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April Moon Waxahachie Global High (WGH)

Email: Phone: (972) 923 4761

Aerospace Engineering 2012-2013


Mrs. Moon s Schedule: 1st Period 8:30 10:00

2nd Period 10:00 11:30

A DAY Conference Aerospace CEA M,W B DAY Conference Engineering Capstone CEA IED T,R Tutoring / Computer Hours: 8:00 8:20 am and 3:00 4:00 pm every day except Friday when I m in teacher meetings Required Supplies (Please bring by end of first week.) o o o o o Pencils (mechanical pencils preferred) will stay with student 2 White Magic Rub Erasers (can be found at Office Depot) will stay with student Map Pencils ( Twistables preferred) will stay with student Box of Kleenex OR Ream of Colored Paper (Pastels or Bright Colored) USB Memory Stick (4 gb preferred) These can be found for under $10. This memory stick may be used for other coursework but must be restricted to school use only (no music / game / video files etc.).

3rd Period 11:30 1:30 (Includes lunch) CEA

4th Period 1:30 3:00

* Some portfolio and project supplies (i.e. - presentation boards) will be required throughout the year. Class Culture The culture / environment in my classroom is centered around learning by doing, developing creativity, gaining confidence, and having fun along the way! Not only will we learn STEM concepts, but I hope to foster in you a love for learning. We will also focus on developing life skills, including skills related to teamwork, professional communication, project management, and problem solving. My classes are rigorous, and my expectations are high, but the rewards are great! Course Description In Aerospace Engineering (AE), we explore the evolution of flight, flight fundamentals, navigation and control, aerospace materials, propulsion, space travel, orbital mechanics, ergonomics, remotely operated systems and related careers. In addition, the course presents alternative applications for aerospace engineering concepts. The course of study includes: Introduction of Aerospace Engineering Evolution of flight Physics of flight Airfoils Air navigation

Mrs. April Moon Waxahachie Global High (WGH)

Email: Phone: (972) 923 4761

Aerospace Engineering 2012-2013


Air traffic control Global positioning system, GPS Aerospace Design Aerospace materials Turbine, rocket and space propulsion Flight Physiology Space Space law Space junk Orbital mechanics Alternative Applications Alternative applications Remote systems Rover design and building Aerospace careers

Engineering Program Background: WGH s engineering classes will teach the objectives outlined by Project Lead the Way (PLTW). PLTW, established thirteen years ago, is a nonprofit organization that offers an entire high school engineering program that is aligned to national learning standards. They capture the hearts of students and prepare their minds by basing their coursework on rigor, relevance, and relationships. They also ensure instructors are ready for the challenge by requiring extensive training and offering a strong nationwide network made up of teachers, universities, and professionals. Today, Project Lead the Way courses are offered in over 3,000 schools across the U.S., and the program is rapidly growing. Now that Global High is officially a PLTW certified school, there is an opportunity for PLTW students to apply for college credit if they maintain a specific average throughout the year and pass an end of the year college assessment. Colleges vary in how they accept or recognize PLTW courses, but students from any PLTW certified high school may apply for transcripted college credit from many universities and all Texas community colleges. Engineering Instructional Materials PLTW curriculum Autodesk Inventor (3D software) Autodesk Revit (3D architectural software) - CEA course 3-D uPrint Printer Fischertechniks Structural Stress Analyzer 1000 Wind Tunnel Vinyl Cutter MD Solids software WestPoint Bridge Designer software POE course Model Rockets & Gliders AE course Boe Bot Robotic Kits DE and AE courses

Mrs. April Moon Waxahachie Global High (WGH)

Email: Phone: (972) 923 4761

Aerospace Engineering 2012-2013


Plotter Web 2.0 Tools Flip Cameras Portfolios Engineering Journals Classroom Rules


CEA course

FoilSim software Aery software

AE course

Surveying equipment CEA course Basic hand tools (cordless drills, hammers, etc.) Calipers, Rulers, Scales, Calculators Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher 2007

AE course

Microsoft Flight Simulator with yoke AE course Real Flight G5 R/C Flight Simulator AE course

1. Safety is our first priority! Therefore, all lab rules must be strictly followed. Students must be signed off to use tools and equipment, and an engineering instructor must be present when tools are used! 2. Respect Property: Use furniture properly. Please dispose of trash whether it is yours or not. Please ensure all supplies / tools are put up in their designated home neatly. Please do not disturb items around or in my desk, and my teacher laptop is strictly off limits. 3. Eye contact is important, both with me and your classmates. Therefore, for the duration of class, all hair must be kept away from your eyes. 4. The teacher dismisses class. 5. Computers will be used for academic purposes during designated times only. Proper electronic etiquette will be used when someone is speaking. Also, no games are ever allowed in my lab no exceptions! 6. Please dispose of food, trays, and food packages in the trash can OUTSIDE my room. Eating in my room is a privilege, not a right. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand! NOTE: Student visitors will not be allowed to work in / enter my room while another class is in session. Classroom Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Everyone must participate. This is the only way our class will reach its full potential as a team. Respect others even when it requires intentional effort. We will work as a team in my class. Units must be shown, and the steps used for all solutions must be neatly recorded. Your notes / book should be your first resource for questions. Your second resource is your team. Please bring all required materials to class each day, including your USB memory stick.

Mrs. April Moon Waxahachie Global High (WGH)

Email: Phone: (972) 923 4761

Aerospace Engineering 2012-2013


Course Structure and Evaluation It is important that students take thorough notes since their notes will be their main source of information (not a textbook), and it is vital that students come to class prepared - with all required supplies and a focus on learning. Periodically, I will conduct unannounced checks on journals and portfolios. We will explore engineering through exciting activities and projects that will allow a deeper understanding of the concepts being learned. Most project work can be completed in class, but the student is expected to continue this work outside the classroom as homework. A detailed design brief, grading rubric, and the project s due date will be supplied upfront so that expectations are clear. All projects will incorporate criteria centered on creativity, documentation, mathematical computations / connections, and time quality. In addition, they will all conclude with a presentation. Projects will be assessed using a rubric and will carry the weight of at least one test grade. Peer evaluations and progress checks will also factor in to a student s project grades. Finally, we will periodically take time to stop and reflect on our learning. Thorough written reflections will be completed and graded. Absences If possible, work missed due to absences should be picked up and attempted before returning to class so the student better connects with the new lessons. Any project work that spans two weeks or longer should be turned in the day it is due. If a student is absent on that day, they must turn it in early, email it to me by their scheduled presentation time, or find a way to transport their project to school by their scheduled presentation time. This is especially important if the project is a team based assignment. Grading Policy Mandated by District * This syllabus may change at the teacher s discretion. *

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