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Joaquin Rodriguez

Review of my Surrelist Project

I was satisfied with my collage because it clearly was surreal which was the point of the collage. I think it is succesful in some ways, for example, it makes the concept of surrea l easy tu understand. I think it was not succesful in showing my real skills on Photoshop because I may have done too simple. Apart from the background (landscape), my collage included 7 pictures. I placed them i n a unique way by making them look nonesense and I also madesure they had no relatio nship with the sorrounding pictures. I did not use a very big range of tools for this project because I had some problems and I had touse an online version of Photoshop which did not had a very big range of tools. T o cut complex pictures out of their respective background I used the Magnetic Lasso too l. To blend images in I used the blending images effect. If I had time for improvements I would change the general color of the piece and make i t look darker. I would also blend the images better to mame them look more realistic an d more united to the background. If I did this project again I would choose more realistic pictures rather that the ones I ch ose that look like a cartoon. I would use more tools and less quantity of colors so it does not look overloaded.

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