"A" Discussion: Outstanding

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Below are the criteria that the teacher will consider for your Discussion Board Participation grade.

Review this rubric before you make a post in each discussion to remind yourself of what you need to do to earn the most points for your participation. A Discussion: Outstanding

Participate on at least three different days Quality responses to the posts of others Post in time for others to read and respond before the deadline Answer the question or include the information that is asked of you Include ideas that are new, original and explained well Make connections to the ideas of others, real-life experiences and/or reading and learning from class

B Discussion: Proficient Participate on at least two different days Respond to the posts of others, but simply agree or disagree without explanation Post in time for others to read and respond before the deadline Answer the question or include the information that is asked of you Include ideas that are original but they lack depth or details Connect to the ideas of others using real-life experiences and/or reading and learning from class. These connections may not be explained well, or may be unclear.

C Discussion: Basic Participate on one day No response or minimal response to the posts of others Post is not made in time for others to read and respond before the deadline Answers only part of the question or include only some of the information that is asked of you Ideas are general, repeated or very similar to the ideas of others Connections are made but are not clearly explained or the connection might not make sense

D-F Discussion: Below Expectations Participates on one day or NO participation at all No response or minimal response to posts of others Post is made past the deadline Does not answer the question or include the information that is asked of you Ideas are only summaries of what was learned or read There are few or no connections made to other ideas or information

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