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ninja pendisk!


This ninja program is freeware and is happy to be included or distributed by everyone interested in sharing this program. ---> What does it do? It will automagically remove any pesky virulent file found on usb pendisks that may threat your computer. Click on the tray icon and visit our webpage to tell us about new threats that should also be removed by this ninja. Nuno Brito (c) 2009 -------------------------------[history] 19= [version] updated=2010-06-08 program=1.8 [options] ; Should the popup menu be disabled so that users can't close ninja? evil_ninja=0 ; Clicking on the X button closes the program or minimizes it? no_minimize=0 ; Should ninja globally disable Windows AutoPlay? Disable_AutoPlay=0 ; Automatic clean of pendisks without asking user? Auto_Clean=1 ; How long should the result window be visible? (Using 0 will hide this window) Result_Timer=0 ; Should LAN Chat be enabled or not? Allow_Chat=0 [languages] en=How to get started?;Immunize;Plug your pendisk to the computer;If you're read y to protect your pendisk, click on the immunize button!;Exit;View configuration ;Visit homepage;LAN Chat;Add to startup;Automatic Clean;Disable AutoPlay pt=Como comear?;Imunizar;Ligue a pendisk ao computador;Se estiver pronto para com ear, clique no boto Imunizar!;Sair;Ver configurao;Visitar homepage;Chat;Adicionar ao arranque;Limpeza automtica;Desactivar AutoPlay de=Wie geht es?;Immunisieren;Stecken Sie Ihren USB-Stick in den Computer;Zum Sch

utz Ihres USB-Sticks klicken Sie auf die Schaltflche 'Immunisieren'!;Ende;Konfigu ration anzeigen;Ninja Homepage;LAN Chat;Ninja in Autostart aufnehmen;Automatisch es Immunisieren;AutoPlay deaktivieren fr=Comment dmarrer?;Vaccination;Branchez votre pendisk l'ordinateur;Si vous tes prt protger vos pendisk, cliquez sur le bouton vacciner!;Sortie;Voir la configuratio n;Visitez la page d'accueil;LAN Chat;Ajouter au dmarrage;Dsactiver AutoPlay es=Por dnde empiezo?;Inmunizar;Conecte su pendisk a lo ordenador;Si est listo para proteger su pendisk, haga clic en el botn inmunizar!;Ver configuracin;Visita la pgi na principal;LAN Chat;Aadir a startup;Desactivar AutoPlay pl=Jak zaczac?;Immunize;Po prostu wloz pendrive'a do portu USB komputera.;Jesli chcesz chronic swojego pendrive'a, kliknij przycisk Immunize.;Wyjscie;Otworz pli k konfiguracyjny;Odwiedz strone producenta;Czat przez LAN;Dodaj do autostartu;Au tomatyczne czyszczenie;Wylacz autoodtwarzanie it=Come iniziare?;Immunizza;Inserire la pen-drive nella porta USB del computer;P er proteggere la pen-drive, cliccare sul pulsante Immunizza!;Uscita;Configurazio ne;Visita la HomePage;Chat in rete LAN;Aggiungi all'avvio;Protezione automatica; Disabilita l'Autoplay br=Como comear?;Imunizar;Insira sua pendrive no computador;Se voc estiver pronto p ara proteger a sua PenDrive, clique no boto imunizar!;Sair;Configurao de exibio;Visit e a pgina oficial;Bate-papo na LAN;Adicionar na inicializao;Limpeza automtica;Desabi litar o AutoPlay -------------------------------[attrib_initial] autorun.inf=-s -h -r [file_rename] autorun.inf-->autorun.inf.old.txt [file_delete] abk.bat AdobeR.exe algsrv.exe algsrvs.exe ansil.exe ants3set.exe Au_.exe auto.exe autorun.bat autorun.bin autorun.cmd autorun.exe autorun.fcb autorun.hta autorun.ini autorun.inf AuToRUn.iNf autorun.pif autorun.reg autorun.vbs autorun.vbst autorun.wsh avpo.exe BadGirl.exe bar311.exe Bha.dll.vbs bjdenp.exe blanca de nieve.exe boot.exe

Boss Game.exe Boy and Girl.exe bqk.bat bymom.cmd c9hehpa.bat calculator.exe ccsvchst.exe cfg.exe ch.exe Cheat.exe Choose Games.exe Click Me.exe conmgr.exe copy.exe csrcs.exe ctfmon.exe cubp.bat d.cmd destrukto.vbs dh66ln.cmd dir32.exe displa~1.exe DisplayMonitor.exe displa~1.exe dmham.cmd drv32.exe dwarf4you.exe dwdiag.exe ekugb3.bat enano porno.exe ev60a2.cmd explorer.doc f.bat f.exe fbxrqtwn.exe fe.bat festas.exe FileKan.exe flashy.exe forever.exe found.000 FS6519.dll.vbs fucker.exe Fucker.vbs fun.xls.exe funnyu~1.exe flashy.exe Fucker.vbs gasretyw0.dll gasretyw1.dll

gasretyw2.dll gasretyw3.dll gi2ky.exe glxyr.cmd GoodGame.exe gphone.exe gsxlexd.cmd gumkrhf.bat h.cmd h1ahxi.bat h3hi1k3.exe h8txw.exe ha.cmd Happy New Year.exe Happy.exe happy99.exe Heap41a Heap41a.exe hidec.exe hidecexe hinhem.scr h8txw.exe host.exe hovrflst.bat Heap41a i.bat ie.exe iloveher.exe imt8.cmd imvo.exe inetsrv.exe infmgr.exe infrom.dat infvkcsy.bat ipy.cmd iq0ecwcj.cmd isi32.exe isis32.exe ixmuj.exe j.cmd j6154022.exe jfvkcsy.bat jwgkvsq.vmx k08aww.bat k0wc.cmd ka1nk.bat kagen.exe kamsoft.exe kavo.exe kavo0.dll kavo1.dll killer.exe killvbs.vbs knight.bat knight.exe killer.exe knight.exe kowc.cmd kqsr.exe krag.exe

Krnl132.exe kvxo.exe l9dwu8.bat ld.exe ldjs.txt ldlist.txt ldup.exe lgcadwx.bat links.vbs life_stages.txt.shs love-letter-for-you.htm love-letter-for-you.txt.vbs lsasse~1.exe lvpwmgh.exe Macromedia_Setup.exe Make More Money.exe maskrider2001.vbs maskrider2001.vbs McRegWizz.exe mdm.exe MDM.exe Merry.exe MicroAV.cpl MicrosoftPowerPoint.exe mje12tni.exe mka.bat mmc.exe movie.avi.pif MP3.exe ms32dll.dll.vbs MS32DLL.DLL.VBS ms.config`.exe MS-DOS.EXE MSDOS.EXE msfun80.exe msime82.exe mspowerpoint.exe msrm.exe msvcr71.dll Music.exe mydocu~1.exe My Game.exe My Letter.exe My Music.exe My Picture.exe My Resume.exe mydocu~1.exe Nail.exe network.vbs New Folder.exe New_Folder.exe NewFolder.exe noskrnl.exe np.exe

nqhywz.exe nsv.bat ntconf~1.exe ntconf~2.exe ntde1ect.bat ntdelect.bat ntkros.dll ntsys.exe NTSys.exe New Folder.exe noskrnl.exe o4154027.exe o9o2u.bat obc3wrq3.bat ohniko.pif oka3yrf.bat omue.exe oso.exe oufddh.exe otup.cmd otup.pif pagefile.exe pagefile.pif passwo~1.exe passwo~1.exe password_viewer.exe pc-off.bat pendrive.exe PenHouse.exe photos~1.exe photos.exe portsv.exe planet.exe PlayBoy.exe portsv.exe pretty park.exe prettypark.exe Question.exe Ravmon.exe RavMonE.bat ravmone.exe RavMonE.exe RECYCLER.exe reg32.exe regsvr.* regsvr.exe rkverify.exe romantic.exe rqq2v.bat rundll32.exe runmgr.exe RVHost.exe sample.exe scam32.exe

scvvhsot.exe semo2X.exe semo2X.exe setup.exe Sex Picture.exe sexy virgin.scr sirc32.exe so7.exe soundmix.exe south park.exe spoclsv.exe spools.exe sscviihost.exe svchost.exe svchost.ini svhost.exe svhost32.exe sxs.exe sy.exe sys32.exe System Volume Information.exe tavo0.dll tavo1.dll tel.exe.vbs tel.xls.exe temp1.exe temp2.exe tffbc tffbc.pif tigi.cmd tjphl.pif tqdm.cmd True or False.exe ttms*.dll.vbs tune.vbs tuvWpOih.dll u.bat uqbojulr.bat v2h3.exe vahuvr vahuvr.pif VBS_RESULOWS.A vfjc8mxm.exe vibp.cmd vknt.tmp vldify.exe vlvtdflx.exe vmmgr.exe vt6e.cmd wgkvsq.vmx windows.scr winext.exe winstart.bat wkcay8u.cmd wscript.exe x.exe

xmss.exe wupc.exe wvUoPigg.dll x.exe xcopy.exe xj.bat xlu8a8sy.exe xmss.exe Y[/font]UR2C8.exe yo2mq6.exe YUR1.exe YUR2C7.exe YUR2C9.exe zipped_files.exe

[folder_delete] Recycled Recycler [folder_create] autorun.inf autorun.inf\con\ autorun.inf\Nul.protected\ [attrib_finish] autorun.inf=+s +h +r

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