Wedding Poem

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The Wedding Poem By Rondi Barry Wagener A man and a woman begin life on opposite sides of the world.

Oblivious to the future the Lord has in store. Praying, "Grant me salvation, Your mercy and kindness." "Show me Lord, Your way and Your will." Then comes the Lord' answer, "Be still." The journey began as a concert of joyous endeavors; hopes and dreams and of all things seen. Followed by disappointment and life's hard lessons. Praying, "Father in Heaven, what's happening here?" The Lord then answers, "Be Still." From joy to sorrow to indecision, Pain and confusion and scars abound, Praying, "My Jesus, my Lord! What is all of this for? What is the reason? What does it mean?" The Lord then answers, "Be still." In one voice the man and woman pray, "We hear You Lord, and we are still." The Lord responds, "I will now tell you My will. From the beginning of time, it has been the same. My will has always been for you to become changed. To glorify My name and draw others to Me. To be My treasure and My children, to always count on Me. Just be still." Together they pray, "We hear you Lord, please tell us more!" The Lord responds, "For you, I open a new door. A new start, a new journey, a new love, who is also My child and whom I adore. Over thousands of miles, I brought you together, and now woman to this man, you are now tethered. I have challenged you, chastised you, and molded your will. I have changed you for this moment for My glory, be still." This gift I give you, have the desires of many hearts wanted. This gift is for each of you, an answered prayer, a request undaunted. Remember the trials that you faced and how you trusted in Me. Remember your life before and how I have changed everything. Remember Me every day and speak to Me constantly, for from the moment I brought you together, to each other, you will represent Me. Man, look upon this woman. Woman, look upon this man. I give you desire or each other. I give you pleasures to be had.

I am the center of your being, the threshold of your marriage. I am the tie that binds you together. I am the perfect carriage. In the midst of your joys, remember Me. In the midst of your trials, there I will be. In every moment of every day, remember I made the way. If you can't hear Me when I speak, then STILL, is what you must be."

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