Biodiversi TY: Change of Global Climate (Perubahan Iklim Global) Polution

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Change of global climate (perubahan iklim global)


Deforestation (pembabatan hutan)

Population explosion (ledakan penduduk)

THE BENEFIT - Biodiversity as a source of food(pangan) - Biodiversity as a source of clothing and housing(Sandang dan papan) -B iodiversity as cultural benefits - Biodiversity as scientific benefits(Manfaat Ilmiah)

FLORA INDONESIA -Tropical rain forest area such as : Sumatera, Kalimantan, Papua, Sulawesi, west java(south) - Moonson forest Area such as : Java Island(from west java to east java) - Sabana Area Madura, NAD(dataran tinggi gayo) - Grassland area such as : Sumbawa, Flores, Timor


Diversity of Ecosystems
is the interaction between certain abiotic environment with a set of types of living creatures

Genetics Biodiversity
is the difference in the various species of living in a place

Biodiversity managed by: KONSERVA SI

Genetics diversity
is the variation in the arrangement of genes within a species

-In situ

FAUNA INDONESIA - Garis Wallace: Separating kind of fauna in western and middle of Indonesia - Asiatis type: elephant, peacocks, orangutans - Australis: kangaroos, porcupines, parrots,koalas -Peralihan(Asiatisaustralis):anoa, horse, bear, komodo

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