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Location Graveyard (Title) (Title) *Fade in*



A close up on a red rose being held and ddled with nervously by dirty hands. *Fade out* (Title) *Fade in* A close up on a bike wheel swerving around on the pavement. *Fade out* (Title) *Fade In* Close up of a side corner of a grave *shaky camera shot* Whilst showing the production company in the corner in formal writing. Another grave stone close up then panned to show the scenery of more gravestones. Another shot of a church tilted up to worms eye view displaying the roof and shape of the building. *Fade out* (Title of the Film) *Fade in* A long shot of a women standing in front of a grave stone placing owers on a grave and staying a while

*Soundtrack* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Video The protagonist comes into the frame at the corner to a sudden stop as he is startled by the women. He turns around hesitantly whilst the camera is tracking him to the gate A view of the sky and the horizon is shown and it arcs to show the view.

Audio *wheels from the bike and brakes squeak* shit

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