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The Ottoman Empire

*The Ottoman Empire *Roots: Seljuk Turks *considered themselves warriors in Allahs jihad *Gods scourge, who cleanses the earth from the filth of polytheism *Small territory in Asia Minor *First: in the Balkans: *the Serbs, Bosnians and Bulgarians 1379-1396 *New capital: Adrianople *What is the identity of these folks? *Then the heart of the Byzantine Empire -- Constantinople *1453 --> Istanbul *now centered in Turkey *continued the title Sultan- I- Rum Mehmet II the Conqueror Mehmet II and Selim I *Selim I (1512-1520) the Grim *retired his father * killed his brother *conquered N. Africa Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) 80 million in annual income Fought every summer; relaxed in the winter Outside Vienna in 1529 *Certainly capable of being warlike: *but devoted himself to public works, hospitals & medicine, education *Pasha Sinan builder of 312 public buildings *Ottoman Rule: *Sunni Islam *The Moslem Institution & sharia law *The Ruling Institution *A feudal military establishment *sometimes tolerant of Christians *The millet system (control through the clergy) *depended on a strong military corps *devshirme Janissaries *the jitza: tax on all non-Muslims *yet good treatment of Jews brought many from central Europe and Spain *A whole family for sale *Slavery is a constant *The devshirme in action Street sweepers in the hippodrome (Istanbul)

*Constant Patronage led to ever-increasing corruption in government *Turkish Proverb: The fish begins to stink at the head *very traditional, very wealthy *Not ready to welcome change *Not careful to disperse the wealth The Blue Mosque (17th Century) Conclusions: *Muslim Empires tend to be prosperous *Rulers do not always follow their creed (not that that is unusual) *treatment of non-Muslim people varies *a weakness for pleasure often undermines the state

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