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Curing Ailments from Mafatih &

Baqiyatus salehat
Prayers for Healing Prayers for Healing Prayers for Healing Prayers for Healing
Sayyid Ibn ws (may Allah have mercy upon him) in his book of Muhaj al-Da`awt has reported Sa`d ibn
Abil-Fat of Wsi as saying:
I was once inflicted by a serious disease that overtired all physicians. Therefore, my father took me to the
hospital where all physicians, headed by the Christian doctor of medicine, tried to find me treatment, but failed.
Finally, they had to confess, This disease cannot be healed except by God the All-exalted. With breaking heart
and distress, I had to go back home. Browsing one of my fathers books, I found the following inscribed on the
back of the book:
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said: Any diseased person who repeats these statements forty times
immediately after the Dawn Prayer and then rubs the painful part with his hand, Almighty Allah will free him
from the disease and restore him to health:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramni alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
_ _ _ alamdu lillhi rabbi al`lamna
All praise be to Allah, the Lord of
the Worlds.
_ asbun

allhu wa ni`ma alwaklu
Sufficient to us is Allah, and most
excellent is the Protector.
_ _ ` tabraka allhu asanu alkhliqna
Blessed be Allah, the Best of all
_ _ _ '
wa l

awla wa l

quwwata ill

hi al`aliyyi al`ami
There is neither might nor power
save with Allah, the Most High
and All-great.
I, the patient, waited for dawn, performed the obligatory prayer, and sat in my place repeating these words
while I was fearful lest the pains would return to me. Keeping on this state for three days, the disease was gone.
My father, after I had told him about this, thanked Almighty Allah. When he informed one of the physicians
about the restoration of my health, the physician, who was non-Muslim, visited and examined me. When he was
sure that my disease had gone, he converted to Islam, bore witness that Muammad is the messenger of God,
and committed himself to the teachings of Islam.
Al-Kaf`am, in his book entitled al-Mib, has mentioned that whoever is diseased, may rub over the place of
his prostration (in prayers) with his hand and then rub the ailed organ after each obligatory prayer seven times.
He may then say the following prayer:
` y

man kabasa al-ara `al

O He Who has pressed the earth
on water,
' ' wa sadda alhaw'a bilssam'i
blocked the air with the sky,
` ` _ _ _ wakhtra linafsih asana al-asm'i
and chose for Himself the most
excellent of all names,
' '
alli `al

muammadin wa li
(please) send blessings upon
Muammad and the Household of
waf`al b
do to me
_ _
warzuqn wa `fin min
grant me sustenance, and cure me
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 1/30
_ _
[Instead of the three dots, you may submit your requests and mention your ailed organ.]
Prayer for restorati on of Health Prayer for restorati on of Health Prayer for restorati on of Health Prayer for restorati on of Health
Quoting Mib al-Mutahajjid, al-Kaf`am has reported that whoever is ailed, may say the following prayer in
the second prostration of the first two units of the Night Prayer:
_ '_ y `aliyyu y `mu
O Most High! O All-great!
_ y

ramnu y

O All-beneficent! O All-merciful!
_ ' _ y

sam`a aldda`awti
O Hearer of all prayers!
_ _ y

mu`iya alkhayrti
O Giver of the good things!
_ _ ' alli `al

muammadin wa lih
(Please) bless Muammad and his
` _ _ ' _ _ `
wa a`in min khayri aldduny

khirati m

anta ahluh
give me from the good of this
world and the Next World in the
amount that fits You,
_ _ ' _
` `
warif `ann min sharri aldduny
wal-khirati m

anta ahluh
dispel from me the evils of this
world and the Next World in the
way that fits You,
_ ` wa adhhib `ann hdh

and remove from me this
The disease or ailment may be now mentioned
` fa'innah qad ghan wa azanan
for it has enraged and depressed
It is recommended to supplicate earnestly, because the more earnest the sooner in response.
Quoted from `Uddat al-D`, Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said:
When you are ailed, go outdoors, raise your hands towards the sky, and say the following prayer:
_ _ ` ' '
allhumma innaka `ayyarta aqw
man f kitbika
O Allah! Having rebuked some
people in Your Book,
_ _ :
faqulta qul id` alladhna
za`amtum min dnih
You said, Say, Call on those
whom you assert besides Him.


yamlikna kashfa alurri
`ankum wa l

They shall not control the removal
of distress from you nor its
fayman l

yamliku kashfa urr wa

tawlah `ann aadun
O He save Whom no one controls
the removal of distress nor its
_ _ ' alli `al

muammadin wa lih
(please) bless Muammad and his
_ wakshif urr
remove my distress,

wa awwilhu il

man yad`
ma`aka ilhan khara
and transfer it to one who calls on
another deity besides You,
` `
fa'inn ashhadu an l

for I bear witness that there is no
god save You.
It is also reported that any believer who is diseased or ailed, should rub the ailed organ with his hand and
repeat the following (holy verse) with sincerity:
_ _ _
_ _
wa nunazzilu min alqur'ni m
huwa shif'un wa ramatun
[And] We reveal of the Qur'n
that which is a healing and a mercy
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 2/30
_ _
huwa shif'un wa ramatun
that which is a healing and a mercy
for believers
. _ _
wa l

yazdu allimna ill

though it increase the evil-doers
in naught save ruin.
If he does, he will be restored to health no matter what his disease would be. Confirming this, the holy verse
corroborates that it carries healing and mercy to the believers.
An ailed person is recommended to purchase one `
of wheat, lie on his back, disperse the wheat grains
on his chest, and say the following prayer:
_ ` ` ' allhumma inn as'aluka bismika
O Allah, I beseech You in the name
of Your Name
' _ ` _
` _ _
alladh idh

sa'alaka bih almuarra
kashafta m

bih min urrin
if the distressed asks You by Your
Name, You shall remove whatever
harm he suffers,
` _ wa makkanta lah f al-ari
give him power in the land,
_ _
wa ja`altah khalfataka `al
and make him Your
representative among Your
_ _ ` ' `
an tualliya `al

muammadin wa

ahli baytih
to bless Muammad and his
_ _ _ _ ` wa an tu`fiyan min `illat
and to cure me of my ailment.
He may then sit, gather the wheat grains around him, repeat the same prayer, divide the wheat grains into
four shares, give each share to a poor man, and repeat the same prayer. Once an ailed person does all that, he
will be restored to health, Allah willing.
Imam `Al (`a) is reported to have said: Put your hand on the ailed organ and repeat the following prayer
three times:
allhu allhu allhu rabb aqqan
Allah, Allah, Allah is my Lord
_ ` l

ushriku bih shay'an
I do not associate with Him
_ _ ` '
allhumma anta lah

wa likulli `a
matin fafarrijh
O Allah, You are the only
besought for this and for every
terrible thing; so (please) relieve
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said in this regard: You may put your hand on the ailed organ and say:
_ bismillhi
In the Name of Allah.
You may then rub the ailed organ with your hand and repeat the following evil-repelling prayer (`dhah)
seven times:
_ _ _ ` a`dhu bi`izzati allhi
I pray for the protection of Allahs
_ _ ` wa a`dhu biqudrati allhi
I pray for the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bijalli allhi
I pray for the protection of Allahs
_ _ ` wa a`dhu bi`aamati allh
I pray for the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bijam`i allhi
I pray for the protection of Allahs
_ _ `
I pray for the protection of Allahs
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_ _ `
_ _
wa a`dhu birasli allhi all

hu `alayhi wa lih
I pray for the protection of Allahs
Messenger, may Allahs blessings
be upon him and his Household,
_ ` ` wa a`dhu bi-asm'i allhi
and I pray for the protection of
Allahs Names
` _ min sharri m

against the evil of what I concern
_ ` _ wa min sharri m

akhfu `al

and the evil of what I fear for
It is reported that when a child is ailed, the mother may ascend to a roof, throw the head cover away, expose
the hair of her head under the sky, prostrate herself, and say the following supplication:
_ ` ` ' allhumma rabbi anta a`aytanhi
O Allah, O my Lord! It is You Who
have given him to me
_ ` wa anta wahabtah l
and it is You Who have endued me
with Him.
_ _ '
allhumma faj`al hibataka
alyawma jaddatan
O Allah, so (please) renew Your
donation to me on this day.
_ _ innaka qdirun muqtadirun
You are verily all-powerful and
The mother will not raise her head from the prostration but that her child is restored to health.
Al-Shahd, may Allah have mercy upon him, has reported that whoever is tensely ailed may recite Srah al-F
tiah forty times on a glass of water. He may then pour the water on his body. He may have a measure of
wheat near him and hand over each beggar a measure and ask him to pray Almighty Allah to cure him. If he
does so, he will be restored to health, Allah willing.
Medicate your patients with alms. This saying is reported through considerable chains of authority.
With reference to removal of diseases, al-Shahd has also reported that the right arm of a patient may be held
while reciting Srah al-Ftiah seven times. After that, the following prayer may be said:
' _ ` '
allhumma azil `anhu al`ilala
O Allah, (please) remove ailments
and maladies from him,
_ ' _ `
wa a`id-hu il

aliati walshshif
restore him to health and cure,
_ '_ ` wa amiddah biusni alwiqyati
supply him with excellent
_ _ ' wa ruddah il

usni al`fiyati
return him to excellent wellbeing,
' _ _ _
_ _ _
waj`al m

nlah f maraih hdh

mddatan liaytih
and cause what has afflicted him
in this ailment of him to be
material of his life
_ _ _ wa kaffratan lisayyi'tih
and remission of his evildoings.
' ' '
allhumma wa alli `al
muammadin wa li muammadin
O Allah, (please) bless
Muammad and the Household of
If this does not work, Srah al-Ftiah may be repeated seventy times, and it will be effective, Allah willing.
Imam al-Bqir (`a) is reported to have said, Whoever is not healed by Srah al-Ftiah and Srah al-Tawd,
nothing else will heal him. Verily, these two Srahs cure of all ailments.
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said: Allah will certainly cure any ailed believer who says the following
verse sincerely while rubbing his ailed organ with his hand:
_ _ _
_ _
wa nunazzilu min alqur'ni m
huwa shif'un wa ramatun
[And] We reveal of the Qurn
that which is a healing and a mercy
for believers.
Imam al-Ri (`a) is reported to have said: For all ailments, you may say the following prayer:
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' _ y

munzila alshshif'i
O revealer of cure and remover of
_ _ ' wa mudhhiba aldd'i
(please) bless Muammad and his
_ ` alli `al

muammadin wa lih
and reveal cure upon my ailment.
Sayyid Ibn ws, may Allah have mercy upon him, has mentioned the following narration in his book entitled
Muhaj al-Da`awt:
Ibn `Abbs is reported to have said that he was once present with Imam `Al (`a) when a faint-faced man
visited him and said, O Commander of the Faithful, I am diseased person and many ailments and aches have
afflicted me. So, please teach me a prayer that helps me endure my ailments. Answering him, Imam `Al (`a)
said, I will lead you to a prayer that was taught by Archangel Gabriel to the Holy Prophet () when al-asan and
al-usayn fell ill. This is it:
' `
ilh kullam

an`amta `alayya
O my God, whenever You bestow
upon me a favor,
_ qalla laka `indah

I am too short to thank it
' _ wa kullam

ibtalaytan bibaliyyatin
Whenever You test me with a
_ qalla laka `indah

I am too short to endure it.
_ _ _


man qalla shukr `inda
ni`amih falam yarimn
O He Whose favors have not been
thanked by me properly; yet, He
has not deprived me of them!
_ _ _

wa yman qalla abr `inda bal'ih
falam yakhdhuln
O He Whose tribulations have not
been endured by me properly; yet,
He has not disappointed me!

wa y

man ra'n `al

falam yafan
O He Who has seen me
committing acts of disobedience
to Him; yet, He has not exposed

wa y

man ra'n `al

falam yu`qibn `alayh
O He Who has seen me
committing wrongdoings; yet, He
has not punished me for them!
' '
alli `al

muammadin wa li
(Please) bless Muammad and the
Household of Muammad,
_ _ waghfir l dhanb
forgive my sin
_ _ _ washfin min mara
and cure me of my ailment.
_ innaka `al kulli shay'in qadrun
Verily, You have power over all
Ibn `Abbs added: One year later, I saw the man fresh-faced and glowing. He said, Whenever I said this
prayer in sickness, I would be soon restored to health, in ailment, I would be soon cured, and before a despotic
authority, I would be protected against him.
It is reported that al-Najsh, an ancient king of Abyssinia, inherited from his fathers a four hundred year old
bonnet that appeases any pain that it touches. When the bonnet was untied to inspect its secret, the following
prayer was seen written therein:
_ _ _ bismillhi almaliki alaqqi almubni
In the Name of Allah; the King and
the Manifest Truth.
shahida allhu annah l

ilha ill
Allah is witness that there is no
god save Him.
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_ ` _ walmal'ikatu wa ul al`ilmi
The angels and the men of
learning too are witness.
_ _ _ q'iman bilqisi
Maintaining His creation in
_ l

ilha ill

huwa al`azzu alakmu
there is no god save Him; the
Almighty and Wise.
_ _ ' inna alddna `inda allhi al-islmu
Lo! The religion with Allah is
_ _ _ lillhi nrun wa ikmatun
To Allah there are light, wisdom,
' wa awlun wa quwwatun
might, power,

wa qudratun wa sulnun wa burh
omnipotence, authority, and clear

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ '_ damu afiyyu allhi
Adam is the choice of Allah.

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ _ _ ibrhmu khallu allhi
Abraham is the friend of Allah.

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ _ ms

kalmu allhi
Moses is the spoken by Allah.

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ ' '
muammadun al`arabiyyu raslu
Muammad the Arab is the
messenger of Allah,
_ _ _ _
wa abbuh wa khiyaratuh min
as well as His most beloved and
best of all His creatures.
` _ ` uskun y

jam`a al-awj`i
Calm down, O all pains,
` ` wal-asqmi wal-amri
illnesses, diseases,
_ _ wa jam`a al`ilali
all ailments,
_ ' _ wa jam`a alumayyti
and all fevers.
_ _

sakkantuka billadh sakana lah m

f allayli walnnahri
I make you calm down in the name
of the One to Whom whatsoever
in the night and daylight rests
_ _ ' wa huwa alssam`u al`almu
and He is the All-hearing and All-
_ _ wa all

allhu `al

khayri khalqih
May Allah bless the best of His
_ ` _ _ ' muammadin wa lih ajma`na
Muammad, and his entire
According to Makrim al-Akhlq, al-Najsh, having had headache, wrote a message to the Holy Prophet ()
complaining about his ache. In response, the Holy Prophet () sent him a amulet written in a patch. When al-Naj
sh put the patch in his bonnet, his headache was relieved.
This is the amulet:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
' _

ilha ill

allhu almaliku alaqq
There is no god save Allah, the
King and the manifest truth.
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shahida allhu annah l ilha ill
Allah bears witness that there is
no god but He
_ ` _ walmal'ikatu wa ulul-`ilmi
and so do the angels and those
possessed of knowledge
_ _ _ q'iman bilqisi
maintaining His creation with
_ l ilha ill huwa al`azzu alakmu
There is no god but Him, the
Mighty, the Wise.
_ _ _ lillhi nrun wa ikmatun
To Allah there are light, wisdom,
' _ wa `izzun wa quwwatun
might, power,
wa burhnun wa qudratun
clear argument, omnipotence,
wa sulnun wa ramatun
authority, and mercy.

man l

O He Who never sleeps!

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ _ _ ibrhmu khallu allhi
Abraham is the friend of Allah.

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ _ ms

kalmu allhi
Moses is the spoken by Allah.

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ _ _ `s

ru allh wa kalimatuh
Jesus and Allahs spirit and word.

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ ' muammadun rasl allhi
Muammad is Allahs messenger,
_ ' _ wa afiyyuh wa ifwatuh
choice, and select.
_ _ _

allhu `alayhi wa lih wa
May Allah send blessings and
peace upon him and his
` uskun
Calm down!
` _ '
sakkantuka biman yaskunu lah m

f alssamawti wal-ari
I make you calm down in the name
of the One before Whom
whatever is in the heavens and the
earth rests
wa biman sakana lah m

f allayli
and in the name of the One to
Whom whatsoever in the night
and daylight rests
_ _ ' wa huwa alssam`u al`almu
and He is the All-hearing and All-
_ `

lah alrra tajr bi-
Then, We made the wind
subservient to him; it made his
` rukh'an aythu aba
to run gently wherever he desired
' _
walshshayna kulla bann'in wa
and the devils, every builder and
` _ _ ` al


allhi taru al-umru
Verily, all things return to Allah.
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Amulet against Headache Amulet against Headache Amulet against Headache Amulet against Headache
Imam al-Bqir (`a) is reported to have said: Whoever suffers from headache may rub his head with his hand
and repeat the following statement seven times:
_ _ _ `

a`dhu billhi alladh sakana lah

f albarri walbari
I beseech the protection of the
One to Whom whatsoever in the
lands, in the sea,
` _ ' _ wa m

f alssamwti wal-ari
in the heavens, and in the earth
_ _ ' wa huwa alssam`u al`almu
and He is the All-hearing and All-
Amulet agai nst Earache Amulet agai nst Earache Amulet agai nst Earache Amulet agai nst Earache
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have advised the same amulet to be repeated seven times by those who
suffer from earache.
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have advised those who suffer from earache to do the following:

Bring a piece of very old cheese, crush it, add milk to it, boil it on fire, and pour some drops of it in the ached
Amulet against Headache Amulet against Headache Amulet against Headache Amulet against Headache
Recite the following holy verse on a glass of water and then drink it:
` awalam yara alladhna kafar
Do not those who disbelieve
` _ ' '` anna alssamwti wal-ara
see that the heavens and the earth

ratqan fafataqnhum
were closed up, but We have
opened them
` _
wa ja`aln min alm'i kulla shay'in
and We have made of water
everything living?
. _ ` afal

Will they not then believe?
It is reported that whenever the Holy Prophet () was ailed or suffered from headache, he would open his two
hands, recite Srah al-Ftiah, Srah al-Falaq, and Srah al-Ns, and then rub his face with his hands. Then, the
ache would disappear.
For those who suffer from headache, while rubbing their heads with the hands, the following holy verse
should be recited:
` ` _ ' _ '

inna allha yumsiku alssamwti
wal-ara an tazl
Surely, Allah upholds the heavens
and the earth lest they come to
_ ` _ ` _
_ _
wa la'in zlat

in amsakahum

aadin min ba`dih
and if they should come to naught,
there is none who can uphold
them after Him.
_ innah kna alman ghafran
Surely, He is the Forbearing, the
The following incident is quoted from the book of Rab` al-Abrr:
In Turtus (a city western Syria), Al-Ma'mn, the `Abbsid ruler, was once affected by headache that none
could treat. Having heard about this, the Roman emperor sent him a bonnet and a letter in which he wrote,
Having been informed about your headache, I sent you this bonnet so that you would put it on your head and
your ache would vanish. Anticipating that the bonnet would be poisoned, al-Ma'mn ordered the messenger to
put it on his head. However, no harm happened to the messenger. Al-Ma'mn then ordered the bonnet to be put
on the head of another man who suffered from headache. Therefore, his pain vanished. Only then did he put it
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on his head and his headache vanished. Surprised, al-Ma'mn untied the bonnet and found the following
inscription written therein:
_ ' ' _ bismi allh alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
_ _ _ _ _ _
kam min ni`matin lillhi f `irqin s
Too many graces of Allah are in
dormant vein.
-mm `ayn-sn-qf
-mm `ayn-sn-qf
l yuadda`na `anh

wa l

They shall not be affected with
headache thereby nor shall they
get exhausted.
_ ' _
min kalmi alrramni khamadati
Due to the words of the All-
beneficent Lord, fires are
_ '
wa l

awla wa l

quwwata ill

There is neither might nor power
save with Allah.
_ ' wa jla naf`u alddaw'i fka
Let the benefit of medicine
pervade in you
_ '

yajlu m'u alrrab`i f alghu
just as the spring water pervades
in twigs.
Amulet against Mi graine Amulet against Mi graine Amulet against Mi graine Amulet against Mi graine
Put your hand on the ached half of your head and repeat the following prayer three times:
_ y

hiran mawjdan
O Manifestly Existent,
_ wa y

binan ghayra mafqdin
O never missing although
_ ` _ _ _ `
_ _
urdud `al

`abdika ala`fi ay
diyaka aljamlata `indah
Confer back Your excellent favors
upon your weak servant
` _ _ _ `
wa adhhib `anhu m

bih min
and remove from him the harm
from which he is suffering.
_ _ innaka ramun qadrun
Verily, You are All-merciful and
Amulet against Deafness Amulet against Deafness Amulet against Deafness Amulet against Deafness
Imam al-Bqir (`a) is reported to have said: Put your hand on the ailed organ and recite the following holy
verses [the last four verses of Srah al-ashr]:
law anzaln hdh al-qur'na `al
Had We sent down this Qur'n on
a mountain
These holy verses have been previously cited in this book.
Amulet against Mouth Ache Amulet against Mouth Ache Amulet against Mouth Ache Amulet against Mouth Ache
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said: As for those who suffer from mouth ache, they may put their
hands on the ached organ and say the following:
_ ' ' _ bismi allh alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
_ _ ' _ _
bismi allh alladh l

yaurru ma`a
ismih d'un
In the Name of Allah with Whose
Name no malady will harm.
' _ _ _ _ `
a`dhu bikalimti allhi allat l

urru ma`ah

I pray for the protection of Allahs
Words with which nothing will
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' ' ' quddsun quddsun quddsun
All-holy. All-holy. All-holy.
_ ` ` as'aluka y rabbi bismika
I beseech You, O my Lord, in Your
_ ' _ alhiri almuqaddsi almubraki
the all-pure, the sacred, the all-
` _ ` _ alladh man sa'alaka bih a`aytah
whoever beseeches You in Your
Name, You will give him
` _ wa man da`ka bih ajabtah
and whoever implores You in
Your Name, You will respond to
` `
as'aluka y

allhu y

allhu y

I beseech you, O Allah, O Allah, O
_ _ ` ' `
an tualliya `al

alnnabiyyi wa ahli baytih
to bless Muammad, the Prophet,
and his Household
_ _ _ ` ' _ _ `
_ `
wa an tu`fiyan mimm

ajidu f
fam wa f ra's
and to cure me of the ache from
which I am suffering in my mouth,
my head,
_ _ _ wa f sam` wa f baar
my hearing, my sight,
_ wa f ban wa f ahr
my stomach, my back,
_ _ _ wa f yad wa f rijl
my hand, my leg,
_ _ wa f jawri kullih
and all of my organs.
Amulet agai nst Toothache Amulet agai nst Toothache Amulet agai nst Toothache Amulet agai nst Toothache
Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said: As for those who suffer from toothache, they may put their
hands on the ached organ and recite Srah al-Ftiah, Srah al-Tawd, Srah al-Qadr, and the following holy
wa tar

aljibla tasabuh

And you see the mountains, you
think them to be solid,
' ' ' _ wa hiya tamurru marra alssabi
and they shall pass away as the
passing away of the cloud--
` _ _
un`a allhi alladh atqana kulla
the handiwork of Allah Who has
made every thing thoroughly.
innah khabrun bim

Surely, He is Aware of what you
Likewise, Imam `Al (`a) is reported to have said: You may rub the place of your prostration (in ritual prayers)
with your hand, rub the ached tooth with it, and say the following:
_ bismi allhi
In the Name of Allah.
_ walshshf allhu
The (true) Healer is Allah.
_ _ _ '
wa l

awla wa l

quwwata ill

hi al`aliyyi al`ami
There is neither might nor power
save with Allah, the Most High
and All-great.
Another amulet agai nst toothache Another amulet agai nst toothache Another amulet agai nst toothache Another amulet agai nst toothache
You may recite Srah al-Ftiah and Srah al-Tawd. With each Srah, you may recite:
_ ' ' _
bismi allh alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
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After Srah al-Tawd, you may recite the following holy verses:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
wa lah m

sakana f allayli
And to Him belongs whatever
dwells in the night and the day
_ _ ' wa huwa alssam`u al`almu
and He is the Hearing, the



nru kn bardan wa sal
man `al

We said: O fire! Be a comfort and
peace to Abraham.
` _ `
wa ard bih kaydan faja`aln
humu al-akhsarna
They desired a war on him but We
made them the greatest losers.
_ ` _

ndiya an brika man f alnnri wa
man awlah
Blessed is Whoever is in the fire
and whatever is about it
_ _ wa subna allhi rabbi al`lamna
and glory be to Allah, the Lord of
the worlds.
You may then say the following prayer:
_ _ '
allhumma y

kfiyan min kulli
O Allah, O He Who saves from all
_ _ wa l

yakf minka shay'un
while nothing can save from You,
_ ` _ ikfi `abdaka wabna amatika
(please) save Your servant and the
son of Your she-servant
min sharri m

yakhfu wa
from the evil of what he fears and
_ _
wa min sharri alwaja`i alladh
yashkhu ilayka
and from the evil of the ache
about which he is complaining to
It is also reported that one who suffers from toothache may take a blade or a leaf of a date-palm tree, rub the
ached place with it, and repeat the following statement seven times:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
_ _ bismillhi wa billhi
In the Name of Allah (I begin) and
in Allah (I trust).
_ ' muammadun raslu allhi
Muammad is the messenger of
_ _ wa ibrhmu khallu allhi
and Abraham is the friend of
_ _ `
uskun billadh sakana lah m

allayli walnnahri bi'idhnih
Calm down in the name of the One
to Whom whatsoever is in the
night and day rests by His
_ wa huwa `al kulli shay'in qadrun
and He has power over all things.
It is also reported that one who suffers from toothache may put a stick or a piece of iron on the tooth and use
this amulet from the side of the tooth by repeating it seven times:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.

al`ajabu kullu al`ajabi
How wonderful! It is the wonder
of wonders
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 11/30
_ ddatun taknu f alfami
that a worm in the mouth
` ta'kulu al`ama
eats the bone
' wa tunzilu alddama
and causes blood to come out.
_ ' ` an

I use this amulet
_ _ wallhu alshshf walkf
but Allah is the healer and the

ilha ill

There is no god save Allah.
_ _ _ walamdu lillhi rabbi al`lamna
All praise be to Allah, the Lord of
the Worlds.
_ ` ' )
wa idh qataltum nafsan fadd
ra'tum fh
And when you killed a man, then
you disagreed with respect to that,
wallhu mukhrijun m kuntum
and Allah was to bring forth that
which you were going to hide.
_ faquln iribhu biba`ih
So, We said: Strike the dead body
with part of the sacrificed cow.
_ kadhlika yuy allhu almawt
Thus Allah brings the dead to life
_ _ _
wa yurkum ytih la`allakum
and He shows you His signs so
that you may understand.
The previous method may be repeated seven times.
Prayer for chest Pains Prayer for chest Pains Prayer for chest Pains Prayer for chest Pains
It is also reported that the previously mentioned verse (i.e. and when you killed) may be recited by those
who suffer from chest pains.
A tradition reads, Seek healing from the Holy Qur'n, for Almighty Allah says, O men! There has come to you
indeed an admonition from your Lord and a healing for what is in the breasts. (10/57)
A Prayer for Curi ng of Coughi ng A Prayer for Curi ng of Coughi ng A Prayer for Curi ng of Coughi ng A Prayer for Curi ng of Coughi ng
An all-inclusive prayer is reported for curing of coughing. This lengthy prayer, which is quoted from Bir al-
Anwr, Book of Prayers, begins with the following statement:
_ ` '
allhumma anta raj'
_ _ _ _ `
wa anta thiqat wa `imd reliance

Amulet against Stomach pai ns Amulet against Stomach pai ns Amulet against Stomach pai ns Amulet against Stomach pai ns
The Holy Prophet () is reported to have advised those who suffer from colic to mix honey with hot water and
recite Srah al-Ftiah seven times on the mixture so as to seek Almighty Allahs protection against the pains.
As to Imam `Al (`a), he is reported to have directed those who suffer from stomach pains to drink hot water
and say the following prayer:
y allhu y allhu y allhu
O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!
_ y

ramnu y

O All-beneficent! O All-merciful!
` ' y rabba al-arbbi
O Lord of all lords!
_ _ y

ilha al-lihati
O God of all gods!
_ _

malika almulki O King of all kings!
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 12/30
_ '

sayyida alssdati
O Master of all masters!
_ _ _ _
ishfin bishif'ika min kulli d'in wa
(Please) cure me, with Your cure,
of all maladies and illnesses,
fa'inn `abduka wabnu `abdayka
for I am Your servant and the son
of Your two servants
_ _ ` ataqallabu f qabatika
and I turn living under Your
For a stomach pain or any other ailment, the sick is recommended to put his/her hand on the ailed place and
repeat the following evil-repelling prayer:
_ _ _ _ _ ` a`dhu bi`izzati allhi wa jallih
I pray the protection of Allahs
almightiness and majesty
` _ min sharri m

against the evil of what I feel.
The sick may then put his/her right hand on the ailed place and repeat the following three times:
A Amulet agai nst Colitis A Amulet agai nst Colitis A Amulet agai nst Colitis A Amulet agai nst Colitis
For those who suffer from colitis, they are required to write Srah al-Ftiah, Srah al-Falaq, and Srah al-N
s on a paper or a sheet and then adds the following statement thereunder:
_ _ _ ` a`dhu biwajhi allhi al`ami
I pray the protection of the Face
of the All-great Allah,
_ _ _ _ wa bi`izzatih allat l

His almightiness that is
_ _ _ _
wa biqudratih allat l


and His omnipotence against
which nothing can stop
_ min sharri hdh

against the evil of this pain,
_ _ _ wa min sharri m

the evil of whatever is in it,
_ ` _ wa min sharri m

ajidu minhu
and the evil of what I feel because
of it.
Then, the sheet may be washed with rainwater and drunk (1) in the beginning of the day before eating
anything and (2) before going to sleep. This is blessed and useful way.
It is narrated that a man complained to the Holy Prophet () about colitis from which his brother had suffered.
The Holy Prophet () instructed, Tell your brother to drink a mixture of honey and hot water. The next day, the
man returned to the Holy Prophet () and informed that the prescription was not useful. The Holy Prophet ()
commented, Allah is truthful, but your brothers colon is not. Go back, give him the same drink, and recite on it
Srah al-Ftiah seven times as prayer for Gods protection. When the man left, the Holy Prophet () said to
Imam `Al (`a), The brother of this man is hypocrite; therefore, the drink was not effective with him.
A Amulet Agai nst warts A Amulet Agai nst warts A Amulet Agai nst warts A Amulet Agai nst warts
To treat wartssmall, benign, and hard excrescence on the skin or on the hand occasionallyfor each wart,
you may take seven barley seeds. Recite the verses 1-6 of Srah al-Wqi`ah (No. 56) seven times over each
seed. Then, recite the following verse seven times over each seed, too:
_ `
wa yas'alnaka `an aljibli faqul

rabb nasfan
They ask thee concerning the
Mountains, say, My Lord will
uproot them and scatter them as
. fayadharuh

q`an afafan
He will leave them as plains
smooth and level;
Nothing crooked or curved wilt
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. ` _ _



`iwajan wa l

thou see in their place.
You may then blow over it. Take one seed at a time and rub each seed on one wart. Then, put all of the seeds
in a piece of cloth, tie up a rock on the piece of cloth, and throw it in a well.
This act is said to be advisably done in the waning of the moon.
A warty person is recommended to rub the warts with a piece of salt and recite three times the last four
verses of Srah al-ashr:
law anzaln hdh al-qur'na `al
Had We sent down this Qur'n on
a mountain
The piece of salt may be then thrown in an oven and the warty person may pass over it hurriedly. Then, the
warts will vanish, Allah willing.
The author of the book of al-Khaz'in has mentioned that warts may vanish when they are overlaid with the
hair-removing powder.
A Amulet against all Tumors A Amulet against all Tumors A Amulet against all Tumors A Amulet against all Tumors
Recite the last four verses of Srah al-ashr with ponderation while you are ceremonially pure after you have
performed the ritual ablution (wu') before and after an obligatory prayer:
law anzaln hdh al-qur'na `al
Had We sent down this Qur'n on
a mountain
The swelling will then vanish, Allah willing.
A Amulet Agai nst Dystoci a A Amulet Agai nst Dystoci a A Amulet Agai nst Dystoci a A Amulet Agai nst Dystoci a
For women suffering from dystocia (i.e. difficult or abnormally painful childbirth), the following holy verses may
be written on a parchment and tied to their right thigh. It must be untied after they give birth:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
ka'annahum yawma yarawna m

On the day that they shall see what
they are promised,
lam yalbath ill

s`atan min nah
they shall be as if they had not
tarried save an hour of the day.
` ka'annahum yawma yarawnah
On the day that they see it,
` ' _
lam yalbath ill

`ashiyyatan aw
it will be as though they had not
tarried but the latter part of a day
or the early part of it.
_ ` _ idh qlat imra'atu `imrna
When a woman of `Imrn said:
' _
rabbi inn nadhartu laka m

f ban
My Lord! Surely, I vow to You
what is in my womb, to be devoted
(to Your service);
_ _ ' ` _ '
fataqabbal minn innaka anta
alssam`u al`almu
accept therefore from me. Surely,
You are the Hearing, the
It is also reported that the following holy verse should be recited over women suffering from dystocia:
_ `
fa'ajah almakhu il jidh`I
And the throes (of childbirth)
compelled her to betake herself to
the trunk of a palm tree.
_ qlat y laytan mittu qabla hda
She said: Oh, would that I had
died before this,
_ wa kuntu nasyan mansiyyan
and had been a thing quite
` _ _ fandh min tatih all tazan
Then (the child) called out to her
from beneath her: Grieve not!
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 14/30
_ _ ' qad ja`ala rabbuki tataki sariyyan
Surely, your Lord has made a
stream to flow beneath you.
_ _ wa huzz ilayki bijidh`i alnnakhlati
And shake towards you the trunk
of the palm tree,
' _ _ tusqi `alayki ruaban janiyyan
it will drop on you fresh ripe
The reciter should then raise the voice with the following holy verse and the statement following it:
_ ' ` _ _ ` )
wallhu akhrajakum min buni
And Allah has brought you forth
from the wombs of your mothers;

ta`lamna shay'an
you did not know anything;
_ ` ` '
wa ja`ala lakumu alssam`a wal-ab
ra wal-af'idata
and He gave you hearing, sight,
and hearts
. la`allakum tashkurna
that you may give thanks.
' ` _ kadhlika ukhruj ayyuh alalaqu
So, come out O throes.
_ _ ` ukhruj bi'idhni allhi
Come out, by the permission of
For easy childbirth, Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have advised of writing the following prayer on a sheet
of paper or a parchment:
' allhumma frija alhammi
O Allah, O reliever of agonies,
_ wa kshifa alghammi
dispeller of distresses,
_ _ _ '
wa ramna aldduny

wa ramahum
and beneficent and merciful of
this world and the Hereafter,
(please) have mercy upon
You may now mention the womans name and her mothers:
_ _
ramatan tughnh


ramati jam`i khalqika
with such mercy that makes her
dispense with the mercy of all of
Your creatures,
tafruju bih

relieve her anguish,
' _ wa takshifu bih

repel her distress,
wa tuyassiru wildatah
and makes easy her childbirth.
_ )
wa quiya baynahum bilaqqi wa
hum l

And judgment shall be given
between them with justice,
_ _ _ _
wa qla alamdu lillhi rabbi al`
and it shall be said: All praise is
due to Allah, the Lord of the

Amulets Agai nst Fever Amulets Agai nst Fever Amulets Agai nst Fever Amulets Agai nst Fever
(1) It is recommended to say this amulet, which the Holy Prophet () taught to Imam `Al (`a) against fever:
_ ' _ ' allhumma iram jildiya alrraqqa
O Allah, (please) have mercy upon
my soft skin
_ ' _ wa `amiya alddaqqa
and my fragile bone.
_ _ ` wa a`dhu bika min fawrati alar
I pray Your protection against the
outburst of fire.
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_ '` y

umma mildamin
O Ummu-Mildam (i.e. fever),
_ _ _ in kunti manti billhi
if you believe in Allah,
_ ` fal

ta'kul allama
then do not eat the flesh,
' wa l

tashrab alddama
do not drink the blood,
_ wa l

tafr min alfami
do not boil in the mouth,
_ '` _ _

wantaqil il

man yaz`amu anna
ma`a allhi ilhan khara
and move to one who claims that
there is another god with Allah,
` `
fa'inn ashhadu an l

ilha ill

for I bear witness that there is no
god but Allah,
wadah l

sharka lah
One and Only and having no
' '` `
wa ashhadu anna muammadan
`abduh wa rasluh
and I bear witness that
Muammad is His servant and
(2) A feverish person is recommended to say repeatedly in mornings and evenings the prayer known as du`'
al-nra prayer that Lady Fimah al-Zahr' (`a) taught to Salmn. This prayer can be found in Maft al-Jin
(3) The Holy Imams (`a) are reported to have used to treated themselves against fever with cold water.
Successively, they used to wet their clothes by putting one on and leaving the other in water. When the dressed
one dried out, they would put on the other wet one.
(4) Handwritten by Imam al-Ri (`a), a feverish person may write the following inscriptions on three sheets
of paper as follows:
On the first sheet, the following may be written down:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
` ` l

takhaf innaka anta al-a`l
Fear not! Surely, you shall be the
On the second sheet, the following may be written down:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
_ _ _

takhaf najawta min alqawmi al
Fear not! You are secure from
the unjust people.
On the third sheet, the following may be written down:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
` `

lah alkhalqu wal-amru
Surely, His is the creation and
the command.
_ '
tabraka allhu rabbu al`lamna Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the
On each of these sheets, Srah al-Tawd may be recited three times. After that, the feverish person may
swallow the sheets in three days; each one on a day. If this is practiced, the fever will be healed, Allah willing.
(5) The feverish person my untie the buttons of his shirt, hang his head down to his chest, say the adhn and
the iqmah statements, and recite Srah al-Ftiah seven times. If this is practiced, the fever will be healed,
Allah willing.
(6) The Holy Imams (`a) are reported to have instructed that the following prayer should be written on a
parchment and hanged to the feverish person:
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_ _ ` ` '
allhumma inn as'aluka bi`izzatika O Allah, I beseech You in the name
of Your almightiness,
_ wa qudratika wa sulnika
omnipotence, authority,
_ _ ` wa m

aa bih `ilmuka
and whatever is comprehended by
Your knowledge
' ' `
an tualliya `al

muammadin wa
li muammadin
to bless Muammad and the
Household of Muammad,
' _ `

wa an l

tusalla `al

shay'an mimm

khalaqta bis'in
not to overload over [so-and-so]
the son of [so-and-so] any thing
evil that You have created,
_ ' waram jildah alrraqqa
and to have mercy upon his soft
_ ' wa `amah alddaqqa
and his fragile bone
_ _ min fawrati alarqi
against the outbursts of fire.
_ '` ` ukhruj y

umma mildamin
Come out, O Ummu-Mildam (i.e.
_ y

kilata allami
eater of flesh,
' wa shribata alddami
and drinker of blood.
_ '

wa barduh

Its heat and coldness are from
` _ _ _ in kunti manti billhi al-a`ami
If you have believed in Allah the
_ _ ` ` an l

takul li laman
then do not eat any thing of the
flesh of [so-and-so] the son of [so-
wa l

tamu lah daman
do not suck any amount of his
_ wa l

tunhik lah `aman
do not weaken any part of his
_ wa l

tuthawwir `alayhi ghamman
do not stir up distress over him,
_ wa l

tuhayyij `alayhi ud`an
do not excite headache over him,
_ _ _ _ wantaqil `an sha`rih wa basharih
and move away from his hair,
_ _ _ _ wa lamih wa damih
flesh, and blood
_ '`

man za`ama anna ma`a allhi il
han khara
to one who claims that there is
another god with Allah

ilha ill

save Whom there is no god.
subnah wa ta`l

Glory be to Him and Exalted be
Him against whatever they
associate with Him.
Then, it is recommended to write down the name of a non-Muslim or an enemy of Almighty Allah.
(7) On the right arm of the feverish person, it is advised to hang a sheet of paper (or the like) on which the
following inscription has been written down:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 17/30
_ _
alamdu lillhi rabbi al`lamna All praise is due to Allah, the Lord
of the Worlds.
_ ' ' alrramni alrrami
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
_ _ mliki yawmi alddni
Master of the Day of Judgment.
_ ' '
iyyka na`budu wa iyyka nasta`
Thee do we serve and Thee do we
beseech for help.
_ _ ihdin alira al-mustaqma
Keep us on the right path
` _ _ ira alladhna an`amta `alayhim
the path of those upon whom You
have bestowed favors.
ghayri almaghbi `alayhim
Not (the path) of those upon
whom Your wrath is brought
wa l alllna
nor of those who go astray.
_ _ bismillhi wa billhi
In the Name of Allah (I begin) and
in Allah (I trust).
_ ' _ _ _ `
a`dhu bikalimti allhi alttmmti
I pray the protection of all the
perfect words of Allah,
' ' _
allat l

yujwizuhunna barrun wa l

beyond which neither a pious nor
an impious can go,
` ` _
min sharri m

khalaqa wa dhara'a
wa bara'a
against the evil of whatsoever He
has created, fashioned, and made,
_ ' ' _ ' _
wa min sharri alhmmati walss
against the evil of the pestles, the
_ ' _ ' wal`mmati wallmmati
the general (evils), and the ill
wa min sharri awriqi allayli
against the evil of the comers at
nights and in days,
' _
wa min sharri fussqi al`arabi
against the evil of the wicked
Arabs and non-Arabs,
_ _
wa min sharri fasaqati aljinni wal-
against the evil of the wicked jinn
and men,
_ _ _ _ _
wa min sharri alshshayni wa
against the evil of Satan and his
` _ _ wa min sharri kulli dh sharrin
against the evil of all evil things,
_ _ _ ' _
wa min sharri kulli dbbatin huwa
khidhun biniyatih
and against the evil of every living
creature that He holds it by its
_ _ ' inna rabb `al

irin mustaqmin
Surely, my Lord is on the right
' rabban

`alayka tawakkaln
Our Lord, on You do we rely,
` wa ilayka anabn
to You do we turn,
_ wa ilayka almaru
and to You is the eventual

nru kn bardan wa salman

O fire, be a comfort and peace to
wa ard bih kaydan faja`aln
They desired a war on him, but
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` _ `
hum al-akhsarna We made them the greatest
bardan wa salman `al ibni
Let it be comfort and peace to [so-
and-so] the son of [so-and-so (his
mothers name)].
` ` ` _ _ '



in nasn

Our Lord, do not punish us if we
forget or make a mistake.
_ ' rabban wa l tamil `alayn iran
Our Lord, do not lay on us a
_ _ _
kam amaltah `al alladhna min
as You did lay on those before us.
_ '
rabban wa l tuammiln m l
qata lan bih
Our Lord, do not impose upon us
that which we have not the
strength to bear.
wa(a)`fu `ann wa(a)ghfir lan
Pardon us, forgive us, and have
mercy on us.
` anta mawln
You are our Patron;
_ fanurn `al alqawmi alkfirna
so, help us against the unbelieving
asbiya allhu
Sufficient to me is Allah.

ilha ill

There is no god save Him.
_ _ fattkhidhhu waklan
So, take Him for a protector.
wa tawakkal `al

alayyi alladh l
Rely on the Ever-living Who dies
_ _ wa sabbi biamdih
and celebrate His praise.
_ _ _ _ _
wa kaf

bih bidhunbi `ibdih
khabran baran
And Sufficient is He as being
aware of the faults of His

ilha ill

There is no god but Allah,
wadah l

sharka lah
One and Only and having no
adaqa wa`dah
He has truly fulfilled His promise,
wa naara `abdah
given victory to His servant,
` wa hazama al-azba wadah
and defeated the allies alone.

sh'a allhu
Only what Allah wills shall come to
_ ' l

quwwata ill

There is no power save with
_ ` ' _ `
kataba allhu la'aghlibanna ana

Allah has written down: I will
most certainly prevail, I and My
' ' inna allha qawiyyun `azzun
Surely, Allah is Strong, Mighty.
_ _ _ ' inna izba allhi hum alghlibna
Surely, the party of Allah are
they that shall be triumphant.
_ _ wa man ya`taim billhi
And whoever holds fast to Allah,
he indeed is guided to the right
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 19/30
_ _ _
faqad hudiya il

irin mustaqmin
' wa all

allhu `al

May Allah bless Muammad
_ _ _ wa lih alayyibna alhirna
and his pure and immaculate
(8) On three pieces of sugar, the following three phrases may be written down and the feverish person may
eat them in the mornings of three days as the first meal, each piece a day:
The inscription on the first piece of sugar is this:
_ _ `aqadtu bi'idhni allhi
I will be tied up by the permission
of Allah.
The inscription on the second piece of sugar is this:
_ _ nadadtu bi'idhni allhi
I have fled by the permission of
The inscription on the third piece of sugar is this:
_ _ sakantu bi'idhni allhi
I will be calmed down by the
permission of Allah.
A Prayer agai nst Tenesmus A Prayer agai nst Tenesmus A Prayer agai nst Tenesmus A Prayer agai nst Tenesmus
It is reported that a man complained to Imam Ms al-Kim (`a) about suffering from continuous tenesmus
(i.e. a frequent, excessive, and painful desire to defecate). As treatment, the Imam (`a) taught the man to say
the following prayer after the Night Prayer:
_ _ '
allhumma m

kna min khayrin
O Allah, whatsoever good thing I
have ever experienced has been
from You
_ _ _ l

amda l fhi
and I have no praiseworthy thing
about it.
_ _ _
wa m

`amiltu min s'in faqad
As for whatsoever evil I have
done, You have already warned
me against it;
_ _ _ l

`udhra l fhi
therefore, I am not excused in
doing it at all.
_ ` ` ` '
_ _ _
allhumma inn a`dhu bika an
attakila `al



amda l fhi
O Allah, I thus pray Your
protection against that I rely upon
things that I have no praiseworthy
interference it them
_ _ _ ' _ ` aw mana mimm


`udhra l fhi
or that I feel secure against things
that I am unexcused in committing
A Prayer agai nst Stomach Gurgling A Prayer agai nst Stomach Gurgling A Prayer agai nst Stomach Gurgling A Prayer agai nst Stomach Gurgling
Imam Ms al-Kim (`a) is also reported to have advised the same previous prayer to be said after the Night
Prayer by those who suffer from stomach gurgling. [A man said to him, I suffer from stomach gurgling that
never stops. Therefore, I feel embarrassed when people to whom I speak hear the sounds of such gurgling. So,
please pray Allah to cure me of it.]
Imam al-diq (`a), advising those who suffer from stomach gurgling, said, Black cumin may be mixed with
honey and then eaten.
A Prayer agai nst Leprosy A Prayer agai nst Leprosy A Prayer agai nst Leprosy A Prayer agai nst Leprosy
Ynus has reported that whitish scales between the eyes affected him. He therefore complained about this
disease to Imam al-diq (`a) who, leading him to a treatment, said: You may pure yourself ceremonially, offer a
two-unit prayer, and say this ( prayer):
O Allah! O All-beneficent! O All-
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allhu y

ramnu y

_ ' _ y

sam`a aldda`awti
O Hearer of prayers!
_ _ y

mu`iya alkhayrti
O Donor of the good!
_ _ ' _ `
a`in khayra aldduny

wa khayra
(Please) give me the good of this
world and the good of the
_ _ ' ' ' _
wa qin sharra aldduny

wa sharra
protect me against the evil of this
world and the evil of the
` _ ` wa adhhib `ann m

and remove from me what I am
` ` faqad ghan al-amru wa azanan
for this matter has enraged and
saddened me.
Reporting the same narration, the author of `Uddat al-D` has reported Imam al-diq (`a) as saying:
In the beginning of the last third of night, you may perform the ritual ablution (wu') and offer the prayer
you usually offer at this time. In the second prostration of the first two units of the prayer, you may say the
following ( prayer) while you are in a state of prostration:
_ '_ y

`aliyyu y

O Most High! O All-great!
_ y

ramnu y

O All-beneficent! O All-merciful!
_ ' _ y

smi`a aldda`awti
O Hearer of prayers!
_ _ y

mu`iya alkhayrti
O Donor of the good!
' '
alli `al

muammadin wa li
(Please) send blessings upon
Muammad and the Household of
_ _ ' _ _ `
wa a`in min khayri aldduny

khirati m

anta ahluh
give me from the good of this
world and the Hereafter
` `
warif `ann min sharri aldduny
wal-khirati m

anta ahluh
in a way that fits You,
_ _ ' _ wa adhhib `ann hdh

repel from me the evil of this
world and the Hereafter
` ` fa'innah qad ghan wa azanan
in a way that fits You,
_ ` y

`aliyyu y

and remove from me this pain,
` y

ramnu y

for it has enraged and saddened
You may pray Almighty Allah so persistently.
Ynus added, Before I returned to al-Kfah, Almighty Allah has removed from me all the traces of that
For this disease as well as hemorrhoids, it is reported to write down Srah Ysn with honey in a cup that
must be then washed and drunk.
It is also reported to have the soil of Imam al-usayns tomb after being kneaded with rainwater.
It is also reported to overlay the ailed organ with henna and hair-removing powder for those suffering from
mange, furuncle, and herpes. For the same diseases, it is reported to recite, write down, and hang on the
diseased person the following holy verses and statement:
_ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah, the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
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wa mathalu kalimatin khabthatin And the parable of an evil word
kashajaratin khabthatin
is as an evil tree
` _ ijtuththat min fawqi al-ari
pulled up from the earth's surface;
_ m lah

min qarrin
it has no stability.
_ minh

From it, We created you
_ _ wa fh

and into it, We shall send you
` _
wa minh

nukhrijukum tratan
and from it, will We raise you a
second time.
' ` ` allhu akbaru wa anta l

Allah is the Most Great, but you
do not glorify His greatness.
` allhu yabq

wa anta l

Allah shall remain forever, but
you do not remain forever.
_ wallhu `al kulli shay'in qadrun
Allah has power over all things.
A Amulet agai nst Pri vate Parts Pains A Amulet agai nst Pri vate Parts Pains A Amulet agai nst Pri vate Parts Pains A Amulet agai nst Pri vate Parts Pains
One of the companions of the Holy Imams (`a) is reported to have uncovered his private parts in a situation
where it is improper to uncover ones private parts; he was therefore affected by an ailment at that place. When
he complained about this to Imam al-diq (`a), he was taught to do this amulet:
Put your left hand on the ailed part and repeat the following prayer three times. If you do, you will be
restored to health, Allah willing:
_ _ bismillhi wa billhi
In the Name of Allah (I begin) and
in Allah (I trust).
_ _ _ `

man aslama wajhah lillhi wa
huwa musinun
Yes! Whoever submits himself
entirely to Allah and he is the doer
of good (to others),
_ _ ` falah ajruh `inda rabbih
he has his reward from his Lord,

wa l

khawfun `alayhim wa l

and there is no fear for him nor
shall he grieve.
` '
allhumma inn aslamtu wajh
O Allah, I have submitted myself
to You
` ' wa fawwatu amr ilayka
and entrusted my affair to You.
_ `

malja'a wa l


minka ill
There is neither shelter nor refuge
against You except with You.
A Amulet agai nst A Amulet agai nst A Amulet agai nst A Amulet agai nst Knee Pai ns Knee Pai ns Knee Pai ns Knee Pai ns
Quoted from the book of ibb al-A'immah (Medicine of the Imams), Jbir al-Ju`f reported Imam Muammad
al-Bqir (`a) as saying:
I was present with al-usayn ibn `Al (`a) when a man from the descendants of Umayyah, yet he was loyalist
to us, came to him and said, O son of Allahs Messenger, I could hardly come to you walking because of a pain
from which I am suffering in my leg.
The Imam (`a) asked, How are you turned back from the amulet of al-asan ibn `Al (`a)?
What is that, son of Allahs Messenger? asked the man.
The Imam (`a) explained, You may recite the first seven the first seven the first seven the first seven verses of Srah al-Fat verses of Srah al-Fat verses of Srah al-Fat verses of Srah al-Fat.
Afterwards, the man said, As I had carried out this direction, I felt no pain at all.
It is also reported that one who suffers from knee pains may say the following prayer after the ritual prayers:
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` ` y

ajwada man a`
O most magnanimous of all those
who may donate!
_ y

khayra man su'ila
O best of all those who may be
_ ` wa y

arama man isturima
O most merciful of all those whose
mercy is asked!
_ _ _ _ iram a`f wa qillata lat
(Please) have mercy upon my
weakness and my confusion
_ _ _ ` wa a`fin min waja`
and release me from my pain.
For those suffering from pains in the legs, it is reportedly recommended to recite the following holy verse
seven times over the legs:
_ _ _ `
watlu m

iya ilayka min kitbi
And recite what has been
revealed to you of the Book of
your Lord.
_ _ _ _ l

mubaddila likalimtih
There is none who can alter His
_ _
wa lan tajida min dnih
and you shall not find any refuge
besides Him.
A Amulet agai nst A Amulet agai nst A Amulet agai nst A Amulet agai nst Eye Aches Eye Aches Eye Aches Eye Aches
For those suffering from eye aches, many traditions have recommended saying the following prayer after the
ritual obligatory prayers of dawn (sub) and sunset (maghrib):
' ` ` '
allhumma inn as'aluka biaqqi
muammadin wa li muammadin
O Allah, I beseech You in the name
of the right of Muammad and the
Household of Muammad that is
incumbent upon You
' ' `
an tualliya `al

muammadin wa
li muammadin
to bless Muammad and the
Household of Muammad
_ ` wa an taj`ala alnnra f baar
and to place light in my sight,
_ _ _ walbarata f dn
insight in my faith,
_ _ walyaqna f qalb
certitude in my heart,
_ _ wal-ikhla f `amal
sincerity in my deeds,
_ _ ' walssalmata f nafs
safety in my self,
_ _ ' walssa`ata f rizq
opulence in my sustenance,
` `
walshshukra laka abadan m
and thanks for You forever as long
as You keep me alive.
Al-Bizan reported Ynus ibn abyn to have said: One day, we visited Imam al-diq (`a) and found him
tensely sore-eyed; therefore, we were depressed. The next morning, we visited him while he was completely
healed. Surprised by this, we asked him, May Allah accept us as ransoms for you! Have you treated your eyes
with a certain medicine? The Imam answered, Yes, I have. I have treated them with the best of all medicines.
What is that? we asked. The Imam (`a) answered, It is a amulet. We therefore wrote down that amulet,
which is as follows:
_ _ _ ` a`dhu bi`izzati allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ _ ' `
wa a`dhu biquwwati allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs all-
I pray the protection of Allahs
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 23/30
_ _ `
wa a`dhu biqudrati allhi omnipotence,
_ ` wa a`dhu binri allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ _ ` wa a`dhu bi`aamati allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bijalli allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bijamli allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bibah'i allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bijam`i allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu bi`afwi allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ _ ` wa a`dhu bighufrni allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
_ ` wa a`dhu birasli allhi
I pray the protection of Allahs
:_ ' _ ` ` wa a`dhu bil-a'immati
I pray the protection of the
_ ` '_ `aliyyi ibni ab libin
`Al ibn Ab-lib,
`_ walasani ibni `aliyyin
al-asan ibn `Al,
`_ walusayni ibni `aliyyin
al-usayn ibn `Al,
_ wa `aliyyi ibni alusayni
`Al ibn al-usayn,
`_ _ ' wa muammadi ibni `aliyyin
Muammad ibn `Al,
' wa ja`fari ibni muammadin
Ja`far ibn Muammad,
wa ms ibni ja`farin
Ms ibn Ja`far,
_ wa `aliyyi ibni ms
`Al ibn Ms,
`_ _ ' wa muammadi ibni `aliyyin
Muammad ibn `Al,
' _ wa `aliyyi ibni muammadin
`Al ibn Muammad,
`_ wa alasani ibni `aliyyin
al-asan ibn `Al,
_ ' walujjati ibni alasani
and al-ujjah (the Argument-
person) ibn al-asan,


over whatever we wish
` _ min sharri m

against the evil of what I am
_ _ ' ' allhumma rabba almu`na
O Allah! O Lord of the obedient!
When we asked the Imam (`a) about the meaning of jam` allh, he said, It means the wholeness of Allah.
It is also reported that one who suffers from eye pains may recite yah al-Kurs and believe in his inner self
that the reciting of this holy verse will cure him of that pain.
Before reciting this holy verse, one suffering from eye pains is advised to put his hand on his eye and say the
_ ` u`dhu nra baar
For the light of my sight, I pray
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` _ _ binri allhi alladh l

the protection of Allahs light that
is inextinguishable.
This will be useful.
A Amulet agai nst Nyctalopia A Amulet agai nst Nyctalopia A Amulet agai nst Nyctalopia A Amulet agai nst Nyctalopia
For those who suffer from nyctalopia (i.e. reduction or loss of vision in dim light), they are recommended to
write down yah al-Nr several times (on a sheet of paper) in a cup, wash it, put it in a flask, and use it as eye
yah al-Nr is the following:
` _ '
allhu nru alssamwti wa(a)l-ar
Allah is the Light of the heavens
and the earth.
_ _ _ _
mathalu nrih kamishktin fh mi
The similitude of His light is as a
niche wherein a lamp is.
_ _ al-mibu f zujjatin
The lamp is in a glass.
' `
alzzujjatu ka'annah kawkabun
The glass is as it were a shining
yqadu min shajaratin mub
rakatin zaytniatin
(This lamp is) kindled from a
blessed tree, an olive
' ' _ l sharqiyyatin wa l gharbiyyatin
neither of the east nor of the west,
_ yakdu zaytuh yu'u
whose oil would almost glow forth
(of itself)
wa law lam tamsas-hu nrun
though no fire touched it.
nrun `al nrin
Light upon light.
_ _ _ yahd allhu linrih man yash'u
Allah guides to His light whom He
_ `
wa yaribu allhu al-amthla lilnn
And Allah speaks to mankind in
_ wa(a)llhu bikulli shay'in `almun
for Allah is Knower of all things.
It is also reported that whoever recites the Holy Qur'n from copies of the Holy Qur'n, will enjoy strong sight.
It is also reported that whoever repeats the following holy verse every day, his eyes will be saved from all
optical troubles:
_ _ faja`alnhu sam`an baran
So, We make him hearing,
Al-Kaf`am says: According to experiments, to seek the advocacy of Imam Ms al-Kim (`a) is useful for
cure of eye pains as well as the troubles of the other organs.
For those suffering from nosebleed, it is recommended to pour cold water on their heads and foreheads.
Harmel Harmel Harmel Harmel
The Holy Prophet () is also reported to have said, For each tree, leaf, and fruit of harmel (also harmala; a
plant having aromatic seeds containing various alkaloids and used locally for medicines, oil, and dye),
( (( ( ) )) )
is an angel entrusted with them until they are wrecked. Verily, in the root and branches of these trees is an
amulet against distress and sorcery. In the grains of this plant, there is remedy of seventy-two maladies. So,
treat yourselves with this plant and with olibanum.
Epi lepsy Epi lepsy Epi lepsy Epi lepsy
It is reported that when Imam al-Ri (`a) once passed by an epileptic person, he ordered a cup of water to be
brought to him. The Imam (`a) then recited Srah al-Ftiah, Srah al-Falaq, and Srah al-Ns on the cup and
expectorated in it. He then ordered them to pour that water on the head and face of the epileptic person.
[2] [2] [2] [2]
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Immediately, the man restored consciousness. The Imam (`a) then said to him, This will never affect you

` is a unit of mass or weight, usually used for grains; one ` is equal to approximately three kilograms.
( )
Excerpted from Oxford Talking Dictionary.


First: First: First: First: Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have advised of the following: For all ailments, you may say this
_ _ bismillhi wa billhi
In the Name of Allah (I begin) and
in Allah (I trust).
_ _ _ kam min ni`matin lillhi
Too many are the graces of Allah
_ _ _ _ f `irqin skinin wa ghayri skinin
in the calm and the stirred up
_ _

`abdin shkirin wa ghayri sh
to grateful and ungrateful
servants (of Him).
Upon accomplishing an obligatory prayer, you may grasp your beard with your right hand and repeat the
following prayer three times:
_ ' allhumma farrij `ann kurbat
O Allah, (please) relieve me from
my agony,
_ _ wa `ajjil `fiyat
hasten my healing,
_ wakshif urr
and remove my harm.
Make sure that you associate this prayer with tears and weeping.

Second: Second: Second: Second: Imam al-diq (`a) is also reported to have advised: Put your hand on the ailed organ and say this:
_ _ bismillhi wa billhi
In the Name of Allah (I begin) and
in Allah (I trust).
_ ' wa muammadun raslu allhi
Muammad is the messenger of
_ _ _ all

allhu `alayhi wa lih
may Allah bless him and his
_ '
wa l

awla wa l

quwwata ill

There is neither might nor power
except with Allah.
` ' allhumma imsa `ann m ajidu
O Allah, (please) wipe out what I
am suffering from.
You may then rub your right hand over the ailed organ three times.

Third: Third: Third: Third: Imam al-Bqir (`a) is reported to have said: When Imam `Al (`a) was ailed, the Holy Prophet ()
came to him and advised him to say this prayer:
allhumma inn as'aluka ta`jla `
O Allah, I beseech You for haste of
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 26/30
_ _ ` ` '
fiyatika Your healing,
_ ' _ wa abran `al

endurance of Your tribulation,
_ wa khurjan il

and exit to Your mercy.

Fourth: Fourth: Fourth: Fourth: Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have advised of the following:
You may put your hand on the ailed organ and repeat this prayer three times:
_ _ ` ` '
allhumma inn as'aluka biaqqi
alqur'ni al`ami
O Allah, I beseech You in the name
of the Great Qur'n
_ ` ' _ _ alladh nazala bih alrru al-amnu
with which the Faithful Spirit has
_ '_ _ ` _ _
wa huwa `indaka f ummi alkitbi
`aliyyun akmun
and which is with You in the
Mother of the Book is elevated
and full of wisdom,
_ _ _ ` an tashfiyan bishif'ika
to cure me with Your cure,
_ wa tudwiyan bidaw'ika
medicate me with Your medicine,
_ _ _ wa tu`fiyan min bal'ika
heal me from Your tribulation,
' '
wa tualliya `al

muammadin wa
li muammadin
and bless Muammad and the
Household of Muammad,
' `alayhim(u) alssalm
peace be upon them.

Fifth: Fifth: Fifth: Fifth: Ab-amzah is reported to have said: One day, I felt pain in my knee. When I complained about it to
Imam al-Bqir (`a), he advised me, saying: Upon accomplishment of a prayer, you may say this prayer:
` ` y

ajwada man a`
O most magnanimous of all those
who may donate,
_ wa y

khayra man su'ila
best of all those whom may be
_ ` wa y

arama man isturima
and most merciful of all those
whose mercy is sought,
_ _ _ _ iram a`f wa qillata lat
(please) have mercy upon my
weakness and upon the failure of
my stratagem
_ _ _ wa`fin min waja`
and relieve me from my pain.
Ab-amzah added: When I did, I was healed.
It is worth mentioning that I have referred in Section Three to other prayers against ailments and illnesses.
Prayer for removi ng ai lments Prayer for removi ng ai lments Prayer for removi ng ai lments Prayer for removi ng ai lments
Third: Third: Third: Third: Sayyid Ibn ws, may Allah have mercy upon him, says that he tried this prayer personally:
On a parchment, you may write down this:

man ismuh daw'un
O He Whose Name is remedy
_ _ wa dhikruh shif'un
and Whose remembering is cure!
_ _

man yaj`alu alshshif'a fm
yash'u min al-ashy'i
O He Who places cure in whatever
thing He wills,
' '
alli `al

muammadin wa li
(please) bless Muammad and the
Household of Muammad
4/28/2011 Curing Ailments from Baqiyatus s 27/30
_ _ ' _ _ _

waj`al shif' min hdh

aldd'i f
ismika hdh
and cause my cure of this malady
to be in this Name of You:
You may then write each of the following phrases ten times:

(1) O Allah!
y rabbi
(2) O my Lord!
_ _ ' ` y

arama alrrimna
(3) O most merciful of all those
who show mercy!

Prayer for Curi ng Pi mples Prayer for Curi ng Pi mples Prayer for Curi ng Pi mples Prayer for Curi ng Pi mples
Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth: To treat pimples, Imam al-diq (`a) is reported to have said: When you feel the emergence of
pimples, you may put your forefinger on it, revolve the area around it, and repeat this statement seven times:
_ l

ilha ill

allhu alalmu alkarmu
There is no god save Allah the All-
forbearing and All-generous.
In the seventh time, you may bandage and tie it with the forefinger.
Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth: Upon seeing wild boars, you may repeat the following words:
_ y

ra'fu y

O All-clement! O All-merciful!
_ y rabbi y

O my Lord! O my Master!

Prayer for Curi ng Backaches Prayer for Curi ng Backaches Prayer for Curi ng Backaches Prayer for Curi ng Backaches
Sixth Sixth Sixth Sixth: To treat backache, it is reported that you may put your hand on the ailed place and recite the following
holy verse three times:
_ _ ` _
' _
wa m

kna linafsin an tamta ill
bi'idhni allhi kitban mu'ajjalan
And a soul will not die but with
the permission of Allah. The term
is fixed.
_ _ _ '
wa man yurid thawba aldduny
nu'tih minh
And whoever desires the reward
of this world, We shall give him of
_ _ _ _ _
wa man yurid thawba al-khirati
nu'tih minh
and whoever desires the reward of
the hereafter, We shall give him of
-. _ wa sanajz alshshkirna
and We will reward the grateful.
You may then repeat Srah al-Qadr seven times. Once you do so, you will be healed, by the permission of

Prayer for Curi ng Navel Pai ns Prayer for Curi ng Navel Pai ns Prayer for Curi ng Navel Pai ns Prayer for Curi ng Navel Pai ns
Seventh Seventh Seventh Seventh: To treat navel pains, it is reported that you may put your hand on the ailed place and repeat this
holy verse three times. Once you do so, you will be healed, by the permission of Allah:
. _ wa innah lakitbun `azzun
And most surely, it is a Mighty
_ _ _ _ _ _ `
_ _

ya'thi albilu min bayni yadayhi
wa l

min khalfih
Falsehood shall not come to it
from before it nor from behind it;
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-. _ _ _ tanzlun min akmin amdin
a revelation from the Wise, the
Praised One.

Prayer for curi ng all pains Prayer for curi ng all pains Prayer for curi ng all pains Prayer for curi ng all pains
Eighth Eighth Eighth Eighth: This evil-repelling prayer is reported from Imam al-Ri (`a) to treat all pains:
' ` _ _ `
u`dhu nafs birabbi al-ari wa rabbi
I pray for myself the protection of
the Lord of the earth and the Lord
of the heavens.
_ _ ' _ _ _ `

u`dhu nafs billadh l

ma`a ismih d'un
I pray for myself the protection of
the One with Whose Name no
malady can harm.
_ _ _ _ `
u`dhu nafs billhi alladh ismuh
barakatun wa shif'un
I pray for myself the protection of
Allah Whose Name is blessing and

Prayer for Curi ng Flank Pai ns Prayer for Curi ng Flank Pai ns Prayer for Curi ng Flank Pai ns Prayer for Curi ng Flank Pai ns
Ninth Ninth Ninth Ninth: To treat flank pains, it is reported that upon the accomplishment of a prayer, you may put your hand
on the place of your prostration, rub your flank with your hand, and say these verses of the Holy Qur'n:
` _ `
afaasibtum annam khalaqnkum
What! Did you then think that
We had created you in vain
. ` wa annakum ilayn l turja`na
and that you shall not be returned
to Us?
' _ fata`l allhu almaliku alaqqu
So, exalted be Allah, the True
l ilha ill huwa
no god is there but He,
. ' rabbu al`arshi alkarmi
the Lord of the honorable
wa man yad`u ma`a allhi ilhn
And whoever invokes with Allah
another god--
_ l burhna lah bih
he has no proof of this--
_ _ _ fa'innam isbuh `inda rabbih
his reckoning is only with his
._ _ innahu l yufliu alkfirna
Surely, the unbelievers shall not
be successful.
_ wa qul rabbi ighfir wa(i)ram
And say: O my Lord! Forgive and
have mercy,
-._ _ ' ` wa anta khayru alrrimna
and You are the best of the
Merciful ones.

Prayer for curi ng stomach Prayer for curi ng stomach Prayer for curi ng stomach Prayer for curi ng stomach and colon troubles and colon troubles and colon troubles and colon troubles
Tenth Tenth Tenth Tenth: To treat stomach and colon troubles, you may recite this holy verse:
. _ ' ' _ bismillhi alrramn alrrami
In the Name of Allah; the All-
beneficent, the All-merciful.
And (mention) Dhu'n-Nn
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_ _
wa dh alnnni idh dhahaba mugh
(Jonah), when he went off in
_ _ ` ' faanna an lan naqdira `alayhi
and deemed that We would not
suppress his sustenance.
_ _ fand f alulumti
But he cried out in the darkness,
` ` an l ilha ill anta subnaka
There is no god save You. Be You
._ _ _ inn kuntu min allimna
Lo! I have been a wrongdoer.
_ '
fastajabn lah wa najjaynhu min
Then we heard his prayer and
saved him from the anguish.
-. _ _ wa kadhlika nunj almu'minna
Thus do we save the believers.
You may then repeat Srah al-Ftiah seven times.
This is a proved treatment.
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