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The Importance of Recycle Plastic Containers!!

The wastes of plastic containers, it has become one of the factories that generate more pollution in the world, because each year produced 200 million tons of plastic and less than 4% is recycled and degradation process can last more 500 years. An example of this, is the famous garbage island or soups plastic in the Ocean Pacific, a zone of sea covered of wastes, it which is estimated to have a size of 1.4 million km . This Ocean dump is characterized by have concentrations of suspended plastic. Searching answers at this problematic, in different countries of Latin America have made awareness campaigns and efficient use of plastic, like in Guatemala, where they have built seven schools, through the art of eco-bricks that are filling bottles plastic with trash. The same is true in Mexico and Bolivia with houses for low income sectors. Now in Colombia, thanks to an alliance between Agua Brisa y Carrefur, have been implemented more than 10 points different ecomachines chain through the campaign "Join the movement Breeze", it which invites consumers to deposit bottles plastic for recycling. Each person placing the containers on these machines, are you going to give points to redeem for purchases in stores of Carrefour and other awards, and incentives to protect the environment through the efficient use of these bottles.

This camapaign seeks raise environmental awareness with small actions that generate large changes in the community, in this case with the proper recycling of plastic bottles. Recent research has shown that the plastic pollutes more than cardboard. We should use a recycle system in each home and too to believe in yourself the habit of not throwing plastic on the floor, it's time to change, not all life will be the same! It is appropriate now! 1

Erika Jiseth Pea Garca.

Revista Ambiental Catorce 6.

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