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Journey to the Past

By: Dasia Miles-Langaigne

Once Upon a time in the land of the 13 colonies. Lived women, children, and men; known as the colonist. They took orders form the king, he liked to be called King George III. He was very greedy, he made the colonist pay money for things that they needed to live. What he did was called taxes. He even taxed paper and he gave it a fancy name called the stamp act. The colonist people grew very angry and decided to fight back and stand up to him.


The very next day the king sent the tax collector to the colonist to collect the tax dollars. They were very angry. They came up with a plan, a very evil plan. When the tax collector came along the colonist people made him strip down to his underwear. They began to pour hot tar onto him and dump feathers on him also. What they did is called tar & feathering. Tar is what the roads and streets are made of. He looked like a large chicken. He looked really silly. The colonist felt that they had no freedom, which mean liberty. At the time King George III pass a document called the Townshed act. This act taxed glass, paper, paints, pencils, and tea. That wasnt very nice so the colonist decided to peacefully not buy those things.

The very next day the colonist were acting somewhat unrest. Which also means out of control. The colonist were being mean and they were calling the soldiers names. One of the colonist yelled out I dare you to fire. Some say Captain Preston yelled out to his soldiers hold your fire. All of a sudden one gun shot was fired and some began to spread everywhere. Five people were sent to a better place on that very day (they died). This event in history is known as the Boston Massacre. There is so much confusion and unanswered questions about what happened that day.

Later that day the colonist were still upset about the tea act. Which means paying extra money on tea. A group of colonist dressed up as Native Americans and hopped on 3 ships. You wont believe what happened next. The colonist began to dump out the tea into the Boston Harbor. The other colonist couldnt believe what they were seeing. They took off their hats and waved them with glee. Benjamin Frank came up with an idea. He made a poster with a snake split into a lot of sections. One each piece of skin it has the abbreviation of a colony. The title was Join or Die . That means come together and live or separate and die.

Red coats


April of 1775 was the beginning of the battle of Lexington and Concord. This famous battle is known as the Revolutionary war. Through out
history nobody knows who shot first. Some believe the soldiers a.k.a the red coats made the first shot. Others say the rebels made the first shot out of fear. Nobody really knows what happened.

In 1776 the colonist werent happy with the king. Everyone kept their feelings to themselves. A colonist named Thomas Paine created a book. The book was called Common Sense. Common sense is something that everyone, well mostly everyone should have. In the book he talks about all the things people should know. Thomas Paine believe in Independence. Which means being your own boss. Some colonist wanted independence and others liked it the way it was. They believed nothing needed to be changed.

After the book Common Sense was published the Declaration of Independence was created. (D.O.I for short) The D.O.I was created for poor people but, only wealthy (rich), white, landowning men had all the power. Slaves, women, and nonlandowners had no power. The D.O.I explains how all men are created equal . Some people didnt agree with the D.O.I. They said it only helped certain types of people.

George Washington Sick soldiers


Meanwhile the French teamed up with the colonist and fought the English, lead by George Washington. He lead them to a small town by the name of York town. Many soldiers began to get sick. Some had diarrhea (constantly soiling yourself without control) and some starved to death. The colonist and French fought the Redcoats. After the long battle the Redcoats decided to surrender. That means to give up. After the war the two groups came together and signed the Treaty of Paris. After that was done everyone lived Happily Ever After.

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