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On Friday, January the 25th, at 8:00 am, The Word of God came to me.

Go and tell them He said, Tell them this prophecy concerning the nation of America. The day in which I say: ENOUGH! is come upon you. I have removed your lampstand. I have removed my hand of protection from over you. I have delivered you into the hand of your enemy. Your republic lies on the deathbed and will not recover. She is dealt a mortal wound. I have placed my cup of wrath to her lips, and made her drink. She shall surely die. Nation of America, You who have named the Name of my Son, profane Him. You name Him every March and December. You even curse His name daily. Because of YOU, my Name is blasphemed among the nations. You say: How then have we profaned your Sons name? With lip-service you pay Him honor but your hearts are FAR from Him. You are a generation of polluted hearts, unclean and uncircumcised. You claim His name, while saying my Word is impure, not literal, and errant. Your false doctrines devour mens souls, you are loveless and fruitless. You claim Him, with your filthy lips. Your conduct makes my Sons name on your lips a Lie. Behold, the angel prepares for his command. His blade will flash. Your tree will fall. And mighty will be the fall of it. Because of the hardness of your heart you resist My Spirit. You refuse to be sanctified. You will not obey me. You love the world and sow daily to your flesh, all the while professing to have faith in the finished work of my Son, and His name. Your destruction shall swiftly come upon you. I am the God of your Founders. Your national Fathers trembled before My Name and My word. In awe, they worshiped me. You do not know me. You do not fear me. You do not love me. You hate me. For My Son, and For My glory I made this nation. For My Sons Name and For My glory I will end it. Let no one ask where is God? when calamity and destruction overtake you. The nations will exalt My Holy Name, on account of your destruction. At My Will, it shall HAPPEN. I AM HOLY. I give you three signs. They shall confirm the word I give you.

With humble farmers, I showed the nations, the Might of My Arm. The hosts of men, The greatest army of that day, were confounded. My providence cast them down in defeat. Know ye then my first sign. From sea to sea, across the nation on every farm, I will idle the tractor. I will commanded it and they will be still. I AM HE THAT GIVES & I AM HE THAT TAKES AWAY. AMEN

From under persecution by Satanic State Religions did your Fathers cry out. For My glory, I delivered the Gentiles who called upon My HOLY Name. In to this land I carried then. Know ye then, the second sign. You will not escape this land, from persecution you cannot flee. New World religion and in the States authority, they will persecute you. You do NOT know suffering such as what will befall. For every woman abortion shall be mandatory. Those who love me, and speak my Truth, will be arrested, tried and gain martyrdom for my Name.

I AM He that says fear not the one who slays the body, fear the one who slays both body and soul. AMEN

Because you love death more then you love Me, Because you love death more then you love life. Behold, My third sign. Where one million stand, only ten thousand shall remain. When these signs are fulfilled, the word that proceeds from my mouth shall end your nation. Your empire will join those before it in Gehenna, upon the ash-heaps of time. I AM He who holds perfect balances, weighing sin and repaying each for their transgressions. Know this well, I will weight and measure you at the final judgment. Let him who is holy remain holy. Let him who is naked, wash his garments. Let him who is wicked turn from iniquity lest I consume you. AMEN and AMEN.

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