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Aura Protection Exercise Shared by Andean Healer Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta from Cusco, Peru

Purpose: The Aura protection exercise offers a daily practice that provides centering, grounding, a connection to the Cosmos & Mother Earth as well as creating a lter that allows only energy that is in harmony with YOU and what you NEED to enter your auric eld while protecting you from energy that is not in harmony with WHO YOU TRULY ARE. It is recommended to practice the aura protection exercise in the morning facing the direction of the rising sun and at night before going to bed. It can also be used at anytime during the day to re-centre and ground yourself or to clear your energy eld. Additional notes: This exercise can also be done in silence with only visualizing and internalizing the mantras if it is not possible to do physically or out loud. It can also be used to support others as you can create an aura protection for them (i.e. a small child). There are 3 parts to the exercise: #1: Violet ray visualization throughout the body - giving gratitude and thanks #2: Blue crystal visualization - invoking guidance, protection and faith #3: Golden ame serpent- invoking blessings and the sacred re in love while stating your divine action and intention

Part 1: Violet Ray - giving gratitude and thanks

Stand with your feet planted rmly on the ground about a hips width apart. Take a deep, relaxing breath and visualize a radiant violet ray that travels through all of your body. Become the violet ray. Hands are held together down below just in front of your 1st and 2nd chakra (navel area) in a mudra position where the forengers and thumbs touch together, with remaining ngers touch their mirror image in a V shape. When you look down at your hands the shape looks like an inverted heart. Say out loud: (and later can also be said as a silent mantra) My aura is sealed (Bringing hands to heart continuing in mudra.) My aura is protected (Bringing hands high above the head continuing in mudra.) Nothing and no one may enter my aura. (Hands separate and come down in a gentle arc along the sides of the body to meet again at the front of your body in the beginning position.)

Then separate hands and extend to the sides of the body in receiving posture, palms up with thumb and forenger remaining connected: Say: On this day I give thanks for: (this part can be personalized but should be spoken in this order) Mother/Father God for this gift of my life The gift of this sacred day and this present For being here in this time and space For my physical temple and body For my spiritual temple and essence, my breath For my mental temple and body...for the clarity of my thoughts and mind For my family For my Ayllu (Community) For my Ancestors For my friends and all of my relations (and whomever else you or whatever else you would like to thank this day for being a part of your life) For this new day (in the morning) or for all the gifts of today (in the evening) Bring that sincere thankfulness to your heart with your hands, then make a prayer position with the hands and kiss hands and then blow this positive energy up and out into the universe.

Part 2: Blue Crystal - invoking guidance and protection

Visualize yourself as a radiant violet ray inside a beautiful blue crystal that is shaped like a 3D diamond, where the point above your head touches the Cosmos and the point under your feet anchors and connects you to Mother Earth. Say out loud: (and later can also be said as a silent mantra) My aura is sealed (Bringing hands to heart continuing in mudra.) My aura is protected (Bringing hands above head continuing in mudra.) Nothing and no one may enter my aura. (Hands separate and come down in a gentle arc along the sides of the body to meet again at the front of your body in the beginning position.) Then separate hands and extend to the sides of the body in receiving posture, palms up: Say: (Again, this part can be personalized but should be spoken in this order) I invoke Mother and Father God, I invoke the Celestial Beings of the 7 Rays, I invoke the Archangels and Angels I invoke (for example) Apu Mount Seymour and Apu Grouse Mountain and all nearby Apus of the North. (Can say two or three names of the local mountains or mountains that are important to you and then say generally the Apus of the North) * Note Apu is the word for Mountain Spirit in the Quechua-language

I invoke (for example) Apu Machu Picchu and Apu Ausangate (Again, can say two or three names of mountains in the South and then generally say and the Apus of the South) I invoke the Sacred Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire I invoke the Spirits of the Plants I invoke the Spirits of the Animals I invoke the Spirits of the Ancestors (and then include any other guardians and Masters/ Beings of light that you would like to invoke on this day to support you) Bring that sincere thankfulness to your heart with your hands, then make a prayer position with the hands and kiss hands and then blow this positive energy up and out into the universe.

Part 3: Golden ame serpent- invoking blessings

Visualize yourself as a radiant violet ame in a beautiful blue crystal and then visualize a serpent the colour of gold ame, spiraling around your body from the base to the top. Make the spiraling motion with your hands in a clockwise direction as you say out loud: My aura is sealed. (spiraling your hands) My aura is protected. (This time bringing hands above head and pointing the ngers straight ahead (not up this time) to resemble the serpent's head resting protectively above your head.) Nothing and no one may enter my aura. (Hands separate and come down in a gentle arc along the sides of the body to meet again at the front of your body in the beginning position.) Then with hands separate and extend to the sides of the body in receiving posture, palms up: State with conviction and intent: (In the Quechua language rst, pronounced as follows): Nee-yo Kan Kani (I am), Nee-yo Kan Kani (I am), Nee-yo Kan Kani (I am) the Divine Presence of God in Action. And on this day I invoke blessings of: (this can also be personalized and here are some examples of what you may wish to invoke) Good fortune, Good economy, Health, Joy, Friendship, Harmony, Abundance and Sharing(any other blessings you would like to invoke on this day) Bring that sincere thankfulness to your heart with your hands, then make a prayer position with the hands and kiss hands and then blow this positive energy up and out into the universe. Take a deep breath and a moment to receive all of the blessings and protection of the Aura Protection Exercise. Questions? Please contact Jhaimy at: Copyright 2010 Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta & Children of the Seven Rays. All rights reserved. May not be copied or distributed without prior written permission.

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