Source-Based Questions Comparison Skills

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Source-based Questions Comparison Skills

1. Read the question and identify the question type (use the right skill is it one sided or two sided) 2. Read and understand the appropriate sources 3. Highlight information that are similar and/or different in both sources 4. Identify and establish the POC (point of comparison) for each similarity and difference 5. Craft your answer (remember to P.E.E.)


What do comparison questions look like?

(when asked the following questions, provide BOTH similarities and differences) How similar are Sources A and B in showing
How different are Sources A and B in showing To what extent is Source A similar to / different from Source B? To what extent is Source A different from Source B?

What do comparison questions look like? (when asked the following questions, provide ONLY similarities OR differences)
In what ways are Sources A and B similar? In what ways do Sources A and B differ? How are Sources A and B similar? How are Sources A and B different?

Scaffolding: Outline of Comparison Answers

Similarity Source A and B are similar in showing that ________________________ (address the question and identify the point of comparison) This is supported in Source A where _____________________________ (give evidence from Source A) In the same way, this is further supported in Source B where __________ (give evidence from Source B) From this, we can tell that _____________________________________ (explain and link back to question)

Scaffolding: Outline of Comparison Answers

Difference Source A and B are different in showing that ______________________ (address the question and identify the point of comparison) This is supported in Source A where _____________________________ (give evidence from Source A) In contrast, Source B shows ___________________________________ (give evidence from Source B) From this, we can tell that Source A shows________________________________ whereas Source B shows ________________________________ (explain and link back to question)

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