Homework Survey 1

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1 Homework Survey I
Please answer each question honestly. Place an X or check next to your responses. You can select more than one choice for each question, if more than one answer applies to you. Feel free to explain any of your responses in the space below the question. The amount of homework in this class is: ___ too much. ___ a fine amount. ___ not that bad. ___ super totally easy. When I dont do my homework, it is because: ___ I am lazy. ___ I had too much other homework. ___ I didnt write it down/I forgot about it. ___ The homework was stupid. ___ I didnt understand the homework. ___ I had other things going on at home. ___ I didnt think it was a big deal to miss an assignment. I would do homework more if ___ there wasnt as much. ___ the assignments were more interesting. ___ the assignments were explained better. ___ we had more time to turn in assignments. ___ I just decided to get it done. Is homework ever helpful? ___ No ___ Yes Explain your response: Anything else you want Ms. Berger to know for next semester?

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