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RocknRolla opening scene analysis

1. Medium close up of this man, straight away suggests that he is most likely a main character.

2. In picture 2 is a shot of a man with 2 body guards. This suggests he is important. The Mise-en-scene of him also shows he is classy, he is in a suit.

3. Establishing shot of where they are at. This sets the scene and the Mise-en-scene of it gives quite a run down impression.

4. Another establishing shot of where else it is set (London). It is setting the scene for the audience. It shows a rather industrial shot which may suggest that it is about industry.

5. In this scene it is still giving establishing shots of London but it is panning quite quickly through the all the attraction suggesting again that it is about construction.

6. The next shot switches to these too. They have a very common Mise-en-scene, they are not dressed up, they look very normal. They seem as if they are partners.

7. Now back to this man but he is in a car with another man next to him. This hints again that he is important. The man next to him looks like some sort of acquaintance.

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