AZGOP 2013 Meeting Agenda

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Order of Business

AZ GOP Statutory Meeting

Call To Order 9:00AM Invocation Presentation of Colors The Pledge of Allegiance National Anthem Blessing Appointment of Committees

Tom Morrissey, State Chairman Dr. CT Wright

Tom Morrissey, State Chairman Remarks (inserted into program as availabilitv and schedule allows) Honorable Jan Brewer, Governor State of Arizona Honorable, John McCain, United States Senator (Invited) Honorable, John Kyl, United States Senator (Invited) Honorable, Jeff Flake, United States Senator Honorable, Trent Franks, United States Congressman Honorable, Paul Gosar, United States Congressman Honorable, David Schweikert, United States Congressman Honorable, Matt Salmon, United States Congressman Honorable, Ken Bennett, Secretary of State of Arizona Honorable, Tom Home, Attorney General of the State of Arizona Honorable, Doug Ducey, Treasurer of the State of Arizona Honorable, John Ruppenthal Superintend of Schools of the State of Arizona Honorable, Joe Hart Mining Inspector of the State of Arizona Honorable Bob Stump, Chairman of Corporation Commission Honorable Andy Biggs, President of the Arizona State Senate Honorable Andy Tobin, Speaker of the Arizona of Representatives Honorable, Joe Arapio, Sheriff of Maricopa County

Rules Committee Report Treasurer's Report Recognition of Elected Officials Memorials Nominating Committee Report Nomination Speeches (5 min each)

Ron Gould, Mohave County Chairman Andy Stevens, AZ GOP Treasurer Tom Morrissey, State Chairman Tom Morrissey, State Chairman John Duane Rhodes, Chairman All Candidates running for Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary Break Out for Congressional Caucus

Reconvene for Results of Offices By Laws Committee Report ByLaw votes Resolutions Committee Report Resolutions votes Swearing in of the Newly Elected Officers

Tom Morrissey, State Chairman Don Ascoli, Bylaw Chairman Keith Alexander, Resolutions Chairman Helen Purcell, Credentials and Tally Chair New State Party Chairman closes meeting

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