Assigment 3

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Certificacin de tutores de docentes de Idiomas 1.Which of the content areas interest you most. Why?

The content area I am more interested to focus on is The Language Learning Processes since this is, in my opinion, the main area to strength due to this area is the one that leads the rest of them because it is the part that makes the students act out either in class or outside.

2.Which area will be more difficult for you? Why? Language and Culture is for me the most difficult area because I have never been abroad. Although I could get information about any country in books or the by internet I think that living the language where it is originally from is a plus for a complete acquisition of a second language.

3.In which area would you like to develop further? How will you go about it? In Planning and Evaluation since if we have a very organized planning, taking into account the material. The better the procedures and extra material are structured the better results wil be able appeared.

4.How would you keep the trainees' motivation high during the training? It is important to motivate the trainees motivation by surrounding them into an atmosphere of a good mood and being opened to the dialogue since communication is essential when students and teachers work like a team.

5.How could you check and evaluate the learning progress of your trainees during the training? Write down some concrete ideas. I must have a check list which can be also used by the students , with a a time line to see the objectives to be done and very important to be on touch frequently with them in order to keep them motivated and help them have better ideas during the course . 6.How can you improve the learner autonomy of your trainers? I must consider all the possibilities when using the bibliography the resources like internet alongside the strategies that trainees must be aware before a group and when working the material at home.

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