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Dirt Made My Lunch

Conservation and maintenance of our earths materials can improve and sustain life.

World of Worms
Do you know how to make a worm bin? If you don t then open this Brochure and I will tell you everything. Thanks!

Physical properties of earth materials. Healthy soil conditions for plant growth The connection between healthy soil and sustaining life Responsibility of humans to our natural resources. Designed by: Allison Chang Second Grade Le Jardin Academy

Its important to have worms to make vermicast. Vermicast is good for your garden!

How to Make a Worm Bin

Fist you need a bin for your worms. Then get card board and make it damp. Then rip it up. You also need worms with soil. After that get newspaper to rip up in to strips. Finally put the card board in first then put the worms with soil. Then put old veggies and fruit under the paper. Then you got your worms.

Did you know that worms poop is soil?

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