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Timely Tips for Achieving Peace of Mind

Autumn is just around the corner and with September comes scheduling changes for self and family members. By taking time to get organized we can save ourselves and those around us unnecessary aggravation and distress. Incorporating these suggestions will help you achieve peace of mind even in the midst of busyness. With intention and attention to finding your peace, others will feel the greater calm too. 1. Spiritual practices of prayer and daily devotional reading set the stage for the day. Make time after arising to meditate and affirm your intention for the day: My mind is peaceful throughout the whole day. I radiate peace around me. I speak politely and with a smile. I choose to act peacefully as God is with me in all that I do. 2. When you receive work or school schedules, practice/game, meeting or lesson times, write the dates and locations immediately on a calendar. Highlight important events to make them stand out. Families need a posted Communications Calendar so that everyone has access to what is going on when. 3. Place backpacks, briefcases, band instruments, sporting gear, anything necessary for the next day by the door you will exit the night before. Lunches and wardrobe can be prepared before going to bed to save time and prevent last minute rush. 4. Prevent getting sidetracked. Get everything done so you are ready to walk out the door. Then take the remaining time to read the paper, watch television, work a Sudoku. Children will get their morning responsibilities done quickly if they know that once they have dressed, eaten breakfast, brushed teeth, and combed hair they will get to watch cartoons or play with electronics. Dawdling will diminish in an effort to get to the reward. 5. Allow for extra travel time. If it is a 20 minute ride to your destination, allow 5 to 10 extra minutes so you are not rushed. Not hurrying and speeding promotes peace and prevents tickets! 6. Get in the habit of placing all keys in a central location such as a basket by the door. Think of all the time and stress you will save by not having to frantically search for the keys! ONE CANNOT FIND PEACE IN WORK OR IN PLEASURE, IN THE WORLD OR IN A CONVENT, BUT ONLY IN ONES SOUL. W. Somerset Maugham If you need assistance in finding peace of mind, call your EAP. (219) 662-3730 or 1-800-747-7262

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