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MA1.2P1 PRO How Can I Get Here, There and Everywhere?

Name of the Integrated Task General Description PRO Vacational place brochure Context: Your friend wants to come to your city on vacations and asks you to recommend some places to visit. You will choose a particular tourist destination and create a brochure for him/her. You have to include attractions, activities to do, characteristics of it, directions to get there, etc. Decide on the place that you will recommend to your friend. Design a brochure of the chosen place including pictures, diagrams and maps. Include in your brochure information related to specific characteristics, attractions, locations, activities to be done and directions to arrive there and directions to walk around. The brochure should be designed taking into account the following requirements: - It can be printed or hand made. - It has to include pictures, drawings, diagrams and maps. - It has to have the name of the destination. - It needs to have short paragraphs describing the places but the information has to be written by hand. - It has to have the directions to arrive there. The student knows and provides information about places and attractions in a city. He is able to describe places: what there is and is not, where it is and how it is. He also knows how to ask for and provide directions to get to a place.

Description of each steps

Description and requirements of the final product

Learning Results


(%) 10% 15 % 15 % 20 % 20 % 15 % 15% 100%

The brochure includes the destinations name and has a brochure structure. includes pictures, drawings and maps that make it attractive. mentions at least 3 important places and/or attractions of the tourist destination. describes places using adjectives and using the forms: there is/ are, is not/ are not recommends activities to do. includes a sketch map of the destination with at least 3 directions on how to get there. It has good grammar and coherence TOTAL:




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