On Okra Pinching To Improve The Yields

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of manual Topping in OKRA ,Nipping of vegetative branches of female plants after crossing period in cotton

Acquaintance of manual Topping in OKRA

TOPPING- a plant refers to cutting off the top shoot(s) of plants. Cut the branch stem just below the last fully developed node, The plant starts developing branches at the remaining nodes. This is a good techniques to keep a plant short and bushy. The topping is a common technique followed in case of OKRA to overcome APICAL DOMINANCE ,in turn to enhance the lateral development which considerably encourages the FRUITING AREA . -

Reasearch reports on Effect of TOPPING of on seed yield of OKRA

1.Apical topping is an well known practice for breaking the apical dominance in some vegetative crops including OKRA, It encourages lateral growth thereby increase the potential PODING area . (Gujar &Srivatsava,1972) 2.Franco &Ortegn (1997)- found out that better pod & seed yield by PRUNNING. 3.Sajjan et,al., (2002)-stated in their research grown in India thatApical bud pinching resulted in significantly higher processed seed yield (1078Kg/ha) , while seed yield was lowest in the control treatment (586.7Kg/ha) 4.Similar results were obtained by Reddy et.al.,(1997) at UAS Banglore.

5.ARKA ANAMICA- In kharif , the apical pinching showed significant influence on growth parameters , yield attributes , seed yield and quality . The apical topping of okra plants at 20DAS resulted in significant decrease in plant height but significantly increased no. of leaves per plant, LAI compared to pinching at 30DAS and control, similar trend was also observed in Rabi

Nipping of vegetative branches of female plants after crossing period in cotton

The process of nipping hinders the apical dominance & shifts the nutrients to the developing bolls at the beneath .

The nipping tip of vegetative branches encourages the better development of bolls & hence their will be bigger seed further more there will be good seed recovery



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