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Information Requirements for Financing Requests

When applying for financing, please submit the information listed below in a clear and concise manner (max 10 pages) to: with the title Ventures I [name of your company]. Incomplete applications will not be considered. We treat all information confidentially. At the same time, we do not wish to receive information that is considered confidential. 1) Company General overview of the activities Brief history, from pilot tests and lessons learned to current setup Where and when it was legally established? When it started commercial operations? SWOT analysis

2) Clients & products Who are the target clients? Which products are offered? Which distribution channels are in place? Which other products / services are available in the market? What makes it the best alternative available for the target clients?

3) Regulation Is it a regulated business? Which certifications does the company have?

4) Team Short bio of senior management and members of the Board of Directors Organizational chart including number of employees Is the compensation in line with market average?

5) Financials & growth Summary of financial reports (balance sheet, cash flow, income statement) for the last 3 years and projections for the next 5 years Growth targets and how to achieve them

6) Investment round Sources & Uses table Timetable Commitments from existing investors Cap table New investors involved in the process Target amount and proposed valuation Proposed key terms

responsAbility Social Investments AG Josefstrasse 59, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland Phone +41 44 250 99 30, Fax +41 44 250 99 31

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