Research Report

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CMPE 180-42: Research Report

Dr. Juan Gomez

Goal of this Project

The objective of this project is to test if the students can seek out technical knowledge on their own.

Research Report Project

This project will be worth 5% of your total grade. The report must be prepared in teams of 4 people. The report must be ideally 25 pages long maximum, excluding cover, index, bibliography, of readable font size on a regular computer screen. The report will be submitted electronically. The report will be run through to check for plagiarism. The degree of similarity to known text will affect your grade The idea of this project is to show that you (future engineers graduates from SJSU) are self-sufficient and can prepare a technical report on research carried individually.

Topic of the Report

History, evolution, and state of the art of Solid State Drives and impact on file systems and storage systems. Some of the topics to touch include, but are not limited to: File systems for SSS, cost/performance evaluation, competing technologies, applications, advantages and disadvantages.


Compare SSD with HD. What is the impact on the design of file systems.

Annotated Bibliography

Add a list of references to all the publications that you used in preparing your report (in cases where there are too many, include only the major references). For each reference include a couple of sentences that describe the major contributions of that reference.

Some Paper Search Tools

SJSU Library IEEE Digital Library Siteseer Google Scholar

Due Date

Project is due on April, 18, 2013 (class start time). You must hand a hardcopy and also deposit in d2la single word or PDF file. Progress report (no grade) due 03/14/2013 in class (1-2 page(s) with topics researched and references)

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