragrance alive with the aroma of night blooming jasmine and the texture thick as cream. She had tasted so succulent that Sebastian did not realize that he was draining her of every drop of blood in her body until, with surprising otherworldly strength, his prey had knocked him down on his back and was straddling him. Her strong hand pressed against his throat, forcing his mouth open. Bewilderment rather than fear flowed through him as he watched her pour a small vial of red fluid onto his tongue, forcing him to swallow. Her own face had grown dark, those beautiful golden violet eyes were the color of a swamp, and her fangs bared, glistening under the florescent lights.

Declan tired to ignore the white bandage covering all of Hope's right arm, and the multicolored silk scarf tied around her neck. Normally a simple, fashionable scarf would not raise alarm with him, but it was unusual for the doctor to wear such bright rich colors. It seemed, like the black sleeveless dress and matching black leather heels, that the only color that Hope seemed to know about was black, white beige and grey. Funny how he was more curious about the scarf than the bandage that covered her arm like a sleeve. "That is an attractive scarf, Hope." "Thank you Declan. Now tell me how are the AA and anger management meetings going?" Hope questioned as she self consciously toyed with her scarf. "Truthfully?" "Always." "They suck." Declan saw Hope trying to suppress a smile and fought one back himself. "Suck, eh? Tell me Declan, can you tell me why they suck?" Hope questioned, a hint of a smile still on her lips. "How long do we have, because the groups suck so bad it will take all day to list them for you." "Okay, since we only have an hour, narrow them down as much as you can, maybe like three or four reasons." "First, I object fiercely to me even being made to attend AA meeting at all. I am not an alcoholic, I am a social drinker. Before you start giving me I am in denial lecture, save it. Even the police report


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states that there was not enough alcohol in my system to even make a tick tipsy. Second, I am not into all this touchy feely stuff. I have no story to tell, nothing to say because I have no deep dark secret past that I keep at the bottom of a bourbon bottle. Therefore, the only steps that I need to take are the ones that are going to led me the hell out of here!"Declan raved, irritated. "How about the anger management classes, how do they suck?" "Again, why do these groups have to be so touchy feely? I mean, deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation and other useless hog wash that is supposed to control my anger issues. Diving deep into my soul to find out what drives my anger. Whether or not my anger is harmful, how do I respond to my anger..blah, blah, blah." "I know it is frustrating, but this is court appointed for a good reason. You are responsible, at least in part, for almost killing that gentleman." "Gentleman! That jack ass nearly beat my brother into a bloody pulp and would have killed him if I had not interfered! If anyone should be in here taking anger management courses it is him, not me! I was only defending my brother." He loudly protested. When Hope's faced cringed with the sound of Declan's voice rising, he instantly lowered it. "I am sorry Hope, I did not mean to raise my voice." "No need to apologize, this has been a very stressful time for you, Declan. You have every right to be angry." "Thank you for understanding, but still I should have not raised my voice in anger with you." Hope reached out and clasped Declan's hand in her own and smiled. "If you are willing to work with me Declan, I can help you through, then out of this situation." "How?" Declan inquired.

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"The judge ordered that you attend rehab, AA meetings and anger management for a period of six weeks. At the end of these six weeks, she will review your case and if you meet up to her standards, then you will get to go home and continue outpatient therapy with me." "Yes, I know." "By my calculations, you are in week three of your conditional sentence. If you hang in for another three weeks, lay low and go through the motions, giving the impression of progress and recovery, and I promise you at the end of the three weeks with my help, your review will be positive and you will be able to go home." "That sounds too good to be true, to fake my way to recovery in order to gain my freedom. Sounds like recommending this to a patient Dr. Serenity, is not wise. Couldn't you get into trouble for this?" "You will not be faking your way to freedom, Declan. I still want you to make an effort to get something from the programs, but I feel that you would benefit more from me, exclusively. I just cannot do that yet until your conditions have been met. So, Mr. St.Clair, are you going to cooperate for the remainder of your time in here?" "Just call me the model patient, Dr. Serenity." By session's end, as Declan walked back to his room, a sickening thought slammed into his gut. The strategically placed scarf and the long, tightly wound bandage around her arm, the night she spent with his brother as he went through the first hellish night of his withdrawal. Sebastian's blood lust had come rushing back with the absence of the blood wine and he must have lost control. Then savagely attacked Hope, probably nearly draining her dry thus revealing his true nature. Declan closed the door behind him throwing everything in sight into the wall.


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How could his brother be so stupid? With the blood wine slowly leaving his system, things began to creep back in. Some Sebastian wanted, most he'd rather if they stayed buried under the comforting blanket of suppression and delusion that the wine gave him. However, it was not the blood lust that wreaked havoc with his mind; it was the memories of his past life that came rushing back. But first he had to deal with a more recent, terrifying memory. Sebastian's mind pieced together the flashes of memory of the first night of his withdrawal. The night that Hope spent with him, comforting him and riding out the horrors of his cleansing. The warmth of her touch, the soothing effect of her angelic voice. Then the rush of his bloodlust coming back with a vengeance, the lustful attack on Hope and then sinking his teeth in her neck, draining her of her blood, just before she flipped him on his back, forced, what he now knew was modified blood wine down his throat and seeing her fangs glistening above him. Sebastian did not know why, but the discovery that his doctor was a vampire did not surprise him. It was as if, deep down inside he already knew. Then when he fell asleep, the dreams of a past life took over. Cool water scented with lavender and rosemary caressed his fevered cheek, soothed his burning eyes, and cooled his fiery, tender skin. Bliss quickly overtook the pain as a warm, rich and exotic nectar slid down his parched throat, healing it. Sebastian slowly, carefully, opened his eyes after what seemed like an eternity.

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His blurred vision finally came to focus on a stunning face framed in a halo of lush, ebony hair, lips the color of the reddest of roses, skin creamy white like a newborn calf's milk and as her hand grazed his face and neck, her touch was soft as velvet. She was giving him a small, hesitant smile that made her look even more angelic and inviting. Despite her overall beauty, it was her eyes that had instantly drawn him to her. Big, round eyes, blanketed with thick lashes as black as her hair, were the most stunning unusual color, bright, golden, flecked with violet, held his emerald ones and seemed to peer deeply into his soul. That is if he still had one. "You are awake, praise the lord!" his angel exclaimed, her delicate hands clasped in joyful appreciation to a higher being that Sebastian no longer believed in. Demons cannot believe in such grace. His angel sat closer to him, turned down the periwinkle blue cotton bed sheet and unbuttoned his loose, flowing white cotton shirt. Then slowly, deliciously, caressed his chest and stomach, inspecting every nook, cranny and taut muscle. A shiver coursed through him, making his angel look at him with grave concern. "Did I hurt you, are you still tender? Are you cold?" Worry and sorrow were etched deeply on her beautiful, flawless face as she swiftly but gently pulled the sheet back over him. "No, No, you did not hurt me and I am not cold. Tell me, where I am,who are you and what happened?" His angel gave him a big bright smile as she caressed his flaxen hair.


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"I found you underneath a dim street light on Chamberlains Street badly beaten and unconscious. I took you home to tend to you. You are all healed, but you should still rest for another day." Sebastian's memory was fuzzy, and could not quite recall what had happened for him to end up beaten and unconscious on some random street. "Thank you, but you still did not tell who you are and where I am." "Oh, I am sorry, please forgive me. My name is Lady Hope Serenity and you, Sebastian St. Clair, are in Serenity Manor, Cashmere County, England." Sebastian struggled to sit up, but Lady Hope gently laid him back down again. "How do you know my name?"he inquired, stunned. Lady Hope drew her lips to his ear and whispered "Every vampire always senses another vampire, Sebastian. I know who you are because, we have a connection that I am not sure I understand myself. I know that sounds weird." Then, Lady Hope leaned in closer, her sweet breath caressing his ear. "Plus, I also knew that you were a vampire from your talisman." If Sebastian was not so tired, he would have pressed Lady Hope further, but until he fed and became well, he would just have to trust her. "You saved my life, from who or what I do not know, and took me into your home and nursed me, that, is enough for me to trust you." Sebastian's mouth suddenly felt dry, so he ran his tongue over his teeth and tasted blood. Again, with a smile that never seemed to leave her face, Lady Hope offered him a drink of fresh, cool, water. "Before you ask, yes, that is blood that you are tasting, my blood. I sliced my wrist and fed you my blood, so you could heal and stave off

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the hunger. Now, if you excuse me, I have to tend to my garden before the sun sets. Then, tomorrow you and I shall go hunting, so get plenty of rest, my sweet vampire." Before Lady Hope stood up to leave, she leaned down, and pressing her rose petal lips to his, sent him off into a deep slumber.

"When are you going to turn me?" the sweet, little girl voice asked for the 100th time that day, her big brown eyes filled with hope. "You know the answer to that, Faith. So, stop asking and take this bandage off me!" "Aww, how come? Why won't you turn me? I need a real answer this time Hope, not just a curt no." Hope shook her head at the determined 20 year old girl who worked as a nurse at the same clinic where she was currently on staff, and watched as she quickly and efficiently unrolled the sterile bandage off her arm. Then removed the intravenous tube that continuously fed blood into her body from a well concealed portable pump on her side. Hope had been forced to wear this emergency pump for the last eight hours, as blood slowly filtered into her system replenishing the blood supply that Sebastian had almost drained when he attacked her. Hope had been too weak to go hunting and drinking the blood from the bottles she had stored in the fridge, was not going to be sufficient. "You know it is not fair, I would be an excellent vampire! Just imagine living forever!" Faith's smile lit up her dark skin as she bounced up and down on her hot pink sneakers, making her rainbow ponytail sway back and forth. "Living forever is not all that it is cracked up to be, Faith. I have been around for 200 years and after a time a vamp gets tired of the same scene playing over and over. I am tired of never getting old, while the ones I love and care about do die and leave me all alone. I


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am tired of the endless blood thirst that no amount of blood can ease. Sure, I can never be inflicted with any disease or suffer any injury that my body will not be able to heal almost instantly, but I cannot go out into the daylight without wearing my talisman. I" "Okay! Okay, I get it, Hope! Being a vampire sucks! I know all the pitfalls that you have been drilling into my head for the last two years, after I discovered who you really were. However, with that being said, I would gladly take that life over the one that I have been living the last 20 years." Faith's fire engine red painted mouth frowned, and flopped down on Hope's oversized couch, defeated. Hope sat on the couch next to her bubbly, sweet friend, clasping both her tiny hands in hers, laying them on her lap. "I understand the horror of a life you had led from the time you were born until Nigel found you in that homeless shelter and brought you to me. I know you feel cheated out of the childhood you should have had. However, you do not need to become a vampire to reclaim what you lost." Hope said optimistically. "Faith, you are still very young, with a long life ahead of you to enjoy all the rewards your hard work has given you, and will continue to give you as long as you stay on the path you are on now." Faith threw her hands up in the air in defeat. "Okay, what ever you say, Hope." "Hey why is there so much somber silence in this room? It is such a nice, warm and sunny day, no room for gloom!" "Oh, hi, Nigel." Nigel's pale face filled with worry as he wrapped his arm around Faith and pulled her in for a quick hug."Why so melancholy?" Faith's disappointment with another refusal from Hope seemed to melt away when her life savior put his lean arms around her.

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"Be careful Nigel, I would not hold me for too long, I might carry some unknown fatal germ and kill you right on the spot!" Faith teased, the pure hearted glee returning.

Nigel let out a mock squeal, and instantly pulled out his hand sanitizer and began feverishly rubbing the clear liquid all over his hands. "Oh dear, you are right! In my desire to comfort you in your moment of sorrow, I forgot all about my strict rule of no touching!" Hope and Faith broke out in a string of uncontrollable giggles as they watched their friend sanitizing every possible piece of exposed flesh. Sadly, this was not an act for Nigel Jones to lift Faith's spirits, Nigel was a certified germaphobe, among his many other quirks. Faith reached behind her and grabbed Hope's tubing, "Hey Nigel, look here!" waving it in front of his face, teasingly. "Oh my mother of lord, Faith! Put that godforsaken thing away before I, before Ioops, too late!" were the last words before he fainted, falling to the floor with a graceful swoon. For Nigel, even fainting was a dignified event. Hope lightly slapped Faith on her arm as Hope rushed by Nigel's side, checking to see if he was all right. "Faith, you know he cannot stand the sight of blood! He faints every time he sees even a drop, now dispose of that right now!" Hope scolded. "You know I cannot decide whether or not if it is pitiful or down right weird that on your floor right now you have a vampire who is not only scared shitless of a little germ but also faints at the sight of blood! Hilarious!" "You know that she will never let this go." Nigel stated as he sipped on his glass of Sangria wine.


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"Please, do not remind me, Nigel. I just wish I knew why she is so determined to become one of our kind." "I believe that it is nothing more than wanting to leave the horrors of her childhood behind and take endless time making up for that. However, whatever the reason, she is not going to let this go. So, you will have to consider the very real possibility that she is so desperate to become one of us that if you stay resistant on turning her, she will find someone all too willing to do it for her. Someone who would not be as noble and kind as you." " I do not relish that thought Nigel, but I also cannot jump into a life changing decision because I fear that someone else could change her. Being like us is not easy." Nigel lifted the remains of his wine to his pale thin lips and drank. "That is the understatement of the year! Are you going to rethink your decision?" "It is hard to say. I may or may not, I just need to weigh all my options, it has been ages since I turned someone." "Nigel?" "Yes, Hope?" "You do know that what you are drinking is not actually wine?" "Of course, but just because I cannot stand the sight of blood, does not mean that I do not enjoy consuming it!" The severe bun that she had her thinning white hair captured in made the judge's already stern, sour expression all the more bitter and down right intimating. Judge Amelia Witherspoon's slate grey eyes peered over the rims of her fashionable D&C prescription frames, seeming to be boring a hole into Hope's skull. Good thing vampires really did not burst into flames, or Hope would left a nice pile of ashes on the judges wingback chair.

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"I have reviewed your progress reports on Declan and Sebastian St. Clair, Doctor Serenity. As well as ,those of the nurses and staff of Sunset Saves rehabilitation clinic, including a glowing recommendation from Doctor Nigel Jones, the clinic's owner." She paused, taking a sip of water before continuing. "After considerable consideration, I feel that both Declan and Sebastian St. Clair have met the requirements of my initial conditional sentence and I will now release them to your care for a period of six months. After this probationary period has passed, I will order another review of their progress and if it is indeed satisfactory, I will release them into mainstream society, their sentence considered served." "Thank you, your honor." "I will see you, and the St. Clair brothers in my chambers on this date in December, 9 am sharp. Bailiff, please show Doctor Serenity out." Relief washed over Hope as she practically skipped down the courthouse steps. The smell of fresh air and pine wafted through wide open spaces of Summer-set, the grand mansion that had been home to Declan and Sebastian St. Clair since their arrival in New York at the time of prohibition. Declan treated this day as the first day he took his first sip of smuggled bourbon, relishing it as it slipped past his lips and quenching his dry, desperate throat. The smell of pine used to make Declan gag, but after being gone so long, he treasured it, enjoyed it as he strolled from room to room, drinking his bourbon straight from the bottle. "Oh Bass, isn't it wonderful to be back home again? To smell the fresh air, hear the birds singing, to look at your ugly face once again!"


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Declan felt so deliriously happy to be back home and away from his forced confinement that he pulled his little brother in a bear hug and gave him a big, wet kiss on the cheek. "I see that your time at Sunset Saves was a productive one." Sebastian said sarcastically pointing to Declan's almost empty bottle. "I have to say Dec, I think you have just broken the record of the shortest sobriety. How long have you been out of rehab? One, two, minutes?" "More like ten, Bass. Geez, stop exaggerating! Wait, where are my manners? Would you like some?" "No, not that I can, considering you have drained the bottle dry. No wait, is that a drop I see on the very bottom?" "Not a problem, I have another one righthere!" Declan exclaimed as he waltzed over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a fresh bottle. This time he poured it into a glass. "Bass, you know that I drain my liquor like I drain my women, dry. Now, are you sure you do not want to celebrate our freedom with me? I have plenty!" Sebastian watched as Declan shook the bourbon bottle, it's contents splashing over the floor, hiding his disgust. "I would love to celebrate with you Declan, but can we do that later? I am beat." " Not a problem. Besides, I feel peckish from the lack of my favorite food so, while you are resting I will go out and eat. Do you want me to bring you back something to nibble on?"Declan teased, his eyes dancing with lighthearted mischief. "That is not funny, Declan."Sebastian snapped. "Fine, fine, I see that the martyr has returned! You know Bass, that is your problem right there, you are not getting enough Vitamin B. If you drank more of the good stuff, you would not be so tired and pale." "I would rather be tired than a monster."

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"Really? If that were true, if you are so against doing what is in our very nature as vampires to do, because you falsely believe that if you drank blood you will turn into some blood crazed fiend. A fiend that will go stalking around New York, killing innocent people, then how come that fear did not stop you from attacking and nearly draining Hope dry?" Declan stood firm, silent and let the accusation hang in the air like a storm cloud to see what it would brew. Sebastian felt as though all the air had been sucked out of him, making him dizzy and nauseous. "How did you find out about that?" he croaked in disbelief, grasping the bannister for support. "Well, lets see, how did I find out? Well, the day after her overnight with you, she came to our session wearing a long bandage the entire length of her arm, and was wearing a scarf that was tied around her neck, like she was trying to hide something. What do you think she was hiding, Bass?" "I have no idea. I hardly remember a thing about that night, I was so out of it." Sebastian uttered miserably. "Then maybe you should try really hard to remember, because of your impulsiveness, you gave your true identity away and possibly mine as well!Think about the damage you caused. Now, if you excuse me, my dinner is waiting!" Declan declared curtly. Sebastian sunk shamefully on the stair, banging his head against the wall. Yes, he had been stupid, stupid to allow himself to give in to his unnatural craving and attack Hope so violently. This was an incident that would haunt him the rest of his days, like so many others, but this one was different, this incident had produced something positive. It allowed him to open up parts of his past, and let him to be reunited with the one true love of his life.


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Sebastian could not help but smile as he hugged his knees to his chest as a sudden realization hit him; if his love was a vampire like him, then maybe, just maybe, he wasn't the monster that he always believed himself to be.

This was going nowhere fast. The silence was going to kill her, that is if she did not kill him first. Declan St. Clair was flashing her a cheshire grin, looking like he had just devoured some juicy prey. Then, perhaps, he had. When Declan strolled into her office as casual as a summer morning breeze, he looked more robust and healthy than he did from their first meeting. His blue black hair freshly cut and styled; a crisp new black cashmere sweater and black pleated trousers moulded to his flawless physique like a second skin. A rich, exotic smelling musk lingered in the air, his dark chocolate diamond encrusted talisman glistened in the sunlight and his clear blue eyes seemed to have a darker, richer hue. Declan had sat down on her couch, put his long legs up on her coffee table and hung his left arm over the side, a picture of pure contentment and bliss. Everything about him was perfect, flawless, save for one thing he missed. A small droplet of blood lay on the edge of his mouth threatening to drop onto his neck. Hope prayed that did not happen, because it had been a while since her own feeding, the smell from that tiny drop of blood made her stomach grumble. If that drop landed on his neck, Hope feared she would not have much restraint not to jump on him, lick that blood off his neck and then sink her canine teeth into his flesh. But while Hope ran her tongue across her elongated fangs, Declan sensed


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his error, took out a fresh white starched handkerchief and wiped it away. He still remained silent and aloof. Just like their first session, Declan's eyes travelled the entirety of her body, mentally undressing her. His liquid blue eyes held hers, scarcely moving, breathing as he ran his tongue along the edges of his own teeth, seductively. Hope's patience was waning. However, this seduction that Declan was trying to play out with her, gave her an idea. If traditional therapy within the confines of her own home did not work, then she knew what could. She would just have to sink to his level and play his game. Hope let out a long, frustrating sigh and threw her hands up in the air in defeat. "All right Declan, if you are not going to attempt even to produce one simple syllable, then you are wasting my time and hindering your progress in the process. So, let's call it an early day." Declan slid his long lean legs onto the floor, straightened his shoulders and slowly stood up and stretched. Declan bowed with a flourish as he brought her fingers to his lips, gently kissing each one. "Mmmwell this has been fascinating. As usual, always a pleasure Hope, until next time." When the door gently closed behind him, Hope let loose an exasperated sigh and then settled down to make her plan. Declan did not take joy out of driving Hope to distraction, making her blood boil when he shut down the moment he was released from that farce of a centre, closing himself off once again. It was easy to bull shit his way to "recovery" at that rehab to gain his freedom, to move back home back to his life.

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However, bullshitting his way was not working with Hope because she had this special ability to extract the truth from him, break down his defenses and that is something that he was not going to let happen. He had kept his secret buried behind those walls he had built over the years and Declan was determined to keep that secret buried for all his eternal life. Hope had the potential to be the only person to come close to his dark secret and this frightened him. Hope Serenity lived up to every inch of her name. Every time he was near her, sitting across from her in those sessions, the sound of her soft gentle voice, the velvet of her touch whenever she touched his skin and those eyesthose golden violet eyes filled with kindness, concern and honest love, made him melt and want to tell her all of the heartbreaking moments of his life that had caused him so much pain. Hiding his true self behind a wall of booze, insults and a barrage of one night stands with women he could not or even bother remember their names. He ached to open up his heart and let everything spill out, the good, the bad and the ugly, just as he ached for blood when the hunger gnawed at him. That was just too risky and Declan had to fight, use every trick in the book to defend that secret, even if it killed him. This time when Declan showed up for his session, Hope was ready. Declan had full intentions to repeat his actions of yesterday's session; to stay casual, aloof and silent. However the moment he sat down on the all too comfortable couch and offered Hope his usual, melodramatic greeting of a bow and pressing his lips to her hand, flashing his best charming, seduc-


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tive smile, he was not prepared for the little surprise she had waiting for him. Hope usually barely acknowledged his attempt at exaggerated flirting, but today she played along with him. She let the silence linger between them as she set her notepad and pencil aside, unbutton the first two buttons of her blouse, reached into her ample cleavage and pulled out, a pair of tickets. It took all of Declan's willpower to keep his jaw from dropping and drool from forming at the corners of his mouth, and remain cool and calm. "What are those?" "These, Mr. St Clair, are two VIP tickets to an exclusive CD launch party at Elements, a party that you are going to escort me to." "Interesting, may I ask who's CD launch party?" "Of course, Mystical River is launching her fifth classical rock CD 'Mystics, Poets and Supernaturals' tonight at 9 pm." "While I am not a big fan of that particular genre, I have not been about town since that fateful party that landed me in that higher presence forsaken rehab, I will be delighted to escort you, under one condition." "I do not think you are in a position to issue conditions" "Indulge me will you?" Declan snapped, suddenly annoyed. "Sorry, go right ahead, what is this 'condition'?" Declan pulled Hope closer to him and swiped the tickets from her with one hand, while tilting her chin to meet his gaze with the other. His voice was soft and direct. "I have asked you many times Hope, and this will be my last time requesting that you call me Declan. Never call me Mr. St. Clair again, not even when you are being playful, okay?" For the first time she had seen a glimmer of the true Declan reflecting through his clear indigo eyes. This brief flash of the human

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underneath all the false bravado had left her breathless, struggling for even a simple sentence to break through. Finally words formed in her brain once more enough to mumble, "Understood." That glimmer vanished much too quickly when the old Declan returned and pressed the tickets to his lips. "Mmmmm, these tickets are still so warm! Lucky, lucky tickets, if only!" "Declan?" "Yes?" he responded dreamily. "Declan, could you please pull yourself away long enough from those tickets to pay attention?" "Pay attention to what, may I ask?" Declan inquired, slipping the tickets into the top pocket of his leather jacket. "Pay attention to me, as I am talking to you! What time do you want to meet at the club?" "I will not be meeting you at the club, I will be picking you up here for dinner first." "Declan, this is not a date." "Who says it is a date? I am merely taking my friend to a nice dinner at an elegant restaurant before we go blast our senses with hip hop music." "Classical rock." "Whatever! To my ears, there is no difference. Now, shall we get on with my session?" "Actually Declan, that was our session, I decided to give you a break today." "Then why have me come all the way up here? You could have called, I do not like having my time wasted." Declan remarked, displeased. "I needed you here to invite you to the launch party."


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"You could have phoned, emailed or texted me." "You hate all three. Besides, I would have missed the pleasure of your company, but more importantly, you." This time it was Hope's turn to leave Declan speechless. The pleasure of him. Those words kept playing over and over in his mind from the moment he left Hope's office, too stunned to even reply with anything more than a shocked half smile. Those four words had the impact of a freight train hitting a steel wall head on, in regard of its many meanings and implications. Declan tried to push them out of his mind as he busied himself preparing himself for tonight. As Declan stood in his full length mirror, making one last check too see if everything was in place, perfectly flawless, an unexpected, strange fear crept through him, wrapping around his bones, seizing his heart and breath. "What in the hell are you doing?" a voice inside him screamed. "This is no night out with the hot and sexy doc, this was a trick of some sort. The doc is going to use her underlying sex appeal to weaken your defenses bringing you all the closer to your secret, to you're undoing. You must stop at once!" the voice was demanding now, harsh and unrelenting. Declan almost caved and marched straight into Sebastian's room to give him the tickets. The doc would not mind in the least, Sebastian was more her type anyway. His little bro could use a good night with a beautiful, desirable woman on his arm. Yes, boost his confidence, give him the strength to grow some balls again and remember what they were used for! Yes, that is it, but as he slipped the tickets out of the top pocket of his grey one button dress jacket to hand them over to Sebastian a sudden wave of guilt washed over him. Hope had asked him specially to escort her to the cd launch and for everything she had done for Sebastian and himself,

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he just did not have the heart to bail on her. Bailing on his date was just not the Declan St.Clair way. That, usually happened afterwards! Declan took a deep cleansing breath, squared his shoulders, and silenced his inner voice.

Self confidence had not been a problem for Hope in all the years she had been a vampire, nor did she harbor any doubt about something she was so sure of. However, tonight would be the exception. The butterflies that were doing somersaults around in her insides threatened to take her breath and shake her from the inside out. Hope forced herself to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. "Come on Serenity! Calm down, you should know how to handle this, you are a psychiatrist for God's sake! Pull it together! This, after all was just an outing with a patient," she scolded to herself. "But this is no ordinary patient." She whispered to her reflection in the mirror. Hope knew that deep down she had never been so desperate to help a patient recover as she had with Declan and Sebastian. The desperation she felt was not like any she had felt for any patient in the past. Yes, she cared about each and every one of her patients and often went above and beyond the call of duty to help them. However, never in her entire career, her life, did she has this throbbing, painful need to break through Declan and Sebastian's walls. It was all too confusing, and too consuming for her. The need to so desperately save Sebastian was no mystery. That desperation was born out of the deep, passionate love she felt for him, from the very first time she saw his bruised and broken body on the street so many years ago. Declan, on the other hand, was indeed a mystery.


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Hope had no other attachment to the suave, daring and brazen being other than the standard doctor/patient relationship. All she should care about was to help him work through those barriers so he could take the clear, uncluttered path to true recovery. Stop hiding behind the bottle, the string of one night stands and cool, detached demeanor and show himself and the world what he really is. No, she had no idea why she so deeply cared for this man who did nothing but irritate her senses, when he was not trying to seduce her. The only connection she should be feeling for Declan St. Clair beyond the patient/doctor relationship was the fondness for the elder brother of the great love of her life. Hope took one last look in the full length mirror, silenced the noise buzzing in her head and walked down the stairs to greet Declan. Declan sat back in his chair, relaxed, enjoying the view from across the table as he sipped his merlot and trying to swallow the thirst for blood that had begun to creep into the neither regions of his brain. To avoid such a most inconvenient hunger, Declan indulged in a little appetizer from the carmel skinned beauty that served as their waitress when he excused himself to go to the restroom. This, much to his dismay, went nowhere in curbing that thirst. It faded away the moment he sat back down across from Hope. Hope. It was amazing what happened the moment Hope Serenity stepped out of her office and into the warm glow of the lights of the Oasis restaurant, a Middle-Eastern mainstay in the heart of Manhattan. If it was even possible, her features grew more elegant. The golden violet in her eyes were richer, softer, filled with light.

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Her thick ebony hair flowed around her like a halo, making her skin appear even more creamy and translucent. Declan stared at her mouth, the color of blood, as she spoke good-naturedly with him and sipped her wine. When their meal came, Declan barely noticed it as Hope did one simple thing that threatened his undoing. After the waitress placed Hope's plate in front of her, Hope reached up and lifted her hair from her shoulders, revealing her velvety white neck. Transfixed, Declan could not take his eyes away from the curve of her neck, her soft blue veins pulsating with rich amber liquid. Declan's canine teeth painfully elongated as he tried desperately to fight the bloodlust and force them back up. This in itself was a new feeling for him. Declan had never ignored his bloodlust; he had always been proud to be an immortal creature of the night who had to feed on blood not only to keep his supernatural powers, but to keep himself strong and alive. Hope was the first person that he had restrained his bloodlust for. Then again, Hope was the first human that he ever cared for since Lucy. Shaking his head free of the memory of the sweet, kind, desirable woman who he was forced to leave so long ago, Declan took a generous drink of his merlot, desperately attempting to sedate the gnawing hunger and flashed Hope his trademark sparkling seductive smile. He prayed that she did not notice the pain in his eyes, and the small drop of blood dribbling down the side of his mouth, the result of biting down on the inside of his cheeks with his fangs.


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The strong guitar riffs that bellowed from Elements nightclub was in stark contrast to the peaceful, serene atmosphere of Oasis, vibrated in Declan's ear drums, causing him to clench his teeth . Declan looked down at his stunning date smiled, taking her hand to lead her over the threshold. He felt Hope squeezing his hand and gently pulling him aside, onto the wrap around veranda, into the silence. Declan felt relief as his sharp, sensitive hearing relaxed and rested from their brutal assault. Hope pulled him to her, closing the small gap between him. She grasped his hand and placed it on her heart, looking up at him with such worry and concern that he felt his heart stop. "Declan, are you okay? Please, do not be afraid to tell me the truth." Her voice was so soft, musical and light as she pleaded with him that he almost broke down then and there, but the voice inside his head came back with a vengeance and screamed at him. "No! No, you must not bend! You must not give in, I told you she will be your undoing! Run!" Declan held his ground and ignored the voice once again. "I am fine, Hope. What makes you think there is something the matter with me? Haven't I been my usual, suave, forever charming, handsome self?" he teased, hoping that the lightness of his tone did not sound forced. No such luck, Hope seemed to know him like a book. "Of course, Declan, you are always suave, charming, elegant and so handsome. No, handsome is such a poor word to describe you, so inadequate. Beautiful is more like it." 'Just like Sebastian', she wanted to interject. Both brothers were so beautiful that it made her heart ache and left her breathless. In fact, from the moment she had laid her eyes on Sebastian in that street so long ago, she had yet to regain her breath. "But, there is something more going on with you tonight. I may not have known you for long, but I can sense something is not quite

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right with you, despite your attempt of light hearted reassurance. Please, Declan, tell me, tell me the truth!" The desperation in her pleading tore at Declan's insides, attempting to break down his defenses, yet again. They stood there, motionless, as the world around them disappeared. Hope's golden eyes locked with his own and Declan struggled to get his mouth to form the words to a lie, but no sound came. Helpless, Declan did the only thing he thought to do, he leaned in and drew her lips to his, crushing them in a fiery kiss. Hope was so stunned, her brain went blank as she stood frozen on the spot as Declan passionately kissed her. Hope's brain screamed that this was not right, that those were the wrong lips kissing her, and more importantly this was highly unethical. If her body soon did not come to its senses and pull away from him, she could be in real danger of losing her license, her reputation. However, while her mind protested and rallied her body to cooperate, instead giving into the firework of sensations that were surging through to her very core. Without thinking, Hope gave into her primal instincts, melting into him, kissing him back. As Declan circled his arms around Hope, drawing her even closer to him, a new feeling rose to the surface. Desire. Real, unyielding, desire. Desire that made Declan realize that what he thought he felt for those countless women that he bedded over the centuries, was not desire, or even lust, at least, not lust for flesh, but for blood. The only thing he desired in those women was their blood, never their bodies, sex was just a way to obtain the essence he wanted, needed, so badly.


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It was the bloodlust his body was reacting to, not normal lust filled desire a man is supposed to feel for a woman that he is attracted to. Hope's scent overpowered him, but for once, it was not her blood, his fangs did not drop and no gnawing hunger rose. Declan never felt this way before and it scared him. Hope was the first to break away, snapping him from his dream. Hope's expression was unreadable, her mind a flurry of incomprehensible thoughts and feelings. Even her golden eyes were empty of emotion. "Hope, I am so sorry! I did not meanI do not know what I was thinking!" Declan cried. "Yes, Declan, you did. You kissed me to stop yourself from telling me the truth, at least that is what it started out to be. I do not fully understand what just happened between us Declan, but until we both do, please do not do that again. Instead I need you to start telling me the truth, what really is going on in here." Declan gave her a weak smile, kissed each fingertip and led her away from the noise.

Nigel Jones held onto the phone receiver so tightly that he thought his fingers might break. Rage boiled inside of him, churning at his stomach acids making the blood he just consumed threatening to make a reappearance. This rage flowed through him, boiling his blood and making his canine teeth slide down into his mouth, biting into his tongue. "You told me once I found what you wanted you would let her go!" Nigel hissed, his voice barely maintaining its constraint. The smug, elegant pompous English accent on the other end never once wavered, grating on Nigel's nerves. "No, I told you, my dear Nigel, that once you bring me what I need and I have done what I need to do, then, I will give you your wife back." Nigel let out a long, frustrated hiss, his fangs thirsty for revenge and blood. He was tempted to rebel and not give the son of a bitch the one thing he wanted to badly but when he heard his wife's agonizing cries in the background, he relented. "All right, you win. When and where do I deliver your package?" "Good, smart man, your wife just may live to see another day. Meet me at St. Clements cemetery at the witching hour, I will be at the gate." "See you then." Nigel agreed, dejected. "Wonderful! Nigel?" "Yes?" "Do not be late or empty handed, because if you do defy me, I will make sure that your wife dies a slow, torturous death before your very eyes!" the voice torturously tormented.


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Nigel let the receiver drop onto the cradle, swallowing back the bile that burned in his throat. Exhausted, Nigel dropped into his leather back wing chair behind his desk and buried his head in his hands, defeated. "Nigel, are you okay? It is awfully late for you to be here." The soft, girlish voice dragged him from his private despair. Nigel looked up and stared at the voice at the threshold and smiled. "Yes, I am well thank you. I just had to stay late to catch up on some paperwork, you finished your shift?" " I am." "If you do not have any immediate plans, could you stay behind for a few minutes, I would like to speak to you." "Of course, Nigel, what is it that you need?" Nigel's hazel eyes darkened and a cool sneer crossed his face. Keeping his voice warm and casual Nigel invited the girl in. "Please, close the door and do sit down." Meanwhile the kidnapper turned slowly around a smug, triumphant sneer lazily graced his lips as he stared at his bargaining chip. "You better pray that your husband pulls through, sweet thing. Because, if he does not, when I am through with you, you will not be so sweet." Pressing his hard muscled body against hers, he stroked her velvet alabaster cheek and enjoyed watching as she struggled to get free by kicking her cherry pink stiletto heels and her lush neon pink hair flew around her as she desperately tried to free her head from her custom made head restraints.

"I miss you when you are not with me." Sebastian whispered the moment Hope sat down next to him on his bed. Sebastian had not been feeding on any source of blood since his release and without the blood wine, he was rapidly becoming weak and frail. Too weak to even get to her home office, Hope agreed to have his session in his bedroom. "I know Sebastian, I miss you too, but you know I have to help your brother as well." "You know my memories are returning and I remember you and me and how we felt about each other then." Hope's heart soared at the wonderful news that Sebastian remembered that they were once very much in love. Now, Hope prayed that once his mind was free and clear that he would be still in love with her as she was with him. "Does that mean you remember how we met?" "Yes, you found me very badly beaten and near death. You brought me back to your estate and nursed me back to health, Lady Hope Serenity." Sebastian proudly remarked, a shy smile tugging at his lips. The sound of her former title brought her as much joy as Sebastian recalling their past. "Perfect. Now do you remember when that was?" "Of course. It was at the turn of the century, and before you ask, yes, I know that you are a vampire like me." This is one of the many reasons why she loved Sebastian. He was so forthcoming and honest.


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This will go far in the quality of his recovery, unlike Declan who did everything in his power to hide. "May I ask, when did you remember about us, about me being a vampire?" Sebastian's shoulders slumped as he slid further down onto his duvet, but managed to keep his head up, so he would not break eye contact. "I found out you were a vampire like me when I so viciously attacked you the first night of my withdrawal." Sebastian's expression turned somber, his elegant features etched with immense sorrow and regret. "I will never be able to forgive myself for what I did to you that night. I almost killed the very person who was the first to show so much compassion to a useless drug addict." He uttered with barely contained self contempt. Sorrow flooded Hope's eyes and tears threatened to erupt. She grasped Sebastian's hands in her own and drew them to her heart. "Oh no, no, Sebastian! Please do not talk that way. You do not have to apologize or even feel so much pain for what happened between us that night. You were not yourself, that was just, though albeit, an adverse reaction to the blood wine leaving your body." Hope eagerly assured him. "Sebastian, you seem to forget the simple, natural fact that you are a vampire and being a vampire requires us to feed on blood, particularly, human blood in order for us to survive. All you need is to learn moderation, learning to take only what you need, leaving the human unharmed.This is a skill I am going to re-teach you as I know you already learned this skill from your creator." "Yes, but what I did was unforgivable!" Sebastian cried as he hung his head with overwhelming shame.

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Hope gently tilted Sebastian's chin towards her so he could not look away. "Step one of this recovery is for you to accept the things you cannot change and then, forgive yourself. Because Sebastian, I love you and have long since forgiven you for what you have done. So, please, will you do this for yourself?" "I will try." "Good, and I will be right here by your side supporting you, helping you. With that being said, you need to get physically well in order to become mentally well, to achieve that, you will have to drink this first." Sebastian's eyes opened wide as he watched Hope open her wrist with one clean cut with her own fangs and brought it to his lips. The scent was so exotic and fragrant that it instantly filled the room and overwhelmed his senses. Intense blood thirst raced to the surface, awakening his long suppressed hunger, gnawing at him once again. Instinctively, he parted his lips and let her blood flow onto his tongue, slide deliciously down his throat, soothing it, coating his insides and quenching his thirst. The more Sebastian took in, the more he savored every warm, rich drop. Bliss flooded his brain, as the blood surged his power and reawakened his sharp senses. Hope's own blissful murmurs seeped into his ears and before long the blood did not flow fast enough to satisfy. Sebastian desperately needed more. More life filling his veins, renewing him after so long depriving himself. He pulled his mouth from her wrist, and with his canine teeth fully elongated, glistening crimson, he pushed Hope down on his bed and onto her back. Her glorious raven mane instantly fell away from her, leaving her velvety neck exposed.


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Sebastian was mesmerized by the blue veins fat with sumptuous life giving elixir. Hope this time did not fight back, did nothing to restrain or stop him. Instead, she laid still and smiled up at him as love radiated through her golden eyes, heart and soul. Suddenly, those eyes clouded with lust as she ran her pink velvet tongue over her own canine teeth. "Go ahead, Sebastian," she whispered. "Feed. Prove to me just how much you missed me. Then, I do the same for you!" Needing no further encouragement, Sebastian crushed Hope's lips to his, capturing them in a burning kiss before he pulled away. He continued to kiss and lick the curve of her neck before plunging his teeth into the soft, sensitive flesh, drawing her blood into him. Wave after wave of titillating ecstasy more powerful than the any drug surged through and overwhelmed him. Sebastian found himself dangerously close to losing control when, he found his mouth being pulled away from Hope's jugular vein and onto his back. Hope gave him a slow, seductive smile as she brought his blood soaked mouth to her lips, teasing. "Before I leave you breathless, Mr. St. Clair, I need you to lick your lips clean." "Now why would I do that?" "You will do that, because it is not proper for a vampire to taste her own vintage." Obediently, Sebastian licked his lips clean before Hope devoured his lips with hers in a burning kiss. Breathless, Hope lifted her swollen, bruised lips from his, leaned down and licked, nipped and kissed the sensitive flesh of his neck, before piercing his skin with her fangs.

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A sensuous guttural growl escaped from between his lips as Hope drew the precious blood from him. Hope's conscience screamed at her to stop this reckless, highly unethical, morally wrong behavior. Her body refused to listen as she reached out and slipped Sebastian's olive cashmere sweater over his head and the same time he was slipping her blouse over her shoulders and onto the floor. Their lips met in another smoldering kiss as they melted into each other, flesh upon flesh. Hope caressed Sebastian's flat muscled body with such arousing reverence that he thought he melt away right then and there. In turn, as Sebastian stroked her supple alabaster skin, pausing briefly on her breasts, as a wave of pure pleasure flowed through her like the blood she had just taken from him. The electrifying sensations assaulting her body, mind and senses quickly overcame her, leaving her breathless. It was all too much, it had been too long since they had touched each other this way, a hundred years without feeling each other's touches, kisses and caresses was an eternity. Hope did not want to let Sebastian go, all she wanted, all she yearned for was to make love with him, all through the night, forever. However, just as Hope allowed herself to become lost in Sebastian, her conscience began screaming at her again. Hope tried again to ignore it, push it away because her body, heart and soul wanted him so desperately, that she physically ached. Their clothes had fallen away, and Hope found herself being swept into Sebastian's arms, her legs wrapped around his waist as he lifted her off the bed and against the wall. Hope closed her eyes, and crushed Sebastian's lips to hers, hungry for more. The screaming continued.


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Again, Hope was poised to push it aside once again, when at that very moment, Sebastian opened his eyes the same time she opened hers and froze. Those beautiful, oak green eyes looked at her, so filled with love, adoration, longing, trust and innocence made her stop. "Please Sebastian, we have to stop!"she breathlessly exclaimed. A sudden look of worry and concern replaced the passionate lust in his eyes. "What is the matter, Hope? Did I hurt you?" Hope's heart melted as Sebastian's perfectly sculpted petal soft lips frowned, his olive eyes already filled with regret and self-loathing. "No, Sebastian, I am not hurt, so please do not go there and blame yourself! You did not hurt me, only the exact opposite. It has been so long since your hands caressed my skin, your body melting into my own that I am feeling indescribable rapture. I never want to stop, but" Confusion overwhelmed him as he let go of Hope, placing her on the bed next to him. "I am confused. If you are feeling like I am, then why would you ever want us to stop? I sure do not want to!" The hurt in his eyes was almost too much for Hope to bare. Wrapping her arms around him, Hope pulled him to her, and cradled his head on her lap, caressing his golden hair. "Trust me, Sebastian, like I said, I do not want to stop. I missed you for way too long, so long that I have been aching for you since the day you were forced to leave me. However, at this current moment in time for us to resume our intimate relationship is wrong, very wrong. It is immoral and unethical, as your doctor to even touch your lips to mine, let alone, this! You are still vulnerable and I am taking advantage of you!" Sebastian bolted upright so quickly that Hope nearly fell back on his bed.

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"You are not taking advantage of me! I am not vulnerable! I am the one who initiated this remember? I am a more than willing partner who loves you dearly. Like I know you love me, and we have waited so long for this, we deserve to be together again and I am not going to let some false sense of ethics get in our way!" His smoldering green eyes glowed with fury as he struggled to understand why he could not be with her. When Sebastian saw the look of anguish in Hope's face, he immediately softened his tone. "I am sorry Hope, I am not angry with you, just this situation. I will never be able to understand why you are telling me that this is wrong." "It is wrong right now because I am treating you for a paralyzing addiction and any kind of relationship beyond doctor/patient will have serious consequences. I love you too much to risk that." Hope somberly stood up and slipped into her blouse and skirt and turned to leave, when she felt a tug on her arm, falling into Sebastian's lap. He locked eyes with hers, daring her to turn away. "I need you to listen to me now, Hope. If you think that I am going to let you get away that easily, you underestimate me. Do you know how rare it is to find someone you love so completely that it consumes you, giving you the strength to do anything to protect them even at the cost of your own life? I feel that way about you Hope, I love you like that, you consume me and I will die for you, without hesitation. I had spent decades in the years before and then after, I met you. " " During those times without you, especially in my earlier years as a predator, I could have had any woman I wanted, and did. Declan was not the only one with the playboy attitude, he is just the only one who still pretends that he is one. When the ache for human blood struck, I went hunting, not in the traditional sense where I would


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stalk my prey and then pounce unexpectedly, I did my hunting at parties, social events and clubs." Sebastian paused, his face etched with self disgust. " I will zero in on the woman with the richest blood, charm her, take her home to use for my own primal needs of sex and blood, then tossed her aside when she was used up. I was not all that different from Declan, in fact, for the first years of our vampirism, we spent every waking moment together living the high life, often sharing the same women. Then you came along and changed everything. It sounds like a cheesy cliche, but the moment I woke up from that attack and saw your angelic face, I had already fallen in love with you. There has not been anyone I felt this way for, nor never will there be again. When I was forced to leave you, I was so filled with anguish and rage that it not take me long to give in to the dark side of myself and return to my savage ways. At least until" Sebastian stopped looking as though he was regretting for saying too much. "Tell me Sebastian, finish your thought."Hope encouraged, feeling as though they were at the cusp of a breakthrough. Sebastian shook his head refusing to go any further, but Hope was not going to let this go, this turning point, so quickly. "Please Sebastian do not be like your brother! Do not hide from me please, at least trust me enough to tell me the truth." "No, I am sorry, not yet. It is just too painful." Defeated with yet another dead end with a St. Clair, Hope sat down and held Sebastian again. "I understand that you are not ready right now to tell me what happened that would be such a nightmare that you felt you had no other alternative but to turn to blood wine. But, Sebastian, you will have to find the strength inside yourself to tell me one day or you will never fully recover and stop this cycle." "What happens if I never tell you?"

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"Then we will never be able to tackle the core of your addiction, the reason for taking blood wine in the first place. It is this core and dealing with it is what leads to a full recovery, a life free of blood wine and the control it has on your life." "I probably only know the consequences of this question, but tell me anyway. If I do not recover what happens to us?" "Honestly Sebastian, if you cannot deal with this demon on your shoulder and banish him for good, we can never be together again. Unless I discharge you and refer you to another psychiatrist." Sebastian's face filled with hope. "Okay, let's do that then!" "It is not that simple Sebastian." "Why the hell not?" "It is not that simple because even assuming by some miracle, due to the critical shortage of mental health professionals, you do get another therapist right away, do you seriously want a stranger to find our your secret? Do you want a human knowing that he has a vampire sitting across from him or her?" "No, so what do I do?" "Stay with me, hold out for another two months when the judge reviews your case again, make every effort to tell me the truth. If you tell me the root of all of this, I promise you she will give you a favorable review and release you. Then, you and I can be free since I will be no longer your doctor and finally have you back as you were, body, mind and soul."

Hope yearned for a happy face. It seemed that the whole world wore a mask of gloom and doom and she was slowly going insane because of it. It also did not help matters that today, she is sitting across from a trio of the most somber, grimace creased faces of her entire career. Seriously, the team of the medical ethics committee could used a heavy doze of happy pills or at least a case of mind altering uppers. However, she should not complain, after all she was the one to report herself to the committee because she was so filled with guilt. "Doctor Serenity, my fellow colleagues and I have discussed your problem at length and have come to decision on how to further proceed." May West's stern features frowned at Hope, deepening her wrinkles and making her look even more like the witch she was. "We have been in contact with Judge Witherspoon and while she is not pleased about your indiscretion with your patient, Mr. Sebastian St.Clair, she has decided to let this, your first, and hopes only indiscretion, slide" "It is your sterling reputation and the tremendous, crucial service that you provide to those with mental illnesses and addictions that she has recommended that no charges be placed against you. However, it is still up to this committee to decide." Doctor West scarcely looked up at Hope as she read from her notes. "We also spoke to Mr. St. Clair and he explained that the two of you have a long intimate history together, even stated that the two of you were even engaged at one time before the two of you suddenly parted ways. He also admitted that it was him that initiated the incident and he will take full responsibility. Although we feel that you


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should have notified Judge Witherspoon and the ethics committee the moment you found out that your new patient and you had a previous intimate relationship, so we could have reassigned an alternate therapist for Mr. St.Clair." Doctor West folded her hands together, barely hiding her disgust. "Also, Doctor Serenity, that despite what Mr. St.Clair has stated about his initial initiation of the incident, you are more liable because you have violated the doctor/patient trust." Hope pulled back just a little when he head of the committee peered sternly over her half moon glasses. " There are very valid reasons why we have such strict rules about doctors getting involved with their patients during treatment and while they are in the doctor's care. Mr. St. Clair has a very serious life threatening addiction that leaves him vulnerable and not of a proper state of mind, despite your past relationship." "Now, with that being said, you are clear of any wrong doing, no further action will be required and you may continue with your practice and treatment of both St. Clair brothers." Doctor West paused briefly, to draw in a breath before concluding. " With that being said Doctor Serenity, if an incident such as this should arise between you and a patient you are treating, particularly Sebastian St. Clair, this committee will reprimand you and put you before the medical board with the possibility of having your license suspended or even revoked, no matter how sterling your reputation or how critical your services are, understood?" This time when Doctor West looked up from her notes, her steel grey eyes burned with such barely constrained contempt that it unnerved Hope. "Yes,madam, understood, thank you." She responded with a cracked whisper. Faith was super excited to be going with Nigel to this unknown, mysterious place.

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A little dangerous yes, but Faith thrived on danger, a little danger is good for the soul. Besides, Nigel was the one who promised to finally give Faith what she always wanted, what Hope always stubbornly refused to give her. First Nigel saved her life, and now he was going to give her the gift of immortality. "So Nigel, where did you say we were going to meet this friend? The one who has agreed to change me?" Nigel gave Faith a warm, cheerful smile, relieved that she was not even bothered by the time that they were going to meet this 'friend'. "We are going to meet at a cemetery. I hope that does not bother you, but my friend is rather, ah, shall we say eccentric, and likes to live where the shadows are most plentiful." "No, I am just so grateful that I am finally going to be leaving this painful, miserable world behind in favor for something so much better. A new life of no more pain, sorrow and torture." "Then, take a deep breath, Faith, once we go through those gates up ahead, your life will change forever!" The hours stretched into days, and days into years as time crept painfully by without her. Sebastian had been scarcely breathing since the moment Hope walked out his bedroom door, cutting off all intimate contact with him. She was not even allowed to come to his house anymore, instead, he had to pull himself away from the cocoon that was his bedroom and attend sessions at her home office. The ethics committee must have done a number on her, because two days after their close encounter, Hope had done a complete change. The air about her went from greeting him with a loving smile, a cheerful hello and a kiss on his lips, her eyes filled with love as she


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spoke softly to him; to a curt, formal hello and barely touching him as she sat ramrod straight in her chair. Sebastian used to enjoy the way that she always wore her hair down, falling around her shoulders in waves of light. He enjoyed her long flowing dresses, conservative but pretty and stylish skirts and pantsuits with breezy designs that she began to wear not long after he remembered who she was. Now when she was with him, she wore her hair in a severe upsweep, and bland, dreary colored blouses and pants that she wore from their first sessions. Hope no longer spoke in soft, lazy, carefree tones, the voice of a woman who loved him. Her eyes were cold and distant, her expression steady and unreadable. She may have been continuing the status quo of her original treatment, but did so in a professional, unfeeling way. It caused him great pain whenever he was not with her. Just as it did when he was with her and so close, but since he could not touch her, she might as well be a thousand miles away. Sebastian only had himself to blame. His bloodlust always led to disaster with someone always getting hurt. So, Sebastian once again swore off blood and when the cravings quickly came back with a vengeance, he returned to an old friend to sedate his hunger. Hope had her head down finishing up that day's notes when, suddenly, the clink of four dozen vials being poured all over her desk made her look up. "That, Doctor Serenity, is every last drop of blood wine that Sebastian has been hiding all over the house and on his person. Now that my duty is done, do what you will and I wish you a good night!"

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"Not so quick, Mr. St.Clair! Where do you think you are going? You cannot just dump your brother's confiscated drug all over my desk and casually walk out without an explanation." Hope stated curtly. "I would love to stay and chat in my off hours Doctor, especially with one so enchanting and lovely, but, alas, I have a date and I do not want to keep her waiting! So if you wish to speak with me, you will have to be the one to make an appointment!" Declan bragged as he turned to leave. Hope cringed and bit her tongue at Declan's continuing overcompensation for his own true problem, the deep dark secret that he kept buried inside him, covering it up behind a cloak of booze and numerous one night stands with random women. A secret she knew about based on instinct and years of experience, but did not press because she did not want to ruin the progress that she and Declan had made so far. "Wonderful Mr. St.Clair! So whom do I contact for this appointment? Do you have an assistant I can call or can I just show up wearing close to nothing at one of the many seedy bars you often frequent?" Hope knew it was not professional to be so snide, so personal with a patient, but she felt she had no choice, she did not want him to go until she had her answers. Declan stopped, took a deep breath, and flashed Hope his trademark 250 watt smile and sat seductively on her desk, trailing a soft line up her bare arm, shoulder and neck where he stopped, drawing light circles. "Etching out a spot to sink your fangs into, Mr. St. Clair?" Hope teased, but once she realized what she said, revealing her knowledge of his nature, she blushed and back petalled, hoping to cover her tracks. "Metaphorically speaking, of course!"


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Declan smiled again, giving no indication of her slip of the tongue, instead flashing her his gleaming white teeth. "No, but if you want me to have a bite" "Mr. St. Clair, I thought you had a previous engagement?" Hope teased. "Well, I forgot all about that the moment you mentioned you being naked! Again, stop calling me Mr. St. Clair, keep calling me Declan like you always do. It annoys me." "I did not say I was going to be naked, Dec-lan, I said that should I show up." "Wearing next to nothing. I know, I get it, I get it! Nonetheless, if you wore something other than the same boring old lady prude dress suits it would arouse me to no end. Like tonight for instance, this is the most skin I seen you expose and it begs the question, how good do you really look underneath all that suffocating clothing?" he seductively inquired. "Really, the first time? Are you forgetting the saucy little number I wore the night you took me out to dinner?" Before things got really weird between us, she kept from saying. Declan's eyes clouded over and his voice became husky. "Ah yes, how could I be so foolish to forget that number? The tight little one shoulder black dress that barely skimmed your thigh, and those sexy six inch stiletto heels" "Here, wipe the drool off the corner of your mouth! It is not dignified." Hope teased as she threw a crisp white handkerchief at him. Then, it was Hope's turn to get seductive, just to see how far she could push him. Leaning forward just enough to expose her cleavage, Hope traced a line up and down Declan's arm with her pencil. "Now Declan, you really want to know what I look like?" "Of course." "Very well, if you sure you can handle it"

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"I can handle anything you can throw at me, trust me!" "Are you sure?" "I am sure! Please, do not keep me waiting any longer!" he practically pleaded. "I will, as long as you understand that this will not lead to anything physical, I am risking my licence as it is." "That is just fine, I am positive that just the sight of you will keep me in erotic dreams for weeks!" Declan lustfully exclaimed, flashing Hope a wolfish grin. "Very well, Declan." Hope breathed, thankful that her office was located in her home and not in an office building near prying, misunderstanding, eyes. Hope stood up and her fingers went to her blouse, unbuttoning it all the way, letting it fall open just enough for him to see the swell of her naked breast. The drool was already forming on his lips again. No doubt his body's trained reaction. She then let her fingers slide slowly down her skirt and unzipped it until the material fell to the floor in a puddle at her feet, exposing her creamy thighs and black lace panties. Declan's expression was neutral, also another trained reaction; but Hope could hear his heartbeat quicken, his blood race. Finally, as the last piece de resistance gesture, the one she knew from experience, that was every heterosexual male's favorite, the one that always sent them over the edge; she reached up and unclipped the clip that held her thick, ebony hair, shaking it free and letting it fall all the way down it's natural length, grazing her silky firm, backend. Then, like a flash of light, before Hope could take another breath, Declan was stealing it away with a deep, burning kiss. His hands roamed her body before he lifted her high in the air as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.


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All of Hope's pent up lustful desires since that fateful night she was forced to tear herself away from Sebastian, came flooding to the surface with those kisses and caresses which were now so masterfully executed that the ethical professional relationship she was supposed to be having with Declan vanished. She melted into him and frantically reached for his leather jacket, pushing it off him, then his cashmere sweater over his head, her fingers finally finding hard, smooth muscle and the rippling of his washboard abs. Through his designer jeans, Hope already felt the swell of his throbbing arousal and ached to feel it inside of her; her own sex dripping with anticipation. However, when Declan, somehow removed that designer denim and pushed Hope onto her desk, knocking everything on it to the floor; he opened his eyes, looked directly into hers and suddenly, stopped. "I, I, can't. I can't do this! Not nowoh god" Emptiness flooded her entire being as Declan gently let her go, got dressed and before leaving, wrapped her in his arms in a tight embrace and whispered in her ear. "I am so sorry Hope, please understand, it is not you, you are the most beautiful, most stunning, breathtaking woman I have ever met. But there is something wrong with me. I just don't know what it is. We should be wrapped up in each other right now and I should be bringing you to the edge and back over and over again, like you deserve to! I cannot right now, there is something wrong!"he uncharacteristically wailed. "Then stay and we can figure it out, together! Stay and I can help you stop this torment, this torture that has been going on too long!Please, let me help you!"she pleaded, surprised at the desperation in her tone.

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"No, because if I stay, there will be no going back and I am not ready to give myself up yet." These were the last words he murmured before giving Hope one last blazing kiss and swiftly going out the door. She felt unfulfilled physically, but otherwise very elated that she was on the verge of a breakthrough.

"I thought this is what you wanted, Faith. You always were very adamant about becoming one of us." Nigel tormented as he caressed Faith's tear stained cheek. A smile, slow and sly as a panther caressed his lips as he let his fingers seductively trace an outline all over Faith's naked body. Faith struggled against her restraints as she lay spread eagle on a cold concrete slab that served as a sacrificial altar. She wanted to scream, to curse at Nigel for deceiving her so cruelly. Playing on her desires to become a vampire so she could live for an eternity taking back the years that were so violently stolen from her, but her voice muffled behind her vervain soaked gag, also preventing her from screaming in pain as the oil, painful to vampires, burned her skin. "Do you want to speak? To say something to the one who delivered you to your long awaited immorality? Very well, then speak." Sighing with relief as the gag was lifted from her mouth, Faith used this respite to rage at her former friend. "I did not want this, Nigel! This is pure hell, I am in agony! I wanted immortality, a life free of pain, not to become some sick bastard's sacrifice in some fucking ritual!" Nigel's eyes darkened but his expression remained calm, unaffected. "Oh Faith, you are so shortsighted, when all of this is over, you will have your immorality and something much more precious of purpose. You will be cornerstone of creating something magnificent, an all knowing, powerful higher power, a beacon to all vampirism and to mankind!" Nigel boasted reverently. "How could you revere the very man that has captured and has been torturing your wife so unmercifully? I thought you deplored


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him, hated him with such a passion that you were ready to tear his throat out over the phone? Nigel, what has changed?" "I have my own reasons why I changed my view of him, reasons I will not divulge at this moment. Now, I think that was enough talk for one day, be a good girl and swallow. I am putting your gag back on, because it is time to rest and you have a big day tomorrow!" Nigel kissed and caressed her all over before taking out his dagger, plunging it into her side and leaving her alone, in the dark and screaming. How Declan finally revealed one of his dark secrets to Hope was somewhat different compared to how Sebastian revealed his. Sebastian unwittingly revealed that he was a vampire when he attacked her, forcing her to reveal hers, they both were vampires. While Sebastian's reveal was not intended, a result of a very painful side effect from his blood wine withdrawal, Declan's not quite so accidental. In fact, it was a planned, no holds barred, reveal that Declan reviled in. "What would you say if I told you that I am finally willing to tell you something? That I am going to take one of my secrets out of hiding?" Declan whispered in her ear, as they sat on her couch, watching a movie. After that night outside of Elements, Hope abandoned her semitraditional style of therapy for Declan and opted for a more casual approach. It seemed to be working, because without knowing it, with every relaxed, free flowing activity they did, Declan revealed a little more about himself. They were finally making headway. She and Declan had began jogging together every morning at predawn, played tennis and squash, went swimming, cooked each other dinner, and watched movies together.

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Hope allowed herself to relax and be herself with Declan, something she was no longer allowed to do with Sebastian. It pulled at her heartstrings and made her ache to be professional, cold, and emotionless with him. This was very difficult to do, since she loved him so, and filled with so many emotions whenever he was near her. All she ever wanted to do as he sat across from her, looking at her with lost, bewildered eyes, was to drop this farce, wrap her arms around him and kiss all his hurt and pain away. However, she would have to keep it up until he was free and she could spend forever making it up to him. "I would say that all our hard work is finally paying off! Now, tell me what is your big secret, that is if you are still comfortable in telling me." A playful smile tugged at the corner of Declan's mouth. "I could not be more comfortable, Hope. Are you ready?" "Ready as I will ever be, Declan!" "Do you believe in the supernatural, Hope?" "The supernatural?" "Yes, like witches, wolves, ghosts and vampires?" Hope's heart skipped a beat, he was finally going to reveal himself to her, at least part one. "Though science has not proven their existence, I do believe in them. I figure how do we know they are not out there? There is a whole of things we still do not know! Why?" "What if I told you that you already know a vampire, personally?" "I do? Who?" Hope teased. Declan leaned in closer to Hope, pushing her onto her back on the sofa and straddling her. His familiar seductive, blazing smile crossed his smooth, stunning features as he leaned even closer to her.


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Declan did not know it, but Hope was all too familiar with the signs of fangs beginning to lengthen and protrude. His eyes darkened a hue, the skin tightened on his upper jaw and the blood in his veins churning, that all too familiar hunger consuming his core. Hope's heart slowed, her breathing became shallow and her blood raced with anticipation with what was about to happen. Once she and Declan were face to face, with their lips nearly touching, Hope felt her own canine teeth lengthen and fall. Hope watched as Declan's full, perfectly sculpted lips curved into a wide smile showing a mouth full of dazzling white teeth and two, sharp, pointed fangs that glistened more brilliantly than the rest. "Me!" Hope did not know why, but she started to laugh uncontrollably. She pushed herself back into an upright position. Declan's face turned somber as his jaw clenched tight, hurt. "You do not believe me." Hope grasped Declan's hand "Yes, Declan, I do believe you, very much so. I am very sorry to have laughed at you Declan, I am just very happy that you finally feel comfortable enough to show me that you are a vampire!" Declan's face relaxed, relieved. "That is a relief! I thought that you were laughing at me because you thought that I was joking with you! All I could think was how humiliating it was to open up and show you this part of me, something that took considerable effort on my part, only for you to mock me!" "I would never mock you Declan, you are now more than a patient to me, I consider you my friend. I do not mock anyone! Besides I am thrilled." "Thrilled because I finally revealed something dark about myself?"

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"Partly yes, but I am also thrilled to able to show you something that you did not know about me as well. My secret." Hope took Declan's long, slender fingers sliding them into her mouth. "Go ahead Declan, feel." Declan, out of bemused curiosity, slid his forefinger into her mouth, running his finger over smooth teeth until he came upon teeth that where slightly different from the rest. Two teeth that were a little long, pointed and very sharp. So sharp that it bit his finger, drawing blood. Suddenly, Hope's mouth closed in completely over the wound, and began suckling on the blood. He enjoyed the sensation very much and made no attempt to pull away. He had seen that look of satisfaction that came even after consuming a little blood. The realization hit him and found pleasure in knowing that his friend was just like him. "You are a vampire, too!" he gleefully declared. Hope opened her mouth wide so Declan could remove his finger and grinned. "Yes, I am a dark and mysterious creature of the night who lives in the shadows to await for her next prey!" Declan chuckled at the her description. "Creature of the night yes, but you do not lurk in the shadows, you walk around in the daylight, like any other human. How do you do that by the way?" "I wear a talisman like you and Sebastian." Hope responded, holding out her ring finger where a brilliant emerald framed in a heart, hand and crown set in a sparkling white gold ring. Declan held the ring up for a closer look, struck by its brilliance and beauty. "This is quite an extraordinary ring, Hope. Who gave it to you?"


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"The vampire who changed me. She had a witch friend of hers design, make it and place a spell upon it, just for me so I could go out in the sun. My talisman is called a Claddagh, or an Irish wedding band." "An Irish wedding band, eh? Then tell me, when all of this is over and we are discharged from your professional care, are you going to marry my brother?" The shock and surprise of the instantaneous question nearly made Hope choke. There was no way that Declan could have known about the relationship she had with his brother. He was not at home the one and only time she had come over for that disastrous session and he certainly was not present when they first met. "Come, by, me, again? What did you just say?" "Oh you heard me just fine. Now, answer the question." There was a sudden harshness in his tone that unnerved her. He was no longer in a playful mood, nor was he lounging against the cushions of the sofa. His arms now folded across his chest, sitting whip straight and staring at her, his clear, indigo eyes narrowed, accusing. There was no sense in lying, he would instantly pick up on her dishonesty. "I have no immediate plans to marry Sebastian, we are just getting to know each other all over again. Currently, however, not that it is any of your business, we have ceased our relationship until he is discharged. Now, you answer a question for me." "Go ahead, Doc, I have no secrets, anymore." Declan said snidely as he briefly flashed his gleaming fangs at Hope. "How in the hell do you know about me and Sebastian?" Declan smiled at Hope, this time his smile was potent with malice.

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"I know about you and my brother because I was there the first time you saw him. I saw you and your man servant take my bloody and bruised brother into your carriage and drive him away. I knew just by looking at you that you would fall instantly in love with Sebastian and he with you." Anger and annoyance began to stir in Hope's belly. "How could you possibly know that?" "You may call it brotherly instincts if you wish, but it was more like, ah, let's see, yes, a set up. You may not remember me, but you knew me before." Hope stared back at Declan her eyes wide, her words dying on her tongue. Declan held up his hand "That is all right, no matter. I know you do not remember me from back then, now, but you will, so I will not go into any detail. All you need to know is that I set the whole thing in motion." "How and why did you set our relationship in motion?" "Well, why, I will not going to divulge just yet, I am going to save that little tidbit for when the time is right. The how, well, let's just say that it was me that beat Sebastian to a bloody pulp and left him on the street for you to find." The news had left Hope reeling. How a perfectly pleasant evening that rewarded the both of them with a major boost in progress, could end up so horrible, she would never be able to figure out. She sat, with an old journal propped open on her lap, her head swimming with questions that she just could not answer. Hope just prayed that her journals would give her some answers. Declan confessed to brutalizing Sebastian and left him on the street for her to find. Hope was bewildered. What sort of plan did Declan set forth so she and Sebastian would meet and fall in love?


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These scenarios did not sound right to Hope. A plan like this was not plausible. How did Declan predict that by finding his brother, that she and Sebastian would fall in love? Why did he care? To answer those questions Hope had to start from the beginning. She had to find out how she knew Declan from before he arrived at her office for that first session and why she could not remember him. With his striking, otherworldly good looks and bigger than life personality, Declan St. Clair would be a hard man to forget. Hope scanned through each of her numerous journal entries for some clue to the Declan mystery. A date, a time or some mention of his name or even description that would help her remember how she already knew him. After reading for hours, Hope was about to give up when she came across the journal entry of the night she had met her husband Lord Brandon. The ballroom was elegantly decorated this evening for the Queen's 10th annual snow ball. White marble floors gleamed the white walls carved into arches embellished with gold, flowed into the golden columns that were holding up a marble ceiling. Intricately carved and inland with gold doorways faced with marble statues in niches along the walls. Upbeat instrumental music softly surrounded the vast space, and a variety of couples waltzed around the dance floor, while others stood in groups, drinking the forever flowing wine and champagne and gossiping about the latest scandal of the day. Bored, I went in search of my friend, my creator, Paulette. I feel eyes upon me as I glide my way through the crowd. I hear whispers as I pass by, murmured words that they think I cannot hear. "That dress is so spectacular! Look at the color! So red and vibrant!" "Like blood."

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"It flows behind her like waves of fire!" "And that hair! So full and lush, I have never seen hair that black or long!" "Did you see those eyes? Who do you know has such golden eyes?" I smile to myself as I scan the crowd searching for Paulette. I pick up my flowing skirts and walk out onto the terrace, hoping to find her there. "May I help you look for someone?" I am startled by a deep, languid voice grazing my ear. When I turn around to address the stranger, I am astounded by the deep hue of this strangers lapis lazuli eyes, the softness of his long nimble fingers as they held my hand bringing them up to his perfectly sculpted lips, kissing each fingertip. I fight back the crimson rising to my face as my mouth struggled to form some words. "Thank you, but no. I am sure she will show up, so I will just wait for her here." "Oh, that is a pity. A beautiful woman like you should never be all alone, especially where there is a large dance floor for her to be swept off her feet, in the cradle of strong, masterful arms." Suddenly, I felt bold and brazen. "Why dear handsome stranger, are you inviting me to dance?" I inquired, secretly hoping that he would. His dazzling smile lit up his whole face. "It would be my most treasured honor!" Bowing with a flourish he takes my hand in his and leads me out to the dance floor. He was not kidding about sweeping me off my feet in strong, masterful arms. Expertly, gracefully, he sweeps me effortlessly across the dance floor, holding me firm but gentle in flawless time to the music. I never felt so safe and so secure in a man's arms before.


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I cannot take my eyes off him, for he is the most remarkable creature that I ever saw. His skin was so fair that it was like the marble that we were gliding across. Skin that was so much like mine. I begin to wonder Smooth, pristine skin, clear, jewel like eyes, grace, movements that were so feather light and perfectly executed. These qualities would impress many, if not all women of this room, but to me those qualities mean so much more. To confirm my suspicions I lean in closer to him and take a deep breath. The scent, a combination of vanilla, cinnamon and freshly consumed blood. My dream dance partner is just like me. He is a vampire. Regretfully, when the dance was over, he let me go. "Thank you so kindly, it was a pleasure." Once again he bows and kisses each of my fingertips. "Now that you have swept me off my feet, may I ask you your name?" He surprises me by taking my hand and leading me out onto the terrace. The air is warm and fragrant and we were all alone, which I first found very strange considering that only moments before a large group was gathered here. The stranger never lets go of my hand as he, without warning, pulls me close to him and whispers in my ear. "I know it is not proper for a gentlemen to ask this of a lady he just met, but I need to ask you if I can kiss you."

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This request did not appall me because it was something that I found myself wanting as well. "Yes, you may kiss me, I would like that very much, but then, would you tell me your name?" The stranger did not answer me, only press his lips to mine in a burning kiss. I am breathless, my awareness of the world around me seems to vanish, to centre only on him. While those spicy lips are on mine, he is all I see and care about. When he pulled his lips from mine, he caresses my face, running his fingers though my hair and then presses his lips to my ear. "My name, sweet, beautiful Hope, is Declan St. Clair and after I am gone, you will forget all about me. Later tonight, when you find your friend, your creator, she will introduce you to your future husband. While your time with him will be brief, your love will be pure and deep. However, this brief love will prepare you for the love you are meant to spend an eternity with. An all encompassing love, your soul matea cliche yes, but true nonetheless." "I do not understand." "You will, I must go now, good-bye, sweet Hope, my beautiful vampire." "Wait, will I ever see you again?" "Yes, you will." Was the last thing he said to me before giving me a kiss and then, he was gone. Hope was compelled. Declan had compelled her to forget their ever meeting, but she did not know why. The memories of that night came flooding back with a vengeance. The sights, the sounds, the tastes of that night were very vivid, so vivid that she still felt that she was there.


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However, none of the memories of that night were as intense as the moment she met Declan; being in his arms, whispering in her ear, the elation of that kiss, and the strange empty feeling the moment he disappeared. Hope needed answers and she was going to get them now. She was tired of Declan St. Clair and his mind games.

Declan felt guilty for being so snide and abrupt with Hope, scaring her. However, the intention was necessary for two reasons: First, he had scared himself when he had been so playful and nonchalant as he revealed himself as a vampire. Although, she did not hesitate when she slid his finger into her mouth and let him discover her fangs. Second, he needed to fast track her memories of the night they first met. Declan needed her to remember that it was him that set up the sequence of events that led Hope to Sebastian. When Declan first saw Hope at the Queen's snow ball that fateful evening, he thought that his heart would stop. With her long, ebony hair falling down around her shoulders, shimmering like a halo; and the ruby red gown that she wore, exquisitely complimented her milky skin and ruby lips. However, it was her golden violet eyes that shone brighter than the golden accented room that transfixed him to his spot from across the room. Declan's heart skipped, fluttered, then stopped at the vision before him. It was as if his dear, sweet Lucy had come back to life! Later, when he held her in his arms and glided her across the floor, breathless with awe, and though he realized from the moment he was up close and heard her speak, that she was not Lucy, something stirred inside of him. It was the perfect pay back. He knew that he had to do everything in his limitless Power to make sure that Hope and Sebastian fell hopelessly in love.


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This was odd. Odd and very strange for Hope not to have seen Faith working at the clinic when she had swung by Sunset Saves to pick up a stack of files that she left in Nigel's office. Come to think of it, she had not seen Nigel in a couple of weeks, just like Faith. Worried, Hope flagged down Nancy, the clinic's head nurse. "Good morning, Nancy! Do you have a minute, there is something I want to ask you." The pretty, petite blond smiled brightly. "Sure, Doctor Serenity, how may I help you?" "Have you seen either Faith or Nigel around?" Nancy's face suddenly became serious. "Oh, Doctor Serenity, you never heard did you?" Panic started to rise within her, "No. What is it, Nancy?" "I do not know how to tell you this, but Faith handed in her notice last week. It was sudden and very inconvenient, putting us at a critical shortage here. However, Doctor Jones seemed fine with it and told me not to worry, told me that he will be able to find a replacement ASAP." "That would be near impossible to do, there are mental illness professional shortages everywhere." "I know, but see, that's the thing. By the next morning, he was introducing me to Faith's replacement. When I questioned after on how he was able to find a replacement so quickly, he was flippant and told me not to worry about it." "Odd." "Tell me about it, I've never seen Doctor Jones so flippant and so curt before." "So, have you seen Doctor Jones lately as well?" "No, it is very, very weird. Doctor Jones has not been to this clinic in over a week. As you know, that is not like him, the man practically lives at his clinic! No one can reach him. He is not answering his

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phone, his email or his pages. In fact, he had disappeared without an explanation so quickly and so soon after Faith's abrupt departure, that rumors are beginning to fly around here like wildfire." "Rumors? What possible rumors could anyone spread about a man as straight laced as Nigel?" Nancy stepped closer to Hope so no one else would overhear. "Rumors are that Doctor Jones and Faith ran away together! That they have been having a secret affair for months, so they ran away from prying eyes to live out their torrid affair." Hope almost choked on the coffee she was drinking. "Nigel? Nigel Jones, the scrawny little man with an OCD inspired phobia of germs? The doctor that is so afraid of blood that he faints at the mere sight of it, ran away with his 20 year old nurse?" she said with disbelief. "Well, this is the only plausible explanation that we can come up with. Either that, or they had been abducted by aliens!" Hope thanked Nancy and walked away, filled with more questions than answers. Sebastian wrapped his arms around his legs, repeatedly banging his forehead against his knees, in an attempt to knock out the memories of 'the incident' out of his head. For decades, with the help of blood wine, that memory stayed mercifully buried deep into his subconscious. Now with all of his blood wine supply forcibly relinquished to Declan, and with his drug dealer tapped out of the precious drug, the memories came back, overwhelming him as the blood wine once again was being slowly purged from his body. This time around however, was more harrowing because he was withdrawing cold turkey involuntarily on his own, rather than having Hope hold his hand and soothe him every step of the way.


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A small part of him was relieved that Hope was not here to see him this way, a sickening, grotesque failure. All the months of hard work and sacrifice down the drain because of a rejection. Through no fault of her own, Hope refused to continue their romantic, intimate relationship because he was a monster, a soulless, blood thirsty predator. Hope. His heart swelled with love at the very thought of her. Sebastian closed his eyes and brought her image forth in his mind. His mind conjuring up every last delicious detail of the woman who was supposed to be his wife, until he was so brutally forced to leave her. Out of nowhere, the dreaded ache within his core began to sing again. The dry ache, the burning, was spreading along his upper jaw, screaming painfully through his veins. The blood fever was returning once more,now that his body was cleansing itself of the drug that artificially replaced his blood craving. Desperate to fight it off, Sebastian moved his body in a rocking motion, banging his head against his knees and dragged another, painful, but less disturbing memory to the surface. Sebastian was settled into comfortable, happy life with Hope. For the first time since he was turned, he realized that this life was the definition of pure, true, happiness. Sebastian spent his days gleefully laboring at maintaining every aspect of the Serenity estate. He loved every moment outside as the sun warmed him. While he worked side by side with his supervisor and dear friend, Terrance, Hope longingly watched him from the veranda, sipping lemonade with her circle of society friends. During the day, to keep up the proper decorum within the circle of the high society she had married into, the widow Lady Hope kept

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her distance from her newest servant only to speak with him when giving him instruction. Sebastian found it very hard to pretend to be just her mere man servant, a simple, silent and shy laborer, loyal and obedient to his mistress. Only when the sun went down and all the servants went home and all the gossiping mouths of the social set went home to their children and husbands, was Sebastian free to be with Hope. He would slip inside the servants entrance and climb the two flights of stairs, down a long hallway, to the room at the end. Hope always left the door ajar as she anticipated his arrival. Once inside, desperate and hungry for him, Hope swiftly pulled him inside and was kissing him without reservation and pressing her naked body to his. Sebastian once asked Hope why she never remained dressed in her night clothes while she waited for him, her reply was to tell him that she had held her pent up arousal for so long all day, that it was painful to keep even a stitch of cloth near her skin. "Why, you do not like my body without the restriction of clothes?" she protested, her ruby red lips turned down in a sexy pout. Every time that Sebastian gazed at her nude body it took his breath away, reminded on just how inhumanly beautiful she was. His response to that question was not to tell her, but show her, by quickly discarding his clothing, sweeping her up into his arms and laying her gently onto her soft, feather bed, kissing them both breathless. Their love making was always a sensual combination of wild, flaming, sense stealing passion and filled with all encompassing love that was gentle and sweet. Sebastian remembered the night Hope proposed to him.


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He had been with her for two magical years and the desire to make her his wife had been with him after the six month mark, but the words always seemed to die on his tongue. Hope and Sebastian always worked tirelessly to be discreet, keeping their love affair a secret. One night, Hope had wanted to dance with him under the moonlight after they had returned from hunting. "I would love to dance with you, Hope, but what if Terrance sees? He lives just right over there in the guest house!" Sebastian remarked, panic rising in his voice. Hope looked over his shoulder as they sat side by side on the grass which was fresh with dew from a recent rain fall, holding hands, their veins filled with fresh human blood, filling them with energy and power. "I do not care if he sees, Sebastian! I am so tired of all the hiding, the secrecy and the pretending that I do not look upon you as anything more than a servant. I hate not being able to show everyone that I am in love with you." Sebastian reached up and wiped away a tear from her cheek, caressing it. "I know how you feel Hope, don't you think that it kills me too? To pretend to be just your servant and stand so far away from you, even when you are giving me instruction? To force myself not to look directly at you, afraid that everyone would see the love I have for you in my eyes? How every time when I am in the garden, or mending a fence with Terrance and you are out on the veranda with your society friends, it hurts not to just stop whatever I am doing, grab you off that veranda and kiss you until we are both weak?" Sebastian paused, taking a deep breath to hide the frustration from his voice.

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"I love you, Hope and I want to be able to tell everyone. For us to go out in public like every other couple, it is not wrong for us to be together, is it?" he cried. "No, Sebastian, we are not wrong. With that being said, will you dance with me?" "Wouldn't you rather go inside and make love?" Sebastian teased, giving Hope his most dazzling seductive smile. Hope leaned in and held Sebastian's head in her hands, looking longing into his jade eyes. "No, Sebastian, I do not want to go inside. I do not want to make love, not now. I want to feel your arms around me, holding me without it leading to the bedroom. I just want the simple pleasure of your breath on my neck, your sweet exotic scent filling my senses as you sway with me right here, on this grass, under the full moon. Simple, uncomplicated and beautiful, will you give me that?" "Hope, I will give you anything you desire. I will even give my life for you." Sebastian earnestly promised. Lines of frustration tugged at the corner of her mouth and she let out a long, exasperated breath. "I know my love, and I would give my life for you as well. Let's not be so serious, so melodramatic, okay? Will you just have one, simple dance with me?" Sebastian stood up, bowed, holding out his hand. "Would me lady do me the honor of dancing with me?" "I will be delighted!" Hope curtsied as Sebastian circled his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. "Now, may I ask how am I supposed to dance with the fair damsel with no music?" "The gentleman can pretend there is music when he dances with the fair damsel, that is if he thinks he can imagine a tune!" "Oh, the gentleman can manage more than that!"


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Hope blissfully sighed as Sebastian wrapped his other arm around her as they began to waltz to imaginary music around the garden. After a few moments of dancing, Sebastian surprised Hope by singing her a soft, musical lullaby. His voice was a sweet soothing baritone that caressed the melody so well that it made Hope cry. When Sebastian had finished the song he noticed Hope's tears and began to kiss them away. "Why are you crying, Hope?" Sebastian quietly asked. Instead of giving him the reason for her tears, Hope turned up her face to meet Sebastian's heart melting gaze. "Sebastian, will you marry me?" If her spontaneous proposal caught Sebastian by surprise, or if he was appalled by a woman asking for his hand in marriage, he did not show it. Instead he did not hesitate as his face lit up with pure, overwhelming joy. "Yes! However, does this mean that I will have to change my last name to yours, since you are the one who asked?" he teased. "Why yes, it does! Once you and I are married you will have to become the Lady while I become the Lord!" A mutual mental image of Sebastian wearing a dress caused them both to laugh hysterically, sinking to their knees on the grass and making love, too happy to care who may see them. They planned to be married by the time the first fall leaves fell to the ground. Both Hope and Sebastian agreed that she would sell the estate and move far from England. Sebastian suggested that he wanted to move back to America, back to his home state of Maine. There they could move to a large metropolis and blend into the crowds, and where no one would ask questions about why they did not age when the years raced by.

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It all sounded like heaven to Hope, who had never truly enjoyed the stresses and shallow lifestyle of the upper crust; she only went along with her new station in life because she had loved Brandon so much. When he died, she deplored it all the more to be forced to stay without any further reason or purpose. However, if she did not stay on as Lady Hope, she would have never met Sebastian St. Clair, and now she was going to become his wife. Although confused, her servants were understanding when she broke the news of the pending sale of the estate. Hope was also relieved that they did not ask any questions, accepted their severance pay and glowing recommendations and continued on with their work of readying the estate for the sale. On the last day before the move, Sebastian and Hope were all alone with only Terrance sleeping soundly in his home, giddy with excitement of their move the following morning back to America. They were enjoying one last glass of wine sitting wrapped up in each other and watching the sun set on the veranda, when out of the blue Hope and Sebastian heard a commotion outside the gate. "No! You may not pass this gate! What is the purpose of you being here?" Sebastian and Hope jumped up and ran for the gate and found Terrance arguing with a group of very angry people yelling accusations at Terrance. The group was so huge, that it extended from the beginning of Hope's driveway behind the gate, all the way across the street, about 50 feet back. They were shouting so many accusations, obscenities and trying to charge and break down the gate that Hope swore that all they needed were pitchforks, bats and torches and they would have qualified as the town mob.


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The only question was who were they after and why? Then like a bolt of lightning, the answer came as the mob burst through the gate, knocking it down like it was made of twigs, crushing Terrance to death. Hope let out a desperate cry of terror and grief, but it was drowned out by the mob's enraged screams. "VAMPIRE! KILL THE VAMPIRE! DEMON, UNHOLY SON OF LUCIFER! KILL, KILL, KILL! STAKE HIM! BURN HIM AND SEND HIM BACK INTO HELL!" they raged. The mob voices rose and were united as one as they stomped maliciously towards Sebastian, the mob leader raising a stake at his heart. "No!" Hope screamed. "Leave him alone, he is not who you think he is!" As the mob leader got closer, Hope lunged at him, knocking him down on the ground with such force that the stake flew out of his hand. "Sebastian, run!"Hope ordered. "No, I cannot leave you with them! They could kill you!" "I do not care, Sebastian, just run! Save yourself!"she once again, desperately demanded. "It would not make any difference, Lady Hope. He is damned and he needs to be killed before he damns you and the whole town!" Jasper Coleman, full time mayor of Cashmere County and apparently part time mob leader, threatened. The mob had quietened long enough to watch the exchange between Hope and their leader, so she took this opportunity to plead for Sebastian's life. "Tell me, Jasper, why are you accusing my man servant of being aa, ah, what did you call him?" "We called him a vampire, a demon of hell, Lady Hope. All due respect, if you think by asking me these questions you are going to distract me and my partners from catching and killing him, you will

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be sorrily mistaken. He is surrounded. Now if you excuse us, we have a monster to capture!" With great strength and force, Jasper knocked Hope down and the mob came within mere inches of trampling her to death, taking chase after Sebastian. However, for reasons, that would haunt her for the rest of her life, her eternity, Sebastian did not run, he did not hide. He just stood there and let Jasper and the first half of the mob overtake him and drag him away. "No! No!" Hope screamed. "I order all of you to stop, let him go this instant! Now!" When they did not comply, Hope felt the all too familiar pain in her upper jaw, the gnawing thirst for blood surging through her body as she lunged once again at the beasts that held Sebastian so violently, but before she could tear their throats out, she felt a violent pull as a circle of arms held her back while they took Sebastian away. Hope tried to fight with all of her supernatural power to get free so she could rescue Sebastian, but she felt a sudden painful burn race up her arm as the mob circle tied her hands behind her back, then one of them whispered in her ear. "Let him go, Lady Hope, or we will go against the hierarchy and expose you as a demon as well." "I am not a demon, neither is he, so let him go, or I will" "You will what, Lady Hope? Kill us? Tear our throats out? Well, I am afraid you will not be able to do that. You see, that is vervain you have tied around your now, almost fleshless wrists and this is how we know that you are indeed a demon." "How does a little herb reveal that I am a demon, a vampire?" "Because only a demon vampire would burn like the flames of hell that they come from." Sebastian shuddered at the memory.


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He had hated the look on Hope's face when he refused to fight back and let them take him away, but he was not resisting, he was just shielding her from what happened next. Once outside the gate, Sebastian's fury awakened his hunger and drawing on the Powers that were recharged by his recent feeding, he attacked with lightning speed and inhuman strength. In a matter of minutes he had torn the throats, and drained the blood of half the mob members, starting with Jasper Coleman. The other half abandoned their monster hunting and fled out of terror. Still, as much as this incident had haunted him for many decades since, it was nothing compared to the incident that started his decent into the hell to which the mob believed he belonged.

"I demand answers Declan!" Hope ordered. Declan pulled his cell phone away from his ear, staring at it, amused. "Answers for what, Hope, dear?" "You know perfectly well, Declan St. Clair!" Hope raged. "No, I really don't. Care to fill me in?" Declan chuckled as he heard Hope let out a long, frustrating sigh. "Fine, if you want it that way. You, Mr. St.Clair, have to explain what was your purpose of compelling me from forgetting you the night we met at the Queen's snow ball?" "Ah, you remember! Very well, I will give you your answers. So, I have an idea. How about after our routine jog, you come over here and I cook you breakfast and I will tell you all that you want to know, deal?" "Deal." "Perfect, I will meet you in 15." Hope was coming near the end of her tether with Declan as they jogged silently along through Central Park. Finally, Hope stopped in front of the gates of St. Clements cemetery, frustrated at the continuing silence between her and Declan. "I changed my mind, I do not want to wait for breakfast, I need you to tell me what I want to know!" Declan paused in front of Hope and smiled. "No, I said I was going to tell you later, when I cook you breakfast! Now, could we please keep running, I am getting rather hungry!" She was tired of his nonchalant, cavalier attitude towards his therapy.


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Hope was so fed up with Declan that she shed the professional side of herself and threw an old fashioned tantrum. She reached over and grabbed Declan by his shirt sleeves, drawing him to her, face to face. Declan did not even protest only stared at her in bewildered amusement. "I am so sick and tired of your closed mouthed cavalier attitude!" she yelled, stomping her foot in the gravel. "I have done everything short of drugging you and tying you up to get one little peep of cooperation from you! I do not know if you realize it, Declan St. Clair, but by you not telling me everything so I can help you, you are setting yourself up for a hugely devastating descent to a place you will not be ready for!" Declan mouth curled into a patronizing smile. "I can handle jail. You know, I am getting really turned on by your hands all over me like that, how about we slip behind that gate and go and get freaky behind someone's headstone?" Exasperated, Hope let go of Declan with such force that he fell to the ground. "Forget it! You are impossible!" Just as Hope turned to leave, she heard a sharp, harrowing shriek come from deep within the graveyard. "Declan, did you hear that?" Declan got up and dusted himself off when the scream vibrated through the silence once again. "Yes. Oh my god, it's, it's Sebastian!" they both said in unison, before they sped off, jumping over the gate in one graceful pounce, running towards Sebastian's agonizing screams. Their combined ultra sensitive hearing led them to the farthest recesses of the cemetery, to a large storage warehouse. Bursting through the heavily bolted doors and into a scene straight from the most gruesome and terrifying nightmares.

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Blood splattered over the soiled, mole infested, concrete walls and floors like gory paint.

Metallic restraints that looked as though they came from some twisted medieval torture chamber hung from the walls and ceiling, and, the most gruesome was a stone altar blazing with candles and blood that flowed like a river and stopped at a naked form chained to a slab. "Faith!" Hope yelled as she rushed by her friend's side, praying that she was alive. Hope's heart sank as she gazed upon Faith's lifeless, horribly mutilated body. A clear tube was imbedded into her nearly severed arm and dried blood stained the floor beneath Hope's feet. There were so many deep cuts and lacerations slashing in wild, incoherent marks, that her carmel colored skin was unrecognizable. However, the most disturbing was not the six inch blade protruding from her chest, but the sharp, canine teeth biting into her swollen, cracked lips. Hope sunk to her knees, dizzy and nauseous, filled with overwhelming guilt. All Faith ever wanted was to become a vampire and had begged Hope continuously to change her. Suddenly, Nigel's prediction came crashing down on her. This would not have happened if Hope changed her like Faith wanted her to, Faith would not had suffered so horrendously. Lost in her grief, she did not notice when an arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her off the blood soaked floor.


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"I know what you are seeing is ghastly, but we have got to look for Sebastian. I am still hearing his screams from deep within this place." Declan shook Hope out of her reverie. Obedient, Hope brushed away the last of her tears and followed Declan. "We need to stay silent and listen for Sebastian." Declan ordered. Hope and Declan used their heightened vision and hearing to lead them through the labyrinth of dark, winding halls until they zeroed in on Sebastian's now weakened murmurs. "He is in here!" Declan exclaimed as they kicked at the heavy steel door. It had taken both of them to use their inhuman strength to knock down the surprisingly deeply rooted door and burst into an even more ghastly nightmare. Sebastian was pinned to the red and grey stone wall by two long, sharp railway spikes through his biceps. Fresh blood flowed from those spikes onto his naked chest, filling the gaping hole in his abdomen and his long, lean legs were caked with dirt and congealed blood. Both Hope and Declan had been avoiding glancing at his face, afraid of what they would see there. "We have to look and see, Hope." Declan whispered. "I know, but I cannot, not yet." "I understand, neither can I, but we have to, just to see if he is at least conscious." With great hesitation, Hope and Declan took their gazes off the floor, raising their eyes to Sebastian's face. What they saw, almost made Hope turn away and weep, while Declan stood frozen, his expression never wavering. Sebastian's flaxen hair was now completely crimson, drenched with his own blood. His eyes were closed, but fluttered with pain.

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His square jaw was clenched tightly, drawing blood from the corners of his mouth where his fangs were biting into his cheeks. His skin, always had a beautiful marble sheen even when he was sick from the blood wine withdrawals, was now waxen. Sebastian's breathing was shallow, as Hope watched his ribs extend and fall, painfully. "We got to get him out of here, Declan. Take him somewhere safe where I can mend him and allow him to rest." Declan rushed forward and was about to remove Sebastian from his barbaric restraints, when a cold penetrating wind surrounded them. "I would not do that if I were you, cannot have him bleeding to death, now can we?" The frigid, dispassionate tone cut through Hope and Declan, making the two of them to spin around and see a long forgotten nightmare standing before them. "Christian!" they both exclaimed simultaneously. Hope and Declan stared at each other, baffled. "You know, him? How?" The voice let loose a hearty cackle. "This is priceless! It has been worth all the agony I have been through just to see the look on the both of your faces!" "I thought you were" Declan stammered. "Dead? I am so sorry to disappoint you, Declan, but I did not die in that fire, but everyone else did!"Christian boasted proudly. "Well, I am going to correct that little mistake, right now!" Outrage boiled deep inside of Declan's core as he made one graceful leap, slamming his body into Christian's, knocking him to the floor. When Christian's head hit the concrete floor it made a sickening bone crunching sound.


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This however, did not stop him from reaching up with his claw like hands, digging them into the soft flesh of Declan's throat, choking him. Hope had just carefully removed the spikes from Sebastian's biceps and gently laid him on the floor, resting his head on her rolled up jacket and grabbed one of the railway spikes. With one lightning swift strike, Hope raised the spike over Christian's chest ready to plunge it into his heart when suddenly he released Declan. As Declan furiously tried to stop the bleeding and regain his breath, Christian wrestled the spike from Hope's hands. Hope prepared herself for the inevitable, the painful, life ending thrust through her heart, but was surprised when Christian dropped the spike and pushed Hope off him. Christian Le Blanc stood up, dusted himself off and turned to address them both. "While that was very amusing for us to tussle for old times sake, I will have to get a little serious and ask, what took the both of you so long to find us?" Declan chose to ignore the question. "Can you tell me why you kidnapped and are torturing my brother, you sick and deluded bastard!" "How quick we forget the past, Declan St.Clair, if you cannot remember why your brother is lying over there, broken, bleeding and near death, then I will leave you to figure it out on your own. Trust me Declan, you will have plenty of time to think about it, because you and the lovely Hope here are not going anywhere for a while. Nonetheless, I will give you a little tidbit, you and Sebastian owe me a debt that is long over due and I tend to collect on." Christian demanded, his voice dripping with malice. "Now if you excuse me, I have to check on our other guests."

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Christian disappeared in one puff of smoke before either Declan and Hope could inquire any further. A deep, painful moan escaped from Sebastian's pale, cracked lips and distracted them from the bizarre encounter. Declan had a thousand and one questions running through his already confused, emotion overloaded mind. First, he wanted to know just how in the name of Christ did Sebastian get himself into this mess and second and most important, how did Hope know Christian too? All of that had to take a back seat as Hope tended to Sebastian horrendous wounds, his baby brother opened his eyes, locking them with his, pleading desperately for Declan to end his misery once and for all. Sebastian used what was left of his strength to roll a railway spike towards Declan. "Please brother, if you love me, please end my life! I can no longer stand the pain of the immortal living!" he begged in between gasping breaths. "I will not do such a thing! It is not fair to ask me, your brother, to kill you! I will not do it!" "Why not?" Sebastian asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Declan struggled to keep his array of emotions in check as he looked straight on into Sebastian's eyes, keeping his face hard, blank. "If you hang on a little longer, I will be able to take that fateful decision from your hands, Mr. St.Clair. After all I do know the heartache of having to end a brother's life!" an eerily soft voice, barely above a whisper punctuated the agony of the moment. When the owner of that voice came into view, Hope was throughly shocked. "Nigel!" Hope exclaimed . "Hope, how have you been? Long time no see!" Nigel greeted a little too enthusiastically.


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Hope watched as her friend strode gracefully like a sleek panther toward Sebastian, crouching down to meet Hope's confused and weary eyes. "Normally I would look into the eyes of the person I am about to kill, but you know my unusual aversion to the sight of blood. So, I think I will just pick up this spike and hope it hits his heart straight on! I wouldn't want to cause the younger St. Clair any undue hardship, now would I? Besides, my brother would not appreciate the mess!" The light in Nigel's eyes was like fire reflecting off a dagger blade as he reached out and swiped the railway spike from the floor and held it over Sebastian's heart, letting it linger there. "Nigel!" Hope cried "What is going on? I do not understand why you are doing this, why do you want to hurt Sebastian? Why are you on Christian's side?" The questions flew out of Hope's mouth in rapid succession, her words becoming jumbled to her own ears. Nigel chuckled, his face filled with dark fury. "You really do not remember me, do you Hope? You do not remember the day that I was at your childhood home with my brother as he took your sister away? I remember the look of pure relief when Lucy finally was free from you and her witch of a mother! " "Christian took her away and gave her the life of luxury that they both so richly deserved. Think back Hope, search that long rich memory of yours and you will see that I am telling he truth, you knew me before I interviewed you for the job at the clinic." Still stroking Sebastian's blood soaked hair as she cradled him on her lap, Hope reflected on the day that Christian Le Blanc came to her home to ask her mother for Lucy's hand in marriage. "I remember that day now very clearly. Christian coming up the long winding path to our simple home, stopping on our veranda, holding a bouquet of flowers. He handed them to my mother as she

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swept the remaining debris from a recent wind storm. My mother did not know what to think about the handsome, elegant stranger standing before her, presenting her with a rich, fragrant bouquet of velvet roses." " She was instantly intrigued with Christian as he introduced himself as her daughter Lucy's long time suitor. My mother was of course very surprised to hear that one of her 15 year old daughters had a suitor, let alone a long time suitor. Still, from the very moment he had taken her dry, callused hand to his lips she was charmed." "I guess from an outsiders point of view, what woman would not be disarmed by Christian's suave, smooth, posh English accent? Christian's mere stature screamed poise and elegance. This combined with his mesmerizing, penetrating obsidian eyes, long flowing strawberry blond mane, sharp,royal profile and a long, svelte flat muscled physique, Mom became smitten." Hope shook her head in disgust at the memory. "So completely entranced by this stranger that she ignored her sixth sense that alerted her to danger, that this man was not as he seemed. She even ignored mine and Lucy's protests as she gave Christian permission to marry Lucy. I knew from the moment I saw Christian that he was a vampire, all the signs were there. His mere appearance was enough to tip me off, no human being could be that inhumanly, eerily beautiful. He cast no shadow as he stood in the rays of the sun. His mannerisms and speech were far too genteel and refined even for that time in history." "His knowledge was far too vast and detailed for a man of his apparent age and the real tip off was how hard he tried to hide his obsessive intermediate staring of our necks whenever our hair would fall away. I knew that Christian had my mother compelled, under his spell, because there was no way he would have fooled her otherwise."


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"She did not even react as Lucy screamed, resisting as a figure came out of nowhere to drag her away. " "That figure that lurked in the shadows, was you, Nigel. You lurked in the shadows, because for some reason you did not have a talisman to protect you from the sun. Christian refused to subdue her, instead he subdued me by knocking me to the ground and sinking his teeth into my neck, taking only enough to satisfy, enough to make me pass out. When I awoke, my sister was gone. I never saw her again until the day they found her burned remains on that deserted island that Christian took her to and forced her to live." The memory shook Hope to her very core and shivers shot up and down her entire body, electrifying her. Hope chose to ignore the triumphant smirk that tugged at the corner of Nigel's thin, pale lips, instead focusing on Sebastian's unconscious form. "I knew you would not forget me forever, Hope. After all if it was not for me, your sister would have been with you until she took her last, mortal breath." "You mean if it was not for Christian. He was the one who compelled my mother, you were just the brute who forced her to come with Christian, while he slaked his bloodlust with me." "Ah, now that is what Christian was influenced to believe. In reality, it was me that compelled my first creation to fall hopelessly in love with Lucy and to compel your mother to let her come with us." Nigel boasted as he twirled the spike like a baton. "Why in the world would you want my sister to go with you? Why would you go to such extremes?" " Lucy was the perfect sacrifice for the ritual. A ritual that would have made Christian and myself indestructible, truly immortal. Immune to all forms of death, including this tedious weapon! We needed a heart of a purebred witch, and the blood of a newborn vampire and of course a willing witch to cast the spell, completing the

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ritual. We had Lucy, we had our witch, but it took some time in finding a candidate for the newborn vampire. Being on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere kind of reduced our opportunities just a tad, so we had to wait." "We were very lucky when, not one, but two, perfect candidates washed up on our shores. Christian wanted to gather them right away, but I persuaded him to wait until they were healthy and fit, made for a more potent samples." "Look what I got for listening to you, big brother! If I just went with my instincts and grabbed those two when they were still delusional from their trauma, both of us would be indestructible, but, no, you just had to wait. Thanks to your stubbornness, Lucy fell deeply in love with one of our specimens, while the other fell for her, luring her into his bed! Now, because of your procrastination, I have been forced to make this mess!" Christian cast his arms wide, encompassing the entire room, a room filled with blood and gore. Nigel's composure and patience started to wane. Jumping up and with one graceful fluid motion, he stood, face to face with Christian, seething, gripping the spike tighter in his hand. "How dare you blame me!" he accused through clenched teeth. "I think I more than made up for that procrastination when you kidnapped and tortured my wife! I think I more than made up for it when I was forced to deliver my friend, an innocent, desperate and abused little girl into your hands while you gave her what she so urgently craved and then forced me to torture and kill her!" "Oh, my dear sweet Nigel! I think I see a fragment of your former humanity coming through! That is a very dangerous thing for our kind to possess, human emotion. It can distract us and bring us to our destruction! Nigel, had you forgot the look of rapture across her smooth, flawless features when I sunk my teeth into the sensitive flesh of her neck and fed from her, and then as she drank from me."


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"That is because she believed that she was finally getting what she wanted, a blissful immortality! She was not expecting a hideous, torturous death at the hands of a man that she trusted to be her friend!" Nigel raged as the spike bit hard into his palm, cutting it. Christian reached out and placed his hand on Nigel's shoulder in mock comfort. "Yes, that is rather unfortunate that she could not live out the rest of her days as our slave, but you win some you lose some. Think of it this way, be very grateful that I let your wife live." Nigel violently pushed his brother's hand off his shoulder, reeling with disgust. "Grateful? The only reason why Candy is alive is because you still need her to complete this ritual. I do not trust that once this is all over that you will keep your promise to let her go home with me."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Nigel my dear flesh and blood. I am insulted, you do not trust me to keep my word? I always keep my word." The guffaw that let loose out of Nigel's mouth vibrated and echoed throughout the room. "If you kept your word, brother dear, then prove it. Kill the last piece required for the ritual. Kill Hope Serenity!"

Confusion and clarity swirled around Declan's brain as they struggled for dominance. This exchange between the brothers would have been amusing because it reminded him of his many fights with Sebastian. It was Sebastian's still form that he concentrated on as he tried to digest the information that had been revealed during this violent confrontation between Christian and his brother. Many things that were revealed, answered many nagging questions that had been running around inside of him. He finally knew the real purpose behind Sebastian and him being turned into vampires and why Hope knew Christian. Nonetheless, while those questions were answered, it raised even more. There was no time to figure these out though, because now he had to figure out how to save Hope's life. Christian had broken away from his brother's murderous taunt and sauntered over to Hope's side, kneeling next to her. Hope flinched and attempted to get away as Christian, caressed her cheek with a black leather gloved hand while leaning in to touch her hair with the other. "I do not know Nigel if I want to even harm Hope now. Look at her, isn't she just the most perfect female specimen of the supernatural? She looks so much like Lucy that it almost would be a shame to sacrifice her!" Her stomach lurched as bile rose to her throat when Christian had started to caress her face and after releasing the clip that held her hair, ran his gloved fingers through the tangled waves. Nigel rolled his eyes, the last of his patience slipping away with the railway spike. "Oh, Christian, please! You accuse me of being


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soft? Look at you, you are willing to jeopardize our indestructible immorality because the last piece reminds you of your long lost adulterous wife?" "Lucy was not adulterous, you prig! She was innocently lured to her undoing by this, this back stabbing ingrate!" Christian showed his implacable hatred for Declan by ripping him off the floor and throwing him across the room and mercilessly beating him. Christian did not get far however, because once Declan was able to get his wits about him, he reached up, snatched the fashionable walking cane from Christian's hand, and stabbed him through the gut. Hope's back stiffened and her heart froze in her chest at the sound of her former friend ordering her death. Hope was grateful that Sebastian remained unconscious as she watched the violent struggle between Declan and Christian. Christian had just finished pulling the cane out of his abdomen and had tossed it to one side and taunted Declan. "Is that the best you can do, St. Clair? A little cut with a piece of wood is not enough to stop me! Remember you have a debt to pay!" Declan remained silent as the tension in his body ran like an electric current underneath his flesh, fueling his hatred, sparking his Power. His body locked in a defense crouch, Declan waited for Christian to make the first move. Christian, all genteel decorum relinquished, pounced on Declan like a hungry lynx, baring his canine teeth hungry for blood. When those sharp points neared its target of the soft flesh of Declan's neck, pulsating with rich warm amber fluid, he instead found himself sinking his teeth into a cloth drenched with vervain. A thousand tiny needles of scorching flame penetrated his mouth, throat and lungs, searing the flesh.

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Christian dropped to his knees in agony, his wild shrieking vibrating off the solid walls, painfully piercing everyone's ear drums. Declan took a deep, satisfying breath, his smile blazing forth, victorious. Declan was so confident that he had beaten Christian that his, Sebastian's and Hope's freedom was so guaranteed that he did not notice a lone figure emerging from the shadows of the far corner of the room. "Come on Hope, let's take Sebastian home and heal him. It has been a really long day!" Declan bent down to lift Sebastian in his arms to carry him home, at the same time helping Hope up from the floor, then headed for the exit. Suddenly without any warning, just as Declan and Hope were to cross the threshold with Sebastian, a giant, invisible force savagely pushed them far across the room, throwing them on the floor. Hope and Declan's right arms were magically pinned to the wall with titanium stakes. While Sebastian was jolted into consciousness by the impact. The searing pain of the stakes penetrating the skin, muscle and bone forced both Declan and Hope to let loose a primal, agonizing scream. Sebastian face distorted in with the memory of the torturous feeling as the sharp serrated edges stabbed into his biceps. Sebastian's body was beginning to heal, he just needed to regain enough strength to try and free Declan and Hope. This proved to be an impossibility however, when Christian glided over to crouch in front of him. "Do not even think it Sebastian. You are no closer to freedom than your counterparts, because it is you I want to suffer the most."


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"I do not understand why you hate me so, I did not do anything wrong." "Actually Sebastian, you are the worst offender out of the two of you. Your brother did the despicable thing by fornicating with my wife, but it is you who she fell in love with. Yet, you broke her heart when you could not even give her the time of day." "I never gave her the time of day because I knew how my brother felt about her. That, plus the fact that I had no interest in Lucy beyond respect for the wife of my creator. I was not aware of her feelings for me because she did not show any signs that I noticed. So, Christian, your accusation and thirst for revenge against me is moot." "Oh, I do not know about being moot, Sebastian St.Clair. I am not going to throw away a century of plotting just because you claim innocence. Especially since it is my thirst for vengeance that has kept me motivated to stay alive just to watch you and your idiot brother suffer and die." "Then, shut up and kill me already! Showboating gets real old when there are no results in the end. You know what that tells me, Christian? It tells me that you are a coward and that is full of hot air!" Sebastian's taunting words cut through Christian like a serrated sword. He shot his arm out with the speed of a cobra and gripped Sebastian by the throat, squeezing until Sebastian turned blue. "So, you want to die, do you Mr. St. Clair? Fine, then I will grant you your wish without any hesitation!" So, this is what it is like when you are about to take your last breath, Sebastian reasoned. Well, I hope it is over soon and finally, I will be at pea Then, without any warning, Sebastian felt himself fall, coming within mere inches of having his head slam into the concrete floor. Christian whirled around, astounded.

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He looked aimlessly around in the sudden darkness, searching for the source of the interference. "Come out and show yourself Nigel, I do not know how you did it, but it was not a very wise move to stop me from fulfilling my vengeance!" "It was not him Christian, it was me," a nasal voice stated, penetrating the dark. A bolt of lightning streaked across the room bringing the room back into the light. This night was bringing her far too many surprises as Hope stared in awe at the sight of the petite figure standing in the middle of the room, her cherry stiletto heels disguising her true stature as she stood face to face with the 6' ancient vampire, her cotton candy colored ponytail swaying back and forth. "Candy?" Hope murmured, shocked. "Hello Hope, I am so sorry that I have not been in contact with you lately, but as I am sure that you will understand, I have been otherwise occupied." Candy stated, never breaking her hateful stare of Christian. In any other normal situation Hope would have responded to this ordinary statement with the custom "That is just fine Candy Apple, I understand we all get busy." However, this was no ordinary situation, a situation that did not require any response. All she, Declan and Sebastian could do was observe the bizarre scene before them with astonishment. "How did you get out of your restraints?" "Nigel found a way to break me free. He said that you needed me to help you with some guests, persuading them to stay longer. It was me that forced them back inside and tethered them to the wall, it was me that stopped you from murdering that innocent boy and it is me that has sealed this entire room so no vampire will be able to get to


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the outside. All of you are trapped inside of this warehouse until I say you all can go." A hint of a wry smile tugged at the corners of Christian's lips a thousand murderous thoughts ran through his mind on the different ways he could torture and then kill Candy Apple. This was something he could not do, yet. He needed a witch to perform the ritual that would make him truly immortal, untouched by death's sword. Christian would just have to keep his patience just a little longer until the end of the ritual when he would be free to dispose of her. "That is all well and good, witch, and I will let this indiscretion slide, but let me assure you, when the ritual is complete, you would not have a hot pink leg to stand on! So, you better start counting your days, wench, because you will be drawing your last breath with Nigel the moment your lips stop uttering those magical words one minute past the witching hour tomorrow night!" Christian let that malicious threat hang in the air before turning on his heel and arrogantly waltzing out the door, dragging Candy with him. Declan's eyes scanned the frigid, nightmarish room that was now their prison, growing dizzy and nauseous with the sour blood soaked smell, the rats scurrying across the floor, the gruesome injuries that his body has been forced to sustain and the gnawing hunger clawing at his insides. However, no matter how much of his physical state and surroundings had made him ill, it was the century long circumstances that led him here brutally chained to a nightmare of his brother's making that turned him inside out. Declan attempted to choke down the rage boiling over in his craw to avoid the bitter resentment from consuming him. However, when he rested his gaze on Hope's battered and abused form, her long graceful legs bruised, cut and filthy, her soft, slender

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hands smeared with the red of Sebastian's blood and her normally silky sable mane tangled and caked with blood, he could no longer swallow. "Sebastian St. Clair, you son of a bitch! If I were not pinned to this wall I would come over there and finish what Christian had started before that freakish witch stopped him!" Sebastian let Declan's rage wash over him as he continued to assault him with a host of insults and curses. This time however, Sebastian did not shrink into the corner, feeling shame for things that he could no longer control and did not encompass him. Instead, he felt a strange new renewal of confidence and strength course through him, pulled himself up into a sitting position and looked at his brother straight in the eye and dared him. "I would love to see you try brother! Did it ever enter that thick, arrogant skull of yours that I am not always to blame for your troubles? I am not the cause of your screwed up life! I heard your thoughts before you opened your big, fat mouth to curse on me, yet again. I know you think that this horror show began with me, but it did not. I did nothing wrong to provoke Christian's vengeance, you did!" "Not so fast, little brother! Christian may have caught me screwing his wife, but as you heard from that jackasses own pompous lips, that as angry as he is at me for that, it is you that sparked vengeance in his black heart. Lucy was in love with you and you treated her like some old mangey dog on the street! If you had returned at least the tiniest bit of feeling back to her, we would not be in this nightmare!" "Is that what you have believed all these years, Declan? That Lucy was hopelessly in love with me and that I cruelly ignored her, spitting on any show of affection towards me? That thinking is delusional and I am going to clarify what really went on between Lucy and me, something that I should have done long before this."


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"This should be good." Declan said sarcastically, his voice dripping with contempt. Sebastian ignored his brother's sarcastic contempt and took a deep breath. "Despite what you think and despite what I said to Christian to save my own ass, Lucy and I did have a relationship. A wonderful close, intimate friendship. Lucy and I used to meet in private, just before the sun rose on that deserted beach that you and I washed ashore on to talk, away from prying eyes. Lucy and I talked about everything, from the light hearted nonsense that made us laugh to the most intimate secrets, that only we shared." A small smile tugged at Sebastian's lips, his heart fondly remembering his sweet friend. " Lucy was so lonely and so heartbroken since she was ripped away from her mother and twin sister, feelings that she kept buried inside for so long that they caused her great pain. She told me that our talks always lifted the burden off her shoulders, little by little and she was slowly feeling like her light hearted self again." Sebastian paused, fighting back the beginning of tears before he continued. "Lucy shared with me just how blessed she felt to finally have not only one, but two special friends that she had grown to love very deeply. She told me many times of the kinship that she felt with you, Declan, on how you were the only one to truly understand her because, even though I was a wonderful companion that she loved, laughed with and opened her heart to, it was you that she felt the most connected to. The one that knew the agony of the dark shadow she carried with her, because you carried the same shadow with you." Declan knew where Sebastian was heading with this confession, and alarm rose from his core, alerting him to stop Sebastian before he revealed his most dreaded, shameful, secret. "Stop Sebastian, do not go any further, that is not your secret to tell!" Declan furiously demanded.

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"No, Declan, this has to be told. Hope deserves to finally know the truth about us. She deserves to know our dark, shameful, secrets." "Why? What good would this do us now? In 24 hours from now, none of our secrets will matter because we all will be dead. Dead from sacrifice, dead from vengeance. So, I beg you, please stop!" Sebastian ignored Declan's pleas and continued. "Sorry Declan, I cannot stop, it is time. You see, Hope, your sister loved me yes, just like Christian firmly believes, but she did not fall hopelessly in love with me, she couldn't. Lucy could never fall in love with any man, not even Declan. Declan knows that to be the truth because he and Lucy shared their mutual secret with each other. Shared it and tried to bury it by having sex." "That one night of sex was a lie, wasn't it,Declan? It was not a night froth with the passion of two lovers, nor was it a way to commit revenge on me because you believed that I took the love of your life away. It was a night of passion yes, but the passion of lying to yourselves and denying who the two of you really were. But Declan, as I told Lucy, there is no shame in loving someone the same gender as you. Lucy felt so ashamed to be in love with another woman back home, a woman who she wanted to spend the rest of her days with, but could not. That kind of love was a sinful, hateful crime that would have gotten her and her lover stoned to death if anyone other than her twin found out." A painful grimace crossed Sebastian's gentle features, hardening his voice for just a moment, then turning soft and sympathetic once more. "Lucy died before she was able to tell the truth about herself, but Declan, don't let the same thing happen to you! Do not die with the lie that you have been keeping locked away for so long. Look what keeping that lie at all costs has done to you. How long did you think hiding behind a string of endless whores, one night stands, a bottle of bourbon and an inflated ego was going to keep that wall up before it


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came crumbling down, leaving the real you, bare?" Sebastian passionately pleaded. "For as long at it took, Sebastian. I made a vow to myself to carry that disgusting, vile part of myself with me for all of my eternity. So you had no right to tell it to Hope!" Declan wailed, wanting to rage against Sebastian for telling his ultimate shame, but surprisingly found no fight in him left. Only despair. "Sebastian only confirmed what I have believed all along, Declan." Hope whispered. Pain, confusion, fear, anger and shame wrapped around Declan like a smothering shroud. He was not used to feeling so exposed and vulnerable, losing his control, his command. Sebastian had taken that away from him. "Are you telling me that you had known all long about my dark secret and you had the audacity to keep it from me while I tortured myself in protecting it!" "It was not my place to tell you what I know about you. I can only provide you with the opportunity to tell me yourself. I wanted it to come from your own lips, Declan. It is only then that you can begin to heal." Hope assured Declan as she clasped his free hand with her own. Declan snatched his hand away. "I do not want to heal, okay? You will never make me say that loathsome word!" Hope was not going to let it go. Finally, after months of probing, gentle and patient with Declan, she was not going to let this long awaited confession die. Somehow, Hope managed to rise to her knees, lean forward and forced Declan to look at her. "Oh no, Declan St.Clair! I have worked too hard, been through too much and scarified my soul, my dignity, to you for you to only cruelly shut down on me now! Let me hear you say it, Declan! Let me

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hear, from that beautiful, sculpted mouth of yours, the mouth that had kissed me breathless in order to distract me from this very truth! Tell me, Declan!" Hope yelled, pushing him. Something inside of Declan snapped. All the dignified restraint, the carefully placed deceptions, the wall surrounded by the lie of forcing himself to pretend to be something he was not. Trying to love like society dictated he should. Training his body to unnaturally respond to the silken flesh of a female, only to have him cringe as bile built up inside of him from the self delusion making him reach for another bottle of booze to rid the sour taste from his breath. The guilt he felt when Hope had reached out to him, responding to his kisses and caresses while he could not, would not, perform. He did not understand why he could not make love to the woman who was the living embodiment of flawless angelic beauty, even more beautiful than the woman he believed he was so in love with on that island. Hope was Lucy's twin, looking alike, sounding alike, but oh so different. He felt that difference not at that first session, but the moment he held her in his arms as he glided across that ballroom floor. The same night that he had plotted revenge against his brother for taking away Lucy. The plan was simple. First he would compel Hope into forgetting they're meeting and plant in her mind the idea of falling in love with the human that would play an important role, indirectly, in Hope and Sebastian meeting and falling in love, only for him to show up back in her life once more and steal her away, destroying Sebastian. It had taken a great deal of careful planning to orchestrate the event that would lead Hope to Sebastian. To lure Sebastian into that dark alley at the precise time to pounce on his brother and beat him to near death before he even had a chance to react or even see who was attacking him. To place him on that street corner underneath the shadow of the lamp just minutes before Lady Hope drove by. It was cunning, flawless and precise.


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It should have gone off without any problems. It should have worked. Sebastian was supposed to be heartbroken, defeated and full of overwhelming despair by now and Hope was supposed to be his, in his arms, in his bed. He was not prepared for Hope to be still so hopelessly devoted and in love with his brother. He was not prepared for Hope to slip behind those walls, discover his secrets and bringing them to the surface for him to be haunted by them once again. Now, here he was, exposed and bare. Declan met Hope's golden violet eyes filled with the same compassion, love and concern that had unnerved him. He could no longer lie. "Okay! Okay, I cannot take it anymore! Fine, I admit, I, Declan St. Clair am a" Declan paused, taking a deep breath to slow his racing heartbeat. "A homosexual, a sodomite! Happy?" Declan fell back against the wall and closed his eyes and evened out his breathing. He expected a turmoil of sickening disgust and humiliation at the admission, but surprisingly, all he felt was relief. Overwhelming relief that the burden of his hidden sexuality was finally out in the open. He never felt so free. Even being painfully pinned to a wall by a stake. "I am happy yes, Declan, but for you. I see the instant change in you now, Declan. Now that your secret is out in the open and you have admitted it to yourself, the burden that you have been carrying around on your shoulders for far too long. Your shame over something that you cannot control has led you down a dangerous, dark path that almost destroyed you. It has kept you isolated and severely affected your relationship with Sebastian. Tell me Declan, how do you feel, really?"

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"I feel, free. That is the only word I can come up with to describe this feeling. It feels so good to finally say those words, to say that I am gay. I feel free, free to tell you Sebastian's dark secret." Declan's tranquil smile suddenly turned into a smile that blazed forth triumphant and malicious. Sebastian stiffened, this was not the way he wanted his nightmare, the root of his addiction to come to the surface. He wanted to be the one to tell Hope, gently, not through his brother's lips where it would be told as an act of revenge, not a gesture of healing. "Don't Declan, please. This is for me to tell, not you." Sebastian meekly pleaded. Declan's face turned toward Sebastian, hard and relentless. "Sorry brother, but you did not afford me the same courtesy a moment ago. So, I think it is only fair I tell your secret, since you told mine." Sebastian slid down the wall, slumping his shoulders in defeat and braced himself for the worst. " Now, where should I begin? Oh yes, that fateful night that started my baby brother's descent into hell. It was a time when Bass and I were still together, traveling the world and living our immortal lives to the fullest. Living the high life, filled with endless parties, liquor and easy women. Money flowed like the 1000 dollar a bottle champagne that overflowed in our never empty flutes. We rubbed shoulders, and a few other body parts, with the rich, famous and infamous. We ate their rich delicacies, their expensive liquors danced on our tongue while we screwed their all too willing wives as we drained their pretty vulnerable veins of the essence that sustained us, kept us all powerful." Declan paused, delightfully savoring the memory. "All powerful, immortal, gorgeous, brimming over with sex appeal and lonely. We were living a lie and we both were miserable. Sebastian missed you horribly. He was so lost, broken hearted and


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forlorn. He used our party lifestyle to cover up his heartbreak and I used it to cover up my homosexuality, on the surface. What Sebastian, or anyone else for that matter, did not know was that I was in a serious romantic relationship with a married man, Trevor Joseph." Declan paused again to take a deep breath. " I met Trevor during one of those legendary parties on a mutual friend's yacht. We hit if off immediately and before long we were fast friends and shared everything. I told Trevor things that I never told another soul, and he told me. Trevor told me that he had been married for 20 years to a woman who had been his childhood best friend, the one and only person who knew that he was gay, but agreed to marry him anyway." " She loved him so much that she was willing to sacrifice physical intimate relationship ordinary couples share in order to help him keep up appearances of a handsome, responsible, happily married man. Trevor said that the marriage was happy and a good one. He really did love his wife, he was just not in love with her. They had always encouraged one another to see other people but neither one of them felt that they needed to and continued to live their lives, contented to be together. Contented, until he met me." Declan's expression turned sentimental at the memory. "It was only after he had fallen in love with me that he realized how much of a lie his marriage really had been. It was not fair to either one of them to remain married and after a long, heartfelt discussion, they both agreed to separate but remain the best friends they always were. Our small group of exclusive friends that knew, and accepted our relationship threw us a celebration at one of their beach houses. Trevor had insisted that we invite Sebastian because he said that my brother needed to know about our relationship, and the sooner, the better. I refused. I did not want Sebastian to know about my secret affair, at least, not yet."

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" When I entered the living room to mingle with our host, I was shocked to see Sebastian standing in the corner, sipping on a glass of brandy flashing a leggy blond his most sincere, boyish smile. Before I could confront him though to ask him to leave, Trevor had taken my hand and led me to the upstairs bedroom for some brief private time. I forgot all about my brother the moment Trevor enveloped me in his arms and placed his lips on mine in a passionate kiss. Trevor and I had denied ourselves even the smallest of intimacies during the last months of his marriage, so when that kiss deepened, it did not take long for that passion to turn into urgent, desperate hunger for each other's flesh. I had been afraid in the beginning of our relationship when we first became sexually attracted to one another that my hunger for human blood would accidentally be discovered if we got too close. But the closer we got and the more in love we fell, I decided to tell him what I was and prepared for the worst. Trevor surprised me and accepted that I was a vampire and was ready to curb my bloodlust for other human blood, by offering me his own." "That is when I knew I would love him forever." Declan's eyes filled up with tears as he thought back tenderly about the one true love of his life. "Trevor and I were blissfully lost in the throes of our lovemaking when, without warning, someone burst into the room, yelled, Get off my brother you vile, disgusting bastard! I looked up and watched in horror as Sebastian swiftly ripping Trevor off me by the hair, exposing his neck. I yelled, screamed at him to stop, pleaded with him not to hurt Trevor and even attempted to physically restrain him, but Sebastian was like a man possessed. He savagely tore into Trevor's jugular and mercilessly drained him dry, before tearing his throat out and dropping his lifeless body onto the floor." Declan heard a horrified gasp erupt from Hope's throat and a mournful cry escape from Sebastian's lips as he was forced to relive the singularly most macabre moment of his life.


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Declan pressed on. "Then, it was me who became possessed. I slammed into Sebastian like a defensive line backer, throwing him onto his back and beat him while I yelled and cursed his soul. I stopped when I heard his whimpers. When I came to my senses and looked down, and saw my brother swollen and bloody body, next to my lover's lifeless one." Declan hung his head as his grief overwhelmed him, his tears stealing his breath. Sebastian watched as his brother's heavy sobs racked his entire body as he struggled to regain his breath and voice. "It was like some dream, rather than some endless nightmare that I created by my monstrous, blood thirsty rage. Once Declan stopped hitting me and I was able to look over to see what I had done, the horror of a man's savagely mutilated body, his blood gone due to my murderous bloodlust. The overwhelming grief etched in Declan's face, the pain in his eyes, sedated me, even if I did not know who my victim was, I knew that he must have meant the world to my brother." "That was because he was my lover, the man that I was going to be with until he drew his last breath. I loved Trevor, Bass, and you callously, viciously, took him away from me! Do you know how I felt when I looked at you with his blood still dripping from your fangs, flowing through your veins?" "I could never imagine, Declan, truly, I wish I could. In fact, I wished that you would have killed me back then." "Do not think I was not tempted, in fact, I almost carried out that wish, I had wanted revenge so badly. But, Sebastian, no matter what has happened between us, even after you murdered my lover, I could never kill you, I love you." Listening to their mutual nightmare had left Hope's heart beating in her throat and speechless, but somehow she found her voice.

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"That was the incident that you kept referring to, the one where you swore to never harm or feed off another human again." "It was also the night that I swore my own oath. I swore that I would bury this deplorable sin of the sodomite as far down as I could and keep it there for all of my eternity! Now, I just broke my promise, with my eternity so close to ending, too." Declan's attempt at morbid humor felt like a slap across the face to Hope and Sebastian, but Declan brushed it off by stating. "Now that Bass and I bared our souls to you, it is time for you to bare your soul to us. So, tell us, Doc, what is your deep dark secret? Other than you are a smoking hot vamp?" Hope could not help but smile at the slight spark of the old flirtatious Declan returning, even if it meant just for that moment. "My secret is not an easy one to tell, even if it is not as dark and heart wrenching as the both of yours. Nonetheless, both of you deserve to hear that secret after displaying such incredible love, courage and strength. Especially since I love you both, I want to give some of that selflessness back." Hope, taking a deep breath spun the tale starting with the death of her mother in the fire storm to when she became a vampire and became addicted to blood wine. When she finished telling the story that Sebastian already knew, Declan stretched his long legs in front of him and yawned. "So, now that our hearts, souls and guts are laid bare all over this rat infested gory floor, how long do you think it would be until Christian and his sniveling blood phobic brother come and do it for real?" Hope shivered, suddenly tired, she rested her head against the concrete wall, oblivious to the numbing pain in her pinned arm and fell asleep at the same time Sebastian and Declan fell asleep out of pure exhaustion. All three were physically, mentally and emotionally spent.


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Harsh, white light burned behind Hope's eye lids forcing her to snap them open. The blinding white light was the only illumination in the black, starless sky. Hope attempted to stretch her sore limbs but met resistance, confused. Then, suddenly she remembered the events of the day before that led her to be pinned to the concrete wall by a wooden stake. Still, that was no reason why the rest of her body could not move enough to let her have some limited range of motion. Something was different, out of place as the smell of burning candles reached her nostrils and the sound of murmured chanting filled her ears. A crushing, nauseating, realization overcame her senses as the rest of her became painfully aware, this was almost the witching hour and the ritual was about to begin, and she was about to die. "Wake up sleepy head, it is almost the witching hour and your moment in the spotlight is about to start!" Christian's tone dripped with a malicious swagger that raised goosebumps on Hope's already numb skin. Hope tried to close her eyes, steeling herself to her fate when she heard the rapid beating of two heartbeats, stirring their blood, emitting two contrasting scents. One rich with honey and vanilla, the other a tart spicy musk that mingled in the air, filling her lungs and calming her. "Sebastian! Declan!" she caroled. "I am sorry, Doctor Serenity, but your patients are currently unable to be by your side, but they are present to watch you take your final breath! How simply romantic!" "Why am I not able to see them? What did you do to them!" "Do not worry about the St. Clair brothers, Hope. They remain unharmed, they are just a little tied up right now. Tied up to keep them in line and preventing them from trying to foil my all important,

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critical plans. So, I hope you said your goodbyes to your lovers last night, as you would no longer have any further opportunity." "Let her see at least Sebastian, Christian, or I will not corporate." Candy's nasally voice suddenly penetrated the eery silence. "Now what makes you think I would be crazy enough to do such a stupid thing? Sebastian and Declan's punishment is to watch her die from the sidelines, no contact permitted. Besides Candy, you do not have a choice in the matter and are in no position to negotiate or make demands." Candy strutted over to Christian, pressing her cherry pink heels into the soft ground to stare him down. "I believe you are wrong on that accord, brother in law. I indeed have a very powerful leverage to get what I want. You may have the blood of a newborn vampire and will soon have the heart of a being that was born a purebred witch, but you still need another witch to cast the spell that will complete the ritual. The last time I checked, I am the only witch within a 1000 miles from here who can cast that spell. So, let me say this again so you can get it through your pompous thick head. Let Sebastian see Hope so they can say their final goodbyes or I will not perform!" "No, absolutely not! I will not let Sebastian St. Clair receive one ounce of a favor!" "Okay, have it your way! Come on Nigel, let's go home and see if your brother can round up another witch with my skills before the witching hour ends!" Candy barely took one step away from Christian when he gave in,despising the fact that his invincible immorality rested on her cotton candy colored head. "Fine, you win! Nigel bring Sebastian over here, but only briefly, understood?" "A moment or two is all I request for Hope." When Sebastian's phenomenally beautiful face came into view, Hope had to resist the urge to weep.


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His oak green eyes radiated warmth, love and overwhelming sorrow, as he held his gaze with hers and took her hand in his. "I am going to get you out of here Hope. I am going to save you, we will not let Christian and Nigel win and take you away from me. Declan and I have a plan. " Sebastian whispered. Hope shook her head feeling guilty that there were no words that she could say to Sebastian that would convince and comfort him that her fate was sealed and there was no getting out for her. She did, however have a gift for Sebastian and Declan if they wanted it. "Sebastian, do you remember what I told you about that one extra special thing about myself that night under the stars before we were raided by that murderous mob?" Sebastian closed his eyes tightly and shuddered as the memory of that nightmare that he was forced to leave Hope came rushing forth again. "Yes, I remember." "Do you also remember what I told you what that extra special thing would do for you?" "Yes." "Then, it is very important that you promise me that neither you or Declan allow my heart to get into Christian's or Nigel's hands. My heart belongs to you and if Declan wants the same thing as you want, then share. Will you promise me that! Sebastian fought to keep his array of conflicting emotions in check as the sincerity in Hope's eyes threatened to make his own heart break. "There is no promise that I will ever deny you Hope, but please do not give up yet! Declan and I are determined to save you." "I know and I pray that you will be able to save me, Sebastian. There is nothing I would want more than to finally marry you and have Declan in our lives, but if your plan fails and Christian and Nigel

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succeed in killing me, I need to know that Christian and Nigel will not get my heart. Do you promise, Sebastian?" "I promise, Hope." Sebastian said solemnly as he leaned in and captured Hope's lips, in what he hoped would not be, their last passionate kiss. "Come on Romeo, time to get back into the cage with your big brother!" Sebastian fought, kicked and screamed as Nigel violently pulled him away from Hope. He did not care if they ripped his arm off, he was not going to let go of her hand, he was not going to let her go. Once he was thrown back into the cage next to Declan on his hands and knees, all the emotions he had swallowed while he was with Hope rushed back up to the surface and he wept without shame. "What did she say to you Sebastian? Did she give you any hint as to how we are going to defeat those lunatics?" "What we said to each other was highly personal and normally I would tell you to stuff it and mind your own business, but since this affects you as well, I will tell you what she said. I will have to make it quick though because the last moments until the start of the witching hour are about to begin." "Then you better spill with speed, little brother and make sure you cut out all the flowery lovely dovey detail." "Hope once told me that that she possessed one extra special power that separated her from the rest of the vampires. Hope was born a purebred witch, descendant from a long line of purebred witches of the Druids. All purebred witches are born with a heart that pulsates with magical blood that will grant the most coveted wish of the person who orally consumes it. When Hope was transformed into a vampire, she lost all her magical powers, save one. Her heart still beat with the same blood that she was born with."


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"So that is why her heart is so coveted by Christian and Nigel. If they drink the blood from her heart, they would receive what they wish for the most?" "Correct." "Let me get this straight. If they manage to kill Hope, cut her chest open and drink the blood from her heart, they will get what they always wanted, invincible immorality?"Declan questioned, sickened by what he was hearing. "If we do not stop these madmen and stop them from getting Hope's heart, nothing will be able to kill them. I shudder at the possibilities of two invincible vampires with a God complex."Sebastian asserted, barely keeping the bile from rising in his throat. "Then there is only one thing we can do. We got to do everything in our power to stop and kill them before that could happen." "I agree with you Dec, but Hope made me promise that if we fail in saving her life, that we will not only make sure to keep her heart from Christian and Nigel, but we are to drink the blood ourselves, therefore granting us our wish." Declan paused, thinking over the many possibilities of what he would want the most, everything from fame and fortune to his own invincible immorality. However since finally opening himself up and telling the truth to Hope, he knew there was only one thing he would wish for. "Then we better make sure we get the fuck out of this cage!"

Hope turned her face towards the starless sky and stared. The full moon send out a cold breath of light, seeming to illuminate the black, vast sky and blanketing her stark surroundings with pristine serenity. This light deceived her eyes making her believe that she was lying on the grass, curled up in Sebastian's strong, comforting arms watching the shadows dance across that sky. Instead of the reality of the nightmare she was living laying on a pentagram etched in chalk, lit white candles marking its circumference. Hope lay nude, spread eagle her arms and legs tied to steel railway spikes, trying to regulate her breathing and swallow her pending fear. Hope closed her eyes tight in an attempt to slow her rapidly beating heart, and was startled when a sharp, nasal voice whispered in her ear. "Hope, please open your eyes, I need you to look at me. I want to help you." Hope refused to open her eyes to look at one of the two friends that had betrayed her. "Go away Candy Apple, I do not want your help, besides I do not understand how you can help. Though, I do thank you for persuading Christian to let Sebastian see me one last time." "You are welcome, just a small way for me to show you just how sorry I am for what Christian is putting you through. That being said, let me try to make it up to you some more by helping Sebastian and Declan save you." "I appreciate the brave gesture, Candy but I am afraid my fate is sealed. Christian and your husband are determined to have my heart." Candy briefly grasped her petite white hand in Hope's and looked down at her with mournful, haunting eyes.


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"Please trust me one more time, you will soon see." Surprisingly, a part of Hope wished that Candy could save her, but that was unlikely. Candy's low chanting hummed in Hope's ears as Christian and Nigel held hands and marched around the pentagram, evil sneers etched on their pale, illuminated faces. Nigel carried a vial filled with Faith's newborn vampire blood; blood when combined with Hope's would make them a team of indestructible savage hunters, and a transparent sterile container, for Hope's heart. Meanwhile, Christian gleefully held an ancient sacrificial dagger in his right hand, pointed downward and ready to strike. Hope had envisioned her death tonight to be an agonizing gory, eerily silent affair that she prayed would be over quickly. What she prayed for most of all was that Sebastian and Declan saved her heart and it was they that drank her blood and received their most heart felt wish. At last, Candy's chanting ceased, and Hope felt a presence hover over her. "Christian, just do me one favor." "Of course, Lady Hope what is you're dying wish?" "Make it quick." "Consider it done." Christian's tone was clear, cold and quiet while his ice blue eyes blazed with triumphant satisfaction. The next few moments went by like a dizzying, awe inspiring blur. Christian held the dagger over Hope's heart, getting ready to strike when suddenly, the dagger flew out of Christian's hand as he was tackled to the ground, mere inches from falling into the sacrificial fire. No words were spoken at first only a series of punches and blows, screams, hollers and curses.

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A head covered with a sleek, black mane, clear blue eyes dancing with mischief, and a perfectly sculpted petal soft mouth rolled to its side, and smiled at her. "Hey Doc!" "Hi Declan!" Hope managed to give Declan a weak smile before Christian ripped him from the ground and using all of his inhuman strength threw him across the clearing where he hit a tree with a sickening, bone crunching thud. Hope's heart pounded like a trip hammer as her vision blurred at the nauseating sound,her body clenched in fear that Christian was successful in murdering Declan. She wanted to scream, she wanted to shout and beg Christian to just kill her already, when she got a second reprieve as she joyously watched Sebastian with stealth and cunning, sneak up behind Nigel and without blinking an eye, drove a wooden stake through his heart. Before Candy could scream as she watched her husband die, Sebastian finding some buried inner strength, ruthlessly pinned Candy down and plunged his canine teeth into her neck, quickly draining her dry. This new blood renewed Sebastian's powers, agility and strength as he silently crept behind Christian, holding the discarded dagger. Christian's senses were too sensitive and he heard Sebastian approach, seizing his arm as he still clutched the dagger and used Sebastian's arm to impale Hope through the heart. Shock snapped Hope's eyes wide open and froze her breath as she felt the icy steel slice through her, tearing deep into her flesh and piercing her heart. Although all rational thought had disappeared due to the agonizing pain, her senses kept on recording mercilessly: a vision of Sebastian's once disarming beauty twisted in dizzy, nauseating awe, transfixed. The smell of her blood spilling out of her gaping chest, the sound and the feel of Christian victoriously reaching into the


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gaping wound and pulling out her heart, before the peace of her final breath consumed her. Sebastian could not scream, could not breathe as he stood frozen, watching Hope so brutally butchered like some animal being slaughtered. He stood helplessly as his mind jammed, refusing to acknowledge what was going on and leaving him helpless, vulnerable in the face of it. Christian ignored the gory scene that surrounded him, including the lifeless body of his brother and sister in law. They served their purpose and there was no further need for them. Christian reveled in the sweet victory of finally having the invincibility he had always craved and deserved. He was so consumed by the orgasmic pleasure of his victory that he did not notice Sebastian coming out of his fog of grief to simultaneously snatch Hope's heart from his claws, and using the dagger that had murdered her, Sebastian used all his power to slowly drag the serrated edge along his chest, breaking the ribcage and with Christian still conscious and breathing, ripped his heart out while enjoying the horrific screams of his death. Pushing aside his intense heartbreak and grief, Sebastian placed Hope's still beating heart in the container that Nigel had dropped after he killed him, and knelt by Hope's side. Her golden violet eyes vacantly stared at the heavens and rainbows glimmered in her raven colored hair which looked like a halo shimmering in the moonlight. Sebastian lifted her hands in his and kissed each fingertip reverently. Ignoring the blood and gore of her open, empty chest, he lay down next to her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled Hope to him. His lips found the delicate, sensitive flesh of her neck, and he tenderly kissed a path up her jaw, cheek, forehead and down to her tiny nose and rose petal mouth.

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The tears that he had held back earlier fell shamelessly down his cheeks and into Hope's empty chest cavity where her heart used to be. "Oh Hope, my lovely love, I am so sorry that I could not save you! Sorry that your life ended by my hand. A hand that was forced to pierce your heart as I watched you die. Die because it was my punishment from a madman drunk on power and invincibility. A madman who believed in the lie that his wife told him to hide her own secret shame. A lie that he would go as far to savagely murder an innocent for. You. I pray that you have found peace. I have been blessed by the gift that was you. I am honored to even been in your glorious presence, let alone having the privilege to love you and to have you love me back. I will grieve you for an eternity, and my heart is broken with your absence, but I also feel the serene comfort in knowing that our love will survive death into eternity. Good-bye angel, I will love you always." Tears blurred his vision, his breath caught in his throat, and his heart stopped beating as he gently closed her eyes with his hand, kissing each eyelid. Summoning up the last of his strength and courage, Sebastian lifted the container that held Hope's heart and went to his now conscious brother to fulfill his last promise to her.

Sebastian knelt solemnly at her grave, his fingers lovingly tracing the engraved gold letters that bore her name. Overwhelming sadness shook him, tears welled up in his eyes, but they refused to fall, the grief was just too great. The grief was indeed too great to make those tears flow, but bitter, painful tears of crushing guilt and shame welled up in eyes and fell haplessly onto the ground. Sebastian's stare never left Hope's gravestone, the guilt of being the one to cause Hope's horrific untimely death, gnawed at his soul. However, although as harrowing being forced to plunge the knife deep into Hope's chest had been, it was not as monstrous as being the one responsible for setting the nightmare in motion. The night that he was kidnapped by two dark strangers that he still could not recall the faces of, was an ironically fitting fate considering where he was heading. Dj vu bared down on him as he zipped up his ratty, hole infested hoodie in an attempt to shield his identity as he walked briskly down the all too familiar alleyway. "Where have you been SStC? I have missed your ugly face around here." The bodiless voice rasped somewhere deep within the darkness. "More like my money, but I have been, shall we say, rather occupied lately." The voice snorted, letting out a hacking cackle. "Touche. That's right, I heard that you got jacked by the man and got put away. Tell me how did you get out?" "I got out on good behavior." Sebastian sarcastically retorted. "Now, enough of this bull shit, I got to get back before my bastard


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brother notices that I am missing. Tell me, JC, you have my stuff or what?" "Patience dude, patience! Do not get your freaky supernatural self all twisted, okay? JC always has the goods for his best client, here." Sebastian reached out into the shadows and grabbed the smooth, cool vial of his saving grace and pushed a wad of bills into JC's filthy, calloused hand. "By the way, since when did you care where your brother thinks you are? What did they do to you in that fucking rehab man, turn you into some pussy?" JC's question hung in the frigid night air and met nothing but silence. Even if Sebastian wanted to answer the voice belonging to a body that he never seen, he was knocked unconscious before he was able to open his mouth. If he fought his bloodthirsty craving, if he had ignored the grating hunger that left a dry ache in his upper jaw, if he stayed at home instead of going into that alleyway, then he would have never been ambushed and dragged into a living hell. If he just had stayed home that night instead of giving in to his demonic need, he would not have gotten himself into a situation where Declan and Hope were forced to save him. If his body did not lust for blood wine so badly, then Declan and Hope would have not been thrust into the hell that was his alone and Hope would had never gotten so brutally slaughtered. If only. If only. If only. Sebastian repeatedly hit his head against the trunk of the sycamore tree,desperate to rid himself of his ghastly sin. He felt a hand stop the vicious assault to his head, and the other grasp his shoulder, offering comfort and support. Sebastian reached up and clasped that hand with his, holding on for dear life.

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This was the hand of the only love he had left. "I guess that part of the wish did not kick in yet." Sebastian offered Declan a small smile as he watched his brother slide to the ground and lounge against the same sycamore. "I am glad that I came along before you splattered your brains all over this majestic tree!Okay, spill it brother, why are you trying to punish yourself again, or dare I ask?" Sebastian's shoulders slumped and he buried his head in his hands, stifling a sob. "Never mind, I already know. The thoughts running around in your head are loud and clear." "I'm that obvious?" "Yes, and no. We are brothers, Bass. I would have known what was rolling around inside that noggin even if you did not let me read your mind. The part of the wish where you would no longer shoulder the blame and the responsibility for problems and events that you have no control over has not quite took effect yet, has it? It is only the elimination of the bloodlust that has taken root, just like it has with me. Am I right?" "Yes. However, there is a difference between my wish to have taken effect, because it probably has already. I am to blame for this situation, the situation that led to Hope's death." He vocalized mournfully. Declan lifted Sebastian by his shoulders and looked directly at him, his voice gentle but firm. "Sebastian, there has to be a time in your life when you will have to stop this self-loathing self-sacrificing person who takes the blame for everything happening in the world and carries it on his shoulders. This is why Hope gave us her heart as a gift. To ensure that you and I have our most sincere, heartfelt wish fulfilled."


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" The thing that we both wanted the most is our freedom. Hope gave us that. We were unable to be free of our vampirism but we are free of the most loathsome trait, the bloodlust. We will always need human blood to survive, to keep our powers strong, but the gnawing, desperate hunger is no longer there." " Hope has given us so many gifts during the magical time that we knew her. I will not be able to list the gifts that she given you, only you can do that, but I know the gifts that she had given me." Declan suddenly found his voice wavering and his voice cracking with the grief of her memory, but he wanted to continue to help his brother. "Hope has given me the gift of ultimate freedom, not just from the blood fever but from so much more. She has given me a new lease on life, where I no longer have to hide in the shadows, the burden of what I thought was such a shameful, dirty secret. I can now proudly say that not only am I a vampire, but a very happy, gay man." "I will always love her and treasure her for who she was and what she had done for me." Declan reached out and grasped Sebastian's hands and held them tightly. "Sebastian, you do not need to tell me the gifts that Hope has given to you, but I do want to say this, please brother, do not waste any of them. It is when you give into the darkness and the despair is when her death becomes a tragic waste." Fresh new tears threatened to brim over, but his smile was large and wide as he let Declan's words sink in. Declan did not need to be an elder brother to be confident and wise, but it was that confidence and wisdom that slowly ate away at the loathing and self blame that had been a heavy burden on his mind, heart and soul since the night he discovered he so brutally butchered Declan's lover.

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In time, Sebastian knew that he would be able to shed that part of himself and be truly free. "Declan, you forgive me for what I did to Trevor?" he asked, his voice a cracked whisper. "Of course Sebastian, I have forgiven you, what I had come to recently realize, a long time ago. I could no longer hold a deep hatred and thirst for vengeance for an act that I myself have committed numerous times in the past, even without the bloodlust. Sebastian, it has taken a long time to come to peace with the fact, that violent act was a primal reaction to you thinking that I was being raped by another man. Defense of a loved one in the nightmarish extreme, but defense of your brother, nonetheless." He assured without hesitation. Sebastian deeply sighed and rested his head against the tree. "Declan, I do not know how I am going to cope. I do not know how I am going to live without her. It has taken us so long to find each other again only to be separated so cruelly by her professional ethics and then her death." "You, Sebastian St.Clair will learn to live without her over time, you will find ways to cope with my help, because I will always be here. But, Bass, as I said before, treasure and use the gifts she has given you because they are the ultimate expression of the love you have for each other." "Every thought, every prayer and every memory that you shared with her keeps her here with you. Hold on to that, Bass, because I promise it will heal you." "I believe you Declan, I truly do and thank you for being my brother." "I had no say in the matter, but, thank you. I love you, you little twerp! Now what do you say, let's go home?"


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Declan stood up and offered Sebastian his hand and as Sebastian took it, a spark of something warm, powerful and beautiful surrounded him. It was Hope, blanketing him with a serene, glowing light. The light that told him that the destiny of the vampire does not have to be tainted, but pure.

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