Feudalism: Three Key Concepts .. Lords, Vassals, and Fiefs... The System, in Its Basic Essence, Is The

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2. Medieval era Medieval Ages flourish in Europe 500-1500A.

D In the Medieval Era, these are the important events that happened. *read slide. Additional: The Edict of Milan was a letter signed by emperors Constantine I and Licinius that proclaimed religious freedom in the Roman Empire. The letter was issued in 313, shortly after the conclusion of the Diocletianic. Additional: Emergence of great saints like Thomas Aquinas, Joan of Arc and Saint Francis of Assisi. They become a saint because they were martyrs or confessor. Feudalism: three key concepts .. lords, vassals, and fiefs...The system, in its basic essence, is the granting of land in return for military service Manor System: The manor had a set of rights between a lord and his serfs. The lord provided his serfs with farmland, protection, and housing. In return serfs farmed the lord's lands, and performed other tasks to maintain the estate. All serfs owed the lord certain duties. That included at least a few days of labor each week and a certain portion of their grain. CAPITALIST ERA Capitalism is a kind of economic system where things (property, for example) are owned by people or an individual, not by a government or communities, and where people have to work for money, so they can buy things they need or want, such as food. Capitalism mostly has a "free market" economy, which means people buy and sell things by their own judgment This is were Feudalism and Manor System fell because they did have war. Capitalism vs. church Capitalists wanted to conquer state Power because they possessed political power. Capitalism reconciled with the Church Additional: Sin of Omission: a failure to do something one can and ought to do. Explain: Why capitalist helped the church (more of a asset than a treat. Church was poor.)

INDUSTRIALIZATION is a process that happens in countries when they start to use machines to do work that was once done by people. Industrialization changes the society as it happens. During the industrialisation of a country people leave farming work to take higher paid jobs in factories in towns.

Pope Leo XIII He is known for intellectualism, the development of social teachings with his encyclical Rerum Novarum and his attempts to define the position of the Church with regard to modern thinking. He influenced Roman Catholic Mariology and promoted both the rosary and the scapular.

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