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Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 57 Filed 01/27/13 Page 1 of 3

AO33tl lRe! 06/09)





s,lilbm ion.orobccbor$pern




Gdnols el al

Civil Action
Electoral College el al (lllhe acti{D,rt


ano$erdisdcr. stalc Nh.k*:

is pcndinA in




Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka 86ck (Barry) Soebarkah

Pro(luctk) : YCU ARE COMMANDED lo produce at rhe time. dare, and place ser loih belo\,! rhe foltowing documents. electronically stored informarion, or objects, and permit lheir inspclion, copying, testing, or sampling ofthe materiali True and correct certited copy ol your passport used to travel to pakistan between 1981-1983, true and coffect ceftilied copy ofyour birth cedilicale issued by lhe Kapiolani Hospital and kept on llte in the Kapiotani hospitelsince 1961, tru and conect ceriified copy of your certificate and the mjcrofilm of your typewritten original birih certificat issued in August 1961, see additionat page
Place: Law offices ofOry Taitz 29839 Santa lvargarita pkwy. ste 100

Datc and Time:

BaElo qelblargarita,

CA 92688



O ipection ol Prcdiscsr YOU ARE COMMANDED lo pcrmit ent.y onto the designated premjses, tand, or olher property possessed or controlled by you at the time. date. and location set forth below, so that the requestjng parrmay inspect, measure, survey, photogmph. test, or sample the propeny orany designaled object oroperation on il.




The provisions olFed. R. Civ. P. 45(c). rclaling to your protection as a person subject lo a subpoena, and Rule 45 (d) and (e), relaring to your duq-' to respond lo this subpocna and rhe potential consequences ofnot doing so, are







ii,k ", D"p'ii a*k'

< /a-"ft'

plaintiffs The name. addrcss, e-rnail. and telephone numblr of the attorney representi ng h'otne oJ who ilsucs or requests rhis subpoena. are:
Orly Taitz 29839 Santa l\rargarita, ste 100, Rancho santa Margarita, CA 92688 949-68'5411

Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 57 Filed 01/27/13 Page 2 of 3

Additional page to subpoena Additional documents requested: Certified copy ofthe registration at the Occidentalcollege showing your citizenship, certified copy of the ss-5 application to the connecticut SocialSecurity number 042-68-4425, which you used in your 2009 Tax Retulns, posted by you on on April 15,2010, but which was neverassigned to you
according to E-Verify and 55NVs, School registration for schoolyears 1967-1969 showingyour citizenship, certified copy ofa passport received byyou when you were removed from your mother's passport on August 13, 1968, any and all lndonesian passports and any and all lndonesian immigration and naturalization papers issued to you, any and all (enyan passports and any and all Kenyan

immigratjon and naturalization papers jssued to you, any and all British passports and any and all British immigration and naturalization papers issued to you.

Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 57 Filed 01/27/13 Page 3 of 3


subpo !

ro Pnrlucc Docuncnls. lnromrlion, or{)$Jecisor lo

Pmn lrsp6non olPr.mi$s rnaCirilAction(lagc


Fcderal Rule ofCi! il Proccdure 45 (c). (d). and (e) (8ffctive l2ll/07r
(c) Protcclinga Persotr Subj*t to { Slbpoctr,lll'1q Ua.lue Bu len or Eryent.; Snctiots, A p.lnt nt aiorney responsiblc lbr issling and scNing d subpoen! must lake rcasonablc srcps lo avoid imposing undue burdrn orexpcn$on a pni)n subjccl to thc subpoena. The issuing coun mustenlorcc this dul) and inpo$ an npprcpriutc soctbn {hich hay i,rclude kEt eaminSs dnd rcrerable rttome) s on a pa4 or anornc)

(d) Dtrli.s in R.sponding lo, Subpoenr. (t) Ptolucitg Docuta.nts ot Eleamicall! Stot h{on,tdiod. 'lhc$ prcccdurcs apply tr) prodwing docwents or e lectronicauy (A),lj. A pc6on spondin8 ro a subpocna to prcduce documcnls must producc lhem as Lhel arc kept in lhe ordinsry cours of busiress or must o8an i|E ed ldbelilem to cotrespond lo the catcgorics in lhe demand. \Bl I:otu fat I'rodutihg t,ler ttori.a Uy Stotu.l lhhttudtia,l\o1 srE.ita./. lra subpena does nor speci$ a ldm lbr producins rlectrcnicauy slorcd inlbmation.lhc peaon rcsFrnding nust trcducc;1in a lbm or lbrms in rvhich ir h ordinaril) nainl0i.edor

tes s or



to P.o.luce


Pcmtit lnsputiot

docunrenrs. clccLro icnlly siorcd int_omation. ortdgible things. o. 10 J)emit the inspcction ofprcmises. ncd not apped in pcren aL lhe plate ofpruducrion orinspcrior commanded Io.ppte lbr a deposition. hnrins. or risl. (B) Oblc(/io6 A pelson connaidod to pnrduce docunrentsor


;pryordnce tot Requircd A pcmn co$hdddd to produ.c

latrgiblc lhingsorlo l'emil inspccltun ma] $rvc on lhc par!'or atlomcy dcsiSnated in thc subpocnad \rritten objection 1o irspectinS. copyinS. teslirg(x samplin8d, or alloithc matcriah or to inspecting rhe p.cmi*s- or to producine cle.lronicalll iorud nrtbmariorr in ft. lbrm or lbrms rcqucsted. The oblecLn)r Dust h. servcd belbrc thee,}rlie.ollhc tine spccified lor$nplidccor l4 days afle.lhe subF*na is *Bed.lfan obieclion is madc. the

pan) ma] movc $c issuins court tbr

{i) Atany rime. on nolicc lo


connudcd penon.lhe scNirs

orddr compclline predlclion

ac$ ma) be rcquiredonly nsdirccted in the ordcr. md prorcct a pcr$n $lo is neifter a parq. no. a panl s ollicer signilicnnt expe sc rsultine from conpliance (3\ Quast'tns ot Modifriag a Sabpoeae (A) tl tun Req"n !.1 On tine l'.. mor nrl fi. issuing courl m$r qu{sh or $odiiy r subpocna that: (i) lirilslo alldv i eNnablelimc !) complyi (ii) requires a pcNon $ho is ncilhe. a pad) nor a pan)_s ollir to ftavl norc fian 100 milcs lrom whcre that pcuon rusides, is employed, orrcgularlJ trarlsaols busiDcss in pcrson xccpt thalsubjccr lo Rule 45(c)(3)(B )( iii). $e p$son ma) be commmdcd ro aiiLnd atridlby travelinE liom my such placc within thc stalo whcre


rhc orddr



requires disclosurc

no exccpR,n or

ol privilc8ed or othcr prctcctcd mattcr *aivcr apnlics: or


rh. expcn s ruoJ rhcr $d' nor kqu(scd 5) 0 nal) .' (iii) ancMn \vho isrcilherapany norapadr'solficdto incur $bstandalcrpene t) ImrlmoE than 100 nilcs to ancnd rial. lcJ Spec iliins Con.litens os ,, /1 reddrive. ln the circunshnccs dcscribed in Rule15(cxlXl)). the coon may- inslend olquashins or modirying rsubpocnq o.der appeamnce or PrcdDclion utdc. spccilicd condilions iftlc scrvi.g p$1y: {i)shoss a suhstantialnccd lor lhc testimon} or maLc.ialthat .annor beorhc i$ met wirhou u.doc ha.dship: and (ii) cnsures thatlhc subpocnaed pcNn {illbe roasonab\

(iv) subiecaa Bil\on to unduc burder. pR lecl a pc6on suhjccl lo or afldd b) asubpoena. the issuingcoun may. on notion. quash ormodiry the subpoena il it.equjrcs: (i) disclosirs u lndc $crcr ororhcr confidcntial rcscadh. dcvelopDcnt. or commcrcial iDiornfl ior: (ii)di$losins an unretainederpcn s opirion or intbrurion lhal docs nor dcscribe spccific occucnces ir distutcand rcsults from

lB, I'hen Pe tiued To

in a Ba$nabl) usable lom or loms. (Cl ElectrDnicott! stored tnIortuatun Produted in o boh! lhe peaon respondine nccd notproducc the stunc eletronically srorcd iniomration more thd onc lbm. (p\ hld..esihle Etectro ically Stated lkfotu@tiar. lcson respondirg need noiptuvidc discovcry ol clcolronicallr slorud infornation fmm eurccs thaL thc per$n idenlifics ,$ ml rcrembly loessiblc bccause ofundue burden or cosl. On rnotion to compel dismvcry or ldrs proteclile ord.r. Lhe pcrsrn rcspondirg mlst sho* that lhe inlbmarion isnot aaenablr eccssiblc be.aueol-lnduc is made. thc coud may nonethcless burden or cost. lf thal shov 'ng orderdiscolery lbn such eurccs iithc ruqucsling paar slNrvs g@d cau$- Nnsiderine lhelimilatiodol Rulc26(b)(2XC). Ihe coud may specili condnionsfor the disovry. (2) Cloinir| I'tivilege ot PtucLtiott, (Al h,fordalio, u-i hel.l. A pcrsoD \rnhholdite subrsnaed infoin0tio. undcraclaim rhat it is prililcged or subjcct lo nrotectbn 6 lrial-preparulion matcrial nrusr: (i) e\prcsly nake rhe claim: and (ii) dcscibe lhc ndrurc oi the sithheld do.umcn$. enDunicatjons. ortdgible rhines in amannerth . without rc!aling infomalion it*lf privilcScd or prclccted. will enable dE partics lo a$css thc claim. (B) InlbMatuD l,oduced.lf infomation produccd in response to u subpoenn is subjcct lo a c'aim olp.ivileee o. of prolcclion as rialprepamtion nalcrial. the peson making the clairn may noliti ant pan} $nl received thc inlbmalion ol$e claiD and the basis ibr n. After bcine notific( apao DUi promprly elum. *qucsie.. or dcstro) lhe specitied inlomalion and my copics it has: must nol usc Drdisclo*-the intoimatior unlil c claim is rcsolvcd: DUsl lake rcNnable scps to ellicve the inldmarion ifthc put! di$loa'd it brlorc bcin8 nolifiedr snd may prcmp1ly prcscnt tho infomation to the cour under seallor { delernination otlhc claim. The Nrson eho poduc.'d $c infomation n(Bl pr-*rvc rhe iniorurion unril



(e) Con(empt 'llc issuing coun may hold in ontcnpr a pMn sho. having bccn sewcd. lails wirhout adcquatoxcuse lo obey thc subpoet)a- A nonpary-s Iailuc 10 dbey musLbccxcuscd i1-lhc subpcna purports ro requirc rhe nonptrl' to ficnd or producc at a plee outside tho lirnits ol RDlc 45(c)(l)(AXii).

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