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Movimiento rectilneo uniforme

Ma. Guadalupe Gonzlez

24 de enero del 2013

Cinemtica : Estudia el movimiento de los cuerpos sin importar las causas que lo producen. Desplazamiento: es el cambio en la posicin.
x x f xi

Distancia: cuanto espacio recorre un objeto durante su movimiento.

Velocidad promedio : es el cambio de desplazamiento respecto al cambio de tiempo

v x x f xi t t f ti

Velocidad instantnea: es el limite del cambio de desplazamiento respecto al cambio del tiempo, cuando este tiende a cero.

aceleracin promedio : es el cambio de velocidad respecto al cambio de tiempo

Aceleracin instantnea: es el limite del cambio de velocidad respecto al cambio del tiempo, cuando este tiende a cero.

Cada libre

Ex. A stone thrown from the top of a building is given an initial velocity of 20.0 m/s straight upward. The building is 50.0 m high, and the stone just misses the edge of the roof on its way down, as shown in Figure 2.14. Using tA=0s as the time the stone leaves the throwers hand at position, determine (a) the time at which the stone reaches its maximum height, (b) the maximum height.

Solution (a) As the stone travels from to , its velocity must change by 20 m/s because it stops at . Because gravity causes vertical velocities to change by about 10 m/s for every second of free fall, it should take the stone about 2 s to go from to in our drawing. (In a problem like this, a sketch definitely helps you organize your thoughts.) To calculate the time t B at which the stone reaches maximum height, we use vyA= vyB+ayt, noting that vxA=0 and setting the start of our clock readings at t=0.
20 .0m / s (9.8m / s 2 ) 0

t tB

20.0m / s 2.04s 9.8m / s 2

(b) Because the average velocity for this first interval is 10 m/s (the average of 20 m/s and 0 m/s) and because it travels for about 2 s, we expect the stone to travel about 20 m. By substituting our time interval into Equation 2.11, we can find the maximum height as measured from the position of the thrower, where we set

1 ym ax y B v yAt a y t 2 2 y B 20 .4m

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