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Grade Three Endangered Animal Story Narrative Checklist Before you create your comic in Comic Life, you

have to create a storyboard, which will show you what image, speech bubble and caption will go into each panel of your comic. It is like a map to your project. You are telling your story as if you are the endangered animal. I have created a checklist for you to follow as you write your dialogue (the speech bubble content) and your captions (the extra facts you should include in a box in the panel). Remember that you are trying to persuade people to help you survive, so use expressive and persuasive language when you speak and provide a lot of information in your captions so your readers are well-informed.

I introduced myself and described what I look like. I described what I eat and where I live (my habitat)

I explained that I am endangered I talked about my predators and why I am endangered

I reminded my readers why I am important I talked about the things that make me special I asked for help I suggested ways that people can help me survive I thanked people for listening to me!

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