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v ii

Accuracy of theModified TFCF for Conceptualand Check Estimates (Appendix M; an analysis of the performance of themodified total field cost factor, discussed in Chaptcr 19, i n two actual projects.) OffshoreEstimatingExample (Appendix N; presents a rationalway convert U.S. base estimates to offshore locations.)


Plant Testing,Acceptance,and Commissioning Instructions (Appendix 0; comprehensive list of all the tests and activities that must be conducted by both contractor and Owner before the official transfer of custody, care, and control from contractor to Owner.)

Finally, Chapter 19, Semi-Detailed Estimating System, has been updatcd and expanded as follows:

All costs have becn updatcd and projected to carly 2001 using thc Chemical Engineering plant cost indcx of 420 which projects approximately to the 1. first quarter of 200 A section discussing the conversion of U.S. based cost estimatcs has becn added. Section 19.15 on quick conceptual estimates has been expanded to cover a wider range of projects including retrofits.

Bill Cole rightfully indicated to me that many projects miss the desired goals because of the failure, during the project development stage, to identify the Right Project (scope) before proceeding to the execution stage and recommended that we try to do something about this situation in the second edition. The first edition putthe emphasisonexecuting a projectright, overlookingthe factthatthe wrong project would always fall short of its goals regardless of how right was theexecution. In thesecond edition wehave tried to close this gap,giving business and venture managers food for thought and guidelines on how to come up with the right project, thus shifting the emphasis from how to execute a project right to how to choose the right project and execute it right. We tried to write a book on Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Chemical Project Execution But Were Afraid to Ask. I hope we have succeeded andthata copy of thisbook will eventuallyfindits way to the desk of every engineer and businessperson associated with the execution of chemical projects.

Pablo F. Navarrcte William C. Cole

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