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Slides 1-6 MY PART introduction

Slide 7-9 (after presenting of vid) So that is the concept of google glass... the augmented reality glass Google got the inspiration in creating such prototype from the movie Iron man Tony stark in the movie represents the future of technology as you can see in this picture he is wearing a glass which looks like the google glass itself Imagine the function of a smartphone such as iphone and the function of a camera in just one device...we then have the google glass

Slide 11 Features of google glass includes gyro and an accelerometer... gyro and accelerometer can also be found in iphones... gyroscopes are used for finding the position and orientation of devices.
The accelerometer allows the device of Smartphone to detect the orientation of the device and adapts the content to suit the new orientation. Google glass is equipped with Bluetooth in order to connect it with cellular phones...wifi to upload pictures taken directly from the glass and as said awhile ago it can pair with android devices

Slide 12 Google glass has a microphone in order to detect sound whenever a person wants to talk to someone and also it recognizes command through its voice recognition. It has a camera with video function in order for people to capture every single moment that meets their eyes. the
integral front facing camera will enable information about your surroundings to be fired onto the display. It also has a heads up display which means that it presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. This can be compared to a television.

Slide 13 Slide 15-16 (sa may notes part ng ppt paki summarize nalang) Slide 18 (sa may notes part ng ppt paki summarize nalang)

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