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Assumption University Faculty of Engineering TE 3000 Principles of Communications Semester 2/2012 Assignment III Due 19/12/12

H( f ) is an ideal bandpass filter with frequency response given below. L = 1000 Hz, U = 2000 Hz: H( f ) 2

f U L 1 Input Signal X(t) H( f ) Output Signal Y(t) L U

1. If the input is AWGN with power spectral density N0/2 W/Hz: a. Find the power spectral density function SY( f ). Sketch SY( f ). b. Find the total power of the output. c. Find the signal-to-noise ratio if the input is the summation of the AWGN and the signal x(t) from Problem 2 in Assignment I. Assume N0 = 1105. 2. If the input is a WSS Gaussian process with mean X = 10, and power spectral density as shown below: SX( f ) 3 110

f (Hz) 1500 a. Find the mean of the output Y. b. Find the autocorrelation function RY(). c. Find the probability that Y(t0) > 10. 3. Find RX() of signal X(t) = Asin(2f0t + ) when is a uniform random variable between [ , ). Note: Table of probability associated with Gaussian distribution can be found on the course website. 1500

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