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Knauf Hotel Design Manual

Hotel Design

of photomechanical reproduction and storage in elec-




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Hotels use more design consultants than most building types because of the variety of special operational and technical requirements that are part of most accommodation. More than any other factor, information, decisions, and approvals provided rapidly save time and expense during all the planning and construction phases. No matter, if it is a construction or a renovation project intelligent drywall solutions can not be overlooked in a modern hotel. Freedom of scope, speed of installation, security and multiple design possibilities are only a few of the advantages of Knauf systems. This handbook combines for the first time all information that is necessary for a successful hotel project in one complete document. The concept concludes the requirements and according application possibilities of Knauf Drywall systems within all hotel areas. Various solutions for ceilings, walls, floors and external faades are presented along with typical technical data. The essential criteria of acoustic consideration and passive fire solutions are of prime importance when designing a structure of this nature. This manual was developed as a guide for decision makers in planning and realisation phases for all types of hotels without limitations of hotel types and categories. This document is of benefit to hotel owners, managers, franchise partners, planners and architects.

Sustainable building

CO2-contribution of building materials The selection of building material used in hotels does not only play an important role for the comfort of hotel guests, it also effects the environment. Building material may influence through its whole lifecycle environment and human health in very different ways. Ecological optimisation means to find the best solution for all potential influences. Sustainable building must cover the complete lifecycle of building material: production, construction, use and deconstruction of the building and also the recycling of waste. An ecological view on building material focuses mainly on a moderate consumption of energetic resources and a low CO2-contribution. These reflections are of great importance, taking into consideration that up to 35% of the caused CO2-emission of a building are emitted during production and application of the building material.Knauf Drywall boards consist either of natural gypsum, of FGD-gypsum (from flue gas desulphurisation) or of recycled gypsum. The paperfaces consist of a minimum of 95% of recycled paper. The CO2-balance of a Knauf Drywall board is additionally reduced by energy efficient production, short transportation distances and easy application.

Knauf developed an advanced method to recycle a high percentage of waste materials from construction sites. Numerous production facilities enable internationally optimised logistic solutions with positive impact on the whole CO2balance. In both hotel construction and renovation, the view on sustainable building is used as a marketing instrument of growing importance. Protection of natural resources with FGD-gypsum In 1977, when Knauf conducted first tests with recycled gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD). The former plant engineering subsidiary KRC Knauf Research Cottrell developed in close cooperation with the energy industry the two-phased flue gas desulphurisation process for the production of utilisable FGD-gypsum. Since ratification of the power plant heating act in 1983 this process is the leading production method for FGD-gypsum worldwide. With the assistance of Knauf in terms of process engineering and providing a source for the produced FGD-gypsum as well as, material equipment investments by the energy industry, the emission of huge amounts of sulphur could be avoided and valuable raw material be gained instead. With a consumption of 6 million tons of FGD-gypsum per year from more than 40 power plants, Knauf is today world leader in the use of FGD-gypsum.



Park Hyatt Mendoza, Argentine


Application of Knauf Drywall Systems Hotel Areas 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6 Lobby area and public space Conference rooms and restaurants Guest rooms Spa and Wellness Area Function Areas Faade Applications 8 16 28 40 46 50


1. Hotel Areas

Howard Johnson Resort & Spa, Pilar, Argentine

1.1. Lobby area and public space

Among the many public areas of the hotel, the lobby makes the single greatest impact on guests as well as clients to the hotel. Its design whether intimate or expansive, formal or casual sets the tone for the hotel or resort. The most successful designers carefully balance two key factors: visual impact and function. The lobby area is subject to intensive use, therefore durable materials are essential in areas subject to high traffic & impact. The design and choice of materials will also be influenced by the style, budget and sophistication of the hotel, its local environment and climatic conditions. Key factor Public Area This public space defines the differences among various types of hotels. Usually the lobby acts as the hub of hotel activities, giving access to all or most of the public facilities as well as to the guestrooms. Whatever the type of hotel, an overall objective for the planning and design of the public areas is that they be clustered around the lobby. This arrangement assures that the hotel guests can access the various facilities with a minimum of difficulty and provides the opportunity for functions to overlap.


1. Hotel Areas

Hotel Madero by Sofitel, Buenos Aires, Argentine

Initial Impressions The lobby area is the focal point of entry and the visual impression created by the design is critical in defining the style and character of the hotel. The impression on the hotel guest is an important feature when defining the identity of the hotel. Gypsum building materials offer unique and functional possibilities of design. Solutions with Knauf Drywall systems are important aids for the realisation in an easy and economic way. Each design element can incorporate features such as lighting and vaults. Play with colours and forms Playing with colours and shapes are the great advantages of the drywalling building technique. In Knauf Design Ceilings harmonically integrated lightning and relaxing acoustics can be combined with smooth ceiling underlays. According to the needs and requirements this type of suspended ceiling can bear invisible sound panels (Knauf Soundboard), all kinds of instalation ducts, fire alarm elements and climate instalations. Ceilings with many facets Lobbies and entry areas offer the first acoustic and visual experience of a hotel. It is therefore important to create the right ceiling design that corresponds with the rest of the interior, both acoustically and aesthetically. Danoline's demountable ceilings offer a large variety of acoustic profiles and design expressions thanks to the wide range of different perforation designs and patterns as well as edge finishes.

1.1. Lobby area and public space

Comfort without draft Spacious and freely designed lobby areas are not the ideal space for visible heating elements. To reduce unpleasant drafts from air conditioning or heating systems, Knauf Integral access floors with an integrated heating and cooling system is an option. This will allow services to be positioned within floor 20mm voids. The use of Knaufs access floors also allows data processing as well as power cabling / outlets to be positioned in the flooring. If there is a requirement for additional installation e.g. for exhibitions or temporary layoffs there is the option to install them as a supplement at any place within the floor. With Knauf Integral sheet-panelled access floors cable spaghetti is a thing of the past.

Quality Spa&Resort Son, Oslo, Norway

Architect: Halvorsen&Reine


1. Hotel Areas

Faena Hotel + Universe, Buenos Aires, Argentine

Design Philip Starck

1.1. Lobby area and public space

Novotel Dubai, UAE

Architect: LW Design

Constructive prevention Particularly in the lobby area attention must be given to sound insulation, durability and fire safety. The lobby area is subject to intensive use, therefore durable materials are essential in areas subject to high traffic and impact. The Knauf high impact drywall boards are a specially designed impact resistant product that represents an ideal solution for areas with intensive traffic. The liberty for design without compromise Non-combustible building materials are prescribed by Building Codes. Knauf Integral offers non-combustible GIFAtec panels which could be veneered and still remaining non-combustible, which is tested and approved. Of course the GIFAtec panels could be formed and also be covered with other coatings without loosing their non-combustibility. Whether flooring, walls or suspended ceilings this material could be used universal applicatable. Indoor comfort Hotel reception areas are required to have an accommodating effect of the visitors. The indoor climate needs therefore to be welcoming and comfortable with a bright and airy expression. With Danoline's range of ceiling and wall linings, the possibilities of creating specious acoustic surfaces in large rooms such as receptions are countless. The low gloss value of the paint along combined with the slight roughness of the surface of Danoline products ensure good light spreading, while the white colour tone softens the incident light and reflects it further into the room.

1. Hotel Areas

The power of silence Ceilings can contribute to a rooms acoustics. In areas with lots of hard surfaces, such as lobbies and reception areas, the ceiling can especially help to calm a space. Knauf Cleaneo Acoustic Ceilings with an air-cleaning effect and AMF Acoustic Ceilings combine high sound absorption with an attractive design. The perfect ceiling Regardless whether smooth, plain surfaces are preferred or perforated surfaces with different patterns, the aesthetic and acoustic advantages of Knauf Ceiling Systems, stand out through their functionallity. The trouble free integration of technical equipment (i.e. the invisible loud speaker panel Soundmosaic from AMF or Soundboard from Knauf) allows unhindered access to the ceiling void. The AMF Acoustic tiles enable access at any point and by applying the borderless access panel Alutop from Knauf, access through drylined ceilings is possible.

1.1. Lobby area and public space

Sofitel La Reserva, Cardales, Argentine


1. Hotel Areas

Another principal category of public space includes the meeting, banquet, reception, and exhibit spaces, which form a major core in many medium and large hotels and in conference centers. In all but the smallest properties, function space is an essential ingredient of the successful hotel. Function and meeting space in hotels is generally multifunctional to allow higher utilization, these areas require careful evaluation and planning to allow efficient use and flexibility to meet widely varying demands. The success of meeting and banquet sales depends on a number of functional planning considerations as well as interior decor, suitable lighting, acoustical (soundproof partitions between meeting rooms) and mechanical engineering, and other technical requirements. Knauf Drywall systems for partitions and ceilings offer a variety of individual solutions for meeting rooms, all requirements for this type of space can be fulfilled. Knauf high impact boards for system drywalling solves many requiremensts along with a value engineered solution. Acoustic design The acoustic comfort in premises such as conference rooms is created through acoustic design - a holistic approach to sound regulation that not only involves the choice of acoustic ceiling and wall materials but also the architectural elements of the room. Danoline Mitex and Curvex solutions make it possible to create numerous acoustic shapes with curved or mitred panels.

Dorpat Hotel, Tartu, Estonia Architect: Vaikla Disain AS

1.2. Conference rooms and restaurants


1. Hotel Areas

Sofitel La Reserva, Cardales, Argentine

1.2. Conference rooms and restaurants

Le Mridien Lav, Split, Croatia

Simple flexibility Hotels represent the focus of life, whether there are Business Meetings, Exhibitions, Functions or Presentations, flexible facilities cover a variety of different requirements. Since damage is likely to arise from furniture rearrangement, exhibitions and handling the lower part of the wall may be paneled with impact proof materials such as Knauf high impact boards. The perspective of the ceiling is a major consideration in the design, in addition the construction must incorporate many functional requirements including access to technical equipment: air conditioning, lighting systems, fire detection and alarm systems, acoustic treatment, thermal and mechanical equipment. With the application of Knauf Soundboard, meeting rooms become an invisible joy of sound. Considerations for internal design (surface finishing, furnishing and lightning) and the service ducts requirements (ventilation, sound systems and active fire protection) are directly interconnected and interact strongly.

1. Hotel Areas

Hyatt Regency, Dubai, UAE

Architect: LW Design

1.2. Conference rooms and restaurants

Renovation in new ambient The time periods for renovation are increasingly reducing in the hospitality industry. Especially hotels with higher pretensions are forced to renovate and modernise their restaurants in shorter time intervals than the hotel guest rooms and suites.

Steigenberger Hotel, Hamburg, Germany

Design: JOI-Design, Interior designers in Hamburg

Elegance and atmosphere Upper areas are usually decorative with acoustic absorption but must meet fire protection requirements. Curved wall plates with ceiling skirts and artistic waves made of gypsum round off the atmosphere in the restaurant.


1. Hotel Areas

Special requirements for the Floor Total flexibility for any type of use is permitted by the sheet-panelled access floor systems of Knauf Integral. Whether for conferences, presentations or exhibitions all circuit points could be set at any position according any demands. Simultaneous concentrated loads of more than one ton could be carried on these systems, so heavy exhibits are no problem. For extreme loads there are solutions up to more than two tons work load available. Also ramps and stepped theatre floors could be realised dry and fast with GIFAfloor systems.

Hotel Lav Meridien Split

Ibis, Dubai, UAE

Architect: LW Design

Another design aspect that is often ignored during design development is provision for sufficient electrical and communication services to the function rooms, meeting rooms, and exhibit halls. The use of Knauf Alutop Access panels makes it possible to mount easy accessible and not visible installation ducts.

1.2. Conference rooms and restaurants

Spirited and acoustically efficient Ceiling canvas made of Knauf technic are protecting the restaurant from the upper tier. The concave and convex preformed elements are made of Knauf Acoustic Design boards. The surface can be finished with a special acoustic plaster.

Steigenberger Hotel, Hamburg, Germany

Design: JOI-Design, Interior designers in Hamburg


1. Hotel Areas

Acoustics with Design The correct room acoustics are important to provide a comfortable living and work environment. Consequently, the right selection of building products and materials used is also very important. Knauf Cleaneo acoustic ceilings can also have a creative effect on the interior design of a room if desired. The different perforation ratio and perforation designs (continuous perforation, block perforation, or individual perforation designs) produce an aesthetic and seamless ceiling system with an interesting wall lining structure in addition to its excellent acoustic characteristics.

Le Mridien Lav, Split, Croatia

The AMF THERMATEX Acoustic Range offers a totally new concept for suspended ceiling systems. The tissue-faced tiles cover different levels of sound absorption while displaying the same appearance. Exceptional sound insulation is also achieved: with up to 43 dB room-toroom attenuation, giving a very high performance for a suspended ceiling with an open void. With the ability to adapt both sound absorption and sound attenuation in combination with the existing surfaces (hard: windows, floors, walls or soft: absorbing ceilings), optimal room acoustics can be achieved to reduce unwanted background noise and improve speech intelligibility.

1.2. Conference rooms and restaurants

Faena Hotel + Universe, Buenos Aires, Argentine

Design Philip Starck

Hotel Madero by Sofitel, Buenos Aires, Argentine


1. Hotel Areas

Design Ceilings for special requirements The architectural aspects (proportions, divisibility, and access), are easily implemented with Knauf design ceilings. Whether you need recessed lighting, lamella or wave ceilings, domes or vaults - individual solutions can be managed efficiently with the pre-fabricated drywall elements from Knauf. The ceiling program from AMF provides system ceilings in different designs. The wide range of products includes fleece or smooth coated micro-perforated white ceilings up to wooden and metallic looking surfaces. Various formats, edge configurations and installation systems round off the range of products. The Knauf Soundboard or the AMF Soundmosaic can be used to transform conference rooms into an invisible listening pleasure. For projects, where for aesthetic or technical reasons a standard suspended ceiling is not possible, for example when using the structures thermal mass for heating/cooling, Knauf or AMF Ceiling Rafts are a flexible and elegant alternative. AMF THERMATEX Sonic Sky offers a comprehensive range of ceiling rafts in flat, convex or concave formats.

1.2. Conference rooms and restaurants

Steigenberger Hotel, Hamburg, Germany

Design: JOI-Design, Interior designers in Hamburg


1. Hotel Areas

Many hotel operators believe that the design of hotel rooms and suites including the bathrooms has a decisive influence on the guests wellbeing and his/her image of the hotel. But the responsible planners face great challenges in the design of entire hotel floors and rooms for other reasons too. These areas normally take up between 65 - 85 percent of the entire floor area of a hotel. The main planning aims therefore include the optimum utilization of the area available and to correspondingly build space-saving walls.

Sofitel La Reserva, Cardales, Argentine

The guestroom design decision which most influences the room layouts and much of the guest reaction to a hotel is the choice of three critical room dimensions: The net width of a room, the length of the room from the outer wall to the wall of the bathroom and the size of the bathroom.

1.3. Guest rooms

Le Mridien Lav, Split, Croatia


1. Hotel Areas

Sofitel La Reserva, Cardales, Argentine

No design compromises The use of drywall partitions for hotel guest rooms does not include restrictions by designing the interior features. On the contrary, the application of Knauf Drywall systems makes it possible to place the majority of installations within the partition void of the construction. Not only electrical ducts, water and heating pipes, but also energy saving low temperature heating systems can be installed inside the partitions or above the suspended ceilings. The relative efficiency of typical hotel floors can be compared most directly by calculating the percentage of the total floor area devoted to guestrooms. Clearly, the higher this percentage the lower the construction cost per room. Knauf Drywall systems give you optimized holistic solutions for guest rooms and public areas, thus providing an improved net floor area. For slim partitions with high rates of sound insulation we recommend the use of special Knauf Acoustic boards or for special fire proof solutions Knauf Fireboard. Sound insulation values up to Rw,R > 70 dB and high mechanical stability can be realised quickly and safely with Knauf Drywall systems.

1.3. Guest rooms

The new dimension of wellbeing Integrated Knauf cooling and heating ceilings are not only invisible and immensely economic and ergonomic solutions. The function without draft and any noise production represents a vital contribution for the wellbeing and relaxation of the hotel guests.

Faena Hotel + Universe, Buenos Aires, Argentine

Design Philip Starck

Besides the highest level of sound insulation and fireprotection the slim drywall construction offers perfect and individual design possibilities for the surface. The flat surface loud speaker Knauf Soundboard provides the perfect level of acoustic irradiation. Installed hidden in the wall or the ceiling, this board saves space and impresses with its audible effect on the room, and is absolutely vandal-proof. The sliding door system Knauf Krona can be used to establish a barrier free and space saving transition between rooms, including the soundless opening and closing of the doors.

1. Hotel Areas

Aesthetics combined with sound insulation Guest bathrooms are designed to be back to back for services integration, maintenance and acoustical consideration. Sensitivity to noise intrusion is high, particularly at night. Noise limitation requirements, such as enclosure and acoustic insulation of pipe work and ceilings, dense or floating floor screeds with sufficient impact noise reduction and soundproof walls between rooms, between rooms and corridors or stairs. The dry cement screed AQUAPANEL Cement Board Floor is particularly suitable for use in renovation work in hotel rooms and bathrooms, particularly with regard to avoiding moisture. Mould-resistant and totally stable panel is suitable for all types of floor constructions and coverings, even in wet and moist rooms. Due to the innovative installation system with a slot edge on all sides, installation takes place without any screws and is therefore particularly easy and fast.

1.3. Guest rooms

Westin Hotel, Leipzig, Germany


1. Hotel Areas
AQUAPANEL Cement Board Indoor is a solid and durable tile backing for interior fittings, particularly for bathroom and WC areas, resistant to mould and non-combustible. AQUAPANEL Cement Board Indoor consists of aggregated Portland cement with coated glass fibre mesh embedded in back and front surfaces. With only one single layer of cement board and a stud spacing of 62.5 cm it is ideally suitable for ceramic coverings and supports up to 50 kg of tiling per square metre of wall. The ends of the 12.5 mm thick cement board are cut and the edges reinforced (EasyEdge). The cement board is easy to install and brings decisive benefits and low installation costs: it eliminates time-consuming processing methods and requires no special tools, e.g. cutting takes place by scoring and snapping. Furthermore it offers substantial benefits with regard to sound insulation and fire protection. AQUAPANEL Cement Board Indoor is available as a complete system and fulfils all European construction standards.

1.3. Guest rooms

Sofitel La Reserva, Cardales, Argentine


1. Hotel Areas

Safety first Partitions in stairways and corridors should provide impact resistance from suitcases or trolley tables nothing should damage the walls. Simultaneous high performance for fire protection is required because corridors in the case of fire represent escape routes for guests and hotel staff as well. These demands, robust and non-combustible multitasks the gypsum fibre panel GIFAtec while fulfilling a big range of possibilities of designing. Bullet- proof drywall partitions could be assembled by flush- mounting of Knauf Integral GIFAtec 1500 in the hollow space of Knauf drywalls fast and easily. Not only for the walls of the suites of guests with high protection requirements, but also for all rooms and corridors Knauf offers systems with integrated safety features balanced to the particular needs.

1.3. Guest rooms


1. Hotel Areas

1.3. Guest rooms

Functional Ceilings for Corridor Areas Especially in the corridor area the function of a suspended ceiling is advantageous. The access to the area above the suspended gypsum plasterboard ceiling is easily accessed with the Alutop access panels. Access panels from Knauf Alutop enable and facilitate maintenance work and subsequent adjustments to technical installations. Fire protection solutions with Knauf Fireboard and acoustic solutions with the Knauf Cleaneo acoustic ceilings comply with all visual and safety related requirements. Depending on individual needs the ceilings can be sophistically designed or configured as plain and simple surfaces.

AMF flexible Ceiling Systems can be accessed at any point. Independent FireResistant Panels such as AMF F30 Uno provide up to 30 minutes protection from fire and smoke, from both above and below. The AMF Acoustic Range in plank format, provides optimal performance combining both sound absorption and sound attenuation.


1. Hotel Areas

A. Albert, Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Dne, Rostock, Germany

The Wellness facilities in hotels have changed substantially over the last few years. Instead of large swimming pools with small fitness centres, these areas are today dominated by wellness facilities integrating a smaller swimming pool. But the central focus is placed on such facilities as sauna, steam bath, whirlpool and modern fitness equipment. This area is frequently complemented by a hairdressers, massage facilities, showers as well as locker and changing rooms. The walls and floors of these moist and wet areas make high demands on the water and moisture resistance, resistance to mould, building ecology and biology. When selecting an appropriate building material, the use of AQUAPANEL Cement Board Indoor is just as ideal here as for the hotel bathrooms. The cement board from KNAUF USG Systems can be used in accordance with the national moisture resistance classes.

1.4. Spa and Wellness Area

Le Mridien Lav, Split, Croatia


1. Hotel Areas

Unlimited Possibilities Due to the malleability of the cement board, which is not accompanied by any loss of stability whatsoever, planners and processors have a multitude of design options: Curves and arches are possible, for which the cement boards are bent directly on site. For radii 3 metres the normal board format 1250 x 900 mm is used; for radii 1 - 3 metres the boards are cut to 300 mm.

A. Albert, Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Dne, Rostock, Germany

1.4. Spa and Wellness Area

Walls and floors made of AQUAPANEL Cement Board Indoor from KNAUF USG Systems achieve good sound insulation values. In order to be able to fulfill the high requirements on a particularly comfortable atmosphere in the wellness area, the boards can be additionally coated with a moisture-resistant acoustic plaster.

The versatility of AMF Ceiling Systems can be demonstrated in leisure and spa facilities. Whether you require a tile that can provide high humidity resistance, good acoustic performance (absorption and attenuation), fire protection, a plank or a layin square tile through the correct selection and combination of AMF systems and tiles, an optimal solution can be found for every application.


1. Hotel Areas

Sofitel La Reserva Cardales, Argentine Le Mridien Lav, Split, Croatia

1.4. Spa and Wellness Area

Hotel Intercontinental, Warsaw, Poland

The cement board enables not only tiling but also other versatile surface designs. Ready-to-decorate surfaces are achieved using AQUAPANEL Q4 Finish. The ready-to-use filler reaches quality class Q4 without full-surface textile reinforcements and is suitable for installation in moist rooms.


1. Hotel Areas
The planning and design of the administration offices and other back-of-house or service areas of the hotel, most of which the hotel guest rarely sees, are equally critical to the eventual success of the hotel. Generally comprising between 10 and 15 percent of the total floor area the organization of the service areas greatly influences the staff's ability to provide efficient food and beverage, housekeeping, repair, and engineering services to the hotel. Simple and rational solutions with upgrade and decent effect. Functional solutions for function areas. Technical built in elements (lightning, smoke alarm..) can be mounted easily. The upper area of the ceiling can be accessed at any part of the underlay.

1.5. Function Areas

Management School, Reims, France

Food preparation and storage areas Of all the service areas in a hotel, the kitchen and related food preparation areas require the most design attention, in part because of the integration of the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems with the layout of the kitchen equipment. In areas with special requirements to hygiene and cleanness the designer has a range of products that were developed for these special tasks. Ceilings for clean rooms at the food production (e.g. AMF THERMATEX Thermofon, Schlicht, or Thermaclean S) installed as clean ceilings assure improved resistance to fungus and bacteria and give additional security for kitchens and food preparation areas. Technical built in elements (lightning, smoke alarm..) can be mounted easily. The upper area of the ceiling can be accessed at any part of the underlay. The food and beverage storage areas in most cases are located adjacent either to the receiving area or to the kitchen. A key feature in planning kitchen storage areas is to cluster all the refrigerated storage together. Because of the compressor systems great care has also to be taken to design appropriate sound insulated walls and ceilings.

1. Hotel Areas

Laundry and housekeeping The laundry and housekeeping areas create another key element of the service facilities of a major hotel. Moreover, laundry areas generate high temperatures, steam and high humidity and present a high fire risk. Therefore, usually special solutions are required. Fire resistance, and resistance to mould represent the main parameters for the choice of materials for the laundry and housekeeping areas. These areas are preferably located at the hotel's lowest floor to lessen the chance that noise and vibration might interfere with any public or guestroom areas. Nevertheless sound absorption ceilings and soundproof walls should be taken in consideration during the early phases of planning. Drywall partitions with AQUAPANEL Cement Board Indoor achieve sound insulation values RW,R up to 61 dB that are certified by approved acoustic laboratories. The material is classified as A1 not combustible, partitions with a fire resistance up to EI 120 can be designed. For this area are important the resistance to mould and the damp protection that AQUAPANEL Cement Board can be achieved. Technical built in elements (lightning, smoke alarm..) can be mounted easily. The upper area of the ceiling can be accessed at any part of the underlay.

1.5. Function Areas


1. Hotel Areas

Hotel Cornelia Resort&Spa, Belek, Turkey

1.6. Faade Applications

Economy, durability and individual design possibilities are key factors for the requirements of hotel faades. Dry building with cement boards as an innovative technology can make a substantial contribution, not only for new buildings, but also for faade renovation. The waterproof and weatherproof, bend and impact resistant cement boards can be ideally used as plaster baseboards for exterior walls, floors and roof overhangs.


1. Hotel Areas

Hotel Cornelia Resort&Spa, Belek, Turkey

The non-combustible cement boards are mounted on sub-structures optionally made of wood, metal or steel. The cement boards are not only suitable for ventilated exterior walls, but also for directly clad, load-bearing and non-load-bearing exterior walls. Even elaborate faade constructions with arches and curves can be easily realised, as the cement boards can be pre-shaped and bent in dry condition.

1.6. Faade Applications

AQUAPANEL Cement Board Outdoor combines all the advantages of drywall technology with the stability of solid construction in the building or renovation of faades.


1. Hotel Areas
Cement boards open up versatile combination and design options for the new building and renovation of faades. With the AQUAPANEL plaster system, planners and contractors have at their disposal an exterior mineral finish (building material class A1) in 212 colours, which can either be smoothly applied or freely structured as required, in order to obtain joint-free plastered surfaces. Furthermore the cement boards can be coated with brick veneers and combined with cladding elements made of various materials such as wood, glass, plastic, porcelain stoneware, slate, natural stone, steel sheet, aluminium, copper and titanium zinc, for example.

Spice Hotel, Belek, Turkey

1.6. Faade Applications

The cement board forms a solid and dry substrate that withstands even harsh weather conditions such as strong winds, rain and snow. At the same time up to 65% weight can be saved and up to 10% of additional space can be gained using cement boards compared with traditional methods of construction, such as brick and block with the same values regarding fire resistance as well as sound and heat insulation.



[1] [2] [3]

Rutes, W., Hotel Design, Planning, and Development, W W Norton & Co, 2001. Lawson, F., Hotels and Resorts: Planning and Design Butterworth Heinemann, 1995. Sustainable Hotel Siting Design and Construction: The Industry Guide to Good Practice, Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum, 2008.


Knauf technical documentation

Knauf Hotel Design Manual, May 2010 Workgroup Strategic Investors F. Satzinger, B. Simonic, M. Bassler

In cooperation with:
A. Bauer J. Bourne C. de Barelli J.S. Dupont M. Gtz M. Hagedorn V. Hodzic-Mehic S. Mittnacht M. Mck M. Suthhof

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