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Lesson 3 Making the New World Outline

Total Time: 30mins 20mins 120mins Free conversation Discussion about state-building: What are three laws you think are essential for a society to work? What is a good political system? Describe the following: Anarchy Autocracy No government (no example, civil war?) Rule by an individual Monarchy Hereditary King or Queen with absolute power. (Brunei, Kuwait) - Japan is a constitutional monarchy like the UK

Dictatorship - One all powerful leader. (N.Korea) Democracy Oligarchy Rule by majority Rule by minority Meritocracy The best suited rule (Singapore intelligence, character and effort)

Plutocracy -

The wealthy rule (USA?)

Republic -

Rule by law A small group rule, but are guided by principles the the masses control. (France) Rule by religion he leaders of the state religion rule. (Iran - Muslim)

Theocracy -


Describe situation: A small Japanese island has been set aside for a social experiment. This island is to be a new nation populated by an international community of twentythousand men and women plus their children. We must decide the new laws of this country. What form of government is best for this new country? Why? What is the official language? Will there be censorship? Will there be a state-religion?


Divide the class into two groups and hand-out the question sheets. Each group must answer the remaining questions without consulting the other group.

These questions will be: Who will be allowed to immigrate? What will the education system be like? - Will there be compulsory education until a certain age? Who will be allowed to marry? - At what age? - Man to man/woman to woman? - only man to woman? Will the people be allowed to carry a gun? Will there be the death penalty? What other things will be important in your country? What is your countrys name?


Discussion time: We will tackle the questions one at a time, each group giving their opinion and the reasons why they hold that view. I will write each groups answers on the board.

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