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Chemistry Chapter 5: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures An element is a substance which cannot be broken down into two or more

e simpler substances by chemical methods A compound is a substance that is made up of two or more different elements chemically combined together. A mixture consists of two or more different substances that are mixed but not chemically combined together. In the Periodic Table: Group is the vertical column of elements. The elements in the same group have similar chemical properties. Period is the horizontal row of elements. From left to right, elements change from metallic to non-metallic. Metals and non-metals Appears shiny, can be polished Solids at room temperature Malleable and ductile High density High melting and boiling points Good conductor of electricity and heat Copper (used to make wire and pipes): Reddish brown solid Good conductor of electricity Ductile (easily drawn into wire) Corrosion resistant Strong Zinc (used in coins and inside batteries): Grey solid Good conductor of electricity Prevents rusting of iron Corrosion resistant Strong Aluminium (Used to make aircraft bodies and drink cans): Silvery shiny solid Low density Malleable (can be shaped easily) Corrosion resistant Strong and light Usually appears dull Mostly liquid or gas at room temperature, some are solids Brittle and non-ductile Low density Low melting and boiling points Poor conductor of electricity and heat Mercury (Used in thermometers and to measure pressure): Silvery liquid Does not react easily with other chemicals Mercury vapour is fluorescent Good conductor of heat Expands evenly on heating Magnesium: Grey solid Burns with dazzling white light Forms alkali to neutralise excess acid in stomach Iron: Grey solid Good conductor of heat and electricity Ductile Magnetic Strong

Water = Hydrogen + Oxygen H2O Carbon dioxide = Carbon +Oxygen CO2 Sand/glass = Silicon + Oxygen SiO2 Table salt = Sodium + Chlorine Sodium chloride Sugar = Carbon +Hydrogen + Oxygen C12H22 O 11 Calcium carbonate = Calcium + Carbon + Oxygen CaCO3 Rust (iron oxide) = Iron + Oxygen Fe2O3 Magnesium oxide = Magnesium + Oxygen MgO

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