Lntergenerational Gingerbread-Making With Volunteer Margaret Petrie

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NAEYC Program

J a n u a r y 0 13 2

Inside This lssue Bab yRo o m.......... .........2 YoungToddler Room.... 3 T o d d le r o Room........ Tw 4 Fam ilyR oo m...,............. 5 Bu g R oo m ..................... 6 S pa ceLa b ........ .............7 Di r ector 's 0rner........... C 8

lntergenerational Gingerbread-Making with VolunteerMargaretPetrie

In December, apartment residents and Explorers Club childrenhad a grandtime makinggingerbread men,thanksto ExplorersClub volunteer Margaret Petrie, who led the activity. Margaret read aloud The GingerbreadMan, talked about the recipefor gingerbread, then offered and childrenand residents opportunity an to maketheir own gingerbread men.While the gingerbread men were baking, TeacherAbannareadalouda silly parody of The GingerbreadMan called, The Stinky Cheese Man, then the residents and childrenplayedgamestogether. A hugethank you to Margaret donatfor ing hertime,energy and all the materials!

January21 CLOSED MartinLutherKing Day February 18 OPEN Presidents Day

lmpoltant Tidbits
Happy Eirthdays ! Fr]zo-January 1 Teacher lu-Jariuary1 lvlu n 31 Quin R.-January

What'sHapperrirrg the BabyRoom Itl

Our babies growing are and changing fastlVeronica siillour only so is walkerin the room,but Claire and Enzoare notfar behind. QuinnR. is standing wiihoutholding ontofurniture Connor and and Jackare cruising the roomwith assistancefrom the furniture. Franklin busycrawlingall is over the placeand Ameliais sitiingup on her own. Baby Eviannaand QuinnW. are sharingmany of their smileswith everyone and adjusting wellto the classroom. The babieshavesiartedusing many sign-language signs,especially "more"and "all done."The babiesalso enjoy lookingout the windowin the door,watchingpeoplewalk down the hall. Otherfun activities the bafor bies are dancingto music and playingwith the toy telephones. We lookforwardto more sensoryplay and art projectsin the weeksto come!

Baby Quotes & Stories

o Veronica points what at shewants-toys,food, and"Upl" Shetakes socksoff herfriends' feetand proudly brings themto theteachers. r Jacklooked outside whileTeacher Muluwas changing diaper. his "Look-see Mulu said, the cars?" andJack said,"Woof, woof l"

lntergenerational News
Our residents reallyenjoy havingthe opportunity to spendtime with the babies. The babiesare so happy, waving theirhands, smiling and giggling when interacting. Everyday, we take wagonsand strollers visit to different floors.

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