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What are the risks?

Not paying attention to where youre stepping, being too focused on the camera and falling down the stairs. Hanging the camera around your neck, which could lead to strangulation. Walking through the park to get to Solihull, putting ourselves and the equipment at risk. The tripod may be positioned in front of a fire exit, which, in the case of a fire could be lethal. Bags may be left unattended or in dangerous positions around the room which can lead to someone tripping and injuring themselves or a bag being stolen. Eating or drinking near the computer which could cause damage. Trespassing in dangerous places attempting to get a shot of something.

Who is affected? From 1 10 how hazardous is it? The person who is carrying the camera and perhaps people who are in the near vicinity who could be crushed. 6/10 The person who is carrying the camera. 5/10 Whoever is carrying the equipment and those who are with them. 7/10 Those who are inside the room with the fire exit blocked. 8/10 Those who are walking around and those who have valuable property. 6/10

What can be done to reduce the risk? Pay attention to your surroundings.

Be responsible when carrying the camera.

Take alternative safer routes into Solihull, for instance the route the bus follows. Make sure the fire exits are not obstructed when filming. Make sure all bags are left in a responsible way, but in sight so they are safe. Leave valuables unattended at own risk. Keep all food away from the computers.

Whoever spilt the drink. 6/10

Whoever is trespassing. 8/10

Do not walk into places of which you are not supposed to. Stick to the recommended places your teacher suggests.

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