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Classification of organisms

Monera (prokaryotae)
Unicellular organisms Have cell wall but no membrane-bound organelles and nucleus Because these organisms lack a nucleus membrane,the genetic meterial is scattered in the cytoplasm

Examples of monera

Kingdom protista includes algae and protozoa Contain nuclei and organelles that are surrounded by membranes Plant like protists like algae have chloroplast so photosynthasis occurs. They can be hterotrophic,autotrophic or both Cells of multicellular protists are not specialised to perform specific functions within the organelle.

Examples of protista

Mostly multicellular organisms but some are unicellular Cell wall contain Chitin Their bodies are made up a network of threadlike hyphae called mycelium All fungi are saprophytic No chlorophyll. Obtain energy by decomposing decaying organisms and absorbing the resulting nutrients within the organisms.

Examples of fungi

Trametes versicolor, a polyporemushroom

Immobile multicellular organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis Enclosed in cellulose cell walls Plants hace specialised tissues. (phoem,xylem)

Examples of plantae
Order: Family: Tribe: Caryoph yllales Nyctagin aceae Bougain villeeae


Bougain villea

Coconut palm Cocos nucifera

Multicellular heterotrophic organisms with well developed tissues Cells dont have cell wall Most members of the kingdom carry out locomotion Some such as barnicles are permenantly attatched Animals digest food internally Members of kingdome include mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibions and birds.

Examples of animalia

The African helmeted turtle (Pelomedusa subrufa)

Green iguanas (Iguana iguana)

Pterois radiata

Giant golden-crowned flying fox,Acerodon jubatus

Mute Swans (Cygnus olor)

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