TE 3000 Principles of Communications - Assignment IV

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Assumption University Faculty of Engineering TE 3000 Principles of Communications Semester 2/2012 Assignment IV Due 28/01/13

1. For a message signal m(t) = 0.4sin(20t) 0.6sin(30t), and a carrier signal c(t) = 10cos(2000t), the AM signal can be found in the form of u(t) = 10[1+am(t)]cos(2000t): a. b. c. d. e. Sketch the power spectrum of the message signal m(t). Find the power of m(t). For a = 0.5, sketch the power spectrum of the modulated signal. For a = 0.5, find the power efficiency. For a = 1.0, find the power efficiency.

2. An AM modulator has an output u(t) = 40cos(2000t) + 5cos(1980t) + 5cos(2020t). Determine the modulation index and the efficiency. 3. Suppose a single-tone message with frequency 1 kHz is modulated by AM, and SNR at an AM superheterodyne receiver is found to be 30 dB. It is discovered that the bandwidth of the receiver is 8 kHz. What would be the SNR if the bandwidth of the receiver is reduced to be 4 kHz? 4. Draw block diagrams of AM superheterodyne receiver and FM superheterodyne receiver. 5. An FM modulator has an output u (t ) 10cos(2 f c t 2 f d m( )d ) , where fd = 20 Hz/V.
0 t

Assume that m(t) is the rectangular pulse as shown below: a. b. c. d. e. Sketch the phase deviation in radians. Sketch the frequency deviation in Hertz. Determine the peak frequency deviation in Hertz. Determine the peak phase deviation in radians. Determine the power at the modulator output.

m(t) 8

t 0 2 4 6

6. An FM modulator is shown below, with carrier frequency fc = 1000 Hz, and frequency deviation constant fd = 14 Hz/V. Let m(t) = 5cos(20t): Input Signal m(t) a. b. c. d. e. FM Output Signal u(t)

fd fc Determine the modulation index. Is this narrowband FM or wideband FM? Why? Sketch, approximately to scale, the magnitude spectrum of u(t). What is the bandwidth of u(t) according to the Carsons rule? Suppose that a receiver demodulates u(t) and finds that SNR = 30 dB. If the target SNR is 50 dB, FM can increase SNR by increasing the modulation index. What is the new modulation index that meets the requirement? What is the resultant bandwidth?

Note: Table of Bessel function of the first kind can be found on the course website.

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