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This Week in Syria, Deeply

1/26/13 9:25 AM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, This week we posted Karen Leigh's exceptional reporting from the ground on the Battle for Latakia, a two-part series. Specifically, she chronicled how a province long seen as an Assad stronghold is now fraying at the edges, rebel commanders planning for a showdown with the Alawites still holding Latakia city. A much-feared rise in sectarian violence, and other potential reprisals in Syria's future, make Latakia a key piece to watch. Our Mohammed Sergie posted his weekly column on Syria's Social Media Buzz, while we analyzed how Kurds are now caught between Islamist groups and the PKK. A group of US college students inspired by our Google Hangouts launched an initiative called Syria Deeply on Campus, initially focused on a campaign to support UNHCR in the Zaatri refugee camp. As always, here's our roundup of the week in review: Monday: Syrian Opposition Postpones Formation of Transitional Government; Patriot Missiles Reach Turkey Tuesday: Fighting Rages as Russians Leave Syria; Spike in Syrians Fleeing to Jordan Wednesday: Rebels Accused of Attack on Shiite Religious Site; 20,000 Palestinians Flee to Lebanon Thursday: Syria Calls 'Million Man Prayers' on Friday; 650,000 Have Fled Syria, Says UN Friday: Syria Sends Forces to Sunni Areas of Homs ; New Refugee Camp to Open in Jordan as Numbers Rise

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

1/26/13 9:25 AM

Hope you enjoy our reporting as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.

Sincerely, The Syria Deeply Team

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