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By Divyakrit Arora

The small intestine is divided into three parts Duodenum- first part, about 25cm long Jejunum- middle segment, about 2.5m long Ileum- final segment, 3.5m long

In the small intestine are present various folds and projections to increase SA for absorptionPlica circularis circular folds Villi finger like projections Microvilli apical hair like projections Core of villus contains arteriole, capillary, venule, lacteal.

Small intestine is one of the major sites for absorption of :

Electrolytes such as Na+ , K+ ,Cl- and HCO3. Water from the mucosa of small intestine. Carbohydrates, lipids, dipeptides and tripeptides, iron and Ca2+.

The absorption of sodium in the intestine can be either by Passive Transport or by Active Transport. Passive transport : Some of the sodium diffuses in or out of the small intestine depending on the concentration gradient. In addition, sodium is actively transported out of the lumen in small intestine by sodium-potassium pumps.

Sodium transport from ileum and jejunum to blood is facilitated by aldosterone. Active transport in small intestine : sodium helps in absorption of glucose, amino acids and some other substances. Its is referred to as Sodium Dependent Glucose Transporter (SDGT).

Movement of potassium across the mucosa takes place down its electrochemical


There is also some secretion of potassium into the intestinal lumen, specially

as a component of mucus.

Net movement of potassium is directly proportional to the potential difference between blood and intestinal lumen.

Chloride is normally secreted into the lumen of small intestine by chloride channels, that are activated by cAMP. Intestinal absorption of chloride also occurs by its cotransport along with sodium and


In ileum and large intestine, chloride is absorbed across brush border epithelium by chloride-bicarbonate exchanger.

There must be reabsorption of bicarbonate ions in small intestine because it is extensively secreted in duodenum. Bicarbonate is absorbed in an indirect manner asWhen sodium is absorbed, hydrogen ions are secreted into lumen in exchange for sodium. Hydrogen ions combine with bicarbonate ions to form carbonic acid which dissociates to water and carbon dioxide.

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