CH 21 Cdef

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Bea Diaz Period 2 whap


C. Focus Questions Chapter 21- Africa and the Africans in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1) How did the arrival of Portugal (and other Europeans) affect West Africa? The Portuguese had a great cultural impact on their colonies in West Africa. This included their language and an entirely new kind of music. Perhaps the most long-lasting contribution to West Africa was Christianity. 2) Why did the slave trades arise and how did they affect Africa? Slave trading originated in Africa because some African tribes would capture other Africans and then trade them to another tribe or then use them as slaves. Then in the 1400s Portugal discovered Africa and colonized some island of the West Coast. Africas population dropped. 3) How many Africans were enslaved and where did they go? 2 Million were sent to Europe and the Americas. 4 million to Brazil, 3 million to Latin America, 500,000 to the Southern US. 4) What was the demographic impact of the African slave trade on the sub-Saharan region?

Many smaller states were overrun by more powerful ones, and so the importance of the military, and a warrior/ soldier class became increasingly pronounced. Society was disrupted in the smaller states by the larger ones and in the larger ones by European fear of a too powerful nation that could monopolize trade./ The Saharan slave trade to the Islamic world carried mostly women for sexual and domestic employment. The Atlantic trade concentrated on young men fit for hard labor in the Americas. African societies who sold slaves might keep women and children for their own uses. 5) How was the slave trade organized and who controlled the trade?

The slave trade was organized into a triangle of powers one point being UK, the USA, and the West Coast of Africa .It is controlled by private citizens. 6) How did African slavery differ from American slavery?

Most slavery in Africa is a form of crime punishment or debt payment. Lots of women and female children were traded as slaves for payment of unpaid debts of their husbands, brothers, and fathers 7) How did the slave trade influence African politics and the rise of states?

Africa was a collection of small kingdoms that were constantly at war with one another. They took prisoners of war as slaves, and so the slave trade became a fundamental political development. The West had triangular trade with Africa, in that it shipped goods to Africa, who gave slaves to the Africa, who shipped agricultural products to Europe. The Wests participation changed the centers of politics to the Atlantic coast, away from the savanna, with the kingdoms capitals just off the coast. These kingdoms traded with Europe for guns that they used to take over other states and get more slaves.West and East Africa were depopulated during the slave trade. This weakened native states in Africa like the Oyo Empire and strengthened other empires like the Ashanti. 8) What developments occurred in East Africa?

Developments that occurred in East Africa between 19 CE and 20 CE, East Africa became a theatre of competition between the major imperialistic European nations of the time, and to varying degrees became part of a European colonial empire.

Bea Diaz Period 2 whap



What popular movements collided in South Africa and with what results?

The ARM; Internal resistance to the apartheid system in South Africa came from several sectors of society and saw the creation of organization dedicated variously to peaceful protests, passive resistance, and armed insurrection. 10) How did African cultures, religions, and institutions change outside Africa?

West Africa much of the local dress was influenced by Islamic traditions. Zulus wear a variety of attire, both traditional for ceremonial or culturally celebratory occasions, and modern westernized clothing for everyday use. 11) Why did the slave trade come to an end?

When the US was re-writing the constitution, the North and South were having issues between tariffs and slavery. The end result was that the North would get to keep tariffs, but the South got to keep slavery, as long as the slave trade ended.

D. 1)

Statistical Exercises

Table 21.1: Slave Exports from Africa, 1500 1900 (p.481) a. Red Sea, Trans-Sahara, East Africa and Indian Ocean, Trans-Atlantic b. Trans-Atlantic exported the largest amount of slaves c. In 1700-1800 the most slaves were exported d. It was during the time of enlightenment, slavery was frowned upon and was soon becoming illegal


Table 21.1: Destinations of African Slaves (p.482) a. Brazil, Spanish America, French Caribbean received the most slaves; British North America, Dutch Caribbean, Danish Caribbean, Old world received the least b. Their labor dependent economies needed it c. Sugar growing colonies d. Brazil, it has the most population of Africans


Visualizing the Past: Read & answer the questions on Symbols of African Kingship.(p.487)

Uhh I read itand there were no questions so yeah :p F. In Depth Essay: Read and answer questions on Slavery and Human Society. (pp.492-494) Africa became the leading source of slaves in the early modern world economy because it was an easy access to labor that enabled Europeans to exploit the Americas. Some of the leading issues in interpreting African slavery is the role of slavery in the early modern world economy.

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