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Business Analysis & Information Engineering

Final Report



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1. Introduction 2. Intended Audience 3. Business Problem 4. Goals 5. User Personas 6. System Features 7. Class Diagram 8. Activity Diagram 9. Mock Screens 10.Use cases 11.References

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EBSCO has served the library industry for more than 60 years. EBSCO provides customers with an integrated service that combines reference databases, subscription management, online journals, books, linking services and A-to-Z solutions. As part of its strategy, EBSCO has decided to upgrade its system for elementary students, which is called Searchasaurus.

The companys core business is providing online databases via its proprietary software, EBSCOhost, to libraries. EBSCO provides over 350 full-text and secondary databases. Content for these databases include full-text journals, magazines, books, monographs, reports, ebooks, business book summaries and various other publication types.

The company provides a solution to create a unified, customized index of an institution's information resources, and a means of accessing all that content from a single search box. The ability to create these custom solutions is achieved by harvesting metadata from both internal and external sources, and then creating a preindexed service.

Intended Audience and Purpose

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This documentation is prepared to provide the project sponsor, stakeholders with a clear understanding of the requirements and the scope of the system and to help them evaluate each system requirement. It will help the project manager and team members to have a clear understanding of what is to be done.

This document contains the detailed system requirements that have been identified, as well as all of the business requirements necessary to implement the identified solution for this effort. The system will be known as Searchapedia. The content of this document will introduce the system requirements for Searchapedia, which will be specialized in elementary level student research.

The requirements will be categorized into four sections as business, functional, quality of service, or technical requirements. The document will also walk the reader through Current system and business problem with the current system. It will provide a detail understanding of the solutions to the problem and changes proposed for the same. Further, the document will describe the flow of the new system. Mock screen shots of the new system will help developers to get a clear understanding of the expectations.

Project Scope and Business Problem

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The project aims at suggesting changes in user interfaces, addition of new features in the current system. In order to better help elementary students, the new system will keep the search features of the old system while focusing on ease-of-use and communication.

The Problem
After an as-is analysis, the team has come to conclusion that: Current system is too complicated for use by elementary school kids. The system lacks an intuitive flow which makes it difficult for kids to understand the system, as a result of which they loose interest in the system. The Search results are not targeted enough to benefit students. Hence its more work for them to browse a large number of search results. The User Interface is not attractive enough for kids to attract them to use the system. The system is not well promoted and lacks an organized structure for the kids to use the system.

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The new system will work to target the following business needs or goals: New feature Online Class to be introduced which will help teachers organize virtual class rooms. This will promote the system within all kids in the class. Also it provides an organized structure for use of system. This feature will bind users using a common thread known as Class. New feature Add Comments and Rate Articles to be introduced so that targeted results can be displayed to the users. More relevant search results can be displayed to the users. New feature Discussions to be introduced to promote knowledge sharing and group study. Improved and interactive user interface will make using the system more fun to use. Simplified flow of the system will be more intuitive and easy to use for kids.

User Personas
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Angel Lee, 8 years old Family: living with parents and grandparents. Parents are both from China and received high education in the U.S. Father is a computer engineer and mother is a web designer. Both of them have great computer skills and are very busy at work. Most time the grandparents take care of Angel. They dont speak much English, neither interested in computers. Background: Angel is born and raised in the U.S. Her first language is English. She can also talk in Chinese but not in reading or writing. She goes to school just like American kids. Back home, her parents are tiger parents, have set up very restrict rules for her. However, they both dont have the time to monitor her actions, which is why they ask Angels grandparents to do so. But the grandparents treat Angel very well and never force Angel to do anything. So Angel can do pretty much whatever she wants to do and gets whatever she asks for from her grandparents. School activities: Angel goes to one of the top elementary schools in the local area. She follows what the teacher said. She is more interested in colors, music, and painting. Computer works at school are more like assignments to her. Her parents have arranged her several after-class tutors for her based on her interests. Personal activities: After school Angel either go home or stay at friends home for a while. She likes doing school assignments with her friends rather than grandparents. At home, she is able to access to many technology products such as ipads and xbox 360 since her father is interested in these stuff. Attitudes towards elementary school research database: For most time it is school assignment, a little bit boring. However, she likes to research something she is interested in occasionally.

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Kenny Locke, 10 years old Family: living with parents. His father is a stock broker and his mother is a history teacher at local school. He has a bother and a sister who both go to high school. They share the responsibility of taking care of Kenny while their parents are at work. Kenny likes to hang out with his brother because his brother is good at computers and able to play video games with him. They own a xbox 360 and buy new games on a regular base. Sometimes Kenny also borrows his brothers PSP. Background: Kennys father is always busy and doesnt have lots of time with the family even during weekends. Kennys mother does most cooking at home while the kids help with the housework. Kennys sister is on the school swimming team. She likes hanging out with her teammates and shopping. Kennys brother is a geek who is into programming and web applications. Kenny likes hang out with his brother and has learned a lot about computer from his brother. School activities: Kenny goes to the elementary school that is next to his brother and sisters school. Overall, he is curious in all subjects, however, under the influence of his brother, he is very interested in science subjects. He has signed in the science club at school. Personal activities: After school Kenny usually goes to the science club to meet with his friends. When he gets home he spends a lot of time with his brother on computer or video games. Attitudes towards elementary school research database: Kenny is highly likely to use the research tool on his own. He knows how to use it, and if he doesnt, his brother can help him. He is interested in everything. He will not only do research on

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computers and science, but also does research on history (his mother sometimes tells history stories) or even economy (his father always talks about work at home).

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System Features
Nonfunctional Requirements
1. Technical Requirements
a. Searchapedia system will be a web portal that can run flawlessly on IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on windows systems, MAC OS, or Linux. The system should be able to easily extend to other web browsers if necessary. b. The system should be able to support all types of media files and should have minimum dependency on browsers.

2. Quality of Service Requirements

a. Searchapedia system should be available 24x7 and 365 days a year. b. The uptime for Searchapedia system should be minimum at 99.5% or as per industry standards, whichever is higher.

3. Business Requirements
a. The user can only access to the system through valid username and password that could be gained individually or organizationally. b. The system should ensure that it is in compliance with all the federal regulations United States and that it follows specific policies regarding Protection of Private data. The system should be in compliance with COPPA(Childrens Privacy Protection Act) for protection on personal data of children below 13 years of age.

4. Cultural and Political Requirements

No special cultural and political requirements are anticipated.

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Functional Requirements
1. Search
a. The system shall provide basic search, advanced search, dictionary & encyclopedia search, picture search. b. For basic search the user should be able to filter by reading levels and whether or not the result is full text. c. For advanced search the user should be able to filter by topic, by rating, or by publish year. d. The search results should be sorted based on an algorithm which sorts the results depending on ratings or comments provided by the users. The database should be dynamic or self learning which learns and provides better search results based on user preferences and algorithm each time there is a search. e. The search results should also be filter by category, including magazines, newspapers, books & encyclopedias, animals, biographies, radio & TV News Transcripts, and Pictures. f. The user should be able to sort results by relevance, by rating, or by publish year. g. The dictionary or encyclopedia search allows user to search from dictionary or encyclopedia databases. h. Picture search allows user to search from Image Collections.

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2. Communication
a. The teacher can create person profile, access to a friend or teachers profile. b. The user can share interests to everyone in his/her network. c. The systems will have different roles assigned to users. For example: History teacher, Computer teacher, or student. d. The user can comment on research topics and rate them. e. The user can create discuss group for a topic. f. Teacher can share online classes to a group of users. Constraints: Only teachers can create groups. No sharing of personal information of students. Student can access profiles only in his/her group. Only teachers can start a class.

3. Multi-Platform Support
a. The system should be optimize for touch screen device, enables a more interactive way to utilize the system. b. The user will be able to access certain contents through an off-line application. The application will download selected contents based on users settings.

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Future Scope
1. Searchapedia Desktop Application
a. The user will be able to access certain contents through an off-line application. b. The application will download selected contents based on users settings.

2. User Interface Requirements

a. The user should be able to customize the user Interface as per choice. b. The user will have a list of themes to choose from.

3. Web Search Functions

a. The system should have Stories section. The system should have stories and animated sections for key searches. b. Map API returns possible maps or place locations for a search topic.

4. Entertainment section
a. A Game and Puzzle section to be included. b. Fun quizzes, mathematical puzzles, brain exercising games to be added to this section. c. Short educative, movies to be included to make the learning fun.

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Class Diagram

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Activity Diagram

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Mock Screens

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Use Cases
Search Module Use Case
Use Case Name: Search the System ID: 2 Primary Actor: Guest/Registered User Goal: display the desired search result Preconditions/Trigger: List of items that must be fulfilled or true before the use case is initiated. o None Basic Flow: Basic Search: 1.Search field and drop down, Go button display in the center of the search page.

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2. The user enters the name of the topic and select the lexile. When the user clicks go, the user is directed to the search result page and Case 3: Display search result page will be executed. Advanced Search: 1.Search field , Level drop down, Rating drop down and publish year drop down, Filter topic , Go button display in the center of the search page.

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2. The user enters the name of the topic and select the lexile,Rating, publish year and selects the filter topic. When the user clicks go, the user is directed to the search result page and Case 3: Display search result page will be executed. Dictionary and Encyclopedia Search: 1.Find field Select from drop down,Go button display in the center of the search page.

2. The user enters the name of the topic and select the content to be displayed from dictionary or encyclopedia . When the user clicks go, the user is directed to the search result page and Case 3: Display search result page will be executed. Picture Search:

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1.Find field in the center of the search page

Alternate Flow: 1. If the user desired search content does not match with the system database ,screen will dispay the sorry message page.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Search a. Required Relationships: Triggers: Use Case 3: Display Search Result Page

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Display Search resultPage Use case Use Case Name: Display search result page ID: 3 Primary Actor: System User Goal: Display list of result links with high relevancy. Preconditions/Trigger: User must enter data on text fields and must click on search button. Basic Flow: 1. List of result links in the center of the web page

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2. The user scrolls down to the bottom of the list. The user can click to any link he wants in order to read the full content. Alternate Flow: None Acceptance Criteria: 1. Links a) Required to read the article fully

Relationships: Triggers: Use Case 4: Rating or adding comments to contents

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Rating /adding comments Use case Use Case Name: Rating or adding comments to contents ID: 4 Primary Actor: System User

Goal: For a chosen result, user can rate the article and comment on it

Preconditions/Trigger: User must choose and view one article that comes from either search results or users shared content.

Basic Flow: 1.Chosen article in the center of the web page. Rating function stays below the article. Text area for comments and add button are under rating function.

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2 .The user scrolls down to the bottom of the article. The user is asked to rate and add the comments. In order to add any comments, the user has to rate the article first. After the user clicks on the add comments button, the comment will be added. Alternate Flow: 1. User can choose to neither rate nor add any comments. The system will wait until next action. Acceptance Criteria: 2. Rating filed
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a) Required for adding comments 3. Add Comments button a) If clicked, the comments will be added

Relationships: Triggers: Use Case 4: Rating or adding comments to contents

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View Class Details Use Case Use Case Name: View Class Info ID: 5 Primary Actor: Registered User Goal: display the Class complete Information Preconditions/Trigger: User must click on class Info Basic Flow: 1. Class complete information in the center of the page

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Change the Settings Use Case Use Case Name: Change Theme ID: 5 Primary Actor: Registered User Goal: User must be able to set and change the desired theme Preconditions/Trigger: User must click on settings link Basic Flow: 1. The list of theme with their names is in the center of the page.

2. The user can preview the theme before confirming it.

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Reference Sources

Date N/A N/A N/A

Version N/A N/A N/A

Author N/A N/A N/A

Document Title /HTMLFileServlet?imprint=9999&regio n=7&fileName=reference/archive/200 304/searchasaurus.html

References EBSCO. EBSCOhost Online Research Databases: About EBSCO. Retrieved November 3, 11 from

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