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Deleuze: A Philosophy of the Event

Together with The Vocabulary of Deleuze

Franois Zourabichvili
Edited by Gregg Lambert and Daniel W. Smith Translated by Kieran Aarons
A new edition of Zourabichvilis seminal works, published together for the first time. This edition makes available in a single volume Zourabichvilis most important writings on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze: A Philosophy of the Event (1994) and Deleuzes Vocabulary (2003). More than simply defining terms, Zourabichvili uses the form of the glossary to stage a series of pointed confrontations within contemporary Continental philosophy. Its pages are as filled with polemics against Deleuzes hasty disciples and avid competitors as much as refutations of Deleuzes critics and detractors. Moreover, Zourabichvili makes an essential contribution to the ongoing debates of Deleuzes philosophy by singling out the three most controversial topics: univocity, creative vitalism and the event. From the publication of his Deleuze: A Philosophy of the Event (PUF, 1994, 2004) until his untimely death in 2006, franois zourabichvili was regarded as one of the most important new voices in contemporary philosophy in France and one of Deleuzes most prominent commentators.
gregg lambert is Deans Professor of Humanities at Syracuse University, U.S.A. Co-editor of Deleuze Studies, he is author of The Non-Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze (Continuum, 2002), Whos Afraid of Deleuze and Guattari? (Continuum, 2006), In Search of a New Image of Thought: Gilles Deleuze and Philosophical Expressionism (University of Minnesota Press, 2012) and, with Ian Buchanan, co-editor of Deleuze and Space (EUP, 2005). daniel w. smith is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University and one of the worlds leading commentators on Deleuze. He has translated his work, edited collections and written numerous articles on Deleuze. kieran aarons is a fellow at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

$130.00 $40.00

cloth 978-0-7486-4562-6 paper 978-0-7486-4585-5

new directions in deleuze studies

2012 256 pages



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