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Independent Enquirers Creative Thinkers Reflective Learners Team Workers Self Managers Effective Participators

It is these skills that w enable young people to ill enter w and adult life as confident and ork capable individuals.

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S of outcom statem et e ents (skills, behaviours and personal qualities)

Y oung people are likely to encounter skills from several groups in any one learning experience.

deciding on approach carrying out research dividing up roles presenting for maximum effect giving constructive feedback evaluating own performance

Example: A group presentation

independent enquirers creative thinkers reflective learners team workers self-managers effective participators

Independent enquirers (IE)

Organising themselves for an end of unit assessment Q&A group work / surveys Investigating / planning a menu on a budget Investigating, discussing meal times abroad Research-based projects

Team workers (TW)

Group work Group work + peer assessment Role-play Volunteering to show their work Peer assessment Supporting others

Creative thinkers (CT) Brainstorm vocabulary Plan opportunities for them to ask questions using the FLA Prepare role play in group, share ideas and create opportunities. Talking about school systems in countries of language studied + stereotypes. Different techniques for learning vocabulary (example: using linguascope) Writing frames

Self-managers (SM) Self differentiation (choose the level of worksheet) Speaking tests Group project to make video Make decision of best medium to use in presentation Meeting homework deadlines Being put into group of work.

Reflective learners (RL) Peer Assessment Set themselves some targets after assessment test or book marking. Reviewing these targets. Using role-play/power points and they have to assess each others. Reviewing targets Display work/explain, report why they chose a particular answer/justify their answers.

Effective participators (EP)

Reading strategies Peer assessment skills Pupil talk Team work/quizzes Giving opinions

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