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portfolio is a collection of work from the first half of the school year. It is a representation of you and your learning during this time. Requirements: 1. Introductory Letter. Tell the reader about yourself and what they will find in your portfolio. It should contain a total of four paragraphs. Include a separate paragraph for each of the following: 1. Who are you and what are you like in school? 2. How have you improved since the beginning of the school year? 3. Describe your goals for the rest of the school year and how you plan to achieve them. 4. Give the reader a summary of what he or she will be seeing in your portfolio. 2. Work Samples: Your portfolio should include 3 pieces of work. One piece must be from either Language Arts or G2G. The others can be from any core or specials class that you attend. 1. Choose one piece of work that is evidence of something that you have done well. Explain why you did well on it and why you are especially proud of it. 2. Choose one piece of work that demonstrated something that you found challenging, need improvement on, or want to learn more about. Explain why you selected the specific piece and include the supporting details that address one of the above. 3. Choose one piece of work that you enjoyed completing. Explain what subject area it was from and why you enjoyed completing it. 3. Presentation: 1. Illustrate the cover of your portfolio that best depicts you and your personality. 2. Include a table of contents.

3. Be sure that your work is neat and that it represents the best that you can do. 4. Have the parent feedback form signed and returned.

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