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TO MAKE to make = a face, a construi to make up = a se impaca; a inventa povesti (a spune minciuni); a (se) machia make up (ca subst.

) = machiaj the make up = machiajul (fie fardurile de pe fata, fie echipa de machiaj) to make smth. of = a face ceva, a construi ceva to make it to (school) = a ajunge la (scoala) to make a fuss about smth = a face tam-tam despre / in legatura cu ceva to make off = a face sex to make love = a face dragoste TO LOOK to look = a privi, a se uita, a arata ex.: Look there! = Priveste! She looks nice. = Arata dragut. to look for = a cauta to look forward to = a astepta cu nerabdare (fie e urmat de un alt vb.+ing, fie de un subst.) ex.: I am looking forward to your answer = astept cu nerabdare raspunsul tau I am looking forward to seeing you = astept cu nerabdare sa te vad to look up = a privi catre cineva (cu sensul de a lua pe cineva drept model in viata) to look down on (her / Ann) = a dispretui pe (ea / Ana) to look about = a cauta to look at = a privi la (ceva sau cineva) TO HAVE to have = a avea to have fun = a se distra to have a blast = a se distra to have a thing for = a fi indragostit(a) de TO GO to go = a merge to go on = a continua to go off = a se opri, a se stinge to go down = a cobori to go up = a urca to go upstairs = a merge la etaj to go forward = a inainta, e evolua to go backwards = a da inapoi, a regresa to go for smth. = a munci / lupta / concura ptr. ceva ex.: He is going for the finals. = Concureaza in finala. If the salary is so low, I dont know why you go for it and you dont find something else. = Daca salariu e asa mic, nu stiu de ce mai muncesti si nu iti gasesti altceva. Go for it! = Da-i inainte! (cu sensul de incurajare)

TO GET to get = a obtine to get up = a se trezi, a se ridica (din pat, de pe scaun, etc.) (spre deosebire de to wake up = a se destepta) to get off (me, her, the bed, etc.) = a se da la o parte (de pe mine, de pe ea, de pe pat, etc.) to get down = a cobori / a cadea, a ajunge / a veni, a dobori ex.: The apple got down from the tree. = Marul a cazut din copac He got the big tree down. = A dobarat copacul urias. (cu sensul de a taiat) Stop fooling around and get down here right now! = Nu te mai prosti si vino aici chiar acum! This hard life gets many people down. = Viata asta grea doboara pe multi. (cu sensul de a descuraja) to get about = a se descurca (fie pe un drum, pe o harta, etc., fie in viata) to get real = a fi serios ex.: Get real, it cant be so expensive! = Fii serios, nu poate fi atat de scump! to get ready = a fi gata to get prepared = a se pregati to get old(er) = a imbatrani to get younger = a intineri to get going = a porni (la drum) to get dark(er) = a se intuneca to get scared = a se speria to get sleepy = a i se face somn to get tired = a obosi to get rid of smth. = a scapa de ceva, a te descotorosi de ceva

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