The Book of Five Rings

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Go Rin No Sho
Miyamoto Musashi
(Transcribe to !"s an #"s by S$ae%r the Anarch&
The Groun Boo(
The )ater Boo(
The Fire Boo(
The )in Boo(
The Boo( o* the Voi
I ha-e been many years trainin% in the )ay o* strate%y. ca$$e Ni Ten Ichi Ryu. an no/ I thin( I /i$$
e01$ain it in /ritin% *or the *irst time2 It is no/ urin% the *irst ten ays o* the tenth month in the
t/entieth year o* Kanei (!345&2 I ha-e c$imbe mountain I/ato o* 6i%o in Kyushu to 1ay homa%e to
hea-en. 1ray to K/annon. 7Go (ess& o* mercy in Buhism2 8 S$ae%r9 an (nee$ be*ore Buha2 I am
a /arrior o* 6arima 1ro-ince. Shin men Musashi No Kami Fu:i/ara No Genshin. a%e si0ty years2
>From youth my heart has been inc$ine to/ar the )ay o* strate%y2 My *irst ue$ /as /hen I /as
thirteen. I struc( o/n a strate%ist o* the Shinto schoo$. one Arima Kihei2 )hen I /as si0teen I struc(
o/n an ab$e strate%ist Taashima A(iyama2 )hen I /as t/enty8one I /ent u1 to the ca1ita$ an met
a$$ manner o* strate%ists. ne-er once *ai$in% to /in in many contests2
A*ter that I /ent *rom 1ro-ince to 1ro-ince ue$$in% /ith strate%ist o* -arious schoo$s. an not once
*ai$e to /in e-en thou%h I ha as many as si0ty encounters2 This /as bet/een the a%es o* thirteen an
t/enty8ei%ht or t/enty8nine2
)hen I reache thirty I $oo(e bac( on my 1ast2 The 1re-ious -ictories /ere not ue to my ha-in%
mastere strate%y2 ;erha1s it /as natura$ abi$ity. or the orer o* hea-en. or that other schoo$s" strate%y
/as in*erior2 A*ter that I stuie mornin% an e-enin% searchin% *or the 1rinci1$e. an came to rea$ise
the )ay o* strate%y /hen I /as *i*ty2
Since then I ha-e $i-e /ithout *o$$o/in% any 1articu$ar )ay2 Thus /ith the -irtue o* strate%y I
1ractise many arts an abi$ities 8 a$$ thin%s /ith no teacher2 To /rite this boo( I i not use the $a/ o*
Buha or the teachin%s o* 'on*ucius. neither o$ /ar chronic$es nor boo(s on martia$ tactics2 I ta(e u1
my brush to e01$ain the true s1irit o* this Ichi schoo$ as it is mirrore in the )ay o* hea-en an
K/annon2 The time is the ni%ht o* the tenth ay o* the tenth month. at the hour o* the ti%er (<85 a2m2&
Strate%y is the cra*t o* the /arrior2 'ommaners must enact the cra*t. an troo1ers shou$ (no/ this
)ay2 There is no /arrior in the /or$ toay /ho rea$$y unerstans the )ay o* strate%y2
There are -arious )ays2 There is the )ay o* sa$-ation by the $a/ o* Buha. the )ay o* 'on*ucius
%o-ernin% the )ay o* $earnin%. the )ay o* hea$in% as a octor. as a 1oet teachin% the )ay o* )a(a. 7a
ty1e o* 1oem2 8 S$ae%r9 tea. archery. an many arts an s(i$$s2 Each man 1ractises as he *ee$s inc$ine2
It is sai the /arrior"s is the t/o*o$ )ay o* 1en an s/or. an he shou$ ha-e a taste *or both )ays2
E-en i* a man has no natura$ abi$ity he can be a /arrior by stic(in% assiuous$y to both i-isions o* the
)ay2 Genera$$y s1ea(in%. the )ay o* the /arrior is reso$ute acce1tance o* eath2 A$thou%h not on$y
/arriors but 1riests. /omen. 1easants an $o/$ier *o$( ha-e been (no/n to ie reai$y in the cause o*
uty or out o* shame. this is a i**erent thin%2 The /arrior is i**erent in that stuyin% the )ay o*
strate%y is base on o-ercomin% men2 By -ictory %aine in crossin% s/ors /ith ini-iua$s. or
en:oinin% batt$e /ith $ar%e numbers. /e can attain 1o/er an *ame *or ourse$-es or our $or2 This is the
-irtue o* strate%y2
The )ay o* Strate%y
In 'hina an =a1an 1ractitioners o* the )ay ha-e been (no/n as >masters o* strate%y?2 )arriors must
$earn this )ay2
Recent$y there ha-e been 1eo1$e %ettin% on in the /or$ as strate%ists. but they are usua$$y :ust s/or8
*encers2 The attenants o* the Kashima Kantori shrines o* the 1ro-ince 6itachi recei-e instruction
*rom the %os. an mae schoo$s base on this teachin%. tra-e$$in% *rom country to country instructin%
men2 This is the recent meanin% o* strate%y2
In o$en times strate%y /as $iste amon% the Ten Abi$ities an Se-en Arts as a bene*icia$ 1ractice2 It
/as certain$y an art but as a bene*icia$ 1ractice it /as not $imite to s/or8*encin%2 The true -a$ue o*
s/or8*encin% cannot be seen /ithin the con*ines o* s/or8*encin% techni@ue2
I* /e $oo( at the /or$ /e see arts *or sa$e2 Men use e@ui1ment to se$$ their o/n se$-es2 As i* /ith the
nut an the *$o/er. the nut has become $ess than the *$o/er2 In this (in o* )ay o* strate%y. both those
teachin% an those $earnin% the /ay are concerne /ith co$ourin% an sho/in% o** their techni@ue.
tryin% to hasten the b$oom o* the *$o/er2 They s1ea( o* >This +o:o? an >That +o:o?2 They are $oo(in%
*or 1ro*it2 Someone once sai >Immature strate%y is the cause o* %rie*?2 That /as a true sayin%2
There are *our )ays in /hich men 1ass throu%h $i*eA as %ent$emen. *armers. artisans an merchants2
The )ay o* the *armer2 ,sin% a%ricu$tura$ instruments. he sees s1rin%s throu%h to autumns /ith an eye
on the chan%es o* season2
Secon is the )ay o* the merchant2 The /ine ma(er obtains his in%reients an 1uts them to use to
ma(e his $i-in%2 The )ay o* the merchant is a$/ays to $i-e by ta(in% 1ro*it2 This is the )ay o* the
Thir$y the %ent$eman /arrior. carryin% the /ea1onry o* his )ay2 The )ay o* the /arrior is to master
the -irtue o* his /ea1ons2 I* a %ent$eman is$i(es strate%y he /i$$ not a11reciate the bene*it o*
/ea1onry. so must he not ha-e a $itt$e taste *or thisB
Fourth$y the )ay o* the artisan2 The )ay o* the car1enter 7architect an bui$er. a$$ bui$in%s /ere o*
/oo2 8 S$ae%r9 is to become 1ro*icient in the use o* his too$s. *irst to $ay his 1$ans /ith a true measure
an then 1er*orm his /or( accorin% to 1$an2 Thus he 1asses throu%h $i*e2 These are the *our )ays o*
the %ent$eman. the *armer. the artisan an the merchant2
'om1arin% the )ay o* the car1enter to strate%y
The com1arison /ith car1entry is throu%h the connection /ith houses2 6ouses o* the nobi$ity. houses
o* /arriors. the Four houses. 7there are a$so *our i**erent schoo$s o* tea2 8 S$ae%r9 ruin o* houses.
thri-in% o* houses. the sty$e o* the house. the traition o* the house. an the name o* the house2 The
car1enter uses a master 1$an o* the bui$in%. an the )ay o* strate%y is simi$ar in that there is a 1$an o*
cam1ai%n2 I* you /ant to $earn the cra*t o* /ar. 1oner o-er this boo(2 The teacher is as a nee$e. the
isci1$e is as threa2 Cou must 1ractice constant$y2
Di(e the *oreman car1enter. the commaner must (no/ natura$ ru$es. an the ru$es o* the country. an
the ru$es o* houses2 This is the )ay o* the *oreman2
The *oreman car1enter must (no/ the architectura$ theory o* to/ers an tem1$es. an the 1$ans o*
1a$aces. an must em1$oy men to raise u1 houses2 The )ay o* the *oreman car1enter is the same as the
)ay o* the commaner o* a /arrior house2
In the construction o* houses. choice o* /oos is mae2 Strai%ht un8(notte timber o* %oo a11earance
is use *or the re-ea$e 1i$$ars. strai%ht timber /ith sma$$ e*ects is use *or the inner 1i$$ars2 Timbers
o* the *inest a11earance. e-en i* a $itt$e /ea(. is use *or the thresho$s. $inte$s. oors. an s$iin%
oors. an so on2 Goo stron% timber. thou%h it be %nar$e an (notte. can a$/ays be use iscreet$y
in construction2 Timber /hich is /ea( or (notte throu%hout shou$ be use as sca**o$in%. an $ater
*or *ire/oo2
The *oreman car1enter a$$ots his men /or( accorin% to their abi$ity2 F$oor $ayers. ma(ers o* s$iin%
oors. thresho$s an $inte$s. cei$in%s an so on2 Those o* 1oor abi$ity $ay the *$oor :oists. an those o*
$esser abi$ity car-e /e%es an o such misce$$aneous /or(2 I* the *oreman (no/s an e1$oys his
men /e$$ the *inishe /or( /i$$ be %oo2
The *oreman shou$ ta(e into account the abi$ities an $imitations o* his men. circu$atin% amon% them
an as(in% nothin% unreasonab$e2 6e shou$ (no/ their mora$e an s1irit. an encoura%e them /hen
necessary2 This is the same as the 1rinci1$e o* strate%y2
The )ay o* Strate%y
Di(e a troo1er. the car1enter shar1ens his o/n too$s2 6e carries his e@ui1ment in his too$ bo0. an
/or(s uner the irection o* his *oreman2 6e ma(es co$umns an %irers /ith an a0e. sha1es
*$oorboars an she$-es /ith
a 1$ane. cuts *ine o1en/or( an car-in%s accurate$y. %i-in% as e0ce$$ent a *inish as his s(i$$ /i$$ a$$o/2
This is the cra*t o* the car1enters2 )hen the car1enter becomes s(i$$e an unerstans measures he
can become a *oreman2
The car1enter"s attainment is. ha-in% too$s /hich /i$$ cut /e$$. to ma(e sma$$ shrines. /ritin% she$-es.
tab$es. 1a1er $anterns. cho11in% boars an 1ot8$is2 These are the s1ecia$ities o* the car1enter2 Thin%s
are simi$ar *or the troo1er2 Cou ou%ht to thin( ee1$y about this2
The attainment o* the car1enter is that his /or( is not /ar1e. that the :oints are not misa$i%ne. an
that the /or( is tru$y 1$ane so that it meets /e$$ an is not mere$y *inishe in sections2 This is
I* you /ant to $earn this )ay. ee1$y consier the thin%s /ritten in this boo( one at a time2 Cou must
o su**icient research2
Out$ine o* the Fi-e Boo(s o* this Boo( o* Strate%y
The )ay is sho/n as *i-e boo(s concernin% i**erent as1ects2 These are Groun. )ater. Fire.
Traition ()in&. an Voi2 7the -oi. or Nothin%ness. is a Buhist term *or the i$$usionary nature o*
/or$$y thin%s2 8 S$ae%r9
The boy o* the )ay o* strate%y *rom the -ie/1oint o* my Ichi schoo$ is e01$aine in the Groun
boo(2 It is i**icu$t to rea$ise the true )ay :ust throu%h s/or8*encin%2 Kno/ the sma$$est thin%s an
the bi%%est thin%s. the sha$$o/est thin%s an the ee1est thin%s2 As i* it /ere a strai%ht roa ma11e out
on the %roun. the *irst boo( is ca$$e the Groun boo(2
Secon is the )ater boo(2 )ith /ater as the basis. the s1irit becomes $i(e /ater2 )ater ao1ts the
sha1e o* its rece1tac$e. it is sometimes a tric($e an sometimes a /i$ sea2 )ater has a c$ear b$ue
co$our2 By the c$arity. thin%s o* Ichi schoo$ are sho/n in this boo(2
I* you master the 1rinci1$es o* s/or8*encin%. /hen you *ree$y beat one man. you beat any man in the
/or$2 The s1irit o* e*eatin% a man is the same *or ten mi$$ion men2 The strate%ist ma(es sma$$ thin%s
into bi% thin%s. $i(e bui$in% a %reat Buha *rom a one *oot moe$2 I cannot /rite in etai$ ho/ this is
one2 The 1rinci1$e o* strate%y is ha-in% one thin%. to (no/ ten thousan thin%s2 Thin%s o* Ichi schoo$
are /ritten in this the )ater boo(2
Thir is the Fire boo(2 This boo( is about *i%htin%2 The s1irit o* *ire is *ierce. /hether the *ire be sma$$
or bi%E an so it is /ith batt$es2 The )ay o* batt$es is the same *or man to man *i%hts an *or ten
thousan a sie batt$es2 Cou must a11reciate that s1irit can become bi% or sma$$2 )hat is bi% is easy to
1ercei-eA /hat is sma$$ is i**icu$t to 1ercei-e2 In short. it is i**icu$t *or $ar%e numbers o* men to
chan%e 1osition. so their mo-ements can be easi$y 1reicte2 An ini-iua$ can easi$y chan%e his min.
so his mo-ements are i**icu$t to 1reict2 Cou must a11reciate this2 The essence o* this boo( is that you
must train ay an ni%ht in orer to ma(e @uic( ecisions2 In strate%y it is necessary to treat trainin% as
1art o* norma$ $i*e /ith your s1irit unchan%in%2 Thus combat in batt$e is escribe in the Fire boo(2
Fourth$y the )in boo(2 This boo( is not concerne /ith my Ichi schoo$ but /ith other schoo$s o*
strate%y2 By )in I mean o$ traitions. 1resent8ay traitions. an *ami$y traitions o* strate%y2 Thus
I c$ear$y e01$ain the strate%ies o* the /or$2 This is traition2 It is i**icu$t to (no/ yourse$* i* you o
not (no/ others2 To a$$ )ays there are sie8trac(s2 I* you stuy a )ay ai$y. an your s1irit i-er%es.
you may thin( you are obeyin% a %oo )ay but ob:ecti-e$y it is not the true )ay2 I* you are *o$$o/in%
the true /ay an i-er%e a $itt$e. this /i$$ $ater become a $ar%e i-er%ence2 Cou must rea$ise this2 Other
strate%ies ha-e come to be thou%ht o* as mere s/or8*encin%. an it is not unreasonab$e that this shou$
be so2 The bene*it o* my strate%y. a$thou%h it inc$ues s/or8*encin%. $ies in a se1arate 1rinci1$e2 I
ha-e e01$aine /hat is common$y meant by strate%y in other schoo$s in the Traition ()in& boo(2
Fi*th$y. the boo( o* the Voi2 By -oi I mean that /hich has no be%innin% an no en2 Attainin% this
1rinci1$e means not attainin% the 1rinci1$e2 The )ay o* strate%y is the )ay o* nature2 )hen you
a11reciate the 1o/er o* nature. (no/in% rhythm o* any situation. you /i$$ be ab$e to hit the enemy
natura$$y an stri(e natura$$y2 A$$ this is the )ay o* the Voi2 I inten to sho/ ho/ to *o$$o/ the true
)ay accorin% to nature in the boo( o* the Voi2
The Name Ichi Ryu Ni To (One schoo$ 8 t/o s/ors&
)arriors. both commaners an troo1ers. carry t/o s/ors at their be$t2 In o$en times these /ere
ca$$e the $on% s/or an the s/orE no/aays they are (no/n as the s/or an the com1anion
s/or2 Det it su**ice to say that in our $an. /hate-er the reason. a /arrior carries t/o s/ors at his
be$t2 It is the )ay o* the /arrior2
?Nito Ichi Ryu? sho/s the a-anta%es o* usin% both s/ors2
The s1ear an the ha$ber are /ea1ons /hich are carrie out o* oors2
Stuents o* the Ichi schoo$ )ay o* strate%y shou$ train *rom the start /ith the s/or an the $on%
s/or in either han2 This is a truthA /hen you sacri*ice your $i*e. you must ma(e *u$$est use o* your
/ea1onry2 It is *a$se not to o so. an to ie /ith a /ea1on yet unra/n2
I* you ho$ a s/or /ith both hans. it is i**icu$t to /ie$ it *ree$y to $e*t an ri%ht. so my metho is to
carry the s/or in one han2 This oes not a11$y to $ar%e /ea1ons such as the s1ear or ha$ber. but
s/ors an com1anion s/ors can be carrie in one han2 It is encumberin% to ho$ a s/or in both
hans /hen you are on horsebac(. /hen runnin% on une-en roas. on s/am1y %roun. muy rice
*ie$s. stony %roun. or in a cro/ o* 1eo1$e2 To ho$ the $on% s/or in both hans is not the true )ay.
*or i* you carry a bo/ or s1ear or other arms in your $e*t han you ha-e on$y one han *ree *or the $on%
s/or2 6o/e-er. /hen it is i**icu$t to cut an enemy o/n /ith one han. you must use both hans2 It
is not i**icu$t to /ie$ a s/or in one hanE the )ay to $earn this is to train /ith t/o $on% s/ors. one
in each han2 It /i$$ seem i**icu$t at *irst. but e-erythin% is i**icu$t at *irst2 Bo/s are i**icu$t to ra/.
ha$bers are i**icu$t to /ie$E as you become accustome to the bo/ so your 1u$$ /i$$ become
stron%er2 )hen you become use to /ie$in% the $on% s/or. you /i$$ %ain the 1o/er o* the )ay an
/ie$ the s/or /e$$2
As I /i$$ e01$ain in the secon boo(. the )ater Boo(. there is no *ast /ay o* /ie$in% the $on% s/or2
The $on% s/or shou$ be /ie$e broa$y an the com1anion s/or c$ose$y2 This is the *irst thin% to
Accorin% to this Ichi schoo$. you can /in /ith a $on% /ea1on. an yet you can a$so /in /ith a short
/ea1on2 In short. the )ay o* the Ichi schoo$ is the s1irit o* /innin%. /hate-er the /ea1on an
/hate-er its siFe2
It is better to use t/o s/ors rather than one /hen you are *i%htin% a cro/. an es1ecia$$y i* you /ant
to ta(e a 1risoner2
These thin%s cannot be e01$aine in etai$2 From one thin%. (no/ ten thousan thin%s2 )hen you attain
the )ay o* strate%y there /i$$ not be one thin% you cannot see2 Cou must stuy har2
The Bene*it o* the T/o 'haracters reain% >Strate%y?
Masters o* the $on% s/or are ca$$e strate%ists2 As *or the other mi$itary arts. those /ho master the
bo/ are ca$$e archers. those /ho master the s1ear are ca$$e s1earmen. those /ho master the %un are
ca$$e mar(smen. those /ho master the ha$ber are ca$$e ha$beriers2 But /e o not ca$$ masters o*
the )ay o* the $on% s/or >$on%s/orsmen?. nor o /e s1ea( o* >com1anions/orsmen?2 Because
bo/s. %uns. s1ears an ha$bers are a$$ /arriors" e@ui1ment they are certain$y 1art o* strate%y2 To
master the -irtue o* the $on% s/or is to %o-ern the /or$ an onese$*. thus the $on% s/or is the basis
o* strate%y2 The 1rinci1$e is >strate%y by means o* the $on% s/or?2 I* he attains the -irtue o* the $on%
s/or. one man can beat ten men2 =ust as one man can beat ten. so a hunre men can beat a thousan.
an a thousan can beat ten thousan2 In my strate%y. one man is the same as ten thousan. so this
strate%y is the com1$ete /arrior"s cra*t2
The )ay o* the /arrior oes not inc$ue other )ays. such as 'on*ucianism. Buhism. certain
traitions. artistic accom1$ishments an ancin%2 But e-en thou%h these are not 1art o* the )ay. i* you
(no/ the )ay broa$y you /i$$ see it in e-erythin%2 Men must 1o$ish their 1articu$ar )ay2
The Bene*it o* )ea1ons in Strate%y
There is a time an 1$ace *or use o* /ea1ons2
The best use o* the com1anion s/or is in a con*ine s1ace. or /hen you are en%a%e c$ose$y /ith an
o11onent2 The $on% s/or can be use e**ecti-e$y in a$$ situations2
The ha$ber is in*erior to the s1ear on the batt$e*ie$2 )ith the s1ear you can ta(e the initiati-eE the
ha$ber is e*ensi-e2 In the hans o* one o* t/o men o* e@ua$ abi$ity. the s1ear %i-es a $itt$e e0tra
stren%th2 S1ear an ha$ber both ha-e their uses. but neither is -ery bene*icia$ in con*ine s1aces2 They
cannot be use *or ta(in% a 1risoner2 They are essentia$$y /ea1ons *or the *ie$2
Any/ay. i* you $earn >inoor? techni@ues. you /i$$ thin( narro/$y an *or%et the true )ay2 Thus you
/i$$ ha-e i**icu$ty in actua$ encounters2
The bo/ is tactica$$y stron% at the commencement o* batt$e. es1ecia$$y batt$es on a moor. as it is
1ossib$e to shoot @uic($y *rom amon% the s1earmen2 6o/e-er. it is unsatis*actory in sie%es. or /hen
the enemy is more than *orty yars a/ay2 For this reason there are no/aays *e/ traitiona$ schoo$s o*
archery2 There is $itt$e use no/aays *or this (in o* s(i$$2
>From insie *orti*ications. the %un has no e@ua$ amon% /ea1ons2 It is the su1reme /ea1on on the *ie$
be*ore the ran(s c$ash. but once s/ors are crosse the %un becomes use$ess2
One o* the -irtues o* the bo/ is that you can see the arro/s in *$i%ht an correct your aim accorin%$y.
/hereas %unshot cannot be seen2 Cou must a11reciate the im1ortance o* this2
=ust as a horse must ha-e enurance an no e*ects. so it is /ith /ea1ons2 6orses shou$ /a$(
stron%$y. an s/ors an com1anion s/ors shou$ cut stron%$y2 S1ears an ha$bers must stan u1 to
hea-y useA bo/s an %uns must be stury2 )ea1ons shou$ be hary rather than ecorati-e2
Cou shou$ not ha-e a *a-ourite /ea1on2 To become o-er8*ami$iar /ith one /ea1on is as much a *au$t
as not (no/in% it su**icient$y /e$$2 Cou shou$ not co1y others. but use /ea1ons /hich you can han$e
1ro1er$y2 It is ba *or commaners an troo1ers to ha-e $i(es an is$i(es2 These are thin%s you must
$earn thorou%h$y2
Timin% in strate%y
There is timin% in e-erythin%2 Timin% in strate%y cannot be mastere /ithout a %reat ea$ o* 1ractice2
Timin% is im1ortant in ancin% an 1i1e or strin% music. *or they are in rhythm on$y i* timin% is %oo2
Timin% an rhythm are a$so in-o$-e in the mi$itary arts. shootin% bo/s an %uns. an riin% horses2 In
a$$ s(i$$s an abi$ities there is timin%2
There is a$so timin% in the Voi2
There is timin% in the /ho$e $i*e o* the /arrior. in his thri-in% an ec$inin%. in his harmony an
iscor2 Simi$ar$y. there is timin% in the )ay o* the merchant. in the rise an *a$$ o* ca1ita$2 A$$ thin%s
entai$ risin% an *a$$in% timin%2 Cou must be ab$e to iscern this2 In strate%y there are -arious timin%
consierations2 From the outset you must (no/ the a11$icab$e timin% an the ina11$icab$e timin%. an
*rom amon% the $ar%e an sma$$ thin%s an the *ast an s$o/ timin%s *in the re$e-ant timin%. *irst
seein% the istance timin% an the bac(%roun timin%2 This is the main thin% in strate%y2 It is es1ecia$$y
im1ortant to (no/ the bac(%roun timin%. other/ise your strate%y /i$$ become uncertain2
Cou /in batt$es /ith the timin% in the Voi born o* the timin% o* cunnin% by (no/in% the enemies"
timin%. an thus usin% a timin% /hich the enemy oes not e01ect2
A$$ the *i-e boo(s are chie*$y concerne /ith timin%2 Cou must train su**icient$y to a11reciate this2
I* you 1ractise ay an ni%ht in the abo-e Ichi schoo$ strate%y. your s1irit /i$$ natura$$y broaen2 Thus
is $ar%e sca$e strate%y an the strate%y o* han to han combat 1ro1a%ate in the /or$2 This is
recore *or the *irst time in the *i-e boo(s o* Groun. )ater. Fire. Traition ()in&. an Voi2 This is
the /ay *or men /ho /ant to $earn my strate%yA
!2 +o not thin( ishonest$y2
G2 The )ay is in trainin%2
<2 Become ac@uainte /ith e-ery art2
42 Kno/ the )ays o* a$$ 1ro*essions2
52 +istin%uish bet/een %ain an $oss in /or$$y matters2
32 +e-e$o1 intuiti-e :u%ement an unerstanin% *or e-erythin%2
H2 ;ercei-e those thin%s /hich cannot be seen2
I2 ;ay attention e-en to tri*$es2
J2 +o nothin% /hich is o* no use2
It is im1ortant to start by settin% these broa 1rinci1$es in your heart. an train in the )ay o* strate%y2
I* you o not $oo( at thin%s on a $ar%e sca$e it /i$$ be i**icu$t *or you to master strate%y2 I* you $earn
an attain this strate%y you /i$$ ne-er $ose e-en to t/enty or thirty enemies2 More than anythin% to
start /ith you must set your heart on strate%y an earnest$y stic( to the )ay2 Cou /i$$ come to be ab$e
to actua$$y beat men in *i%hts. an to be ab$e to /in /ith your eye2 A$so by trainin% you /i$$ be ab$e to
*ree$y contro$ your o/n boy. con@uer men /ith your boy. an /ith su**icient trainin% you /i$$ be
ab$e to beat ten men /ith your s1irit2 )hen you ha-e reache this 1oint. /i$$ it not mean that you are
Moreo-er. in $ar%e sca$e strate%y the su1erior man /i$$ mana%e many suborinates e0trous$y. bear
himse$* correct$y. %o-ern the country an *oster the 1eo1$e. thus 1reser-in% the ru$er"s isci1$ine2 I*
there is a )ay in-o$-in% the s1irit o* not bein% e*eate. to he$1 onese$* an %ain honour. it is the )ay
o* strate%y2
The s1irit o* the Ni Ten Ichi schoo$ o* strate%y is base on /ater. an this )ater Boo( e01$ains
methos o* -ictory as the $on%8s/or *orm o* the Ichi schoo$2 Dan%ua%e oes not e0ten to e01$ainin%
the )ay in etai$. but it can be %ras1e intuiti-e$y2 Stuy this boo(E rea a /or then 1oner on it2 I*
you inter1ret the meanin% $oose$y you /i$$ mista(e the )ay2
The 1rinci1$es o* strate%y are /ritten o/n here in terms o* sin%$e combat. but you must thin( broa$y
so that you attain an unerstanin% *or ten8thousan8a8sie batt$es2
Strate%y is i**erent *rom other thin%s in that i* you mista(e the )ay e-en a $itt$e you /i$$ become
be/i$ere an *a$$ into ba /ays2
I* you mere$y rea this boo( you /i$$ not reach the )ay o* strate%y2 Absorb the thin%s /ritten in this
boo(2 +o not :ust rea. memorise or imitate. but so that you rea$ise the 1rinci1$e *rom /ithin your o/n
heart stuy har to absor these thin%s into your boy2
S1iritua$ Bearin% in Strate%y
In strate%y your s1iritua$ bearin% must not be any i**erent *rom norma$2 Both in *i%htin% an in
e-eryay $i*e you shou$ be etermine thou%h ca$m2 Meet the situation /ithout tenseness yet not
rec($ess$y. your s1irit sett$e yet unbiase2 E-en /hen your s1irit is ca$m o not $et your boy re$a0.
an /hen your boy is re$a0e o not $et your s1irit s$ac(en2 +o not $et your s1irit be in*$uence by
your boy. or your boy be in*$uence by your s1irit2 Be neither insu**icient$y s1irite nor o-er
s1irite2 An e$e-ate s1irit is /ea( an a $o/ s1irit is /ea(2 +o not $et the enemy see your s1irit2
Sma$$ 1eo1$e must be com1$ete$y *ami$iar /ith the s1irit o* $ar%e 1eo1$e. an $ar%e 1eo1$e must be
*ami$iar /ith the s1irit o* sma$$ 1eo1$e2 )hate-er your siFe. o not be mis$e by the reactions o* your
o/n boy2 )ith your s1irit o1en an unconstricte. $oo( at thin%s *rom a hi%h 1oint o* -ie/2 Cou
must cu$ti-ate your /isom an s1irit2 ;o$ish your /isomA $earn 1ub$ic :ustice. istin%uish bet/een
%oo an e-i$. stuy the )ays o* i**erent arts one by one2 )hen you cannot be ecei-e by men you
/i$$ ha-e rea$ise the /isom o* strate%y2
The /isom o* strate%y is i**erent *rom other thin%s2 On the batt$e*ie$. e-en /hen you are har8
1resse. you shou$ cease$ess$y research the 1rinci1$es o* strate%y so that you can e-e$o1 a steay
Stance in Strate%y
Ao1t a stance /ith the hea erect. neither han%in% o/n. nor $oo(in% u1. nor t/iste2 Cour *orehea
an the s1ace bet/een your eyes shou$ not be /rin($e2 +o not ro$$ your eyes nor a$$o/ them to
b$in(. but s$i%ht$y narro/ them2 )ith your *eatures com1ose. (ee1 the $ine o* your nose strai%ht /ith
a *ee$in% o* s$i%ht$y *$arin% your nostri$s2 6o$ the $ine o* the rear o* the nec( strai%htA insti$ -i%our into
your hair$ine. an in the same /ay *rom the shou$ers o/n throu%h your entire boy2 Do/er both
shou$ers an. /ithout the buttoc(s :uttin% out. 1ut stren%th into your $e%s *rom the (nees to the ti1s o*
your toes2 Brace your abomen so that you o not ben at the hi1s2 )e%e your com1anion s/or in
your be$t a%ainst your abomen. so that your be$t is not s$ac( 8 this is ca$$e >/e%in% in?2
In a$$ *orms o* strate%y. it is necessary to maintain the combat stance in e-eryay $i*e an to ma(e your
e-eryay stance your combat stance2 Cou must research this /e$$2
The GaFe in Strate%y
The %aFe shou$ be $ar%e an broa2 This is the t/o*o$ %aFe >;erce1tion an Si%ht?2 ;erce1tion is
stron% an si%ht /ee(2
In strate%y it is im1ortant to see istant thin%s as i* they /ere c$ose an to ta(e a istance -ie/ o*
c$ose thin%s2 It is im1ortant in strate%y to (no/ the enemy"s s/or an not to be istracte by
insi%ni*icant mo-ements o* his s/or2 Cou must stuy this2 The %aFe is the same *or sin%$e combat an
*or $ar%e8sca$e strate%y2
It is necessary in strate%y to be ab$e to $oo( to both sies /ithout mo-in% the eyeba$$s2 Cou cannot
master this abi$ity @uic($y2 Dearn /hat is /ritten hereE use this %aFe in e-eryay $i*e an o not -ary it
/hate-er ha11ens2
6o$in% the Don% S/or
Gri1 the $on% s/or /ith a rather *$oatin% *ee$in% in your thumb an *ore*in%er. /ith the mi$e *in%er
neither ti%ht nor s$ac(. an /ith the $ast t/o *in%ers ti%ht2 It is ba to ha-e 1$ay in your hans2
)hen you ta(e u1 a s/or. you must *ee$ intent on cuttin% the enemy2 As you cut an enemy you must
not chan%e your %ri1. an your hans must not >co/er?2 )hen you ash the enemy"s s/or asie. or
/ar it o**. or *orce it o/n. you must s$i%ht$y chan%e the *ee$in% in your thumb an *ore*in%er2 Abo-e
a$$. you must be intent on cuttin% the enemy in the /ay you %ri1 the s/or2
The %ri1 *or combat an *or s/or8testin% is the same2 There is no such thin% as a >man8cuttin% %ri1?2
Genera$$y. I is$i(e *i0eness in both $on% s/ors an hans2 Fi0eness means a ea han2 ;$iabi$ity
is a $i-in% han2 Cou must bear this in min2
)ith the ti1s o* your toes some/hat *$oatin%. trea *irm$y /ith your hee$s2 )hether you mo-e *ast or
s$o/. /ith $ar%e or sma$$ ste1s. your *eet must a$/ays mo-e as in norma$ /a$(in%2 I is$i(e the three
/a$(in% methos (no/ as >:um1in%8*oot?. >*$oatin%8*oot? an >*i0e8ste1s?2
So8ca$$e >Cin8Can% *oot? is im1ortant in the )ay2 Cin8Can% *oot means not mo-in% on$y one *oot2 It
means mo-in% your *eet $e*t8ri%ht an ri%ht8$e*t /hen cuttin%. /ithra/in%. or /arin% o** a cut2 Cou
shou$ not mo-e on one *oot 1re*erentia$$y2
The Fi-e Attitues
The *i-e attitues areA ,11er. Mi$e. Do/er. Ri%ht Sie. an De*t Sie2 These are the %i-e2 A$thou%h
attitue has these *i-e i-isions. the one 1ur1ose o* a$$ o* them is to cut the enemy2 There are none but
these *i-e attitues2
)hate-er attitue you are in. o not be conscious o* ma(in% the attitueE thin( on$y o* cuttin%2
Cour attitue shou$ be $ar%e or sma$$ accorin% to the situation2 ,11er. Do/er an Mi$e attitues
are ecisi-e2 De*t Sie an Ri%ht Sie attitues are *$ui2 De*t an Ri%ht attitues shou$ be use i*
there is an obstruction o-erhea or to one sie2 The ecision to use De*t or Ri%ht e1ens on the 1$ace2
The essence o* the )ay is this2 To unerstan attitue you must thorou%h$y unerstan the mi$e
attitue2 The mi$e attitue is the heart o* attitues2 I* /e $oo( at strate%y on a broa sca$e. the Mi$e
attitue is the seat o* the commaner. /ith the other *our attitues *o$$o/in% the commaner2 Cou must
a11reciate this2
The )ay o* the Don% S/or
Kno/in% the )ay o* the $on% s/or means /e can /ie$ /ith t/o *in%ers the s/or /e usua$$y carry2
I* /e (no/ the 1ath o* the s/or /e$$. /e can /ie$ it easi$y2
I* you try to /ie$ the $on% s/or @uic($y you /i$$ mista(e the )ay2 To /ie$ the $on% s/or /e$$ you
must /ie$ it ca$m$y2 I* you try to /ie$ it @uic($y. $i(e a *o$in% *an or a short s/or. you /i$$ err by
usin% >short s/or cho11in%?2 Cou cannot cut o/n a man /ith a $on% s/or usin% this metho2
)hen you ha-e cut o/n/ars /ith the $on% s/or. $i*t it strai%ht u1/arsE /hen you cut sie/ays.
return the s/or a$on% a sie/ays 1ath2 Return the s/or in a reasonab$e /ay. a$/ays stretchin% the
e$bo/s broa$y2 )ie$ the s/or stron%$y2 This is the )ay o* the $on% s/or2
I* you $earn to use the *i-e a11roaches o* my strate%y. you /i$$ be ab$e to /ie$ a s/or /e$$2 Cou
must train constant$y2
The Fi-e A11roaches
!2 The *irst a11roach is the Mi$e attitue2 'on*ront the enemy /ith the 1oint o* your s/or
a%ainst his *ace2 )hen he attac(s. ash his s/or to the ri%ht an >rie? it2 Or. /hen the enemy attac(s.
e*$ect the 1oint o* his s/or by hittin% o/n/ars. (ee1 your $on% s/or /here it is. an as the
enemy rene/s his attac( cut his arms *rom be$o/2 This is the *irst metho2
The *i-e a11roaches are this (in o* thin%2 Cou must train re1eate$y usin% a $on% s/or in orer to
$earn them2 )hen you master my )ay o* the $on% s/or. you /i$$ be ab$e to contro$ any attac( the
enemy ma(es2 I assure you. there are no attitues other than the *i-e attitues o* the $on% s/or o*
Ni To2
G2 In the secon a11roach /ith the $on% s/or. *rom the ,11er attitue cut the enemy :ust as he
attac(s2 I* the enemy e-aes the cut. (ee1 your s/or /here it is an. scoo1in% u1 *rom be$o/. cut him
as he rene/s the attac(2 It is 1ossib$e to re1eat the cut *rom here2
In this metho there are -arious chan%es in timin% an s1irit2 Cou /i$$ be ab$e to unerstan this by
trainin% in the Ichi schoo$2 Cou /i$$ a$/ays /inn /ith the *i-e $on% s/or methos2 Cou must train
<2 In the thir a11roach. ao1t the Do/er attitue. antici1atin% scoo1in% u12 )hen the enemy
attac(s. hit his hans *rom be$o/2 As you o so he may try to hit your s/or o/n2 I* this is the case.
cut his u11er arm(s& horiFonta$$y /ith a *ee$in% o* >crossin%?2 This means that *rom the $o/er attitues
you hit the enemy at the instant that he attac(s2
Cou /i$$ encounter this metho o*ten. both as a be%inner an in $ater strate%y2 Cou must train ho$in%
a $on% s/or2
42 In this *ourth a11roach. ao1t the De*t Sie attitue2 As the enemy attac(s hit his hans *rom
be$o/2 I* as you hit his hans he attem1ts to ash o/n your s/or. /ith the *ee$in% o* hittin% his
hans. 1arry the 1ath o* his $on% s/or an cut across *rom abo-e your shou$er2
This is the )ay o* the $on% s/or2 Throu%h this metho you /in by arryin% the $ine o* the enemy"s
attac(2 Cou must research this2
52 In the *i*th a11roach. the s/or is in the Ri%ht Sie attitue2 In accorance /ith the enemy"s
attac(. cross your $on% s/or *rom be$o/ at the sie to the ,11er attitue2 Then cut strai%ht *rom
This metho is essentia$ *or (no/in% the )ay o* the $on% s/or /e$$2 I* you can use this metho. you
can *ree$y /ie$ a hea-y $on% s/or2
I cannot escribe in etai$ ho/ to use these *i-e a11roaches2 Cou must come /e$$ ac@uainte /ith my
?in harmony /ith the $on% s/or? )ay. $earn $ar%e8sca$e timin%. unerstan the enemy"s $on% s/or.
an become use to the *i-e a11roaches *rom the outset2 Cou /i$$ a$/ays /in by usin% these *i-e
methos. /ith -arious timin% consierations iscernin% the enemy"s
s1irit2 Cou must consier a$$ this care*u$$y2
The >Attitue No8Attitue? Teachin%
?Attitue No8Attitue? means that there is no nee *or /hat are (no/ as $on% s/or attitues2
E-en so. attitues e0ist as the *i-e /ays o* ho$in% the $on% s/or2 6o/e-er you ho$ the s/or it
must be in such a /ay that it is easy to cut the enemy /e$$. in accorance /ith the situation. the 1$ace.
an your re$ation to the enemy2 From the ,11er attitue as your s1irit $essens you can ao1t the Mi$e
attitue. an *rom the Mi$e attitue you can raise the s/or a $itt$e in your techni@ue an ao1t the
,11er attitue2 From the $o/er attitue you can raise the s/or an ao1t the Mi$e attitues as the
occasion emans2 Accorin% to the situation. i* you turn your s/or *rom either the De*t Sie or
Ri%ht Sie attitue to/ars the centre. the Mi$e or the Do/er attitue resu$ts2
The 1rinci1$e o* this is ca$$e >E0istin% Attitue 8 None0istin% Attitue?2
The 1rimary thin% /hen you ta(e a s/or in your hans is your intention to cut the enemy. /hate-er
the means2 )hene-er you 1arry. hit. s1rin%. stri(e or touch the enemy"s cuttin% s/or. you must cut the
enemy in the same mo-ement2 It is essentia$ to attain this2 I* you thin( on$y o* hittin%. s1rin%in%.
stri(in% or touchin% the enemy. you /i$$ not be ab$e actua$$y to cut him2 More than anythin%. you must
be thin(in% o* carryin% your mo-ement throu%h to cuttin% him2 Cou must thorou%h$y research this2
Attitue in strate%y on a $ar%er sca$e is ca$$e >Batt$e Array?2 Such attitues are a$$ *or /innin% batt$es2
Fi0e *ormation is ba2 Stuy this /e$$2
To 6it the Enemy >In One Timin%?
?In One Timin%? means. /hen you ha-e c$ose /ith the enemy. to hit him as @uic($y an irect$y as
1ossib$e. /ithout mo-in% your boy or sett$in% your s1irit. /hi$e you see that he is sti$$ unecie2 The
timin% o* hittin% be*ore the enemy ecies to /ithra/. brea( or hit. is this >In One Timin%?2
Cou must train to achie-e this timin%. to be ab$e to hit in the timin% o* an instant2
The >Abomen Timin% o* T/o?
)hen you attac( an the enemy @uic($y retreats. as you see him tense you must *eint a cut2 Then. as he
re$a0es. *o$$o/ u1 an hit him2 This is the >Abomen Timin% o* T/o?2
It is -ery i**icu$t to attain this by mere$y reain% this boo(. but you /i$$ soon unerstan /ith a $itt$e
No +esi%n. No 'once1tion
(/hen /or an actions are s1ontaneous$y the same2 8 S$ae%r9
In this metho. /hen the enemy attac(s an you a$so ecie to attac(. hit /ith your boy. an hit /ith
your s1irit. an hit *rom the Voi /ith your hans. acce$eratin% stron%$y2 This is the >No +esi%n. No
'once1tion? cut2
This is the most im1ortant metho o* hittin%2 It is o*ten use2 Cou must train har to unerstan it2
The F$o/in% )ater 'ut
The >F$o/in% )ater 'ut? is use /hen you are stru%%$in% b$ae to b$ae /ith the enemy2 )hen he
brea(s an @uic($y /ithra/s tryin% to s1rin% /ith his $on% s/or. e01an your boy an s1irit an
cut him as s$o/$y as 1ossib$e /ith your $on% s/or. *o$$o/in% your boy $i(e sta%nant /ater2 Cou can
cut /ith certainty i* you $earn this2 Cou must iscern the enemy"s %rae2
'ontinuous 'ut
)hen you attac( an the enemy a$so attac(s. an your s/ors s1rin% to%ether. in one action cut his
hea. hans an $e%s2 )hen you cut se-era$ 1$aces /ith one s/ee1 o* the $on% s/or. it is the
?'ontinuous 'ut?2 Cou must 1ractice this cutE it is o*ten use2 )ith etai$e 1ractice you shou$ be
ab$e to unerstan it2
The Fire an Stones 'ut
The Fires an Stones 'ut means that /hen the enemy"s $on% s/or an your $on% s/or c$ash to%ether
you cut as stron%$y as 1ossib$e /ithout raisin% the s/or e-en a $itt$e2 This means cuttin% @uic($y /ith
the hans. boy an $e%s 8 a$$ three cuttin% stron%$y2 I* you train /e$$ enou%h you /i$$ be ab$e to stri(e
The Re Dea-es 'ut
The Re Dea-es 'ut 7a$$usion to *a$$in%. yin% $ea-es2 8 S$ae%r9 means (noc(in% o/n the enemy"s
$on% s/or2 The s1irit shou$ be %ettin% contro$ o* his s/or2 )hen the enemy is in a $on% s/or
attitue in *ront o* you an intent on cuttin%. hittin% an 1arryin%. you stron%$y hit the enemy"s $on%
s/or /ith the Fire an Stones 'ut. 1erha1s in the s1irit o* the >No +esi%n. No 'once1tion? 'ut2 I*
you then beat o/n the 1oint o* his s/or /ith a stic(y *ee$in%. he /i$$ necessari$y ro1 the s/or2 I*
you 1ractise this cut it becomes easy to ma(e the enemy ro1 his s/or2 Cou must train re1etiti-e$y2
The Boy in ;$ace o* the Don% S/or
A$so >the $on% s/or in 1$ace o* the boy?2 ,sua$$y /e mo-e the boy an the s/or at the same time
to cut the enemy2 6o/e-er. accorin% to the enemy"s cuttin% metho. you can ash a%ainst him /ith
your boy *irst. an a*ter/ars cut /ith the s/or2 I* his boy is immo-ab$e. you can cut *irst /ith the
$on% s/or. but %enera$$y you hit *irst /ith the boy an then cut /ith the $on% s/or2 Cou must
research this /e$$ an 1ractise hittin%2
'ut an S$ash
To cut an to s$ash are t/o i**erent thin%s2 'uttin%. /hate-er *orm o* cuttin% it is. is ecisi-e. /ith a
reso$ute s1irit2 S$ashin% is nothin% more than touchin% the enemy2 E-en i* you s$ash stron%$y. an e-en
i* the enemy ies instant$y. it is s$ashin%2 )hen you cut. your s1irit is reso$-e2 Cou must a11reciate
this2 I* you *irst s$ash the enemy"s hans or $e%s. you must then cut stron%$y2 S$ashin% is in s1irit the
same as touchin%2 )hen you rea$ise this. they become inistin%uishab$e2 Dearn this /e$$2
'hinese Mon(ey"s Boy
The 'hinese Mon(ey"s Boy 7short8arme mon(ey2 8 S$ae%r9 is the s1irit o* not stretchin% out your
arms2 The s1irit is to %et in @uic($y. /ithout in the $east e0tenin% your arms. be*ore the enemy cuts2 I*
you are intent u1on not stretchin% out your arms you are e**ecti-e$y *ar a/ay. the s1irit is to %o in /ith
your /ho$e boy2 )hen you come to /ithin arm"s reach it becomes easy to mo-e your boy in2 Cou
must research this /e$$2
G$ue an Dac@uer Emu$sion Boy
The s1irit o* >G$ue an Dac@uer Emu$sion Boy? is to stic( to the enemy an not se1arate *rom him2
)hen you a11roach the enemy. stic( *irm$y /ith your hea. boy an $e%s2 ;eo1$e ten to a-ance
their hea an $e%s @uic($y. but their boy $a%s behin2 Cou shou$ stic( *irm$y so that there is not the
s$i%htest %a1 bet/een the enemy"s boy an your boy2 Cou must consier this care*u$$y2
To Stri-e *or 6ei%ht
By >to stri-e *or hei%ht? is meant. /hen you c$ose /ith the enemy. to stri-e /ith him *or su1erior
hei%ht /ithout crin%in%2 Stretch your $e%s. stretch your hi1s. an stretch your nec( *ace to *ace /ith
him2 )hen you thin( you ha-e /on. an you are the hi%her. thrust in stron%$y2 Cou must $earn this2
To A11$y Stic(iness
)hen the enemy attac(s an you a$so attac( /ith the $on% s/or. you shou$ %o in /ith a stic(y
*ee$in% an *i0 your $on% s/or a%ainst the enemy"s as you recei-e his cut2 The s1irit o* stic(iness is
not hittin% -ery stron%$y. but hittin% so that the $on% s/ors o not se1arate easi$y2 It is best to
a11roach as ca$m$y as 1ossib$e /hen hittin% the enemy"s $on% s/or /ith stic(iness2 The i**erence
bet/een >Stic(iness? an >Entan%$ement? is that stic(iness is *irm an entan%$ement is /ea(2 Cou must
a11reciate this2
The Boy Stri(e
The Boy Stri(e means to a11roach the enemy throu%h a %a1 in his %uar2 The s1irit is to stri(e him
/ith your boy2 Turn your *ace a $itt$e asie an stri(e the enemy"s breast /ith your $e*t shou$er thrust
out2 A11roach /ith the s1irit o* bouncin% the enemy a/ay. stri(in% as stron%$y as 1ossib$e in time /ith
yout breathin%2 I* you achie-e this metho o* c$osin% /ith the enemy. you /i$$ be ab$e to (noc( him
ten or t/enty *eet a/ay2 It is 1ossib$e to stri(e the enemy unti$ he is ea2 Train /e$$2
Three )ays to ;arry 6is Attac(
There are three methos to 1arry a cutA
First. by ashin% the enemy"s $on% s/or to your ri%ht. as i* thrustin% at his eyes. /hen he ma(es an
Or. to 1arry by thrustin% the enemy"s $on% s/or to/ars his ri%ht eye /ith the *ee$in% o* sni11in% his
Or. /hen you ha-e a short >$on% s/or?. /ithout /orryin% about 1arryin% the enemy"s $on% s/or. to
c$ose /ith him @uic($y. thrustin% at his *ace /ith your $e*t han2
These are the three methos o* 1arryin%2 Cou must bear in min that you can a$/ays c$ench your $e*t
han an thrust at the enemy"s *ace /ith your *ist2 For this it is necessary to train /e$$2
To Stab at the Face
To stab at the *ace means. /hen you are in con*rontation /ith the enemy. that your s1irit is intent o*
stabbin% at his *ace. *o$$o/in% the $ine o* the b$aes /ith the 1oint o* your $on% s/or2 I* you are intent
on stabbin% at his *ace. his *ace an boy /i$$ become rieba$e2 )hen the enemy becomes as i*
rieab$e. there are -arious o11ortunities *or /innin%2 Cou must concentrate on this2 )hen *i%htin% an
the enemy"s boy becomes as i* rieab$e. you can /in @uic($y. so you ou%ht not to *or%et to stab at the
*ace2 Cou must 1ursue the -a$ue o* this techni@ue throu%h trainin%2
To Stab at the 6eart
To stab at the heart means. /hen *i%htin% an there are obstructions abo-e. or to the sies. an
/hene-er it is i**icu$t to cut. to thrust at the enemy2 Cou must stab the enemy"s breast /ithout $ettin%
the 1oint o* your $on% s/or /a-er. sho/in% the enemy the ri%e o* the b$ae s@uare8on. an /ith the
s1irit o* e*$ectin% his $on% s/or2 The s1irit o* this 1rinci1$e is o*ten use*u$ /hen /e become tire or
*or some reason our $on% s/or /i$$ not cut2 Cou must unerstan the a11$ication o* this metho2
To Sco$ >Tut8T,TK?
?Sco$? means that. /hen the enemy tries to counter8cut as you attac(. you counter8cut a%ain *rom
be$o/ as i* thrustin% at him. tryin% to ho$ him o/n2 )ith -ery @uic( timin% you cut. sco$in% the
enemy2 Thrust u1. >TutK?. an cut >T,TK? This timin% is encountere time an time a%ain in e0chan%e
o* b$o/s2 The /ay to sco$ Tut8T,T is to time the cut simu$taneous$y /ith raisin% your $on% s/or as
i* to thrust the enemy2 Cou must $earn this throu%h re1etiti-e 1ractice2
The Smac(in% ;arry
By >smac(in% 1arry? is meant that /hen you c$ash s/ors /ith the enemy. you meet his attac(in% cut
on your $on% s/or /ith a tee8um. tee8um rhythm. smac(in% his s/or an cuttin% him2 The s1irit o*
the smac(in% 1arry is not 1arryin%. or smac(in% stron%$y. but smac(in% the enemy"s $on% s/or in
accorance /ith his attac(in% cut. 1rimari$y intent on @uic($y cuttin% him2 I* you unerstan the
timin% o* smac(in%. ho/e-er har your $on% s/ors
c$ash to%ether. your s/or1oint /i$$ not be (noc(e bac( e-en a $itt$e2 Cou must research su**icient$y
to rea$ise this2
There are Many Enemies
?There are many enemies? a11$ies /hen you are *i%htin% one a%ainst many2 +ra/ both s/or an
com1anion s/or an assume a /ie8stretche $e*t an ri%ht attitue2 The s1irit is to chase the enemies
aroun *rom sie to sie. e-en thou%h they come *rom a$$ *our irections2 Obser-e their attac(in%
orer. an %o to meet *irst those /ho attac( *irst2 S/ee1 your eyes aroun broa$y. care*u$$y e0aminin%
the attac(in% orer. an cut $e*t an ri%ht a$ternate$y /ith your s/ors2 )aitin% is ba2 A$/ays @uic($y
re8assume your attitues to both sies. cut the enemies o/n as they a-ance. crushin% them in the
irection *rom /hich they attac(2 )hate-er you o. you must ri-e the enemy to%ether. as i* tyin% a
$ine o* *ishes. an /hen they are seen to be 1i$e u1. cut them o/n stron%$y /ithout %i-in% them
room to mo-e2
The A-anta%e /hen comin% to B$o/s
Cou can (no/ ho/ to /in throu%h strate%y /ith the $on% s/or. but it cannot be c$ear$y e01$aine in
/ritin%2 Cou must 1ractice i$i%ent$y in orer to unerstan ho/ to /in2
Ora$ traitionA >The true )ay o* strate%y is re-ea$e in the $on% s/or2?
One 'ut
Cou can /in /ith certainity /ith the s1irit o* >one cut?2 It is i**icu$t to attain this i* you o not $earn
strate%y /e$$2 I* you train /e$$ in this )ay. strate%y /i$$ come *rom your heart an you /i$$ be ab$e to
/in at /i$$2 Cou must train i$i%ent$y2
+irect 'ommunication
The s1irit o* >+irect 'ommunication? is ho/ the true )ay o* the Ni To Ichi schoo$ is recei-e an
hane o/n2
Ora$ traitionA >Teach your boy strate%y2?
Recore in the abo-e boo( is an out$ine o* Ichi schoo$ s/or8*i%htin%2
To $earn ho/ to /in /ith the $on% s/or in strate%y. *irst $earn the *i-e a11roaches an the *i-e
attitues. an absorb the )ay o* the $on% s/or natura$$y in your boy2 Cou must unerstan s1irit an
timin%. han$e the $on% s/or natura$$y. an mo-e boy an $e%s in harmony /ith your s1irit2 )hether
beatin% one man or t/o. you /i$$ then (no/ -a$ues in strate%y2
Stuy the contents o* this boo(. ta(in% one item at a time. an throu%h *i%htin% /ith enemies you /i$$
%raua$$y come to (no/ the 1rinci1$e o* the )ay2
+e$iberate$y. /ith a 1atient s1irit. absorb the -irtue o* a$$ this. *rom time to time raisin% your han in
combat2 Maintain this s1irit /hene-er you cross s/ors /ith an enemy2
Ste1 by ste1 /a$( the thousan8mi$e roa2
Stuy strate%y o-er the years an achie-e the s1irit o* the /arrior2 Toay is -ictory o-er yourse$* o*
yesterayE tomorro/ is your -ictory o-er $esser men2 Ne0t. in orer to beat more s(i$$*u$ men. train
accorin% to this boo(. not a$$o/in% your heart to be s/aye a$on% a sie8trac(2 E-en i* you (i$$ an
enemy. i* it is not base on /hat you ha-e $earne it is not the true )ay2
I* you attain this )ay o* -ictory. then you /i$$ be ab$e to beat se-era$ tens o* men2 )hat remains is
s/or8*i%htin% abi$ity. /hich you can attain in batt$es an ue$s2
In this the Fire Boo( o* the Ni To Ichi schoo$ o* strate%y I escribe *i%htin% as *ire2
In the *irst 1$ace. 1eo1$e thin( narro/$y about the bene*it o* strate%y2 By usin% on$y their *in%erti1s.
they on$y (no/ the bene*it o* three o* the *i-e inches o* the /rist2 They $et a contest be ecie. as
/ith the *o$in% *an. mere$y by the s1an o* their *orearms2 They s1ecia$ise in the sma$$ matter o*
e0terity. $earnin% such tri*$es as han an $e% mo-ements /ith the bamboo 1ractice s/or2
In my strate%y. the trainin% *or (i$$in% enemies is by /ay o* many contests. *i%htin% *or sur-i-a$.
isco-erin% the meanin% o* $i*e an eath. $earnin% the )ay o* the s/or. :u%in% the stren%th o*
attac(s an unerstanin% the )ay o* the >e%e an ri%e? o* the s/or2
Cou cannot 1ro*it *rom sma$$ techni@ues 1articu$ar$y /hen *u$$ armour is /orn2 7?Ro(u Gu? (si0
1ieces&A boy armour. he$met. mas(. thi%h 1ieces. %aunt$ets an $e% 1ieces2 8 S$ae%r9 My )ay o*
strate%y is the sure metho to /in /hen *i%htin% *or your $i*e one man a%ainst *i-e or ten2 There is
nothin% /ron% /ith the 1rinci1$e >one man can beat ten. so a thousan men can beat ten thousan?2
Cou must research this2 O* course you cannot assemb$e a thousan or ten thousan men *or e-eryay
trainin%2 But you can become a master o* strate%y by trainin% a$one /ith a s/or. so that you can
unerstan the enemy"s strate%ms. his stren%th an resources. an come to a11reciate ho/ to a11$y
strate%y to beat ten thousan enemies2
Any man /ho /ants to master the essence o* my strate%y must research i$i%ent$y. trainin% mornin%
an e-enin%2 Thus can he 1o$ish his s(i$$. become *ree *rom se$*. an rea$ise e0traorinary abi$ity2 6e
/i$$ come to 1ossess miracu$ous 1o/er2
This is the 1ractica$ resu$t o* strate%y2
+e1enin% on the ;$ace
E0amine your en-ironment2
Stan in the sunE that is. ta(e u1 an attitue /ith the sun behin you2 I* the situation o/s not a$$o/
this. you must try to (ee1 the sun on your ri%ht sie2 In bui$in%s. you must stan /ith the entrance
behin you or to your ri%ht2 Ma(e sure that your rear is unobstructe. an that there is *ree s1ace on
your $e*t. your ri%ht sie bein% occu1ie /ith your sie attitue2 At ni%ht. i* the enemy can be seen.
(ee1 the *ire behin you an the entrance to your ri%ht. an other/ise ta(e u1 your attitue as abo-e2
Cou must $oo( o/n on the enemy. an ta(e u1 your attitue on s$i%ht$y hi%her 1$aces2 For e0am1$e.
the KamiFa 7resience o* the ancestra$ s1irit o* a houseE o*ten a s$i%ht$y raise recess in a /a$$ (/ith
ornaments&2 8 S$ae%r9 in a house is thou%ht o* as a hi%h 1$ace2
)hen the *i%ht comes. a$/ays enea-our to chase the enemy aroun to your $e*t sie2 'hase him
to/ars a/(/ar 1$aces. an try to (ee1 him /ith his bac( to a/(/ar 1$aces2 )hen the enemy %ets
into an incon-enient 1osition. o not $et him $oo( aroun. but conscientious$y chase him aroun an
1in him o/n2 In houses. chase the enemy into the thresho$s. $inte$s. oors. -eranas. 1i$$ars. an so
on. a%ain not $ettin% him see his situation2
A$/ays chase the enemy into ba *ootho$s. obstac$es at the sie. an so on. usin% the -irtues o* the
1$ace to estab$ish 1reominant 1ositions *rom /hich to *i%ht2 Cou must research an train i$i%ent$y in
The Three Methos to Foresta$$ the Enemy
The *irst is to *oresta$$ him by attac(in%2 This is ca$$e Ken No Sen (to set him u1&2
Another metho is to *oresta$$ him as he attac(s2 This is ca$$e Tai No Sen (to /ait *or the initiati-e&2
The other metho is /hen you an the enemy attac( to%ether2 This is ca$$e Tai Tai No Sen (to
accom1any him an *oresta$$ him&2
There are no methos o* ta(in% the $ea other than these three2 Because you can /in @uic($y by ta(in%
the $ea. it is one o* the most im1ortant thin%s in strate%y2 There are se-era$ thin%s in-o$-e in ta(in%
the $ea2 Cou must ma(e the best o* the situation. see throu%h the enemy"s s1irit so that you %ras1 his
strate%y an e*eat him2 It is im1ossib$e to /rite about this in etai$2
The First 8 Ken No Sen
)hen you ecie to attac(. (ee1 ca$m an ash in @uic($y. *oresta$$in% the enemy2 Or you can a-ance
seemin%$y stron%$y but /ith a reser-e s1irit. *oresta$$in% him /ith the reser-e2
A$ternati-e$y. a-ance /ith as stron% a s1irit as 1ossib$e. an /hen you reach the enemy mo-e /ith
your *eet a $itt$e @uic(er than norma$. unsett$in% him an o-er/he$min% him shar1$y2
Or. /ith your s1irit ca$m. attac( /ith a *ee$in% o* constant$y crushin% the enemy. *rom *irst to $ast2 The
s1irit is to /in in the e1ths o* the enemy2
These are a$$ Ken No Sen2
The Secon 8 Tai No Sen
)hen the enemy attac(s. remain unisturbe but *ei%n /ea(ness2 As the enemy reaches you. suen$y
mo-e a/ay inicatin% that you inten to :um1 asie. then ash in attac(in% stron%$y as soon as you see
the enemy re$a02 This is one /ay2
Or. as the enemy attac(s. attac( sti$$ more stron%$y. ta(in% a-anta%e o* the resu$tin% isorer in his
timin% to /in2
This is the Tai No Sen 1rinci1$e2
The Thir 8 Tai Tai No Sen
)hen the enemy ma(es a @uic( attac(. you must attac( stron%$y an ca$m$y. aim *or his /ea( 1oint as
he ra/s near. an stron%$y e*eat him2
Or. i* the enemy attac(s ca$m$y. you must obser-e his mo-ements an. /ith your boy rather *$oatin%.
:oin in /ith his mo-ements as he ra/s near2 Mo-e @uic($y an cut him stron%$y2
This is Tai Tai No Sen2
These thin%s cannot be c$ear$y e01$aine in /ors2 Cou must research /hat is /ritten here2 In these
three /ays o* *oresta$$in%. you must :u%e the situation2 This oes not mean that you a$/ays attac(
*irstE but i* the enemy attac(s *irst you can $ea him aroun2 In strate%y. you ha-e e**ecti-e$y /on
/hen you *oresta$$ the enemy. so you must train /e$$ to attain this2
To 6o$ +o/n a ;i$$o/
?To 6o$ +o/n a ;i$$o/? means not a$$o/in% the enemy"s hea to rise2
In contests o* strate%y it is ba to be $e about by the enemy2 Cou must a$/ays be ab$e to $ea the
enemy about2 Ob-ious$y the enemy /i$$ a$so be thin(in% o* oin% this. but he cannot *oresta$$ you i*
you o not a$$o/ him to come out2 In strate%y. you must sto1 the enemy as he attem1ts to cutE you
must 1ush o/n his thrust. an thro/ o** his ho$ /hen he tries to
%ra11$e2 This is the meanin o* >to ho$ o/n a 1i$$o/?2 )hen you ha-e %ras1e this 1rinci1$e.
/hate-er the enemy tries to brin% about in the *i%ht you /i$$ see in a-ance an su11ress it2 The s1irit
is too chec( his attac( at the sy$$ab$e >at222?. /hen he :um1s chec( his :um1 at the
sy$$ab$e >:u222?. an chec( his cut at >cu222?2
The im1ortant thin% in strate%y is to su11ress the enemy"s use*u$ actions but a$$o/ his use$ess actions2
6o/e-er. oin% this a$one is e*ensi-e2 First. you must act accorin% to the )ay. su11ressin% the
enemy"s techni@ues. *oi$in% his 1$ans an thence comman him irect$y2 )hen you can o this you /i$$
be a master o* strate%y2 Cou must train /e$$ an research
?ho$in% o/n a 1i$$o/?2
'rossin% at a For
?'rossin% at a *or? means. *or e0am1$e. crossin% the sea at a strait. or crossin% o-er a hunre mi$es
o* broa sea at a crossin% 1$ace2 I be$ie-e this >crossin% at a *or? occurs o*ten in man"s $i*etime2 It
means settin% sai$ e-en thou%h your *riens stay in harbour. (no/in% the route. (no/in% the sounness
o* your shi1 an the *a-our o* the ay2 )hen a$$ the conitions are meet. an there is 1erha1s a
*a-ourab$e /in. or a tai$/in. then set sai$2 I* the /in chan%es /ithin a *e/ mi$es o* your estination.
you must ro/ across the remainin% istance /ithout sai$2
I* you attain this s1irit. it a11$ies to e-eryay $i*e2 Cou must a$/ays thin( o* crossin% at a *or2
In strate%y a$so it is im1ortant to >cross at a *or?2 +iscern the enemy"s ca1abi$ity an. (no/in% your
o/n stron% 1oints. >cross the *or? at the a-anta%eous 1$ace. as a %oo ca1tain crosses a sea route2 I*
you succee in crossin% at the best 1$ace. you may ta(e your ease2 To cross at a *or means to attac(
the enemy"s /ea( 1oint. an to 1ut yourse$* in an a-anta%eous 1osition2 This is ho/ to /in $ar%e8sca$e
strate%y2 The s1irit o* crossin% at a *or is necessary in both $ar%e8 an sma$$8sca$e strate%y2
Cou must research this /e$$2
To Kno/ the Times
?To (no/ the times? means to (no/ the enemy"s is1osition in batt$e2 Is it *$ourishin% or /anin%B By
obser-in% the s1irit o* the enemy"s men an %ettin% the best 1osition. you can /or( out the enemy"s
is1osition an mo-e your men accorin%$y2 Cou can /in throu%h this 1rinci1$e o* strate%y. *i%htin%
*rom a 1osition o* a-anta%e2
)hen in a ue$. you must *oresta$$ the enemy an attac( /hen you ha-e *irst reco%nise his schoo$ o*
strate%y. 1ercei-e his @ua$ity an his stron% an /ea( 1oints2 Attac( in an unsus1ectin% manner.
(no/in% his metre an mou$ation an the a11ro1riate timin%2
Kno/in% the times means. i* your abi$ity is hi%h. seein% ri%ht into thin%s2 I* you are thorou%$y
con-ersant /ith strate%y. you /i$$ reco%nise the enemy"s intentions an thus ha-e many o11ortunities
to /in2 Cou must su**icient$y stuy this2
To Trea +o/n the S/or
?To trea o/n the s/or? is a 1rinci1$e o*ten use in strate%y2 First. in $ar%e sca$e strate%y. /hen the
enemy *irst ischar%es bo/s an %uns an then attac(s it is i**icu$t *or us to attac( i* /e are busy
$oain% 1o/er into our %uns or notchin% our arro/s2 The s1irit is to attac( @uic($y /hi$e the enemy is
sti$$ shootin% /ith bo/s or %uns2 The s1irit is to /in by >treain% o/n? as /e recei-e the enemy"s
In sin%$e combat. /e cannot %et a ecisi-e -ictory by cuttin%. /ith a >tee8um tee8um? *ee$in%. in the
/a(e o* the enemy"s attac(in% $on% s/or2 )e must e*eat him at the start o* his attac(. in the s1irit o*
treain% him o/n /ith the *eet. so that he cannot rise a%ain to the attac(2
?Treain%? oes not sim1$y mean treain% /ith the *eet2 Trea /ith the boy. trea /ith the s1irit. an.
o* course. trea an cut /ith the $on% s/or2 Cou must achie-e the s1irit o* not a$$o/in% the enemy to
attac( a secon time2 This is the s1irit o* *oresta$$in% in e-ery sense2 Once at the enemy. you shou$ not
as1ire :ust to stri(e him. but to c$in% a*ter the attac(2 Cou must stuy this ee1$y2
To Kno/ >'o$$a1se?
E-erythin% can co$$a1se2 6ouses. boies. an enemies co$$a1se /hen their rhythm becomes eran%e2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. /hen the enemy starts to co$$a1se. you must 1ursue him /ithout $ettin% the
chance %o2 I* you *ai$ to ta(e a-anta%e o* your enemies" co$$a1se. they may reco-er2
In sin%$e combat. the enemy sometimes $oses timin% an co$$a1ses2 I* you $et this o11ortunity 1ass. he
may reco-er an not be so ne%$i%ent therea*ter2 Fi0 your eye on the enemy"s co$$a1se. an chase him.
attac(in% so that you o not $et him reco-er2 Cou must o this2 The chasin% attac( is /ith a stron%
s1irit2 Cou must utter$y cut the enemy o/n so that he oes not reco-er his 1osition2 Cou must
unerstan ho/ to utter$y cut o/n the enemy2
To Become the Enemy
?To become the enemy? means to thin( yourse$* in the enemy"s 1osition2 In the /or$ 1eo1$e ten to
thin( o* a robber trabbe in a house as a *orti*ie enemy2 6o/e-er. i* /e thin( o* >becomin% the
enemy?. /e *ee$ that the /ho$e /or$ is a%ainst us an that there is no esca1e2 6e /ho is shut insie is
a 1heasant2 6e /ho enters to arrest is a ha/(2 Cou must
a11reciate this2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. 1eo1$e are a$/ays uner the im1ression that the enemy is stron%. an so ten to
become cautious2 But i* you ha-e %oo so$iers. an i* you unerstan the 1rinci1$es o* strate%y. an i*
you (no/ ho/ to beat the enemy. there is nothin% to /orry about2

In sin%$e combat a$so you must 1ut yourse$* in the enemy"s 1osition2 I* you thin(. >6ere is a a master o*
the )ay. /ho (no/s the 1rinci1$es o* strate%y?. then you /i$$ sure$y $ose2 Cou must consier this
To Re$ease Four 6ans
?To re$ease *our hans? is use /hen you an the enemy are contenin% /ith the same s1irit. an the
issue cannot be ecie2 Abanon this s1irit an /in throu%h an a$ternati-e resource2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. /hen there is a >*our hans? s1irit. o not %i-e u1 8 it is man"s e0istence2
Immeiate$y thro/ a/ay this s1irit an /in /ith a techni@ue the enemy oes not e01ect2
In sin%$e combat a$so. /hen /e thin( /e ha-e *a$$en into the >*our hans? situation. /e must e*eat the
enemy by chan%in our min an a11$yin% a suitab$e techni@ue accorin% to his conition2 Cou must be
ab$e to :u%e this2
To Mo-e the Shae
?To mo-e the shae? is use /hen you cannot see the enemy"s s1irit2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. /hen you cannot see the enemy"s 1osition. inicate that you are about to attac(
stron%$y. to isco-er his resources2 It is easy then to e*eat him /ith a i**erent metho once you see
his resources2
In sin%$e combat. i* the enemy ta(es u1 a rear or sie attitue o* the $on% s/or so that you cannot see
his intention. ma(e a *eint attac(. an the enemy /i$$ sho/ his $on% s/or. thin(in% he sees you s1irit2
Bene*itin% *rom /hat you are sho/n. you can /in /ith certainty2 I* you are ne%$i%ent you /i$$ miss the
timin%2 Research this /e$$2
To 6o$ +o/n a Shao/
?6o$in% o/n a shao/? is use /hen you can see the enemy"s attac(in% s1irit2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. /hen the enemy embar(s on an attac(. i* you ma(e a sho/ o* stron%$y
su11ressin% his techni@ue. he /i$$ chan%e his min2 Then. a$terin% your s1irit. e*eat him by
*oresta$$in% him /ith a Voi s1irit2
Or. in sin%$e combat. ho$ o/n the enemy"s stron% intention /ith a suitab$e timin%. an e*eat him by
*oresta$$in% him /ith this timin%2 Cou must stuy this /e$$2
To ;ass On
Many thin%s are sai to be 1asse on2 S$ee1iness can be 1asse on. an ya/nin% can be 1asse on2
Time can be 1asse on a$so2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. /hen the enemy is a%itate an sho/s an inc$ination to rush. o not min in the
$east2 Ma(e a sho/ o* com1$ete ca$mness. an the enemy /i$$ be ta(en by this an /i$$ become
re$a0e2 )hen you see that this s1irit has been 1asse on. you can brin% about the enemy"s e*eat by
attac(in% stron%$y /ith a Voi s1irit2
In sin%$e combat. you can /in by re$a0in% your boy an s1irit an then. catchin% on to the moment
the enemy re$a0es. attac( stron%$y an @uic($y. *oresta$$in% him2
)hat is (no/ as >%ettin% someone run(? is simi$ar to this2 Cou can a$so in*ect the enemy /ith a
bore. care$ess. or /ea( s1irit2 Cou must stuy this /e$$2
To 'ause Doss o* Ba$ance
Many thin%s can cause a $oss o* ba$ance2 One cause is an%er. another is harshi1. an another is
sur1rise2 Cou must research this2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y it is im1ortant to cause $oss o* ba$ance2 Attac( /ithout /arnin% /here the
enemy is not e01ectin% it. an /hi$e his s1irit is unecie *o$$o/ u1 your a-anta%e an. ha-in% the
$ea. e*eat him2
Or. in sin%$e combat. start by ma(in% a sho/ o* bein% s$o/. then suen$y attac( stron%$y2 )ithout
a$$o/in% him s1ace *or breath to reco-er *orm the *$uctuation o* s1irit. you must %ras1 the o11ortunity
to /in2 Get the *ee$ o* this2
To Fri%hten
Fri%ht o*ten occurs. cause by the une01ecte2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y you can *ri%hten the enemy not :ust by /hat you 1resent to their eyes. but by
shoutin%. ma(in% a sma$$ *orce seem $ar%e. or by threatenin% them *rom the *$an( /ithout /arnin%2
These thin%s a$$ *ri%hten2 Cou can /in by ma(in% best use o* the enemy"s *ri%htene rhythm2
In sin%$e combat. a$so. you must use the a-anta%e o* ta(in% the enemy una/ares by *ri%htenin% him
/ith your boy. $on% s/or. or -oice. to e*eat him2 Cou shou$ research this /e$$2
To Soa( In
)hen you ha-e come to %ri1s an are stri-in% to%ether /ith the enemy. an you rea$ise that you cannot
a-ance. you >soa( in? an become one /ith the enemy2 Cou can /in by a11$yin% a suitab$e techni@ue
/hi$e you are mutua$$y entan%$e2
In batt$es in-o$-in% $ar%e numbers as /e$$ as in *i%hts /ith sma$$ numbers. you can o*ten /in
ecisi-e$y /ith the a-anta%e o* (no/in% ho/ to >soa(? into the enemy. /hereas. /ere you to ra/
a1art. you /ou$ $ose the chance to /in2 Research this /e$$2
To In:ure the 'orners
It is i**icu$t to mo-e stron% thin%s by 1ushin% irect$y. so you shou$ >in:ure the corners?2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. it is bene*icia$ to stri(e at the corners o* the enemy"s *orce2 I* the corners are
o-erthro/n. the s1irit o* the /ho$e boy /i$$ be o-erthro/n2 To e*eat the enemy you must *o$$o/ u1
the attac( /hen the corners ha-e *a$$en2
In sin%$e combat. it is easy to /in once the enemy co$$a1ses2 This ha11ens /hen you in:ure the
?corners? o* his boy. an thus /ea(en him2 It is im1ortant to (no/ ho/ to o this. so you must
research ee1$y2
To Thro/ into 'on*usion
This means ma(in% the enemy $ose reso$-e2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y /e can use our troo1s to con*use the enemy on the *ie$2 Obser-in% the enemy"s
s1irit. /e can ma(e him thin(. >6ereB ThereB Di(e thatB Di(e thisB S$o/B FastB?2 Victory is certain
/hen the enemy is cau%ht u1 in a rhythm /hich con*uses his s1irit2
In sin%$e combat. /e can con*use the enemy by attac(in% /ith -arie techni@ues /hen the chance
arises2 Feint a thrust or cut. or ma(e the enemy thin( you are %oin% to c$ose /ith him. an /hen he is
con*use you can easi$y /in2
This is the essence o* *i%htin%. an you must research it ee1$y2
The Three Shouts
The three shouts are i-ie thusA be*ore. urin% an a*ter2 Shout accorin% to the situation2 The -oice
is a thin% o* $i*e2 )e shout a%ainst *ires an so on. a%ainst the /in an the /a-es2 The -oice sho/s
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. at the start o* batt$e /e shout as $ou$y as 1ossib$e2 +urin% the *i%ht. the -oice is
$o/81itche. shoutin% out as /e attac(2 A*ter the contest. /e shout in the /a(e o* our -ictory2 These
are the three shouts2
In sin%$e combat. /e ma(e as i* to cut an shout >EiK? at the same time to isturb the enemy. then in
the /a(e o* our shout /e cut /ith the $on% s/or2 )e shout a*ter /e ha-e cut o/n the enemy 8 this is
to announce -ictory2 This is ca$$e >sen %o no (oe? (be*ore an a*ter -oice&2 )e o not shout
simu$taneous$y /ith *$ourishin% the $on% s/or2 )e shout urin% the *i%ht to %et into rhythm2 Research
this ee1$y2
To Min%$e
In batt$es. /hen the armies are in con*rontation. attac( the enemy"s stron% 1oints an. /hen you see
that they are beaten bac(. @uic($y se1arate an attac( yet another stron% 1oint on the 1eri1hery o* his
*orce2 The s1irit o* this is $i(e a /inin% mountain 1ath2
This is an im1ortant *i%htin% metho *or one man a%ainst many2 Stri(e o/n the enemies in one
@uarter. or ri-e them bac(. then %ras1 the timin% an attac( *urther stron% 1oints to ri%ht an $e*t. as i*
on a /inin% mountain 1ath. /ei%hin% u1 the enemies" is1osition2 )hen you (no/ the enemies" $e-e$
attac( stron%$y /ith no trace o* retreatin% s1irit2
)hat is meant by >min%$in%? is the s1irit o* a-ancin% an becomin% en%a%e /ith the enemy. an not
/ithra/in% e-en one ste12 Cou must unerstan this2
To 'rush
This means to crush the enemy re%arin% him as bein% /ea(2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. /hen /e see that the enemy has *e/ men. or i* he has many men but his s1irit
is /ea( an isorere. /e (noc( the hat o-er his eyes. crushin% him utter$y2 I* /e crush $i%ht$y. he
may reco-er2 Cou must $earn the s1irit o* crushin% as i* /ith a han8%ri12
In sin%$e combat. i* the enemy is $ess s(i$*u$ than yourse$*. i* his rhythm is isor%anise. or i* he has
*a$$en into e-asi-e or retreatin% attitues. /e must crush him strai%hta/ay. /ith no concern *or his
e an /ithout a$$o/in% him s1ace *or breath2 It is essentia$ to crush him a$$ at once2 The
1rimary thin% is not to $et him reco-er his 1osition e-en a $itt$e2 Cou must research this ee1$y2
The Mountain8Sea 'han%e
The >mountain8sea? s1irit means that it is ba to re1eat the same thin% se-era$ times /hen *i%htin% the
enemy2 There may be no he$1 but to o somethin% t/ice. but o not try it a thir time2 I* you once
ma(e an attac( an *ai$. ther is $itt$e chance o* success i* you use the same a11roach a%ain2 I* you
attem1t a techni@ue /hich you ha-e 1re-ious$y trie unsuccess*u$$y an *ai$ yet a%ain. then you must
chan%e your attac(in% metho2
I* the enemy thin(s o* the mountains. attac( $i(e the seaE an i* he thin(s o* the sea. attac( $i(e the
mountains2 Cou must research this ee1$y2
To ;enetrate the +e1ths
)hen /e are *i%htin% /ith the enemy. e-en /hen it can be seen that /e can /in on the sur*ace /ith
the bene*it o* the )ay. i* his s1irit is not e0tin%uishe. he may be beaten su1er*icia$$y yet une*eate
in s1irit ee1 insie2 )ith this 1rinci1$e o* >1enetratin% the e1ths? /e can estroy the enemy"s s1irit in
its e1ths. emora$isin% him by @uic($y chan%in% our
s1irit2 This o*ten occurs2
;enetratin% the e1ths means 1enetratin% /ith the $on% s/or. 1enetratin% /ith the boy. an
1enetratin% /ith the s1irit2 This cannot be unerstoo in a %enera$isation2
Once /e ha-e crushe the enemy in the e1ths. there is no nee to remain s1irite2 But other/ise /e
must remai s1irite2 I* the enemy remains s1irite it is i**icu$t to crush him2 Cou must train in
1enetratin% the e1ths *or $ar%e8sca$e strate%y an a$so sin%$e combat2
To Rene/
?To rene/? a11$ies /hen /e are *i%htin% /ith the enemy. an an entan%$e s1irit arises /here there is
no 1ossib$e reso$ution2 )e must abanon our e**orts. thin( o* the situation in a *resh s1irit then /in in
the ne/ rhythm2 To rene/. /hen /e are ea$oc(e /ith the enemy. means that /ithout chan%in% our
circumstance /e chan%e our s1irit an /in throu%h a i**erent
It is necessary to consier ho/ >to rene/? a$so a11$ies in $ar%e8sca$e strate%y2 Research this i$i%ent$y2
Rat"s 6ea. O0"s Nec(
?Rat"s hea an o0"s nec(? means that. /hen /e are *i%htin% /ith the enemy an both he an /e ha-e
become occu1ie /ith sma$$ 1oints in an entan%$e s1irit. /e must a$/ays thin( o* the )ay o* strate%y
as bein% both a rat"s hea an an o0"s nec(2 )hene-er /e ha-e become 1reoccu1ie /ith sma$$ etai$.
/e must suen$y chan%e into a $ar%e s1irit. interchan%in% $ar%e
/ith sma$$2
This is one o* the essences o* strate%y2 It is necessary that the /arrior thin( in this s1irit in e-eryay
$i*e2 Cou must not e1art *rom this s1irit in $ar%e8sca$e strate%y nor in sin%$e combat2

The 'ommaner Kno/s the Troo1s
?The commaner (no/s the troo1s? a11$ies e-ery/here in *i%hts in my )ay o* strate%y2
,sin% the /isom o* strate%y. thin( o* the enemy as your o/n troo1s2 )hen you thin( in this /ay you
can mo-e him at /i$$ an be ab$e to chase him aroun2 Cou become the %enera$ an the enemy
becomes your troo1s2 Cou must master this2
To Det Go the 6i$t
There are -arious (ins o* s1irit in-o$-e in $ettin% %o the hi$t2
There is the s1irit o* /innin% /ithout a s/or2 There is a$so the s1irit o* ho$in% the $on% s/or but not
/innin%2 The -arious methos cannot be e01resse in /ritin%2 Cou must train /e$$2
The Boy o* a Roc(
)hen you ha-e mastere the )ay o* strate%y you can suen$y ma(e your boy $i(e a roc(. an ten
thousan thin%s cannot touch you2 This is the boy o* a roc(2
Cou /i$$ not be mo-e2 Ora$ traition2
)hat is recore abo-e is /hat has been constant$y on my min about Ichi schoo$ s/or *encin%.
/ritten o/n as it came to me2 This is the *irst time I ha-e /ritten about my techni@ue. an the orer o*
thin%s is a bit con*use2 It is i**icu$t to e01ress it c$ear$y2
This boo( is a s1iritua$ %uie *or the man /ho /ishes to $earn the )ay2
My heart has been inc$ine to the )ay o* strate%y *rom my youth on/ars2 I ha-e e-ote myse$* to
trainin% my han. tem1erin% my boy. an attainin% the many s1iritua$ attitues o* s/or *encin%2 I*
/e /atch men o* other schoo$s iscussin% theory. an concentratin% on techni@ues /ith the hans.
e-en thou%h they seem s(i$*u$ to /atch. they ha-e not the s$i%htest true s1irit2
O* course. men /ho stuy in this /ay thin( they are trainin% the boy an s1irit. but it is an obstac$e to
the true )ay. an its ba in*$uence remains *or e-er2 Thus the true )ay o* strate%y is becomin%
ecaent an yin% out2
The true )ay o* s/or *encin% is the cra*t o* e*eatin% the enemy in a *i%ht. an nothin% other than
this2 I* you attain an ahere to the /isom o* my strate%y. you nee ne-er oubt that you /i$$ /in2
In strate%y you must (no/ the )ays o* other schoo$s. so I ha-e /ritten about -arious other traitions
o* strate%ys in this the )in Boo(2
)ithout (no/$e%e o* the )ays o* other schoo$s. it is i**icu$t to unerstan the essence o* my Ichi
schoo$2 Doo(in% at other schoo$s /e *in some that s1ecia$ise in techni@ues o* stren%th usin% e0tra8
$on% s/ors2 Some schoo$s stuy the )ay o* the short s/or. (no/n as (oachi2 Some schoo$s teach
e0terity in $ar%e numbers o* s/or techni@ues. teachin% attitues o* the s/or as the >sur*ace? an the
)ay as the >interior?2
That none o* these are the true )ay I sho/ c$ear$y in the interior o* this boo( 8 a$$ the -ices an -irtues
an ri%hts an /ron%s2 My Ichi schoo$ is i**erent2 Other schoo$s ma(e accom1$ishments their means
o* $i-e$ihoo. %ro/in% *$o/ers an ecorati-e$y co$ourin% artic$es in orer to se$$ them2 This is
e*inate$y not the )ay o* strate%y2
Some o* the /or$"s strate%ists are concerne on$y /ith s/or8*encin%. an $imit their trainin% to
*$ourishin% the $on% s/or an carria%e o* the boy2 But is e0terity a$one su**icient to /inB This is not
the essence o* the )ay2
I ha-e recore the unsatis*actory 1oint o* other schoo$s one by one in this boo(2 Cou must stuy these
matters ee1$y to a11reciate the bene*it o* my Ni To Ichi schoo$2
Other Schoo$s ,sin% E0tra8Don% S/ors
Some other schoo$s ha-e a $i(in% *or e0tra8$on% s/ors2 From the 1oint o* -ie/ o* my strate%y these
must been seen as /ea( schoo$s2 This is because they o not a11reciate the 1rinci1$e o* cuttin% the
enemy by any means2 Their 1re*erence is *or the e0tra8$on% s/or an. re$yin% on the -irtue o* its
$en%th. they thin( to e*eat the enemy *rom a istance2
In this /or$ it is sai. >One inch %i-es the han a-anta%e?. but these are the i$e /ors o* one /ho
oes not (no/ strate%y2 It sho/s the in*erior strate%y o* a /ea( s1irit that men shou$ be e1enent on
the $en%th o* their s/or. *i%htin% *rom a istance /ithout the bene*it o* strate%y2
I e01ect there is a case *or the schoo$ in @uestion $i(in% e0tra8$on% s/ors as 1art o* its octrine. but i*
/e com1are this to rea$ $i*e it is unreasonab$e2 Sure$y /e nee not necessari$y be e*eate i* /e are
usin% a short s/or. an ha-e no $on% s/orB
It is i**icu$t *or these 1eo1$e to cut the enemy /hen at c$ose @uarters because o* the $en%th o* the $on%
s/or2 The b$ae 1ath is $ar%e so the $on% s/or is an encumbrance. an they are at a isa-anta%e
com1are to the man arme /ith a short com1anion s/or2
>From o$en times it has been saiA >Great an sma$$ %o to%ether2?2 So o not unconitiona$$y is$i(e
e0tra8$on% s/ors2 )hat I is$i(e is the inc$ination to/ars the $on% s/or2 I* /e consier $ar%e8sca$e
strate%y. /e can thin( o* $ar%e *orces in terms o* $on% s/ors. an sma$$ *orces as short s/ors2 'annot
*e/ me %i-e batt$e a%ainst manyB There are many instances o* *e/ men o-ercomin% many2
Cour strate%y is o* no account i* /hen ca$$e on to *i%ht in a con*ine s1ace your heart is inc$ine to
the $on% s/or. or i* you are in a house arme on$y /ith your com1anion s/or2 Besies. some men
ha-e not the stren%th o* others2
In my octrine. I is$i(e 1reconcei-e. narro/ s1irit2 Cou must stuy this /e$$2
The Stron% Don% S/or S1irit in Other Schoo$s
Cou shou$ not s1ea( o* stron% an /ea( $on% s/ors2 I* you :ust /ie$ the $on% s/or in a stron%
s1irit your cuttin% /i$$ be coarse. an i* you use the s/or coarse$y you /i$$ ha-e i**icu$ty in /innin%2
I* you are concerne /ith the stren%th o* your s/or. you /i$$ try to cut unreasonab$y stron%$y. an
/i$$ not be ab$e to cut at a$$2 It is a$so ba to try to cut stron%$y /hen testin% the s/or2 )hene-er you
cross s/ors /ith an enemy you must not thin( o* cuttin% him either stron%$y or /ea($yE :ust thin( o*
cuttin% an (i$$in% him2 Be intent so$e$y u1on (i$$in% the enemy2 +o not try to cut stron%$y an. o*
course. o not thin( o* cuttin% /ea($y2 Cou shou$ on$y be concerne /ith (i$$in% the enemy2
I* you re$y on stren%th. /hen you hit the enemy"s s/or you /i$$ ine-itab$y hit too har2 I* you o this.
your o/n s/or /i$$ be carrie a$on% as a resu$t2 Thus the sayin%. >The stron%est han /ins?. has no
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y. i* you ha-e a stron% army an are re$yin% on stren%th to /in. but the enemy a$so
has a stron% army. the batt$e /i$$ be *ierce2 This is the same *or both sies2
)ithout the correct 1rinci1$e the *i%ht cannot be /on2
The s1irit o* my schoo$ is to /in throu%h the /isom o* strate%y. 1ayin% no attention to tri*$es2 Stuy
this /e$$2
,se o* the Shorter Don% S/or in Other Schoo$s
,sin% a shorter $on% s/or is not the true )ay to /in2
In ancient times. tachi an (atana meant $on% an short s/ors2 Men o* su1erior stren%th in the /or$
can /ie$ e-en a $on% s/or $i%ht$y. so there is no case *or their $i(in% the short s/or2 They a$so ma(e
use o* the $en%th o* s1ears an ha$bers2 Some men use a shorter $on% s/or /ith the intention o*
:um1in% in an stabbin% the enemy at the un%uare moment
/hen he *$ourishes his s/or2 This inc$ination is ba2
To aim *or the enemy"s un%uare moment is com1$ete$y e*ensi-e. an unesirab$e at c$ose @uarters
/ith the enemy2 Furthermore. you cannot use the metho o* :um1in% insie his e*ence /ith a short
s/or i* there are many enemies2 Some men thin( that i* they %o a%ainst many enemies /ith a shorter
$on% s/or they can unrestricte$y *ris( aroun cuttin% in s/ee1s. but they ha-e to 1arry cuts
continuous$y. an e-entua$$y become entan%$e /ith the enemy2 This is inconsistant /ith the true )ay
o* strate%y2
The sure )ay to /in thus is to chase the enemy aroun in con*usin% manner. causin% him to :um1
asie. /ith your boy he$ stron%$y an strai%ht2 The same 1rinci1$e a11$ies to $ar%e8sca$e strate%y2
The essence o* strate%y is to *a$$ u1on the enemy in $ar%e numbers an brin% about his s1eey
o/n*a$$2 By their stuy o* strate%y. 1eo1$e o* the /or$ %et use to counterin%. e-ain% an retreatin%
as the norma$ thin%2 They become set in this habit. so can easi$y be 1arae aroun by the enemy2 The
)ay o* strate%y is strai%ht an true2 Cou must chase the enemy aroun an ma(e him obey your s1irit2
Other Schoo$s /ith many Methos o* usin% the Don% S/or
;$acin% a %reat ea$ o* im1ortance on the attitues o* the $on% s/or is a mista(en /ay o* thin(in%2
)hat is (no/n in the /or$ as >attitue? a11$ies /hen there is no enemy2 The reason is that this has
been a 1receent since ancient times. an there shou$ be no such thin% as >This is the moern /ay to
o it? in ue$$in%2 Cou must *orce the enemy into incon-enient
Attitues are *or situations in /hich you are not to be mo-e2 That is. *or %arrisonin% cast$es. batt$e
array. an so on. sho/in% the s1irit o* not bein% mo-e e-en by a stron% assau$t2 In the )ay o*
ue$$in%. ho/e-er. you must a$/ays be intent u1on ta(in% the $ea an attac(in%2 Attitue is the s1irit
o* a/aitin% an attac(2 Cou must a11reciate this2
In ue$s o* strate%y you must mo-e the o11onent"s attitue2 Attac( /here his s1irit is $a0. thro/ him
into con*usion. irritate an terri*y him2 Ta(e a-anta%e o* the enemy"s rhythm /hen he is unsett$e an
you can /in2
I is$i(e the e*ensi-e s1irit (no/ as >attitue?2 There*ore. in my )ay. there is somethin% ca$$e
?Attitue8No Attitue?2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y /e e1$oy our troo1s *or batt$e bearin% in min our stren%th. obser-in% the
enemy"s numbers. an notin% the etai$s o* the batt$e *ie$2 This is at the start o* the batt$e2
The s1irit o* attac(in% *irst is com1$ete$y i**erent *rom the s1irit o* bein% attac(e2 Bearin% an attac(
/e$$. /ith a stron% attitue. an 1arryin% the enemy"s attac( /e$$. is $i(e ma(in% a /a$$ o* s1ears an
ha$bers2 )hen you attac( the enemy. your s1irit must %o to the e0tent o* 1u$$in% the sta(es out o* a
/a$$ an usin% them as s1ears an ha$bers2 Cou must e0amine this /e$$2
Fi0in% the Eyes in Other Schoo$s
Some schoo$s maintain that the eyes shou$ be *i0e on the enemy"s $on% s/or2 Some schoo$s *i0 the
eyes on the hans2 Some *i0 the eyes on the *ace. an some *i0 the eyes on the *eet. an so on2 I* you
*i0 the eyes on these 1$aces your s1irit can become con*use an your strate%y th/arte2
7I /i$$ e01$ain this in etai$2 Footba$$ers o not *i0 their eyes on the ba$$. but by %oo 1$ay on the *ie$
they can 1er*orm /e$$2 )hen you become accustome to somethin%. you are not $imite to the use o*
your eyes2 ;eo1$e such as master musicians ha-e the music score in *ront o* their nose. or *$ourish
s/ors in se-era$ /ays /hen they ha-e mastere the )ay. but this oes not mean that they *i0 their
eyes on these thin%s s1eci*ica$$y. or that they ma(e 1oint$ess mo-ements o* the s/or2 It means that
they can see natura$$y29
In the )ay o* strate%y. /hen you ha-e *ou%ht many times you /i$$ easi$y be ab$e to a11raise the s1ee
an 1osition o* the enemy"s s/or. an ha-in% mastery o* the )ay you /i$$ see the /ei%ht o* his s1irit2
In strate%y. *i0in% the eyes means %aFin% at the man"s heart2
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y the area to /atch is the enemy"s stren%th2 >;erce1tion? an >si%ht? are the t/o
methos o* seein%2 ;erce1tion consists o* concentratin% stron%$y on the enemy"s s1irit. obser-in% the
conition o* the batt$e*ie$. *i0in% the %aFe stron%$y. seein% the 1ro%ress o* the *i%ht an the chan%es o*
a-anta%es2 This is the sure /ay to /in2
In sin%$e combat you must not *i0 the eyes on the etai$s2 As I sai be*ore. i* you *i0 your eyes on
etai$s an ne%$ect im1ortant thin%s. your s1irit /i$$ become be/i$ere. an -ictory /i$$ esca1e you2
Research this 1rinci1$e /e$$ an train i$i%ent$y2
,se o* the Feet in Other Schoo$s
There are -arious methos o* usin% the *eetA *$oatin% *oot. :um1in% *oot. s1rin%in% *oot. treain% *oot.
cro/"s *oot. an such nimb$e /a$(in% methos2 From the 1oint o* -ie/ o* my strate%y. these are a$$
I is$i(e *$oatin% *oot because the *eet a$/ays ten to *$oat urin% the *i%ht2 The )ay must be tro
Neither o I $i(e :um1in% *oot. because it encoura%es the habit o* :um1in%. an a :um1y s1irit2
6o/e-er much you :um1. there is no rea$ :usti*ication *or itE so :um1in% is ba2
S1rin%in% *oot causes a s1rin%in% s1irit /hich is inecisi-e2
Treain% *oot is a >/aitin%? metho. an I es1ecia$$y is$i(e it2
A1art *rom these. there are -arious *ast /a$(in% methos. such as cro/"s *oot. an so on2
Sometimes. ho/e-er. you may encounter the enemy on marsh$an. s/am1y %roun. ri-er -a$$eys.
stony %roun. or narro/ roas. in /hich situations you cannot :um1 or mo-e the *eet @uic($y2
In my strate%y. the *oot/or( oes not chan%e2 I a$/ays /a$( as I usua$$y o in the street2 Cou must
ne-er $ose contro$ o* your *eet2 Accorin% to the enemy"s rhythm. mo-e *ast or s$o/$y. a:ustin% you
boy not too much an not too $itt$e2
'arryin% the *eet is im1ortant a$so in $ar%e8sca$e strate%y2 This is because. i* you attac( @uic($y an
thou%ht$ess$y /ithout (no/in% the enemy"s s1irit. your rhythm /i$$ become eran%e an you /i$$ not
be ab$e to /in2 Or. i* you a-ance too s$o/$y. you /i$$ not be ab$e to ta(e a-anta%e o* the enemy"s
isorer. the o11ortunity to /in /i$$ esca1e. an you /i$$ not be ab$e to *inish the *i%ht @uic($y2 Cou
must /in by seiFin% u1on the enemy"s isorer an eran%ement. an by not accorin% him e-en a
$itt$e ho1e o* reco-ery2 ;ractise this /e$$2
S1ee in Other Schoo$s
S1ee is not 1art o* the true )ay o* strate%y2 S1ee im1$ies that thin%s seem *ast or s$o/. accorin% to
/hether or not they are in rhythm2 )hate-er the )ay. the master o* strate%y oes not a11ear *ast2
Some 1eo1$e can /a$( as *ast as a hunre or a hunre an t/enty mi$es in a ay. but this oes not
mean that they run continuous$y *rom mornin% ti$$ ni%ht2 ,n1ractise runners may seem to ha-e been
runnin% a$$ ay. but their 1er*ormance is 1oor2
In the )ay o* ance. accom1$ishe 1er*ormers can sin% /hi$e ancin%. but /hen be%inners try this
they s$o/ o/n an their s1irit becomes busy2 The >o$ 1ine tree? me$oy beaten on a $eather rum is
tran@ui$. but /hen be%inners try this they s$o/ o/n an their s1irit becomes busy2 Very s(i$*u$ 1eo1$e
can mana%e a *ast rhythm. but it is ba to beat hurrie$y2 I* you try to beat too @uic($y you /i$$ %et out
o* time2 O* course. s$o/ness is ba2 Rea$$y s(i$*u$ 1eo1$e ne-er %et out o* time. an are a$/ays
e$iberate. an ne-er a11ear busy2 From this e0am1$e. the 1rinci1$e can be seen2
)hat is (no/n as s1ee is es1ecia$$y ba in the )ay o* strate%y2 The reason *or this is that e1enin%
on the 1$ace. marsh or s/am1 an so on. it may not be 1ossib$e to mo-e the boy an $e%s to%ether
@uic($y2 Sti$$ $ess /i$$ you be ab$e to cut @uic($y i* you ha-e a $on% s/or in this situation2 I* you try to
cut @uic($y. as i* usin% a *an or short s/or. you /i$$ not actua$$y cut e-en a $itt$e2 Cou must a11reciate
In $ar%e8sca$e strate%y a$so. a *ast busy s1irit is unesirab$e2 The s1irit must be that o* ho$in% o/n a
1i$$o/. then you /i$$ not be e-en a $itt$e $ate2
)hen your o11onent is hurryin% rec($ess$y. you must act contrari$y an (ee1 ca$m2 Cou must not be
in*$uence by the o11onent2 Train i$i%ent$y to attain this s1irit2

?Interior? an >Sur*ace? in Other Schoo$s
There is no >interior? nor >sur*ace? in strate%y2
The artistic accom1$ishments usua$$y c$aim inner meanin% an secret traition. an >interior? an
?%ate?. but in combat there is no such thin% as *i%htin% on the sur*ace. or cuttin% /ith the interior2
)hen I teach my )ay. I *irst teach by trainin% in techni@ues /hich are easy *or the 1u1i$ to
unerstan. a octrine /hich is easy to unerstan2 I %raua$$y enea-our to e01$ain the ee1 1rinci1$e.
1oints /hich it is har$y 1ossib$e to com1rehen. accorin% to the 1u1i$"s 1ro%ress2 In any e-ent.
because the /ay to unerstanin% is throu%h e01erience. I o not s1ea( o* >interior? an >%ate?2
In this /or$. i* you %o into the mountains. an ecie to %o ee1er an yet ee1er. instea you /i$$
emer%e at the %ate2 )hate-er the )ay. it has an interior. an it is sometimes a %oo thin% to 1oint out
the %ate2 In strate%y. /e cannot say /hat is concea$e an /hat is re-ea$e2
Accorin%$y I is$i(e 1assin% on my )ay throu%h /ritten 1$e%es an re%u$ations2 ;ercei-in% the
abi$ity o* my 1u1i$s. I teach the irect )ay. remo-e the ba in*$uence o* other schoo$s. an %raua$$y
introuce them to the true )ay o* the /arrior2
The metho o* teachin% my strate%y is /ith a trust/orthy s1irit2 Cou must train i$i%ent$y2
I ha-e trie to recor an out$ine o* the strate%y o* other schoo$s in the abo-e nine sections2 I cou$ no/
continue by %i-in% a s1eci*ic account o* these schoo$s one by one. *rom the >%ate? to the >interior?. but
I ha-e intentiona$$y not name the schoo$s or their main 1oints2 The reason *or this is that i**erent
branches o* schoo$s %i-e i**erent inter1retations o* the octrines2 In as much as men"s o1inions i**er.
so there must be i**erin% ieas on the same matter2 Thus no one man"s conce1tion is -a$i *or any
I ha-e sho/n the %enera$ tenencies o* other schoo$s on nine 1oints2 I* /e $oo( at them *rom an honest
-ie/1oint. /e see that 1eo1$e a$/ays ten to $i(e $on% s/ors or short s/ors. an become concerne
/ith stren%th in both $ar%e an sma$$ matters2 Cou can see /hy I o not ea$ /ith the >%ates? o* other
In my Ichi schoo$ o* the $on% s/or there is neither %ate nor interior2 There is no inner meanin% in
s/or attitues2 Cou must sim1$y (ee1 your s1irit true to rea$ise the -irtue o* strate%y2
The Ni To Ichi )ay o* strate%y is recore in this the Boo( o* the Voi2
)hat is ca$$e the s1irit o* the -oi is /here there is nothin%2 It is not inc$ue in man"s (no/$e%e2 O*
course the -oi is nothin%ness2 By (no/in% thin%s that e0ist. you can (no/ that /hich oes not e0ist2
That is the -oi2
;eo1$e in this /or$ $oo( at thin%s mista(en$y. an thin( that /hat they o not unerstan must be the
-oi2 This is not the true -oi2 It is be/i$erment2
In the )ay o* strate%y. a$so. those /ho stuy as /arriors thin( that /hate-er they cannot unerstan in
their cra*t is the -oi2 This is not the true -oi2
To attain the )ay o* strate%y as a /arrior you must stuy *u$$y other martia$ arts an not e-iate e-en
a $itt$e *rom the )ay o* the /arrior2 )ith your s1irit sett$e. accumu$ate 1ractice ay by ay. an hour
by hour2 ;o$ish the t/o*o$ s1irit heart an min. an shar1en the t/o*o$ %aFe 1erce1tion an si%ht2
)hen your s1irit is not in the $east c$oue. /hen the c$ous o* be/i$erment c$ear a/ay. there is the
true -oi2
,nti$ you rea$ise the true )ay. /hether in Buhism or in common sense. you may thin( that thin%s
are correct an in orer2 6o/e-er. i* /e $oo( at thin%s ob:ecti-e$y. *rom the -ie/1oint o* $a/s o* the
/or$. /e see -arious octrines e1artin% *rom the true )ay2 Kno/ /e$$ this s1irit. an /ith
*orthri%htness as the *ounation an the true s1irit as the )ay2 Enact strate%y broa$y. correct$y an
Then you /i$$ come to thin( o* thin%s in a /ie sense an. ta(in% the -oi as the )ay. you /i$$ see the
)ay as -oi2
In the -oi is -irtue. an no e-i$2 )isom has e0istence. 1rinci1$e has e0istence. the )ay has
e0istence. s1irit is nothin%ness2
T/e$*th ay o* the *i*th month. secon year o* Shoho (!345& Teruro Ma%ono:o. Shinmen Musashi

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